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29 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Die verborgenen Tempel

Thomson, Jamie
Die verborgenen Tempel
WILLKOMMEN IM VULCANVERSE Bekämpfe Monster, schmiede Freundschaften, erfülle Aufträge, finde Gefährten und ernte den Hass deiner Feinde. Keiner von ihnen wird deine Taten je vergessen, zum Guten oder zum Schlechten. In der weiten, offenen Welt von Vulkan findest du Hunderte packender Quests, triffst Entscheidungen mit langwierigen Konsequenzen, erlangst Ruhm, schlägst dem Tod ein Schnippchen und musst dich auf jeder Seite neuen Herausforderung...

CHF 21.50

The Wild Woods

Thomson, Jamie
The Wild Woods
Arcadia. The garden of the gods of Olympus. Once they walked its sylvan paths, sipping ambrosia, drinking the wines of Dionysus, and filling the arboreal groves with their laughter. Satyrs and centaurs gambolled in the sunlit groves, sprites and dryads tended to the trees and flowers. Even mortals, those chosen of the gods, enjoyed the revels. Everywhere life blossomed with joyous abandon. But Pan plays his pipes no more, Artemis hunts not in ...

CHF 76.00

The Houses of the Dead

Thomson, Jamie
The Houses of the Dead
The underworld was once ruled over by the death god Hades, but he sleeps in his immortal tomb, weakened by centuries of neglect. What is to be done with his realm now? Who will refurbish its sepulchral halls, sweep away the corpse dust that coat its tenebrous terraces, and revitalise the dead that once walked its cheerless cloisters? Who else but you? And what is to be found in the underworld? Bone chilling winds sweep across desolate plains, ...

CHF 61.00

Beginner Guide to the Stock Market

Thomson, Jamie
Beginner Guide to the Stock Market
Learn the Smart Way to Invest, Make Money and Generate a Passive Income in the Stock Market The Stock Market can be a 'Financial Game Changer' for anyone that invests their time to learn about how to do it the Smart-Way, but sadly, many miss out on the great money-making machine of the stock market. But why?They don't know where to start. It all seems too complicated!They hear that the stock market is 'too risky' and are afraid to invest.They ...

CHF 20.90

Dark Lord: Eternal Detention

Thomson, Jamie
Dark Lord: Eternal Detention
The 3rd book in the amusing series about a Dark Lord who is trapped in the body of an ordinary 13-year-old. "Dark Lord: The Teenage Years" won the 2012 Roald Dahl Funny Prize. The Dark Lord's sworn enemy, Hasdruban the White, has infiltrated Whiteshields School and seeks vengeance on him. Ages: 9+ 'Wonderfully absurd' Michael Rosen

CHF 12.90

Beginners Guide to the Stock Market

Thomson, Jamie
Beginners Guide to the Stock Market
Learn the Smart Way to Invest, Make Money and Generate a Passive Income in the Stock Market The Stock Market can be a 'Financial Game Changer' for anyone that invests their time to learn about how to do it the Smart-Way, but sadly, many miss out on the great money-making machine of the stock market. But why?- They don't know where to start. It all seems too complicated!- They hear that the stock market is 'too risky' and are afraid to invest.-...

CHF 24.90

The Court of Hidden Faces

Thomson, Jamie / Morris, Dave
The Court of Hidden Faces
SET OUT ON A JOURNEY OF UNLIMITED ADVENTUREAt the Court of Hidden Faces, no one is what they seem. The sinister lords of the Uttakin go masked to hide their treachery. The secret police of the god Ebron kill those who flout their fanatical codes. In this tyrannical realm of oppression, intrigue and assassination, life is cheap. But rich rewards await the adventurer courageous enough to penetrate this hostile land.Will you uncover the secrets o...

CHF 19.90

Dark Lord: A Fiend in Need

Thomson, Jamie
Dark Lord: A Fiend in Need
SALUTATIONS, WRETCHED MINION!It is I, the Great Dirk, destroyer of worlds and most gifted writer ever! My loyal servant Sooz, child of the night, is trapped in the Darklands. The horror! It is vital that I return there before she causes too much trouble...BUY THIS BOOK OR SUFFER ONE OF THE FOLLOWING:*An unwanted surgical procedure*Being turned into a zombie servant*Being cursed with the Cantrip of Uncontrollable FlatulanceTHE CHOICE IS YOURS. ...

CHF 14.90

Beginners Guide to the Stock Market

Thomson, Jamie
Beginners Guide to the Stock Market
Learn the Smart Way to Invest, Make Money and Generate a Passive Income in the Stock Market The Stock Market can be a 'Financial Game Changer' for anyone that invests their time to learn about how to do it the Smart-Way, but sadly, many miss out on the great money-making machine of the stock market. But why?They don't know where to start. It all seems too complicated!They hear that the stock market is 'too risky' and are afraid to invest.They ...

CHF 22.90

Dark Lord

Thomson, Jamie / Hartas, F. / Gallo, B.
Dark Lord
Dark Lord, il terrificante Oscuro Signore, è stato esiliato dal suo Regno, imprigionato nel corpo di un ragazzino e, "orrore!", costretto ad andare a scuola e a essere chiamato con l'insignificante nome di Dirk Lloyd. Pur impiegando tutto il suo diabolico genio per tornare a casa, l'incantesimo è andato storto e la sua amica Sooz è finita nelle Terre Oscure: un luogo molto pericoloso, brulicante di Orchi, Goblin e altre sanguinarie spiacevolez...

CHF 25.90

The War-Torn Kingdom

Thomson, Jamie / Morris, Dave
The War-Torn Kingdom
Set out on a journey of fabulous adventure in lands beyond the limit of your imagination. Choose for yourself what role to play, where to venture, and what rewards to seek.In THE WAR-TORN KINGDOM, revolution rages in Sokara. You can join forces with the king to restore his throne - or look for profit in the pay of the dictator, Grieve Marlock. Use fighting skills or sorcery, bribery or skulduggery to survive the assassins in the city backstree...

CHF 15.50

Dark Lord. Le origini

Thomson, Jamie / Hartas, F. / Crescentini, F.
Dark Lord. Le origini
Su, Dirk, bambino mio. Alzati, è il primo giorno nella tua nuova scuola, tesoro". C'erano talmente tante cose sbagliate in quella frase, che Dirk non sapeva da quale cominciare. Mancanza di rispetto, mancanza dei necessari titoli onorifici, essere chiamato 'bambino' e poi, il peggio del peggio, quella stucchevole e sentimentale dolcezza! 'Tesoro', come no! Le avrebbe fatto vedere il tesoro che era, strappandole il cuore e mangiandolo davanti a...

CHF 17.90

The Plains of Howling Darkness

Thomson, Jamie / Morris, Dave
The Plains of Howling Darkness
SET OUT ON A JOURNEY OF FABULOUS ADVENTUREExplore The Plains of Howling Darkness, where nomadic barbarians attack all who enter their trackless wilderness. Where legendary prizes await the adventurer who can release the High King from his frozen tomb. Where a city of ghosts guards the treasure vaults of the ancients. Where the secret of immortality itself awaits those courageous enough to confront true evil.Fantastic quests and hideous dangers...

CHF 19.90

Dark Lord 04. Hier hört der Spaß auf

Thomson, Jamie / Der Anton / Dürr, Karlheinz
Dark Lord 04. Hier hört der Spaß auf
Das darf ja wohl nicht wahr sein! Dirk Lloyd, auch bekannt als Dark Lord, Weltenzerstörer, lebt endlich das perfekte Leben. Da wird seine Ruhe brutal gestört. Ausgerechnet sein ehemaliger Schulleiter, Mr. Grausammer, macht sich bereit, ihm den Rang abzulaufen. Denn der rachsüchtige Rektor hat einen Tropfen Essenz des Bösen geleckt und nichts anderes im Sinn, als die Darklands zu übernehmen. Dort tut er das Naheliegende: Er richtet eine Schule ...

CHF 14.50

Dark Lord: Headmaster of Doom

Thomson, Jamie
Dark Lord: Headmaster of Doom
BE AFRAID, PITIFUL UNDERLINGS!I am the Dark Lord. You may call me Master. An old enemy has got hold of my Essence of Evil, and seized the Iron Tower of Despair. The nerve! Clearly I'm needed by my minions once more, to return life in the Darklands to its usual state of pain and misery. First step: the school fundraiser!MWA HA HA!

CHF 12.90

Dark Lord. Le origini

Thomson, Jamie / Hartas, F. / Crescentini, F.
Dark Lord. Le origini
Su, Dirk, bambino mio. Alzati, è il primo giorno nella tua nuova scuola, tesoro". C'erano talmente tante cose sbagliate in quella frase, che Dirk non sapeva da quale cominciare. Mancanza di rispetto, mancanza dei necessari titoli onorifici, essere chiamato 'bambino' e poi, il peggio del peggio, quella stucchevole e sentimentale dolcezza! 'Tesoro', come no! Le avrebbe fatto vedere il tesoro che era, strappandole il cuore e mangiandolo davanti a...

Dark Lord ... immer auf die Kleinen!

Thomson, Jamie / Knefel, Anke / Wawrczeck, Jens
Dark Lord ... immer auf die Kleinen!
Ziemlich beste Feinde Dark Lord, der größte Weltenzerstörer des Universums, wurde von seinem Widersacher im Körper eines Elfjährigen auf die Erde verbannt. Beim Versuch, in sein dunkles Reich zurückzukehren, wurde versehentlich seine beste Freundin Suus dorthin versetzt. Wider Erwarten erweist sie sich als höchst kompetente Dunkle Lady, die im dunklen Königreich unter Dämonen, Gargoyles und Wichteln erst mal ordentlich aufräumt. Ob das dem Dar...

CHF 22.50

Dark Lord 02. Immer auf die Kleinen!

Thomson, Jamie / Riedel, Anton / Knefel, Anke
Dark Lord 02. Immer auf die Kleinen!
Bei den neun Höllen der Verdammnis! Nicht Dark Lord ist zurück in sein heimisches Reich der Finsternis transportiert worden - sondern seine irdische Freundin Suus! Doch das Schlimmste kommt noch: Kaum gelandet, übernimmt Suus auf dem Heimatplaneten des Dunklen Lords als &bdquo, Königin der Nacht" die Herrschaft und macht es sich auf seinem Thron bequem. Da gibt's nur eins: Dark Lord muss schleunigst nach Hause und für Ordnung sorgen! Aber wie??

CHF 22.90