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161 Ergebnisse - Zeige 81 von 100.

Meneer Macaroni gaat picknicken

Velthuijs, Max / Ris, Ineke
Meneer Macaroni gaat picknicken
Het is prachtig weer. Meneer Macaroni zegt dat het volgens zijn weervoorspeller de hele dag zo blijft. De perfecte dag voor een picknick! Met een mand vol broodjes gaan de vrienden op weg, op zoek naar het beste plekje. Maar dat is nog niet zo eenvoudig...

CHF 21.50

Kikker is Kikker

Velthuijs, Max
Kikker is Kikker
Kikker kon zwemmen en springen als de beste. Maar hij kon niet vliegen, zoals Eend. En niet lezen, zoals Haas. En geen taarten bakken, zoals Varkentje. 'Natuurlijk niet, ' zei Haas. 'Want jij bent een kikker. En wij houden van je zoals je bent.

CHF 21.50

Kikker is bang

Velthuijs, Max
Kikker is bang
Het was avond en Kikker was bang. Overal hoorde hij vreemde geluiden. En bij Eend thuis was het ook al niet pluis. Samen besloten ze door het bos naar Varkentje te rennen. Want die was voor niks en niemand bang!

CHF 21.50

Mini editie

Velthuijs, Max
Mini editie
Het is winter. Er ligt sneeuw en ijs. Alle dieren houden van de frisse kou. Eendje in haar verenpak, Varkentje met haar speklaagje en Haas in zijn bontvacht. Alleen Kikker, die heeft helemaal niets. Hij vriest bijna dood...

CHF 7.50

Frog in Winter

Velthuijs, Max
Frog in Winter
Frog is taken by surprise when winter comes. He is too cold to take part in any of the joyous fun that Duck is having skating or that Hare is having throwing snowballs. The animals band together to equip Frog for enjoying winter, and later they share in his rejoicing when spring arrives.

CHF 9.90

Frog Finds a Friend

Velthuijs, Max
Frog Finds a Friend
One fine autumn day, Frog finds a little bear lost and alone in the forest. He decides to take him home to be his friend. Hare tells him bear won't be able to talk, but Frog is determined to teach him. And to the other animals' surprise, he does! They become the best of friends, but one day, little bear decides to go back to where he came from.

CHF 11.90

Frog is a Hero

Velthuijs, Max
Frog is a Hero
When the rains come and the river bursts its banks, Frog, Duck, Pig and Hare are stranded. It is Frog who is a hero when he risks his life to help his friends.

CHF 10.90

Kikker is jarig

Velthuijs, Max
Kikker is jarig
Kikker wordt wakker. Hij is vandaag jarig! Daarom gaat hij al zijn vriendjes uitnodigen voor een feestje...

CHF 7.50

Frog is Frightened

Velthuijs, Max
Frog is Frightened
Max Velthuijs was born in The Hague in 1923, and died in 2005, aged 81. He is now considered to be one of Holland's most important creators of children's books, alongside Dick Bruna. He won many awards, including the highly prestigious Hans Christian Andersen Medal in 2004.

CHF 13.90

Ranocchio è un eroe

Velthuijs, Max
Ranocchio è un eroe
Nuvoloni scuri si stanno radunando nel cielo, e il sole si nasconde dietro di loro. "Incomincia a piovere, " si rallegra Ranocchio. Le prime gocce di pioggia stanno giusto scivolando sulla sua pelle. Ranocchio ama la pioggia e canta a squarciagola. Ma quel che ancora non sa, è che questa pioggia allagherà l'intera valle e lui, grazie al suo coraggio e al desiderio di aiutare i suoi amici, diventerà l'eroe della giornata. Età di lettura: da 4 a...

CHF 29.50

Frosch im Glück

Velthuijs, Max / Mayer, Heike
Frosch im Glück
»Für ein paar Sekunden schwebte Frosch in der Luft wie ein richtiger Vogel. Aber dann zerrissen die Flügel und er stürzte wie ein Stein nach unten. Mit einem lauten Platscher fiel er in den Fluss.«Frosch ist entsetzt, dass seine Freunde Dinge können, die er nicht kann, aber doch so gern können möchte, z.B. fliegen, backen oder lesen ... Doch Hase gelingt es, ihn zu überzeugen, dass er dafür andere Fähigkeiten hat.

CHF 9.90

Frog and the Birdsong

Velthuijs, Max
Frog and the Birdsong
Max Velthuijs was born in The Hague in 1923, and died in 2005, aged 81. He is now considered to be one of Holland's most important creators of children's books, alongside Dick Bruna. He won several awards, including the prestigious Hans Christian Andersen Medal 2004. He worked as an illustrator of posters, adverts and films after the war and only started working on children's books in the 1980s. He lived in The Hague with his son.

CHF 13.90

Ranocchio è innamorato

Velthuijs, Max
Ranocchio è innamorato
Un giorno Ranocchio scopre di essersi innamorato della "bella, dolce, incantevole Anatra bianca" e lo confida a Porcello. Ma l'amico non è affatto "convinto" di questo amore così poco convenzionale: "Un ranocchio non può innamorarsi di un'anatra. Tu sei verde e lei è bianca!" Ranocchio non si fa scoraggiare ma, troppo timido per dichiararsi, inizia a fare tutte quelle follie che si fanno quando si è innamorati. Così, anche solo per farsi notar...

CHF 29.50

Frog and the Wide World

Velthuijs, Max
Frog and the Wide World
When Frog hears that Rat is off in an adventure to explore the wide world, he excitedly joins him and they set off full of anticipation. But it doesn't take long for Frog to start missing his friends Pig, Duck and Hare. He soon discovers that he was much happier leaving the wide world where it was, far from home...

CHF 13.90

Frog is Frog

Velthuijs, Max
Frog is Frog
New paperback picture books starring the ever-popular amphibian. 2m Frog books have been sold worldwide. 'Frog is an inspired creation - a masterpiece of graphic simplicity' "Guardian". Ages: 0+.

CHF 13.90

Frosch ist verliebt

Velthuijs, Max / Inhauser, Rolf
Frosch ist verliebt
Wie konnte er Ente nur zeigen, dass er sie liebte? »Ich muss etwas machen, was sonst niemand kann«, überlegte Frosch. »Ich muss den Weltrekord im Hochsprung brechen! Da wird Ente staunen und mich auch lieb haben!«Frosch fühlt sich komisch. In seiner Brust macht etwas bum-bum-bum. Hat er sich etwa erkältet? Doch Hase weiß, was mit ihm ist: Frosch ist verliebt!

CHF 9.90