Suche einschränken:
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8 Ergebnisse.

O stea cazatoare. Gianfigliazzi

Wandenburg, Corinne
O stea cazatoare. Gianfigliazzi
Romanul „O stea cazatoare" aduce in atentia cititorilor un personaj istoric deosebit, regina Louise Mecklenburg Strelitz a Prusiei, femeia care a cucerit inima supusilor ei, dar si respectul si stima dusmanilor facându-l pe Napoleon sa afirme la moartea ei prematura ca „regele si-a pierdut cel mai bun ministru". Este o poveste trista a unei femei deosebite, a unei stele cazute prea devreme, poate si datorita geniului si farmecului ei aparte.Ro...

CHF 28.50

Un Fluture Cu Aripile Arse, Am Fost Odata Rege

Wandenburg, Corinne
Un Fluture Cu Aripile Arse, Am Fost Odata Rege
Primul roman reprezinta povestea vietii unei regine triste, dar importante, din istoria Portugaliei, Regina Catarina de Braganza, regina a Angliei dar si regenta in Portugalia in cateva randuri. Este povestea unei femei care a aspirat la iubire, la o viata simpla, la o dragoste adevarata, dar care a avut parte doar de suferinta de-a lungul vietii sale. In ciuda acestui fapt, si-a dus crucea cu demnitate si a ramas un spirit drept, neintinat si...

CHF 26.50


Wandenburg, Corinne
The novel Lucia tells the story of love between a man and a woman of Portuguese nobility - a love which will last beyond their tragic and unexpected death despite the obstacles and prejudices of their time as well as the temptation to merge the living world with that of the ethereal in the magical vessel of love. This love story also impels an a new romance some 200 years later between two young people searching for their soul mates, their "ot...

CHF 23.50

Once I Was King

Wandenburg, Corinne
Once I Was King
The novel is dedicated to the last King of Portugal, King Manuel II. He was young, handsome, and capable, but not understood by his people. He came to the throne during an unfortunate period in the governance of the Portuguese State, for as the second son, he had not been prepared to rule. He was a free spirit, creative and peaceful, drawn to nature and beautiful things. He always hated politics and its devious workings, and he could not abide...

CHF 20.90

A Butterfly with Burning Wings

Wandenburg, Corinne
A Butterfly with Burning Wings
The novel is the story of a tragic but significant queen in the history of Portugal, Queen Catarina of Braganza, Queen of England and wife of Charles II as well as Regent in Portugal at two different times. This is the story of a woman who aspired to an honest and simple existence, to genuine love, but who knew only sorrow during her lifetime. Despite this, she bore her cross with dignity, and she remained a just spirit, pure and undefeated by...

CHF 23.50

Sange si trandafiri

Wandenburg, Corinne
Sange si trandafiri
Pe fundalul represiunilor dure impotriva hughenotilor, familia Corday decide sa paraseasca Franta pentru a putea spera într-un viitor mai bun pentru ei si fiica lor, Amelie. Vor parasi Franta impreuna cu rudele lor Florance si Marc de Langarde, precum si cu familia Misard. Impreuna vor ajunge la Potsdam, unde isi vor reface viata, creand premisele pozitive unei noi generatii care le va urma. Amelie isi gaseste dragostea, reusind sa treaca pest...

CHF 33.90

Un bal si o contesa

Wandenburg, Corinne
Un bal si o contesa
O frumoasa poveste de dragoste din sanul nobilimii Imperiului Austro-Ungar, aflat intr-o perioada premergatoare marilor transformari ce aveau sa cuprinda Europa mijlocului de secol 19. Sentimentul pur al iubirii dintre doi tineri nobili avea sa anuleze diferentele si distanta dintre cei doi, precum si impotrivirea tatalui fetei, dar nu a mai avut forta sa anihileze si un vechi blestem ce plutea asupra familiei sale. Indiferent de piedici, un s...

CHF 23.50