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1198 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1101 von 1120.

Orlando (Vintage Classics Woolf Series)

Woolf, Virginia
Orlando (Vintage Classics Woolf Series)
WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY HELEN DUNMOREAs his tale begins, Orlando is a passionate young nobleman whose days are spent in rowdy revelry, filled with the colourful delights of Queen Elizabeth's court. By the close, he will have transformed into a modern, 36-year-old woman and three centuries will have passed. Orlando will not only witness the making of history from its edge, but will find that his unique position as a woman who knows what it is t...

CHF 16.50

Mrs Dalloway (Vintage Classics Woolf Series)

Woolf, Virginia
Mrs Dalloway (Vintage Classics Woolf Series)
Virginia Woolf was born in London in 1882. After her father's death in 1904 Virginia and her sister, the painter Vanessa Bell, moved to Bloomsbury and became the centre of ¿The Bloomsbury Group¿. This informal collective of artists and writers exerted a powerful influence over early twentieth-century British culture. In 1912 Virginia married Leonard Woolf, a writer and social reformer. Three years later, her first novel The Voyage Out was publ...

CHF 16.50

Ultimi viaggi in Europa

Woolf, Virginia / Cosi, F. / Repossi, A.
Ultimi viaggi in Europa
Incollerò di seguito gli appunti frettolosi e saltuari che ho preso, in genere al freddo intenso e sotto la pioggia, con una coperta sulle ginocchia, per via del tempo. Il fatto di aver tratto tanta bellezza, incanto, divertimento e di aver passato momenti tanto piacevoli viaggiando sulle strade bagnate, sotto un cielo grigio, la dice lunga sul nostro stato d'animo." I diari qui raccolti coprono gli ultimi dieci anni di vita della scrittrice e...

CHF 31.50

Roger Fry

Woolf, Virginia / Oeser, Hans-Christian
Roger Fry
Virginia Woolf (1882-1941) hat oft betont, wie viel sie Roger Fry (1866-1934) verdankte - dem englischen Kunstkritiker, Kurator, Maler und Freund. Durch ihn lernte sie die Kunst von Cézanne, Matisse und Picasso kennen. Deren Modernität sollte ihre spätere Romanarbeit nachhaltig beeinflussen. Gegen Ende ihres Lebens verfasste sie die Biografie ihres Freundes: Roger Fry - A Biography, eine Arbeit, die im deutschsprachigen Raum nie zur Kenntnis g...

CHF 39.50

Kendine Ait Bir Oda

Woolf, Virginia
Kendine Ait Bir Oda
Kadin hareketinin elden düsürmedigi önemli kitaplardan biri olan Kendine Ait Bir Oda, Virginia Woolfun belki de en kolay okunan kitabidir. Kolay okunur, cünkü konu cok somuttur Kadin ve edebiyat. Erkeklerin kadinlara bikip usanmadan tekrarladiklari ezeli ve de ezici bir soru vardir Bizler kadar düsünme yeteneginiz oldugunu ileri sürüyorsunuz. Madem öyle, neden Shakespeare gibi bir deha cikaramadiniz Iste Virginia Woolf bu yakici soruya, tarihs...

CHF 15.50

Julia Margaret Cameron

Woolf, Virginia / Fry, Roger / Cameron, Julia Margaret
Julia Margaret Cameron
Three of the most important writings about pioneering photographer Julia Margaret Cameron - her own fragment, 'Annals of My Glass House', the essay by Virginia Woolf, and the path-breaking appreciation by Roger Fry. This book is essential for anyone interested in Victorian culture and photography. Illustrated with over 40 photographs.

CHF 19.90

Come leggere un libro

Woolf, Virginia / Sandid, D.
Come leggere un libro
Oggi che sono di moda i corsi di scrittura, potremmo chiederci se non sia il caso di creare anche e soprattutto dei corsi di lettura, se non altro perché i primi, se hanno davvero ragione di essere, devono necessariamente comprendere i secondi. Se leggere in sé non è difficile, saper davvero leggere un libro non è altrettanto facile, tanto che sui criteri della lettura, come su quelli della scrittura, da sempre ci si interroga. I due saggi e i...

CHF 15.90

Voltando pagina. Saggi 1904-1941

Woolf, Virginia / Rampello, L.
Voltando pagina. Saggi 1904-1941
Virginia Woolf non fu solo la grande romanziera che tutti conosciamo, ma anche una raffinata saggista, una critica acutissima, un'instancabile pubblicista. Lettrice onnivora e anarchica, cercò nei libri "una forma per il caos", vi trovò universi abitati da creature umane, con cui intrecciare ininterrotte conversazioni. Fin dalle prime recensioni lavorò senza pregiudizi: che si trattasse di epistolari, memorie o biografie, saggi critici o roman...

CHF 49.90

De jaren

Woolf, Virginia / Lange, Barbara de
De jaren
De jaren zijn momentopnames, te vergelijken met herinneringen aan ons eigen leven: er zijn jaren die eruit springen, waarvan we ons hele periodes voor de geest kunnen halen, als bergtoppen in de verte. Daartussen liggen de mistige dalen van de jaren die vergeten zijn. In een serie schetsen, van 1880 tot de jaren dertig, verweeft Virginia Woolf de geschiedenis van de familie Pargiter met gebeurtenissen uit de wereldgeschiedenis: de Boerenoorl...

CHF 35.90

To the Lighthouse, mit 1 Audio-CD. Level 5 (B1)

Woolf, Virginia
To the Lighthouse, mit 1 Audio-CD. Level 5 (B1)
Seit Jahren verbringen Mr und Mrs Ramsey den Sommer mit Freunden in ihrem Ferienhaus auf der schottischen Isle of Skye. Ein wunderbarer Ort, an dem die Kinder spielen können und die Erwachsenen malen, philosophieren und anregende Diskussionen führen. Doch die Idylle trügt, Beziehungen verändern sich, Unsicherheiten kommen ans Licht.

CHF 16.90

To the Lighthouse, Class Set. Level 5 (B1)

Woolf, Virginia / Rawstron, Elspeth
To the Lighthouse, Class Set. Level 5 (B1)
Reader im preisgünstigen Klassensatz zu einer Mindestbestellmenge von 10 Exemplaren Seit Jahren verbringen Mr und Mrs Ramsey den Sommer mit Freunden in ihrem Ferienhaus auf der schottischen Isle of Skye. Ein wunderbarer Ort, an dem die Kinder spielen können und die Erwachsenen malen, philosophieren und anregende Diskussionen führen. Doch die Idylle trügt, Beziehungen verändern sich, Unsicherheiten kommen ans Licht.

CHF 12.50

The Years (Vintage Classics Woolf Series)

Woolf, Virginia
The Years (Vintage Classics Woolf Series)
Virginia Woolf was born in London in 1882, the daughter of Sir Leslie Stephen, first editor of The Dictionary of National Biography. After his death in 1904 Virginia and her sister, the painter Vanessa Bell, moved to Bloomsbury and became the centre of 'The Bloomsbury Group'. This informal collective of artists and writers which included Lytton Strachey and Roger Fry, exerted a powerful influence over early twentieth-century British culture. I...

CHF 16.50

Jacob's Room (Classic Reprint)

Woolf, Virginia
Jacob's Room (Classic Reprint)
Excerpt from Jacob's RoomSo of course, wrote Betty Flanders, pressing her heels rather deeper in the sand, there was nothing for it but to leave.Slowly welling from the point of her gold nib, pale blue ink dissolved the full Stop, for there her pen stuck, her eyes fixed, and tears Slowly filled them. The entire bay quivered the lighthouse wobbled and she had the illusion that the mast of Mr. Connor's little yacht was ben g i e a wax candle in ...

CHF 16.90