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18 Ergebnisse.

I Was One of My Memories

Blauner, Laurie
I Was One of My Memories
I WAS ONE OF MY MEMORIES is a collection of lyrical nonfiction that includes essays, poetry, prose, lists, postcards, and memoir. I wasn't always like this, Laurie Blauner writes in her first creative nonfiction book. In this book houses fly, the Wizard of Oz reveals himself, a recipe for fur is shared along with how humans recreate themselves as animal hybrids, Nabokov's Lolita infatuation is observed, and the author describes having been see...

Crib and Cage

Ali, Kazim
Crib and Cage
Our contemporary English is shifting too and so the poems I wrote then, in my house with two other humans and two animals and no one else in sight, dug down into the locality of English, slangs and slashes commingling with various lexicons and legibilities." - Kazim Ali

CHF 27.50

We Know This Will All Disappear by Melissa

Ragsly, Melissa
We Know This Will All Disappear by Melissa
We Know This Will All Disappear is a collection of short stories and flash pieces that explore the chaotic and exhilarating inner lives of women and grief. The sense of loss they navigate does not always stem from the death of a loved one, but rather the loss of something dear, something familiar. What do we put in that empty place when something is gone? These stories create a beautiful and devastating atmosphere for the reader to follow ch...

CHF 32.50

A Different Shade for Each Person Reading the Story

Hume, Christine
A Different Shade for Each Person Reading the Story
A Different Shade for Each Person Reading the Story is a disability-forward essay that melds memoir, neurology, chromopoetics, and literary criticism into an ecstatic embodiment of an illiterate girlhood. Shaped as an index, rather than a primary text, Hume posits the cruel optimism of reading, which promises to shape brains and lives, against the dyslexic's subterfuge intelligence. In vignettes, meditations, lapses, guesses, and fragments, al...

CHF 22.90

Double Clothesline

Bigos, Justin
Double Clothesline
And then the story begins to change. These four finely wrought, evocative stories are packed with action, power, and heart. Justin Bigos is a fabulous writer, and Double Clothesline is a knockout collection of his work. - Peter Kispert, author of I Know You Know Who I Am

CHF 27.90


Seaborn, Heidi
Honoring the 60th Anniversary of Marilyn Monroe's death, Marilyn: Essays & Poems, Collector's Edition includes the award-winning collection of poems, An Insomniac's Slumber Party with Marilyn Monroe, plus a heart-breaking eulogy for Marilyn Monroe, along with essays and narrative that celebrate the poetry and spirit of the world's most famous icon. Described as a "tour de force" the [PANK] Poetry Prize-winning An Insomniac's Slumber Party wi...

CHF 47.50

24 Hour Air

Rosenthalis, Nathaniel
24 Hour Air
24 Hour Air is a cycle of twenty-four prose poems that takes place on the scale of a mythic day. Documenting each hour in this day, the cycle depicts different zones of the writer's life. A painting studio, the sands of Fire Island, a childhood bedroom, a game of Tetris, the death of a father, the loss of lovers, life synchronized with and without friends. Rosenthalis' systematic approach, where each poem takes its title and imagery from anoth...

CHF 33.50


Teja, Leonardo
Originally published as Esta Noche, El Gran Terremoto in 2018 by Ediciones Antílope, Tonight: The Great Earthquake explores the unresolvable relationship between catastrophe, uncertainty, and control. Set in a society that organizes its conduct and traditions around the inevitable-but unspecified-arrival of The Great Earthquake, the book centers on Diego Pyrite, a young man just hired as a motel receptionist. Diego's first on-the-job instructi...

CHF 40.90

An Arbitrary Formation of Unspecified Value

Quartararo, Jennifer
An Arbitrary Formation of Unspecified Value
In An Arbitrary Formation of Unspecified Value we see the city of Detroit through two distinct seasons, the sweltering summer Quartararo worked with a letterpress artist in a former veal locker, and the winter she lived on a dead end street slated for possible removal next to a defunct highway overpass. We see the city from the seat of her bicycle, from the #42 bus, and for miles on foot as she meditates on the erasure of memories, the imperma...

CHF 41.50

Elegy for an Appetite

Loew-Banayan, Shaina
Elegy for an Appetite
Elegy for an Appetite is the story of a young cook's tumultuous relationship with their body and eating. This short, poetic memoir, which mostly takes place in a series of professional kitchens, follows the author's journey from voracious childhood to starving teen years and then to challenging early adulthood. The book explores the author's search for identity, validity, and healing through a series of both dark and ridiculous kitchen tales. ...

CHF 31.50

Muscle Memory

Lopez, Kyle Carrero
Muscle Memory
Kyle Carrero Lopez's MUSCLE MEMORY covers money & work, Blackness & anti-blackness, the art world, queerness, & violence-governmental to interpersonal-as it swerves through its colorful landscape. Lopez interrogates the various complications of earthly living in a sharp, fresh voice, returning again & again to the musical core of his poetics. Afro-Cuban drumming & disco & Solange commune as these poems ping-pong between reverent softness and u...

CHF 26.90

And Yet

Alessandrelli, Jeff
And Yet
An innovative work of speculative fiction, Jeff Alessandrelli's And Yet interrogates contemporary shyness, selfhood and sexual mores, drawing out the particulars of each through personal history, cultural commentary and the author's own restless imagination. And Yet builds off the work of authors as disparate as Michel Leiris, Marguerite Duras and Kobo Abe, while quoting from and alluding to texts by Susan Sontag, Young Thug, Young Jean Lee, C...

CHF 41.90

How to Exterminate the Black Woman

Prince, Monica
How to Exterminate the Black Woman
In a country grappling with its bloody history and uncertain future, How to Exterminate the Black Woman illuminates the struggle of the Black woman trying to thrive in a society seeking to consume and erase her. Set after the murder of Sandra Bland, or Trayvon Martin, or Emmett Till, this choreopoem takes place in the collective memory of American Black women, represented by Angela fractured into six emotions: fear, loss, silence, expectation,...

CHF 26.50

An Apparent Horizon and Other Stories

Wilson, Ricardo
An Apparent Horizon and Other Stories
An Apparent Horizon and Other Stories takes you to the turn of the 20th Century during the construction of the Panama Canal, the avant-garde theatre scene of New York in the early 1970s, and a present day textured by the psychic and physical violence inflicted on black life. The novella that gives the collection its name follows Mar Gillette, a white environmental activist, in the weeks that follow her failed hunger strike in the California de...

CHF 30.90

The Umbrian Sonnets

Deshpande, Jay
The Umbrian Sonnets
What use is poetry in a world shaped by suffering? Set in an Italian castle during a time of global crisis, this sonnet sequence takes up age-old questions about the ethics of art and the risks of comfort. With lush images and deep urgency, Deshpande makes an argument for beauty amidst chaos, violence and loss.

CHF 23.50

Still Life

Priest, Kimberly Ann
Still Life
still life is a fractured carnival of language, each poem casting a pedophile in a new setting under the inspirited control of objects and expectations as the assaulted speaker of these poems is vicariously vivified and muted by animated memories of the pedophilic act. The poems are linguistically tight, prose-y, and punctuated so that the pedophile feels immediately present and inseparable from the speaker. This is the reality of trauma - tim...

CHF 22.50

To Limn / Lying in

Chapman, J'Lynn
To Limn / Lying in
Literary Nonfiction. Women's Studies. Taking its inspiration from the artist Uta Barth's photographs of the sun as it enters her home and the poet Francis Ponge's notebooks kept during the German occupation of France, this collection of lyric essays contemplates light as seen through the domestic space and its occupants, predominantly the author's young children. Meditations on how through light the external world enters into and transforms th...

CHF 31.50