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Battle of the Bulls!

Battle of the Bulls!
As the American Civil War was raging, there needed to be a change in tactic in order to gain the upper hand. The Second Battle of Bull Run is a well planned military engagement that resulted to a decisive victory for the Confederate Army. This book takes leaders through the events of the Second Battle of Bull Run, and discusses the lessons to be had from there.

CHF 40.90

I am A Citizen!

I am A Citizen!
Becoming a US citizen is no walk in the park. It comes with responsibilities that you are expected to do and/or follow. But what are these responsibilities? What are your roles? What are your rights as laid out in the Bill of Rights? Do you have to wait to be an adult to become a responsible citizen, or can you start now? All these and more will be discussed in this book for fifth graders.

CHF 30.50

Four Score & Seven Years Ago!

Four Score & Seven Years Ago!
Historical accounts of post American Civil War emphasize the importance of the Gettysburg Address. This was a short but powerful speech that was delivered by then President Abraham Lincoln on November 19, 1863. In this book, you will examine the contents of the said speech and what its lingering effects are. Do you find the speech as meaningful now as it was to your forefathers?

CHF 30.50

Let's Produce, Let's Distribute!

Let's Produce, Let's Distribute!
This book provides an introduction to economics and economic systems. It uses relatable examples like lemonade stands to explain the complex processes that keep societies moving. It will also explain how goods are made, distributed, and sold. The economic systems of capitalism and communism are also briefly explained. Start reading today.

CHF 30.50

The Living Conditions of Enslaved African Americans | U.S...

The Living Conditions of Enslaved African Americans | U.S. Economy in the mid-1800s Grade 5 | Economics
In this book, you will learn about the living conditions of African American slaves during the mid-1800s. Reflect on how they were treated and whether resistance was actually the right thing to do. Also, explain why slave labor was important at the time and which industry relied heavily on it. Was there a chance that slaves can ever be free before the civil war happened?

CHF 30.50

Who Will Lead Us?

Who Will Lead Us?
If an American President is not able to complete his/her term, what happens? Who will take over the responsibility of presiding over national and international affairs? Can a President give away his/her presidency to a friend? In this book, you will read about how presidential successions work. There will also be examples taken from history to verify that such succession works.

CHF 30.50

Let's Start Digging!

Let's Start Digging!
Archaeologists are scientists who study the past human cultures through their artifacts. This book serves as an introduction to archaeology. It covers a brief definition of what archaeology is and what archaeologists do. In chapter two, you will read about some of the tools used in archaeology while chapter three teaches you about some of the methods to unearth and study past civilization. Would you want to be an archaeologist?

CHF 30.90

The 22nd Amendment

The 22nd Amendment
The United States is a democratic government wherein people elect leaders. In this book, you will be reading about the US Constitution was written and ratified. You will also learn about the three branches of government that must work together to maintain separation and balance of powers. Finally, you will learn how the 22nd Amendment came to be and what it was all about.

CHF 30.50

The Reason for Seasons!

The Reason for Seasons!
There are two parts to this book. The first part talks about the seasons, why they happen and their relationship to Earth's movement. The second part talks about the meridians, as well as the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. At the end of this book, you should gain the knowledge required to correctly explain why seasons happen and why not all countries experience the four seasons.

CHF 30.50

Quick Facts about the Olmecs | Olmec Civilization Grade 5...

Quick Facts about the Olmecs | Olmec Civilization Grade 5 | Children's Ancient History
The Olmec Civilization was the first known civilization in North and Central America. In this book, you will read about where they were located, their daily lives, as well as their cultures and traditions. By knowing facts of the past, you can tell where some modern cultures, traditions and beliefs come from. How can you relate with the Olmecs? Study their civilization today.

CHF 30.50

The Ancient Truths of the Shang Dynasty | Chinese Ancient...

The Ancient Truths of the Shang Dynasty | Chinese Ancient History Grade 5 | Children's Ancient History
The Shang was China's first dynasty. In this book, you will read about the location of the Shang dynasty, why it was called as the period of great innovation, and the influence of art and religion. The study of ancient truths will help boost your understanding of modern-day Chinese culture and traditions. Grab a copy and start reading today.

CHF 30.50

That's Our Policy!

That's Our Policy!
At the end of this book, you will get to understand how important your voice is to shaping public policy. The first chapter explains how public policy is created from a historical and political point of view. It then proceeds with a discussion on how you can get involved in creating public policies that benefit you, your group and your community.

CHF 30.50

If a Tree Falls in Forest?

If a Tree Falls in Forest?
There are two types of ecosystems discussed in this book: the island and the rainforest. A chapter is dedicated to each. In chapter one, expect to read about the characteristics of an island ecosystem, including examples, how they were formed, and the types of islands. In chapter two, you will be reading about the definition of a rainforest ecosystem, and the types of rain forests and where you can find them.

CHF 30.90

It's an Invitation to Treat!

It's an Invitation to Treat!
A good economy is one supports healthy competition. This means that several brands will be producing the same base products, but with different perks, costs and features. You base your decision to purchase one product over another on price or personal preferences. But there are a host of other factors that affect consumers. These will be explained further in the pages of this book.

CHF 30.50

What Time is It Now?

What Time is It Now?
It gets confusing when you're trying to communicate with someone across the globe and on a different timezone. The purpose of this book is to help you recognize the 24 time zones of the world. There will be a discussion on the historical background of time zones in chapter one and an in-depth study on the different time zones of the United States.

CHF 30.90

Everything You Need to Know About the Compromise of 1850 ...

Everything You Need to Know About the Compromise of 1850 | Civil War Era Grade 5 | Children's American History
Study the terms in the Compromise of 1850 and why it has delayed the outbreak of a war between the free and slave states for ten years. Understand what motivated Henry Clay, otherwise known as the "Great Compromiser" to craft the Compromise. Was the goal of the compromise achieved? Read this book to learn more.

CHF 30.90

How are Laws Made?

How are Laws Made?
You follow the laws but do you ever wonder if they are fair, or how they were made in the first place? This social studies book covers everything you need to know about the beginnings of laws. The first chapter will talk about the United States Congress as the policymakers of the country. The second chapter will talk about how laws are made in our country, the United States.

CHF 30.50

The History of the Phonetic Alphabet | Phoenician Civiliz...

The History of the Phonetic Alphabet | Phoenician Civilization Grade 5 | Children's Ancient History
Perhaps the most important contribution the Phoenician civilization has made is the modern-day phonetic alphabet. In this book, you will get to trace how the phonetic alphabet was used as the basis for the modern Roman alphabet that we use now. Examine as well as the Phoenician civilization in its entirety, particularly their connection to other ancient civilizations. Begin reading today.

CHF 30.50

The Compromise of 1877

The Compromise of 1877
The topics covered in this book are essential in understanding the division of political parties in the country. The first chapter will begin with an overview of Reconstruction after the Civil War with details on where it failed. The second chapter will talk about the new laws for the Southern States that were influenced by the Republicans. The last chapter will focus on the Compromise of 1877 and what it meant to the future of political parties.

CHF 30.50

Honest Abe Lincoln

Honest Abe Lincoln
President Lincoln had a very difficult job. The American Civil War happened during his term because the southern states seceded from the United States. After the war, he had to deal with tedious work of Reconstruction. The first chapter of this book discusses the life and death of President Lincoln and his foiled plans of Reconstruction. The second chapter discusses the presidency of President Johnson and how he handled Reconstruction.

CHF 30.50