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293 Ergebnisse - Zeige 61 von 80.

Batu Khan

Djang, Sam
Batu Khan
The emergence of the Mongol Empire in the 13th century was the turning point of human history. The dramatic change in the human world after this turning point was a positive one, especially for the Europeans. This is my belief. Before the Mongol Empire, there was no communication between the east and the west. At that time, the world was wide. Many different forms of natural barriers-rivers, mountains, deserts, impenetrable dense forests and...

CHF 33.50


Levi Otte
Stap binnen in de wereld van "Ontwaakt, " een baanbrekend boek dat een diepgaande analyse biedt van maatschappelijke conditionering en tegelijkertijd praktische oplossingen aanreikt voor het ontwikkelen van een nieuwe mindset. Ontdek hoe dit boek je inspireert om de status quo in twijfel te trekken en bewust te worden van je eigen potentieel om verandering teweeg te brengen, zowel voor jezelf als voor de samenleving. In "Ontwaakt" vind je een...

CHF 29.90

Francis y Bianca

Frank Libertas
Francis y Bianca
La poesía, la literatura, la música y el cine siempre intentan tocar cuerdas sensibles cuando se trata del amor y el enamoramiento. ¿Quién no ha visto la película Titanic o el libro Cumbres borrascosas y quién no conoce a Olga y Erik de Delicias turcas, enamoradísimos? Pero cuando intentamos comprender qué son el amor y el enamoramiento en su esencia, a menudo nos quedamos callados. Los antiguos y sabios griegos describían el enamoramiento com...

CHF 26.50

Het zevende zegel - 3 - Het Boekenbeeld

Pascal en Laura van der Linden
Het zevende zegel - 3 - Het Boekenbeeld
¿Het zevende zegel¿ is een surrealistische roman, die zich afspeelt in het Land van Eeden: een cirkelcontinent met vier landen, gesticht door de Vredestichter. Alleen hij is in staat de zeven zegels van de boekrol te openen, die hij van de Allerhoogste heeft ontvangen. Pas als het zevende en laatste zegel verbroken is, wordt het geheim van de boekrol openbaar en kan er een nieuwe tijd ingaan: een tijdperk waarin de mensheid voor apocalyptische...

CHF 27.90

Alchemy of Life

Dirk Oellibrandt
Alchemy of Life
Within everyone is a gigantic life potential present that we often leave unused, when we actually really need it. Based on his many years of experience guiding individuals and groups and his study and practice of life-changing, deep spiritual processes, Dirk Oellibrandt describes in this book the essence of Alchemy of Life. Using numerous exercises, meditations, insights and practical examples, he offers a wealth of ways to deepen your own sta...

CHF 40.50

Alchemy Wisdom

Dirk Oellibrandt
Alchemy Wisdom
Alchemy is the original spiritual science. It shows us how life really works. If we become still and can see life as the true master, we can experience this deep wisdom. Dirk Oellibrandt has been fascinated by alchemy in its authentic form, for more than 30 years. He shares this in a very profound, unique way in his lessons and has already touched and helped thousands of people in discovering and living their true life potential. In this boo...

CHF 23.90

Alchemistische Weisheit

Dirk Oellibrandt
Alchemistische Weisheit
Alchemie ist die ursprüngliche spirituelle Wissenschaft. Sie zeigt uns wie das Leben wirklich ist. Wenn wir still werden und das Leben als unseren wahren Meister sehen, erfahren wir diese tiefe Weisheit. Dirk Oellibrandt fasziniert Alchemie in ihrer ursprünglichen Form seit mehr als 30 Jahren. Er teilt sein Wissen in einer tiefgehenden und einzigartigen Weise in seinen Lektionen und hat tausende von Menschen berührt und ihnen geholfen ihr wa...

CHF 23.90


Marleen Verkerk
Self-discipline is the ability to control one¿s own thoughts, feelings, and actions in pursuit of long-term goals and values. It involves regulating one¿s own behavior in order to achieve personal and professional objectives, despite distractions, temptations, or other obstacles. Self-discipline requires persistence, determination, and the ability to delay gratification. This book will teach you how to maintain your focus and make consistent ...

CHF 40.50


Marleen Verkerk
Budgeting is the process of creating a plan for managing your finances, by estimating and allocating your income and expenses over a specified period of time, such as a month or a year. The purpose of budgeting is to ensure that you have enough money to cover your expenses and to help you achieve your financial goals, such as saving for a down payment on a house, paying off debt, or building an emergency fund. A budget typically includes a lis...

CHF 40.50

Gorky in the Netherlands, 2nd edition

Frank Libertas
Gorky in the Netherlands, 2nd edition
In recent years, Kiev and Russia have been in the news negatively almost every day. In the West, we know very little about Europe's largest border country and they view us there through rose-tinted glasses. Through a number of social issues, the author takes the reader on a quest through thisformer impressive country with a very fascinating history and culture, strongly intertwined with that of Russia. We in the West are far too complacent and...

CHF 34.50

Gorki in den Niederlanden, 2. Auflage

Frank Libertas
Gorki in den Niederlanden, 2. Auflage
In den letzten Jahren waren Kiew und Russland fast jeden Tag in den Nachrichten. Im Westen weiß man sehr wenig über das größte Grenzland Europas und betrachtet es durch eine rosarote Brille. Anhand verschiedener sozialer Themen nimmt der Autor den Leser mit auf eine Reise durch dieses ehemals beeindruckende Land mit einer sehr faszinierenden Geschichte und Kultur, die eng mit der Russlands verwoben ist. Wir im Westen sind viel zu selbstgefälli...

CHF 34.50

Gorky in the Netherlands, 2nd edition

Frank Libertas
Gorky in the Netherlands, 2nd edition
In recent years, Kiev and Russia have been in the news negatively almost every day. In the West, we know very little about Europe's largest border country and they view us there through rose-tinted glasses. Through a number of social issues, the author takes the reader on a quest through thisformer impressive country with a very fascinating history and culture, strongly intertwined with that of Russia. We in the West are far too complacent and...

CHF 40.50

Gorki in den Niederlanden, 2. Auflage

Frank Libertas
Gorki in den Niederlanden, 2. Auflage
In recent years, Kiev and Russia have been in the news negatively almost every day. In the West, we know very little about Europe's largest border country and they view us there through rose-tinted glasses. Through a number of social issues, the author takes the reader on a quest through thisformer impressive country with a very fascinating history and culture, strongly intertwined with that of Russia. We in the West are far too complacent and...

CHF 40.50

Gorky in the Netherlands, 2nd edition

Frank Libertas
Gorky in the Netherlands, 2nd edition
In recent years, Kiev and Russia have been in the news negatively almost every day. In the West, we know very little about Europe's largest border country and they view us there through rose-tinted glasses. Through a number of social issues, the author takes the reader on a quest through thisformer impressive country with a very fascinating history and culture, strongly intertwined with that of Russia. We in the West are far too complacent and...

CHF 46.50

Goudroof op Curacao

Peter Brok
Goudroof op Curacao
Zijn manometer geeft nog zeventig bar aan. Ik moet terug, ik kan dit nu niet meenemen. Steven stopt het blok weer in de canvas zak en legt de zak zo goed mogelijk weer terug bij de andere zakken in het kleine ruim. Hij kijkt even om zich heen of alles nog zo is als toen hij aankwam en zwemt rustig uitademend langs de wand omhoog naar de oppervlakte. Goudroof op Curaçao is een spannende thriller die behalve in Venezuela en Nederland zich voo...

CHF 23.50


Johan Flaskamp
My Gluten Free Kitchen Johan Flaskamp ¿The word ¿celiac disease¿ is derived from the Greek word Celiac which means ¿disease of the abdomen¿. It is a disease that is not so well known to most people, but more and more people are confronted with, directly or indirectly. Some years ago Johan Flaskamp discovered he had celiac disease which meant that he could not eat any food with gluten. He had to discover which foods his body tolerate and whi...

CHF 39.50

My life ruins

Ramona Francina
My life ruins
In times of darkness and adversity, you never faltered. You fought against physical pain and limitations, but your spirit remained unbroken. Your determination to keep fighting and your love for our family found their way to my heart.Eduardo carried the heavy burden of his own pain while I also cared for our children. His smile, even in the midst of the most difficult moments, gave me courage. He has shown me that despite the ruins of life, th...

CHF 34.50

Life With Her

JD Duran
Life With Her
She shook her head softly, and averted her eyes briefly. When she looked back into his, her eyes glistened. ¿Darling, please sit down. Let me explain¿¿ Sam took a step back and lost his temper. ¿I can¿t keep doing this! Yoüve got me running here and there, losing my job, getting it back, I don¿t know what you want from me!¿ She cried softly and looked at him pleadingly, her hands outstretched. ¿Sam, please. Don¿t get upset. I know it¿s all har...

CHF 34.50