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484 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.


Castlebury, Thor
Once in a quiet village nestled amidst lush green fields, there lived a gentle farmer named Jacob. Jacob was content with his humble life, tending to his crops and cherishing every sunrise and sunset. He had a deep love for nature and the harmony it brought to his soul. One fateful day, a mighty tornado suddenly ripped through the village, leaving destruction in its wake. Jacob's farm was in ruins, and his heart ached with sorrow. As he stood ...

CHF 72.00


Castlebury, Thor
In a small village nestled deep within the mountains, there was a hidden haven. This haven was known to be a sanctuary for those seeking solace from the chaos of the world. The air was filled with a gentle melody, carried by the whispers of the wind. It was said that this melodic haven had the power to heal the souls of those who visited. Many people ventured to the mountains in search of this haven, hoping to find peace amidst their troubled ...

CHF 73.00


Castlebury, Thor
Once upon a time, in a dense forest, there lived a wise and trusted owl. Animals of all kinds sought counsel from the owl, for he was renowned for his wisdom and sound advice. One day, a young rabbit approached the owl seeking guidance. The rabbit was troubled by the divisions and conflicts within the forest animals. The owl listened patiently and then shared an ancient parable. In a distant past, the forest was plagued by chaos and discord. T...

CHF 72.00


Castlebury, Thor
Once upon a time, in a kingdom far away, there was a young wanderer named Lila. Lila was known for her insatiable curiosity and relentless spirit. One day, while journeying through a mystical forest, she stumbled across a hidden path shrouded in mystery. Intrigued, she decided to embark on an adventure along this unknown trail. As she walked along the path of infinite possibilities, Lila noticed that each step she took opened up new doors. Wit...

CHF 72.00


Castlebury, Thor
Once upon a time, in a land of words and imagination, there was a humble page. This page had a deep longing within to experience the freedom of flight. Every day, as it recorded the stories of others, it dreamed of soaring through the sky. One day, a wise old book noticed the page's yearning and spoke softly, 'Dear page, if you wish to fly, you must first learn to trust in yourself. Embrace your purpose of capturing the tales that touch hearts...

CHF 72.00


Castlebury, Thor
Once upon a time, in a peaceful land known as Melodyville, there lived a young girl named Harmony. She had a deep love for music, and every note she played resonated with the beauty of her soul. But Harmony longed for something more, a journey to discover the true essence of her melodies. One day, Harmony set off on a quest to seek out the wise Musical Sage who lived atop the highest mountain. The path was treacherous, filled with thorny bushe...

CHF 72.00

The Embodied Hope

Moonlight, Liza
The Embodied Hope
The Embodied Hope" is a mesmerizing poetry collection that captures the essence of human resilience and the transformative power of hope. With each verse, it delicately weaves together emotions and experiences, taking readers on a profound journey of self-discovery, healing, and profound connection. In this remarkable collection, the author explores the intricate tapestry of human existence, inviting readers to reflect upon the inherent beauty...

CHF 38.50

The Embodied Hope

Moonlight, Liza
The Embodied Hope
The Embodied Hope" is a mesmerizing poetry collection that captures the essence of human resilience and the transformative power of hope. With each verse, it delicately weaves together emotions and experiences, taking readers on a profound journey of self-discovery, healing, and profound connection. In this remarkable collection, the author explores the intricate tapestry of human existence, inviting readers to reflect upon the inherent beauty...

CHF 49.90

Der Weg zur Selbstsicherheit

Castlebury, Thor
Der Weg zur Selbstsicherheit
In einem kleinen Dorf lebte einst ein Junge namens Lukas. Er war neugierig und abenteuerlustig, und sein größter Wunsch war es, die Welt zu erkunden. Eines Tages traf er auf einen weisen Alten, der ihm einen besonderen Kompass schenkte. 'Dieser Kompass wird dich immer den richtigen Weg weisen', sagte der Alte. 'Aber es liegt an dir, wohin du gehen möchtest.' Lukas nahm den Kompass dankbar an und machte sich auf den Weg. Während seiner Reisen s...

CHF 72.00


Castlebury, Thor
Once upon a time, in a bustling city, there lived a young man named Ethan. Ethan was known for his quick temper and easily flaring emotions, which often resulted in chaos and discord. One day, he sought solace and advice from an old wise sage. The sage, a serene and composed figure, listened attentively to Ethan's troubles. After a profound moment of silence, the sage took Ethan to a quiet pond nearby. In the middle of the pond, there was a sm...

CHF 72.00


Castlebury, Thor
Once upon a time in a vibrant meadow, there lived a beautiful butterfly named Celeste. Celeste possessed the most magnificent colored wings, shimmering with brilliant shades of blue and green. However, despite her captivating appearance, Celeste felt a constant restlessness within her delicate wings. Unlike other butterflies, Celeste longed for adventure outside the meadow. She dreamt of exploring the world beyond the tall grass and blooming f...

CHF 73.00

Serenading the Self

Castlebury, Thor
Serenading the Self
In a serene meadow stood a magnificent willow tree, its branches spreading wide like open arms, inviting all who passed to rest under its shade. But despite its grandeur, the willow tree felt a deep longing within. Every day, as the gentle breeze rustled through its leaves, it whispered a secret melody, a tune of self-reflection. Yet, no matter how hard it tried, the melody seemed bleak, lost amidst the noise of the world. One day, a lonely tr...

CHF 72.00

Haikus for Happiness

Castlebury, Thor
Haikus for Happiness
Once, in a bustling village, lived a young woman named Maya. Maya was known for her constant restlessness and her inability to find peace. The noise of the city seemed to follow her wherever she went, and she longed for a moment of tranquility. One day, a wise old man visited the village and heard of Maya's plight. He approached her and said, "My dear, if you seek serenity, you must find it within yourself. It is not the chaos around you that ...

CHF 72.00

Awakening Affirmations

Castlebury, Thor
Awakening Affirmations
In a small village nestled between two mighty mountains, there lived a young shepherd named Aiden. Aiden had always led a simple and content life, but deep inside, he yearned for a sense of inner peace that seemed to elude him. One day, as he guided his flock through the lush meadows, he stumbled upon a hidden cave. Curiosity sparked within him, and he ventured inside. To his amazement, he discovered an old harp resting in the center of the ca...

CHF 72.00

Echoes of Empathy

Castlebury, Thor
Echoes of Empathy
Once upon a time, there was a young traveler who embarked on a journey through a dense forest. As he walked, he noticed that his footprints were creating a soft echo that resonated through the trees. Intrigued by this phenomenon, he decided to experiment with the echoing footprints. He intentionally altered his footsteps, changing the rhythm and the intensity of his steps. To his astonishment, the forest responded accordingly, amplifying and m...

CHF 72.00

Spice Up Your Soul

Castlebury, Thor
Spice Up Your Soul
Step into a world where poetry becomes a rich and savory tapestry, where verses are the vibrant spices that season the essence of the human experience. In "Spice Up Your Soul, " immerse yourself in a captivating collection of poems that will tantalize your heart and stir your emotions. Each poem in this enchanting book is a carefully crafted recipe for the soul, blending together the flavors of love, longing, joy, and introspection. Just lik...

CHF 65.00

Le Pouvoir de la Pensée Positive

Castlebury, Thor
Le Pouvoir de la Pensée Positive
Il était une fois, dans un petit village, un jeune homme nommé Pierre. Pierre était constamment insatisfait de sa vie et ne réalisait pas la chance qu'il avait. Un jour, un sage du village lui dit : "Pierre, la clé du bonheur réside dans la gratitude." Intrigué, Pierre demanda au sage comment pratiquer la gratitude. Le sage lui dit de commencer chaque matin par faire une liste des choses pour lesquelles il était reconnaissant. Au début, Pierre...

CHF 72.00


Castlebury, Thor
Once upon a time, in a peaceful village, a wise old sage arrived to impart his wisdom. The villagers gathered eagerly, hoping to learn the secrets of true empowerment. The sage held up a small scroll and said, 'This is the Empowerment Code.' The villagers gasped with anticipation. The sage continued, 'To unlock the power within you, you must live by these three principles: Believe in yourself, support others, and embrace change.' The villagers...

CHF 72.00

Embrace the Shift

Portlander, Clement
Embrace the Shift
Once upon a time, in a land of words and imagination, there was a humble page. This page had a deep longing within to experience the freedom of flight. Every day, as it recorded the stories of others, it dreamed of soaring through the sky. One day, a wise old book noticed the page's yearning and spoke softly, 'Dear page, if you wish to fly, you must first learn to trust in yourself. Embrace your purpose of capturing the tales that touch hearts...

CHF 72.00

Reinvention Rhymes

Castlebury, Thor
Reinvention Rhymes
In the realm of forgotten words, Lies a treasure waiting to be heard. Creativity once ceased to exist, Now it's time for verses to persist. Awakening thoughts from deep slumber, Reviving passion without any wonder. Lines once hidden find their way, Breathing life into a new display. Within the pages, stories unfold, The power of language, untold. With every syllable, emotions ignite, Verses resuscitated, illuminating the night.

CHF 72.00