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335 Ergebnisse - Zeige 21 von 40.

L'amour de Dieu et le malheur

Weil, Simone
L'amour de Dieu et le malheur
Le malheur rend Dieu absent pendant un temps, plus absent qu'un mort, plus absent que la lumière dans un cachot complètement ténébreux. Une sorte d'horreur submerge toute l'âme. Pendant cette absence il n'y a rien à aimer. Ce qui est terrible, c'est que si, dans ces ténèbres où il n'y a rien à aimer, l'âme cesse d'aimer, l'absence de Dieu devient définitive. Il faut que l'âme continue à aimer à vide, ou du moins à vouloir aimer, fût-ce avec un...

CHF 17.90

Democracy and Education

Dewey, John
Democracy and Education
Education is thus a fostering, a nurturing, a cultivating, process. All of these words mean that it implies attention to the conditions of growth" The following pages embody an endeavor to detect and state the ideas implied in a democratic society and to apply these ideas to the problems of the enterprise of education. The discussion includes an indication of the constructive aims and methods of public education as seen from this point of vi...

CHF 29.50


El hombre es un "animal político" Para Aristóteles, la Política no era un estudio de los estados ideales en forma abstracta, sino más bien de un examen del modo en que los ideales, las leyes, las costumbres y las propiedades se interrelacionan en los casos reales. El orden de los libros de la Política aparecen en esta forma: Libro I.- De la sociedad civil. - De la esclavitud. - De la propiedad. - Del poder doméstico. Libro II.- Examen cr...

CHF 29.50

Le déclin, la crise et le chaos

Bainville, Jacques / Guénon, René / Valery, Paul
Le déclin, la crise et le chaos
Les auteurs qui figurent dans ce recueil ont en commun d'avoir été en leur temps des intellectuels influents qui se sont interrogés sur les changements opérés dans la société occidentale à la suite de la révolution industrielle et des bouleversements démographiques, sociologiques et politiques qui en ont découlé à la charnière du XIXe et du XXe siècle. Valery écrit avec pertinence que "nous ne savons que penser des changements prodigieux qui s...

CHF 26.90

Zum ewigen Frieden

Kant, Immanuel
Zum ewigen Frieden
Es soll kein Friedensschluß für einen solchen gelten, der mit dem geheimen Vorbehalt des Stoffs zu einem künftigen Kriege gemacht worden. Die Altersschrift "Zum ewigen Frieden. Ein philosophischer Entwurf" gehört zu den bekanntesten Werken des deutschen Philosophen Immanuel Kant. Moderne Bedeutungen des Begriffs Frieden gehen entscheidend auf die hier vorgestellte Theorie zurück. Die Charta der Vereinten Nationen wurde wesentlich von dieser ...

CHF 15.90

De la Paix Perpétuelle

Kant, Emmanuel
De la Paix Perpétuelle
Nul traité de paix ne peut être considéré comme tel, si l'on s'y réserve secrètement quelque sujet de recommencer la guerre. Ce traité dont le contenu constitue les prémices de la théorie de la paix démocratique, eu un retentissement immédiat dans toute l'Europe suite à sa publication en 1795. Kant y formule les conditions qui permettent de créer une paix perpétuelle, un simple traité signé entre deux états qui était en guerre ne suffisant ...

CHF 15.90

Gleanings of a Mystic

Heindel, Max
Gleanings of a Mystic
*** This edition has a beautiful layout with a font size designed to make it easy to read *** "The world is God's training school. During the past we have learned to build different vehicles, among others the physical body. By this work we are promoted from class to class, each with its particular scope of consciousness." The contents of this book are among the last writings of Max Heindel, the mystic. They contain some of his deepest thou...

CHF 20.50

The Story of Mankind

Loon, Hendrik Willem Van
The Story of Mankind
*** This edition has a beautiful layout with a font size designed to make it easy to read *** "History is the mighty Tower of Experience, which Time has built amidst the endless fields of bygone ages. It is no easy task to reach the top of this ancient structure and get the benefit of the full view. There is no elevator, but young feet are strong and it can be done. Here I give you the key that will open the door" - H.W Van Loon Awarded in...

CHF 31.50

Las vidas sucesivas

Delanne, Gabriel
Las vidas sucesivas
Nada hay oculto que no deba ser sabido" En esta Memoria, presentada al Congreso Espiritista Internacional de Londres en 1898, Gabriel Delanne, con la pericia que le es propia, ha dejado a un lado el método sintético para ampararse exclusivamente del analítico, y presentando hechos, haciendo positivismo escueto, saca a flote lo que se propone, es a saber: la demostración experimental de la existencia y persistencia del espíritu, y su evolució...

CHF 19.90

Freemasonry and Catholicism

Heindel, Max
Freemasonry and Catholicism
*** This edition has a beautiful layout with a font size designed to make it easy to read *** ¿We do not aim to reconcile Freemasonry and Catholicism, however, for though they are both designed to further the emancipation of the soul, their methods are different, and the attributes of the soul fostered by one method will indeed be very different from the quality of the soul nurtured in the other School. Therefore, the strife must continue un...

CHF 19.50

The New Revelation

Conan Doyle, Arthur
The New Revelation
MANY more philosophic minds than mine have thought over the religious side of this subject and many more scientific brains have turned their attention to its phenomenal aspect. So far as I know, however, there has been no former attempt to show the exact relation of the one to the other. I feel that if I should succeed in making this a little more clear I shall have helped in what I regard as far the most important question with which the huma...

CHF 23.90

The New Revelation

Conan Doyle, Arthur
The New Revelation
MANY more philosophic minds than mine have thought over the religious side of this subject and many more scientific brains have turned their attention to its phenomenal aspect. So far as I know, however, there has been no former attempt to show the exact relation of the one to the other. I feel that if I should succeed in making this a little more clear I shall have helped in what I regard as far the most important question with which the huma...

CHF 16.90

Pistis Sophia

Mead, G. R. S
Pistis Sophia
The Pistis Sophia teaches us that humanity has inherited from the First Space of the Divine an indwelling divine power. The Savior is directed by the Ineffable to assist in the extension of the Divine powers into the human kingdom according to the desires of humanity, and to reveal the efficacy of the highest mysteries of salvation to humankind." J.J Hurtak Pistis Sophia is an early Christian writing written between the 3rd and 4th centuries...

CHF 40.50

Pistis Sophia

Mead, G. R. S
Pistis Sophia
The Pistis Sophia teaches us that humanity has inherited from the First Space of the Divine an indwelling divine power. The Savior is directed by the Ineffable to assist in the extension of the Divine powers into the human kingdom according to the desires of humanity, and to reveal the efficacy of the highest mysteries of salvation to humankind." J.J Hurtak Pistis Sophia is an early Christian writing written between the 3rd and 4th centuries...

CHF 32.90

The Hymns of Hermes

Mead, G. R. S
The Hymns of Hermes
Thoth, as the inspirer of all sacred writings and the president of all priestly discipline, was, as Iamblichus tells us, a name which was held by the Egyptians to be "common to all priests"-that is to say, every priest as priest was a Thoth, because he showed forth in his sacred office some characteristic or other of the Great Priest or Master Hierophant among the Gods whose earthy name was Thoth Tehuti. Thoth was thus the Oversoul of all pr...

CHF 24.90

The Hymns of Hermes

Mead, G. R. S
The Hymns of Hermes
Thoth, as the inspirer of all sacred writings and the president of all priestly discipline, was, as Iamblichus tells us, a name which was held by the Egyptians to be "common to all priests"-that is to say, every priest as priest was a Thoth, because he showed forth in his sacred office some characteristic or other of the Great Priest or Master Hierophant among the Gods whose earthy name was Thoth Tehuti. Thoth was thus the Oversoul of all pr...

CHF 17.90

The Gnostic Crucifixion

Mead, G. R. S
The Gnostic Crucifixion
The identification of the Master and the man with the Cross and in the Cross is hardly disguised. The Cross is the Tree of Life and the tree of death simultaneously. "Give up thy life that thou mayest live, " says that inspired mystic treatise, The Voice of the Silence, and this is no other than the secret of the Mystery of the Cross. The Master is hanged between two thieves, the one repentant and the other obdurate, the soul turned towards th...

CHF 15.50

The Rosicrucian Mysteries

Heindel, Max
The Rosicrucian Mysteries
*** This edition has a beautiful layout with a font size designed to make it easy to read *** We venture to make the assertion that there is but one sin: IGNORANCE, and but one salvation: APPLIED KNOWLEDGE. - M. Heindel For reasons to be given later these teachings advocate the dualistic view, they hold that man is a Spirit enfolding all the powers of God as the seed enfolds the plant, and that these powers are being slowly unfolded by a s...

CHF 19.90

Die Fehlleistungen

Freud, Sigmund
Die Fehlleistungen
Wir beginnen nicht mit Voraussetzungen, sondern mit einer Untersuchung. Zu deren Objekt wählen wir gewisse Phänomene, die sehr häufig, sehr bekannt und sehr wenig gewürdigt sind, die insofern nichts mit Krankheiten zu tun haben, als sie bei jedem Gesunden beobachtet werden können. Es sind dies die sogenannten Fehlleistungen des Menschen, wie wenn jemand etwas sagen will und dafür ein anderes Wort sagt, das Versprechen, oder ihm dasselbe beim S...

CHF 19.50

De la grippe, encore de la grippe, toujours de la grippe

Péguy, Charles
De la grippe, encore de la grippe, toujours de la grippe
L'Europe est malade, la France est malade. Je suis malade. Le monde est malade. Les peuples et les nations qui paraissaient au moins libérales s'abandonnent aux ivrogneries de la gloire militaire, se soûlent de conquêtes. La France a failli recommencer les guerres de religion, -sans avoir même la foi. Les jeunes civilisations, comme on les nommait, sont plus pourries que les anciennes. Les rois nous soûlaient de fumées, comme on le chante enco...

CHF 17.90