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61 Ergebnisse - Zeige 41 von 60.

WORLDWIDE LOTTERY GAMES In Naturally Optimized Systems

Lala, Corneliu / Lala, Cornelia
WORLDWIDE LOTTERY GAMES In Naturally Optimized Systems
Worldwide Lottery Games In Naturally Optimized Systems Pick 5 has been developed on the authors' initiative, based on the belief that nothing in the Universe happens by chance because there are laws governing everything, and by increasing our knowledge, we can triumph over mere chance. This is a book for players and/or groups of players (syndicates) who want to play to more than seventy lottery games from at least fifty countries over five con...

CHF 50.50

Un bal si o contesa

Wandenburg, Corinne
Un bal si o contesa
O frumoasa poveste de dragoste din sanul nobilimii Imperiului Austro-Ungar, aflat intr-o perioada premergatoare marilor transformari ce aveau sa cuprinda Europa mijlocului de secol 19. Sentimentul pur al iubirii dintre doi tineri nobili avea sa anuleze diferentele si distanta dintre cei doi, precum si impotrivirea tatalui fetei, dar nu a mai avut forta sa anihileze si un vechi blestem ce plutea asupra familiei sale. Indiferent de piedici, un s...

CHF 23.50

Ingerul Norman

Alexander, George
Ingerul Norman
Cartea este o colec¿ie de nuvele filosofice si anecdotice. Ideea lor esen¿iala este aceea ca realitatea depinde de felul în care o privim noi. Umorul da farmec vie¿ii, iar zâmbetul deschide poarta comunicarii...

CHF 16.90

Probability Guide to Gambling

Barboianu, Catalin
Probability Guide to Gambling
Over the past two decades, gamblers have begun taking mathematics into account more seriously than ever before. While probability theory is the only rigorous theory modeling the uncertainty, even though in idealized conditions, numerical probabilities are viewed not only as mere mathematical information, but also as a decision-making criterion, especially in gambling. This book presents the mathematics underlying the major games of chance and ...

CHF 51.90

Varsta ratiunii

Paine, Thomas
Varsta ratiunii
In domeniul filosofiei religioase si a interpretarii biblice, lucrarea este un atac la adresa religiei revelate, dintr-un punct de vedere deist, intruchipat de crezul lui Paine, &bdquo, Cred intr-un Dumnezeu si nu mai mult". Este o abordare noua a studiului Bibliei la acea vreme, continand o examinare critica si obiectiva a Vechiului si a Noului Testament si semnaland numeroase contradictii, in chip de marturii impotriva interpretarii literale...

CHF 35.90

Pursange Andaluz

Moreno, Mihaela
Pursange Andaluz
„Pursange andaluz" este un roman despre prietenie, iubire si despre pasiunea cu care personajele lupta pentru ceea ce cred si iubesc. Elisabeth Pearson, o tanara cercetatoare din Anglia, cu un viitor academic stralucit, si Juan Trujillo, un renumit dresor de cai, fiul proprietarului celebrei scoli de echitatie din Jerez de la Frontera, traiesc o aventura de o vara care le va schimba vietile pentru totdeauna. Ratiune sau simtire? Morala sau pas...

CHF 32.50


Barboianu, Catalin
Man's daily life is full of decisional situations. Whether we have math skills or not, we frequently estimate and compare probabilities, sometimes without realizing it, especially when making decisions. But probabilities are not just simple numbers attached objectively or subjectively to events, as they perhaps look, and their calculus and usage is highly predisposed to qualitative or quantitative errors in the absence of proper knowledge. Tha...

CHF 51.90


Barboianu, Catalin / Guerrero, Raúl
Continuando con su serie de libros en las matemáticas de juegos de azar, el autor muestra como un juego de reglas simples como la ruleta es idóneo para un modelo de matemática compleja cuyas aplicaciones generan sistemas mejorados de apuestas que toma en cuenta el criterio de juego personal de un jugador. El libro es práctico y teórico, pero es principalmente dedicado a la aplicación de la teoría. Cerca de dos tercios del contenido son listas ...

CHF 51.90


Barboianu, Catalin / Tokarev, Evgheni
The problem-solving assumes theoretical and analytical skills, as well as algorithmic skills, coupled with a basic mathematical intuition. The concept of this problem book successfully supports the development of these skills of the solver and meanwhile offers mathematics instructors models for teaching problem-solving as an integral part of the mathematics learning process. The topics of the problems belong to algebra II and algebra of the fi...

CHF 30.90

El Planeta Eris y El Calentamiento Global

Negureanu, Cristian / Baez, Marialba
El Planeta Eris y El Calentamiento Global
El Dr. Cristian Negureanu ha completado otra de sus destacadas obras sobre las consideraciones globales de la existencia humana. Esta vez trata un tema de gran interés hoy en día: el calentamiento global del planeta. Lo que es notable en su estudio es la vinculación del tema a las hipótesis de la intervención extraterrestre en la Tierra, incluido el origen de los seres humanos y la historia antigua de la humanidad. El autor utiliza los textos ...

CHF 26.90


Barboianu, Catalin / Martilotti, Rafael
La vida cotidiana está llena de situaciones que exigen tomar decisiones. Y en estos casos comparamos y hacemos estimaciones de probabilidades, a veces casi sin darnos cuenta, especialmente en el momento de decidir. Pero las probabilidades no son números simples asociados objetiva o subjetivamente a los eventos, como nos podría parecer, y el cálculo y el uso que le damos están especialmente proclives a errores cualitativos y cuantitativos, si n...

CHF 50.90

Non-Exhibited Works of the Masters - French School of Pai...

Avram, Paul / Barboianu, Doru / Branzan, Marius
Non-Exhibited Works of the Masters - French School of Painting - Volume 1
(bilingual album English / French) NON-EXHIBITED WORKS OF THE MASTERS - FRENCH SCHOOL OF PAINTING - Volume 1 During his or her creation period, the artist produces works other than those that found their place in time in a museum or official gallery. This category holds the studies and sketches, as well as finished works, which for various reasons or circumstances have not come to the attention of official art collectors. A simple, unf...

CHF 38.90

Do Not Kiss Isabel

Somesan, Sergiu
Do Not Kiss Isabel
Witty and erudite, this collection of fantasy fiction, while set in a futuristic civilization, actually underscores the timeless, universal qualities that make us human: the search for love and meaning in our lives, a fundamental compassion for fellow beings, the resilience of humor that renders desperation bearable. Sergiu Somesan draws on surreal images of advanced societies (automaton-soldiers programmed with computer chips, time-altering...

CHF 21.90

Planet Eris And The Global Warming

Negureanu, Cristian
Planet Eris And The Global Warming
Dr. Cristian Negureanu brings out another of his outstanding works on the global considerations of human existence - this time it treats a subject of great interest today, namely the global warming of the planet. What is remarkable in his study are the links of the subject to the hypotheses of extraterrestrial interventions on Earth, including the origin of humans and the ancient history of the mankind. The author uses ancient writings (th...

CHF 27.90

Managementul Asigurarii Calitatii - Principii, Concepte, ...

Andrei, Victor
Managementul Asigurarii Calitatii - Principii, Concepte, Politici Si Instrumente
Romanian description: Proiectarea unui sistem de asigurarea calitatii este de actualitate pentru intreprinderile care trebuie sa scada costurile cu asigurarea calitatii. Structura sistemului de asigurare a calitatii are la baza curba calitatii produselor. Elementele sistemului sunt atasate activitatilor industriale, iar scopul este definit prin misiunea de asigurarea calitatii. Realizarea de produse neconforme genereaza pierderi pentru orga...

CHF 25.50

Roulette Odds and Profits

Barboianu, Catalin
Roulette Odds and Profits
Continuing his series of books on the mathematics of gambling, the author shows how a simple-rule game such as roulette is suited to a complex mathematical model whose applications generate improved betting systems that take into account a player's personal playing criteria. The book is both practical and theoretical, but is mainly devoted to the application of theory. About two-thirds of the content is lists of categories and sub-categories o...

CHF 51.90

The Mathematics of Lottery

Barboianu, Catalin
The Mathematics of Lottery
This work is a complete mathematical guide to lottery games, covering all of the problems related to probability, combinatorics, and all parameters describing the lottery matrices, as well as the various playing systems.

CHF 39.90

Draw Poker Odds: The Mathematics of Classical Poker

Barboianu, Catalin
Draw Poker Odds: The Mathematics of Classical Poker
Like any variation of poker, draw poker (or classical poker) is also predisposed to probability-based decisions. The author presents the mathematics involved in this card game, with respect to the usage of the numerical results in players' strategies.The whole presentation is focused on the practical aspect of the application of probability theory in draw poker and all the sections are such structured to allow the direct usage of the numerical...

CHF 41.90

Bunjee Jumping in Cutia Pandorei

Toma, Ela
Bunjee Jumping in Cutia Pandorei
Daca traiti astazi, in Romania de tranzitie, in plina criza economica, plonjati zi de zi in cutia Pandorei. Probabil ca exercitiile de supravietuire fac parte din cotidian si va sunt relativ familiare. Aceasta carte va poate ajuta, cu spirit critic, sensibilitate si umor, sa va ameliorati tehnicile de "bunjee jumping" si, de asemenea, va invita sa va aventurati in paradisul artificial si dezumaninzant al companiilor multinationale din Romania ...

CHF 22.50