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151 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Development as Peace

Adegbile, Wole
Development as Peace
The colonial definition of development has not served Africa well. While Western assessments have generally revolved around a nation's GDP, infrastructure, and the like, African cultures, and the Yoruba people in particular, have traditionally measured development in relation to the amount of peace experienced in a society and the wellbeing of its people. In this study, Dr. Wole Adegbile examines the political, theological, and cultural contex...

CHF 42.50

Digital Media and Youth Discipleship

Vo, Huong Nam
Digital Media and Youth Discipleship
Today's youth grow up immersed in digital technology. This presents a unique challenge to the church as it seeks to faithfully make disciples of the next generation. What does it look like - theologically and practically - to minister contextually to those whose lives are permeated by social media and digital culture? In this in-depth study, Dr. Vo Huong Nam offers both social and theological insight into the task of discipling youth in the di...

CHF 50.50

A Free Church in a Free State

Harefa, Surya
A Free Church in a Free State
How does Christ call his people to engage the societies, cultures, and politics of the nations they call home? From prioritizing patriotism over faith to withdrawing from the public sphere entirely, the struggle to navigate the intersection of an earthly and heavenly kingdom remains an ongoing challenge for Christians around the world. Bridging cultures and time periods, Dr. Surya Harefa brings Abraham's Kuyper's ecclesiology to bear on questi...

CHF 49.90

Evidence for the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus Ch...

Madanat, Suheil
Evidence for the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ Examined through Islamic Law
For almost 1, 400 years, Christians have wrestled with appropriate ways to defend their claims to truth in the context of Islam. Dr. Suheil Madanat proposes that the answer lies neither in the antagonization of polemics nor apologetic arguments rooted in Western legal systems, but instead in utilizing the authority of Islamic law itself. While evidence for the resurrection has been legally examined since the seventeenth century, legal apologet...

CHF 44.50

Religion, Leadership and Development

Agbiji, Obaji
Religion, Leadership and Development
Political, economic and military powers have woefully failed in their attempts to transform societies around the world, particularly in the African context. As poverty, corruption, and bad leadership continue to pervade nations and undermine human flourishing, the global community needs to respond with creativity, innovation and collaboration. Drawing on empirical research and utilizing an interdisciplinary approach that engages both developme...

CHF 57.90

Vers un modèle africain de dialogue interreligieux

Ahoga, Cossi Augustin
Vers un modèle africain de dialogue interreligieux
Dans cette étude, l'auteur a développé une méthodologie de recherche africaine de dialogue interreligieux, basée sur une expérience au pays Maxi au Bénin. Cette expérience a été réalisée chez un peuple verbomoteur, dans un contexte de vodun, pour la résolution de conflits impliquant des communautés chrétiennes. Ainsi, à partir de l'expérience de résolution des conflits entre les Églises Évangéliques des Assemblées de Dieu (EEAD) et le Vodun X¿...

CHF 53.90

Crucified and Cursed Christ

Cheboi, Elkanah K.
Crucified and Cursed Christ
The practice of cursing remains a significant aspect of life in many African countries. This book addresses this practice with the seriousness it deserves, arguing that Christ is the ultimate curse remover. Dr. Elkanah K. Cheboi examines the meaning and implications of the Pauline statement in Galatians that "Christ became a curse for us." Drawing from biblical passages referencing judicial curses, and the widespread practice of cursing and bl...

CHF 40.50

Lived Islam in Africa and Its Missiological Implications ...

Nuekpe, Dieudonne Komla
Lived Islam in Africa and Its Missiological Implications for Pentecostals
Islam and Christianity are often presented as violent rivals facing each other across a gulf of insurmountable differences. Yet if Christians are to effectively engage Muslims with the gospel, they must learn to build bridges across this divide. This study explores the Muslim presence in Ghana, a nation once believed to be resistant to Islam, and analyses the missiological implications for Pentecostals, the fastest growing group of Christians ...

CHF 42.50

Seeing and Showing the Unseen

Szumorek, Adam
Seeing and Showing the Unseen
As humans, we think in images and cannot do otherwise. Thus, metaphor and imagery, often viewed as complex literary devices, are in fact the very building blocks of human thought and essential components for understanding the nature of God. Exploring how the God of Scripture reveals himself through metaphor and imagery, Dr. Adam Szumorek utilizes Cognitive Linguistics to help students, teachers, and preachers understand how meaning is commun...

CHF 43.90

Le rôle du Saint-Esprit dans la vie et l'¿uvre du fils in...

Traoré, Thomas
Le rôle du Saint-Esprit dans la vie et l'¿uvre du fils incarné chez Abraham Kuyper
Ce travail est une élucidation du rapport de l'Esprit au Fils incarné selon Abraham Kuyper, homme politique et théologien réformé néocalviniste. Cette relecture de l'abondante oeuvre théologique de Kuyper montre ce que l'Esprit a accompli dans la vie et l'oeuvre de Jésus¿: de la conception du Fils jusqu'à son ascension, suivie de sa glori cation, l'étude cerne l'implication de l'Esprit à tous les niveaux. L'auteur apporte un éclairage sur la p...

CHF 53.90

La représentation du Second Temple à travers les correspo...

Bouassi, Symphorien
La représentation du Second Temple à travers les correspondances officielles dans le livre d'Esdras
Dans cette étude, l'auteur s'attache à analyser les six lettres rapportées dans Esdras¿1-6, dont cinq sont attribuées aux autorités perses. Leur thème central est le Temple, riche de signification dans l'histoire biblique. L'auteur s'appuie sur l'analyse rhétorique biblique pour identifier et présenter les structures de ces lettres, les fonctions du Second Temple et les motivations des différents acteurs de l'époque perse derrière sa reconstru...

CHF 43.90

Post-mortem Divine Retribution

Rotokha, Angukali
Post-mortem Divine Retribution
While a Christian understanding of divine judgement tends to focus on the afterlife, the Hebrew Bible is far more concerned with divine retribution as something experienced in this life. Yet if the same God enacts both, should there not be significant continuity between biblical accounts of divine retribution, whether experienced in this world or the hereafter? In this study, Dr. Angukali Rotokha provides an overview of Old Testament and Sec...

CHF 49.50

Bonne Nouvelle pour les Peuls

Tolno, Fara Daniel
Bonne Nouvelle pour les Peuls
Dans cet ouvrage, Fara Daniel Tolno s'interroge sur les enjeux de l'évangélisation des Peuls musulmans du Fouta-Djallon en République de Guinée. L'approche de cette réflexion suit le modèle de contextualisation critique de Paul Hiebert et analyse la culture, la vision du monde et l'identité peule afin de comprendre comment communiquer l'Évangile de manière pertinente pour le contexte peul. Ce travail de recherche missiologique revient sur l'hi...

CHF 57.50

A Cross-Cultural Conceptual Study of the Emotion of ¿¿¿ i...

Mutuku, George
A Cross-Cultural Conceptual Study of the Emotion of ¿¿¿ in the Hebrew Bible and the Folk Theory of the Emotion of Ngoò in the K¿kamba Language
Communication requires more than a lexical understanding of words. Language relies on the background understanding of the speaker and hearer - an understanding that cannot be taken for granted when communicating cross-culturally. In this study, Dr. George Mbithi Mutuku brings to life a deeper understanding of emotion, specifically anger, in the Hebrew Bible. Utilizing frame semantics and undertaking a comparative study of ¿¿¿ and ngoò as con...

CHF 43.90

"Silence" in Translation

Sui Hluan, Anna
"Silence" in Translation
The role of women in the church has long been a contentious topic for Christians. In this groundbreaking study, Dr. Anna Sui Hluan critically examines the understanding of "silence" within the Myanmar context, specifically as it impacts the church's interpretation of 1 Corinthians 14:34-35. She offers a comparative study of the Judson Burmese Bible alongside versions of the Greek text, exploring the role of translation in reinforcing cultural ...

CHF 56.90

Honor and Shame in 1 Samuel 1-7

Kang, Bin
Honor and Shame in 1 Samuel 1-7
For many cultures throughout history, honor and shame have been foundational concepts for understanding and evaluating reality. In this study of the first seven chapters of 1 Samuel, Dr. Bin Kang establishes that ancient Israel was such a culture. Utilizing social-scientific criticism and careful linguistic analysis, Kang explores the honor/shame framework as an interpretive lens for reading the Old Testament, specifically the Eli/Samuel and S...

CHF 43.90

A Tapestry of Global Christology

Atsen, Isuwa Y.
A Tapestry of Global Christology
Who is Jesus Christ in a context of violence and bloodshed, such as that experienced by Christians in Northern Nigeria? This is the question at the heart of Dr. Isuwa Atsen's study of global Christology. His aim, however, is not to develop a Christology that is unique to Northern Nigeria, but a Christology that is contextually and conceptually relevant to the real concerns of Nigerian Christians, while maintaining a catholic and scriptural und...

CHF 43.50

Baptism as an Event of Taking Responsibility

Batibuka, Pontien Ndagijimana
Baptism as an Event of Taking Responsibility
For those whose context is rich with cultural and communal rites of passage, how does the church ensure that baptism is not just another ritual, but is understood to be a deliberate participation of a Christian in an event that brings decisive change into the new life that Christ brings? In this in-depth study, Dr. Pontien Ndagijimana Batibuka explores afresh Paul's teaching on baptism demonstrating that it encompasses both divine interventi...

CHF 43.90

A Cry For Help

Dadang, Mipo E.
A Cry For Help
The gospel of Christ is a gospel of peace, yet Christianity has not escaped the specter of religious violence. The legacy of the church has not only been one of patient suffering and forgiving love but also of brutal bloodshed. With tensions between Christians and non-Christians on the rise in many areas of the world, the question of how the church is to respond to religious violence is a pressing one, encompassing issues of ecclesiology, theo...

CHF 31.90

The Cross or Prosperity Gospel

Boamah, Kwaku
The Cross or Prosperity Gospel
Are Christians meant to experience suffering? This question has long been a contentious one within the church. Christ is risen, the kingdom of heaven is at hand, yet sickness, poverty, and persecution continue to be daily realities for Christians around the world. In this study of martyrdom and persecution in the early church, Rev. Dr. Kwaku Boamah reminds us that there is no Christianity without a cross and that suffering has played a promi...

CHF 39.90