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309 Ergebnisse - Zeige 241 von 260.

Rainbows in the Dark

Coates, Jan L. / Priestley, Alice
Rainbows in the Dark
Abby hates visiting the second-hand clothing shop with her mother-until she meets Joanna and Charlie. Charlie is Joanna's guide dog, a loyal friend and worker who helps her to see, but he's no help in picking out clothes for a very special event. With Abby's assistance, a wonderfully colorful outfit is soon ready for Joanna. To thank her new friend for her help, Joanna gives Abby and her mother tickets for an unspecified event. They decide to ...

CHF 21.90

A Month of Mondays

Anthony, Joëlle
A Month of Mondays
This can't be good! Suddenly Suze's mom wants back into her life, and her teacher wants her to "try harder"?! As if middle school wasn't hard enough, Suze Tamaki's life gets turned upside down when her mother reappears after a ten-year absence. Once Suze gets over her shock, she thinks it might be cool to get to know her mom. But her older sister Tracie is determined not to let her back into their lives. At school things aren't much better. On...

CHF 17.90

Undiscovered Country

Gold, Jennifer
Undiscovered Country
You can run from grief, but it will follow... Cat's life is divided. There is the time Before her mom died, and After. When her mom got sick, Cat still did her homework and got accepted into college, while her father slowly shut down. Now, everything seems meaningless. Before, Cat was happy and had momentum. After, she feels stuck. And angry. There might be five stages of grief, but Cat can't get past stage two. She's so filled with rage, her ...

CHF 18.90

Saying Good-Bye to London

Burtinshaw, Julie
Saying Good-Bye to London
How do you say good-bye to your baby after you've just said hello to first love? Francis is a shy 15-year-old when he meets edgy, confident 16-year-old Sawyer at a party. Sparks fly... and Sawyer gets pregnant. They hardly know each other, but now must deal with both their relationship and the reality of a baby. Francis has a lot of growing up to do, and now it seems like he is being forced to do it all at once. When his life collides with Saw...

CHF 18.90

Where Will I Live?

Mccarney, Rosemary
Where Will I Live?
Where do you go if your home is no longer safe? Every child needs a home. They need somewhere safe where they can be happy, eat their meals with their family, play with their toys, and go to sleep at night feeling unafraid. But many children all over the world have had to leave their homes because they are no longer safe. Because of war and conflict, they and their families have become refugees. For them life is hard and full of questions. In ...

CHF 28.50

L'Album de Ma Vie

Szedlecki, Ann
L'Album de Ma Vie
Ann Szedlecki avait 14 ans, amatrice de films hollywoodiens, quand les Allemands ont envahi la Pologne en 1939

CHF 21.90

Un Terrible Revers de Fortune

Mann, Fred
Un Terrible Revers de Fortune
Ces m?moires captivants s'ouvrent sur une description riche de d?tails saisissants de la culture des caf's europ?ens et de la vie quotidienne ? Leipzig et Berlin durant les ann?es de renforcement du parti nazi en Allemagne, renforcement qui contraindra bient't Fred et sa famille ? fuir. C'est autour de la th?matique biblique de l'Exode que l'auteur construit son r?cit, d?crivant l'exil de sa famille ? travers la Belgique, la France, l'Espagne,...

CHF 21.90

Etoile Jaune, Etoile Rouge

Levin, Alex
Etoile Jaune, Etoile Rouge
Etoile jaune, etoile rouge retrace la remarquable histoire d'un jeune garcon juif, Alex Levin, pris dans la tourmente de la Seconde Guerre mondiale.

CHF 21.90

Matricule E/96

Rips, Paul-Henri
Matricule E/96
Paul-Henri Rips, fils d'un diamantaire de la celebre bourse du diamant d'Anvers, etait age de dix ans lorsque les nazis ont envahi la Belgique en mai 1940, mettant definitivement un terme a ce qu'il appelle sa jeunesse doree.

CHF 21.90

Le Violon

Shtibel, Rachel / Shtibel, Adam
Le Violon
Deuz enfants, Rachel Milbauer et Adam Shtibel, Parviennent a survivre de manieres tres differentes a la mort qui plane sur la Pologne occupee par les nazis.

CHF 21.90

Objectif: Survivre

Dick, Tommy
Objectif: Survivre
Tommy Dick, dix-neuf ans, est tue. Mais en apparence seulement, car il va miraculeusement survivre apres un incroyable suite de rebondissements.

CHF 21.90

Fragments de Ma Vie

Reinhartz, Henia
Fragments de Ma Vie
Lodz, Pologne, 1944. L'adolescente Henia Rosenfarb et sa famille sont assises dans une petite chambre secrete, se cachant des soldats nazis qui les recherchent.

CHF 21.90