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217 Ergebnisse - Zeige 81 von 100.

Transitions from Authoritarianism

Baker, Randall
Transitions from Authoritarianism
Democracy, as the editor points out, seems to be spreading everywhere. Political and economic reform is a global phenomenon. But what about the institutions created by the old, authoritarian systems to do their work? This study looks at reform in this context.

CHF 133.00

Witwer mit 5 Töchtern

Becker, Rolf / Becker, Alexandra / Engels, Erich / Dübber, Martha / Gaze, Heino / Winterstein, Willy / Erhardt, Heinz / Cramer, Susanne / Lohner, Helmuth / Rausch, Lotte / Meissner, Angelika / Tschechowa, Vera / Aberle, Elke / Kaufmann, Christine / Lang, Michael
Witwer mit 5 Töchtern
In einer idyllischen Kleinstadt, deren ganzer Stolz das etwas außerhalb gelegene Schloss ist, lebt in einem Villenvorort am Rande der Stadt der Witwer Scherzer mit seinen fünf Töchtern. Das Schloss, das nach dem Kriege in amerikanischen Besitz übergegangen ist, wird von Herrn Scherzer verwaltet: er sorgt für die Erhaltung des Schlosses, pflegt die Kunstschätze und schaltet und waltet in der großen Schlossbibliothek. Da er seinen Beruf sehr ern...

CHF 16.50

Vouchers within Reason

Dwyer, James G.
Vouchers within Reason
Observing the storm of recent debates around school vouchers, James G. Dwyer concludes that the welfare of children has been routinely subordinated to the interests and supposed rights of various groups of adults-parents, teachers, taxpayers, and...

CHF 99.00

Comparative Studies of Technological Evolution

Burgelman, Robert A. / Chesbrough, Henry W.
Comparative Studies of Technological Evolution
This volume provides a collection of cross-country analysis of innovation, showing that the effects of innovation upon firms vary from one country to another. Incumbents perish in one country, while they thrive in the same industry in another country. Startups thrive in response to new technological breakthroughs in one country and struggle in another country. Drawing upon studies of semiconductors, disk drives and biotechnology, and examining...

CHF 239.00

Le secteur public au XXIeme siecle

Le secteur public au XXIeme siecle
A l'heure de la mondialisation, de la decentralisation et des economies fondees sur le savoir, les gouvernements doivent aujourd'hui repenser le rôle des dirigeants dans le secteur public pour faire face aux nouveaux defis. En effet, cet environnement

CHF 40.90

Lectures on Infinite-Dimensional Lie Algebra

Wakimoto, Minoru
Lectures on Infinite-Dimensional Lie Algebra
The representation theory of affine Lie algebras has been developed in close connection with various areas of mathematics and mathematical physics in the last two decades. There are three excellent books on it, written by Victor G Kac. This book begins with a survey and review of the material treated in Kac's books. In particular, modular invariance and conformal invariance and are explained in more detail. The book then goes further, dealing ...

CHF 98.00

Sexually Aggressive Youth

Lemmond, Tim / Verhaagen, David Allan
Sexually Aggressive Youth
Challenging much current thinking in the field that considers sexually aggressive youth a homogenous group, this volume applies a heterogeneous approach. Individualized treatment plans addressing a wide range of needs are presented. Practical and specific guidance about assessment, treatment and discharge planning is well-grounded in research, providing a solid theoretical and conceptual framework. Staff training, development and treatment out...

CHF 106.00

Biology, Society, and Behavior

Unknown / De Lisi, Richard / McGillicuddy-de Lisi, Ann
Biology, Society, and Behavior
Applying current theory and research, this book links the development of sex differences in cognition to biological foundations and multiple social processes and contextual factors. Areas covered include evolutionary biology, neuroscience, social roles, and cultural contextualism to the issues of the onset, causes and developmental trajectories, and patterns in children's and adolescents' thinking, problem-solving, academic performance, and so...

CHF 65.00

Die Abbildung von Vermögensgegenständen im Jahresabschlus...

Kneisle-Hasenknopf, Marion
Die Abbildung von Vermögensgegenständen im Jahresabschluss der Kapitalgesellschaften während des Insolvenzverfahrens
Inhaltsangabe:Einleitung: Am 1.1.1999 ist die neue Insolvenzordnung in Kraft getreten. Das neue Gesetz löst die Konkursordnung und die Vergleichsordnung in den alten und die Gesamtvollstreckungsordnung in den neuen Bundesländern ab. Die Ziele der Insolvenzordnung sind dabei weitreichender als die der Konkursordnung. Nach § 3 Abs. 1 KO war vorrangiges Ziel der KO die Gläubiger gemeinschaftlich zu befriedigen, mit dem Ergebnis das noch vorhand...

CHF 49.90

Eigenkapitalrestrukturierung mit Tracking Stocks

Becker, Daniel
Eigenkapitalrestrukturierung mit Tracking Stocks
Inhaltsangabe:Einleitung: Tracking Stocks stellen ein innovatives Restrukturierungsinstrument im Eigenkapitalbereich dar, das die separate Abbildung von Vermögensrechten bestimmter Geschäftsbereiche eines Unternehmens am Kapitalmarkt ermöglicht. Dabei wird für jede Geschäftseinheit, deren wirtschaftliche Entwicklung am Kapitalmarkt abgebildet werden soll, eine separate Aktiengattung (Tracking Stock-Gattung) an der Börse eingeführt und gehande...

CHF 63.00

Virtuelle Communities

Lenz, Kirsten
Virtuelle Communities
Inhaltsangabe:Einleitung: Virtuelle Communities können als neue und erfolgversprechende Geschäftsidee bezeichnet werden. Sie schöpfen Vorteile bisheriger Web-Technologien aus und bieten neue, interaktive Kommunikationsmöglichkeiten für Unternehmen und Privatpersonen. Eine virtuelle Community zu einem bestimmten Thema ist der Marktplatz für alle interessierten Menschen. Eine eigene Homepage, ein kurzes Chatgespräch mit einem Teilnehmer von de...

CHF 49.90

Multicultural Writers from Antiquity to 1945

Amoia, Alba / Knapp, Bettina L.
Multicultural Writers from Antiquity to 1945
This reference includes alphabetically arranged entries for more than 100 world writers from antiquity to 1945, who were significantly influenced by cultures other than their own. Each entry is written by an expert contributor and provides a brief biography, a discussion of multicultural themes and contexts, a summary of the author's critical reception, and primary and secondary bibliographies. The entries focus on the socio-historical circums...

CHF 119.00

Torrance Kids at Mid-Life

Millar, Garnet W.
Torrance Kids at Mid-Life
This work describes the original sample of students from two Minneapolis schools in 1958 and the longitudinal study envisioned by Dr. E. Paul Torrance, then director of the Bureau of Educational Research at the University of Minnesota, to assess their adult creative achievements.

CHF 133.00

Steve Reich

Hoek, D. J.
Steve Reich
Provides researchers with access to the broad and varied body of information surrounding the life and work of contemporary composer Steve Reich.

CHF 157.00

Mexico, the End of the Revolution

Hodges, Donald / Gandy, Ross
Mexico, the End of the Revolution
This study reveals how the social pact, formalized during the armed stage of the Mexican Revolution (1910-20) and implemented during the second stage (1920-40), was upset during the third or arrested stage (1940-70) when the bureaucrat-professionals at the helm opted for intensive economic development by taking the capitalist road. Although momentarily revived during yet a fourth stage of revolution (1970-82), this social pact was subsequently...

CHF 68.00

Teacher Education

Long, Delbert / Riegle, Rodney
Teacher Education
The greatest obstacle to good public schools is the indifference of the American public to teacher education. The authors discuss the past, present, and future of American teacher education. They argue that the key to quality public schools is the recruitment and retention of quality teachers and that educational reforms should be evaluated primarily on whether they encourage or discourage quality teachers from making teaching a career.

CHF 132.00