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Jüdische Schriften aus hellenistisch-römischer Zeit, Bd 5...

Diebner, Bernd
Jüdische Schriften aus hellenistisch-römischer Zeit, Bd 5: Apokalypsen / Zephanjas Apokalypsen
Mit den "Jüdischen Schriften aus hellenistisch-römischer Zeit" erscheint eine historisch-kritische Neuausgabe der Apokryphen und Pseudepigraphen, also der zahlreichen jüd. Quellen, die für das Verständnis des frühen Judentums u. der Entstehung des Christentums zwischen dem 2. Jh.v. Chr. u. dem 1. Jh. n. Chr. maßgebend sind.

CHF 115.00

Long View of History

Novack, George
Long View of History
Why the struggle of working people for an end to oppression and exploitation is a realistic perspective built on sound scientific foundations, and why revolutionary change is fundamental to social and cultural progress.

CHF 9.50

Malcolm X Talks to Young People

Malcolm X
Malcolm X Talks to Young People
I for one will join in with anyone, I don't care what color you are, as long as you want to change this miserable condition that exists on this earth -- Malcolm X, December 1964. Also includes his 1965 interview with the Young Socialist magazine.

CHF 17.90

Problems of Women's Liberation

Reed, Evelyn
Problems of Women's Liberation
Explores the social and economic roots of women's oppression from prehistoric society to modern capitalism and points the road forward to emancipation.

CHF 17.90

Women's Liberation and the African Freedom Struggle

Sankara, Thomas
Women's Liberation and the African Freedom Struggle
There is no true social revolution without the liberation of women, explains the leader of the 1983-87 revolution in Burkina Faso. Workers and peasants in that West African country established a popular revolutionary government and began to combat the hunger, illiteracy, and economic backwardness imposed by imperialist domination.

CHF 9.50

Making History

Carreras, Enrique / Villegas, Harry / Fernández, José Ramón
Making History
Through the stories of four outstanding Cuban generals--Néstor López Cuba, Enrique Carreras, José Ramón Fernández, and Harry Villegas--each with close to half a century of revolutionary activity, we can see the class dynamics that have shaped our entire epoch. We can understand how the people of Cuba, as they struggle to build a new society, have for more than forty years held Washington at bay.

CHF 21.90

Imperialism's March Toward Fascism and War

Barnes, Jack
Imperialism's March Toward Fascism and War
There will be new Hitlers, new Mussolinis. That is inevitable. What is not inevitable is that they will triumph. The working-class vanguard will organize our class to fight back against the devastating toll we are made to pay for the capitalist crisis. The future of humanity will be decided in the contest between these contending class forces. --Jack Barnes, Imperialism's March toward Fascism and War. In English in New International no. 10.

CHF 14.90

Socialism on Trial V.1

Cannon, James P
Socialism on Trial V.1
The basic ideas of socialism, explained in testimony during the trial of 18 leaders of the Minneapolis Teamsters union and the Socialist Workers Party framed up and imprisoned under the notorious Smith Gag Act during World War II.

CHF 10.90

Puerto Rico: Independence Is a Necessity

Cancel Miranda, Rafael
Puerto Rico: Independence Is a Necessity
Our people are becoming aware of their own strength, which is what the colonial powers fear, explains Puerto Rican independence leader Rafael Cancel Miranda. In two interviews, Cancel Miranda -- one of five Puerto Rican Nationalists imprisoned by Washington for more than 25 years until 1979 -- speaks out on the brutal reality of U.S. colonial domination, the campaign to free Puerto Rican political prisoners, the example of Cuba's socialist rev...

CHF 9.50

Marxism and Terrorism

Trotsky, Leon
Marxism and Terrorism
The propertied classes have always laid the charge of terrorism on those leading the struggle against exploitation and oppression. But it has been the terror of the capitalist rulers against which an outraged majority eventually rises. Trotsky explains why the working class is the only social force capable of leading the toiling majority in overthrowing the capitalist exploiters and beginning the construction of a new society and why individua...

CHF 9.50

Urban Nightscapes

Chatterton, Paul / Hollands, Robert
Urban Nightscapes
Explores how urban nightlife is experiencing a 'McDonaldisation', where big branded names are taking over large parts of downtown areas, leaving consumers with an increasingly standardised experience.

CHF 87.00

Rees Howells: Intercessor

Grubb, Norman
Rees Howells: Intercessor
Norman Grubb explores the life story of Rees Howells. He also looks at the foundation of the Bible College of Wales at Swansea, perhaps the greatest legacy of his work, and the intercessory prayer that became the hallmark of Howells, impacting as it did on national policy and international affairs.

CHF 19.50

Handbook of Organizational Learning and Knowledge

Dierkes, Meinolf / Antal, Ariane Berthoin / Child, John / Nonaka, Ikujiro
Handbook of Organizational Learning and Knowledge
This handbook provides a comprehensive overview of the concept of Organizational Learning and related issues of knowledge in organizations. It explains its origins, current applications and where it may be going. It provides a full account of varied disciplinary approaches, and discusses major issues in the field. With contributions from leading international experts, the book will be an invaluable resource for scholars, students and professio...

CHF 188.00

Leo Baeck Werke / Briefe, Reden, Aufsätze

Baeck, Leo / Meyer, Michael / Such, Bärbel
Leo Baeck Werke / Briefe, Reden, Aufsätze
Der Abschluss der Leo Baeck Werke 100 ausgewählte Briefe Unverstellte Einsichten in die Persönlichkeit Leo Baecks Nach den großen Hauptwerken und Essays der Bände 1-5 werden hier eine Vielzahl kurzer Texte Leo Baecks geboten, die einen wesentlichen Bestandteil seines Lebenswerkes ausmachen. Aufsätze, Reden und vor allen Dingen mehr als 100 Briefe zeigen den Menschen Leo Baeck in den Belangen des täglichen Lebens unter Juden und Nichtjuden. ...

CHF 159.00

Hamburg 1943

Hage, Volker
Hamburg 1943
Mit dem Angriff der alliierten Bomber auf Hamburg in der Nacht vom 24. auf den 25. Juli 1943 begann die Operation »Gomorrha«, die zu einer bisher unvorstellbaren Zerstörung führte. Drei der nächtlichen Angriffe ließen am Boden jeweils über 10.000 Tote zurück, mit dem dritten Angriff, der am 27. Juli um 23.40h mit 729 Maschinen begann, kam es zu dem berüchtigt gewordenen »Feuersturm«, über der Stadt bildete sich ein fast 8 Kilometer hoher Hitze...

CHF 21.50

Unpaid Work and the Economy

Picchio, Antonella
Unpaid Work and the Economy
This book constitutes a rigorous economic analysis with special emphasis on gender issues and covers every conceivable angle of unpaid work and all its ramifications for the modern economy.

CHF 220.00