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206 Ergebnisse - Zeige 81 von 100.

Stone Fox and Top Secret CD

Gardiner, John Reynolds / Wong, B.D.
Stone Fox and Top Secret CD
This inspirational story is based on a Rocky Mountain legend. Little Willy has a big job to do. When his grandfather falls ill, it is up to Willy alone to save their farm from the tax collector. Willy enters the National Dogsled Race, where he must beat the Indian Stone Fox and his five beautiful Samoyed dogs.

CHF 23.90


Hellenkamp, Detlef
Das Privatkundengeschäft der Universalbanken in der BRD entwickelte sich nach zögerlichem Einlassen in den 50er Jahren bis heute zu einem zentralen Geschäftsfeld der Kreditinstitute. Die Finanzdienstleistungsbranche und mit ihr das Privatkundengeschäft stehen indes seit einigen Jahren inmitten eines tiefgreifenden Strukturwandels.Die vorliegende Arbeit fokussiert hierbei den Wandel des Vertriebs im Privatkundengeschäft, der gemeinhin die Schni...

CHF 69.00

Illustrated Pathology of the Bone Marrow

Orazi, Attilio (Indiana University) / O'Malley, Dennis P. (Indiana University) / Arber, Daniel A. (Stanford University, California)
Illustrated Pathology of the Bone Marrow
This book providesa highly illustrated, comprehensive account of the diseases of the human bone marrow. It will help experienced clinicians and those in training to answer the practical diagnostic questions that arise during the routine analysis of bone marrow core biopsy specimens. Throughout the text, histologic interpretation is integrated with clinical and laboratory findings. As well as containing numerous colour illustrations, charts and...

CHF 255.00

Tree Transgenesis

Ewald, Dietrich / Fladung, Matthias
Tree Transgenesis
Tree improvement is necessary to meet the growing demand for renewable wood resource and the time is ripe for a critical evaluation of the chances and challenges of tree transgenesis. This book provides an up-to-date review of the present state of genetic engineering of trees. Biosafety and risk assessment are treated in detail, and future experimental tasks are discussed. The book provides a sound basis for decision-making processes in politics.

CHF 236.00

Children, Place and Identity

Scourfield, Jonathan / Dicks, Bella / Drakeford, Mark
Children, Place and Identity
Features an analysis of lively exchanges between children on their local, national and global identities, politics, language and race. This book focuses on what local and national identities mean to children in an era of cultural and economic globalization. It is for students and researchers of childhood studies and the sociology of childhood.

CHF 87.00

Digital Communications Using Chaos and Nonlinear Dynamics

Liu, Jia-Ming / Tsimring, Lev S
Digital Communications Using Chaos and Nonlinear Dynamics
This book introduces readers to a new and exciting cross-disciplinary field of digital communications with chaos. This field was born around 15 years ago, when it was first demonstrated that nonlinear systems which produce complex non-periodic noise-like chaotic signals, can be synchronized and modulated to carry useful information. Thus, chaotic signals can be used instead of pseudo-random digital sequences for spread-spectrum and private com...

CHF 201.00

Alternde Belegschaften im internationalen Vergleich

Hohmann, Michael
Alternde Belegschaften im internationalen Vergleich
Inhaltsangabe:Zusammenfassung: ¿Die Struktur von Modernisierung und Verjüngung der Industrie-, Verwaltungs- und Dienstleistungsorganisationen suggeriert immer stärker die Nutzlosigkeit von Kompetenz und Leistungsfähigkeit und -willigkeit älterer Arbeitnehmer.¿ So oder ähnlich wird die nach wie vor in Deutschland weit verbreitete Einschätzung älterer Arbeitnehmer häufig beschrieben, die impliziert, dass die Älteren eine Problemgruppe des Arbei...

CHF 177.00

Darstellung der Europäischen HDTV-Norm und ihren Auswirku...

Müller-Ali, Jens
Darstellung der Europäischen HDTV-Norm und ihren Auswirkungen auf die digitale Werbefilmproduktion
Inhaltsangabe:Einleitung: Mit der Digitalisierung von Tönen und Klängen zu Beginn der 80er-Jahre begann ein neues Zeitalter technischer Entwicklungen. Die von den Firmen Philips und Sony eingeführte Compact Disc (CD) hat sich auf Grund ihrer eindeutigen Vorteile in Klang und Handhabung am Markt etabliert und durchgesetzt. Seit den 90er Jahren durchläuft die Fernsehwelt einen ähnlichen globalen Prozess der grundlegenden Umstrukturierung von an...

CHF 177.00

Discovering the Essence of Your Soul

Karlander, Kathy
Discovering the Essence of Your Soul
Have you ever noticed that life is like a treasure hunt? The more we understand ourselves, our relationships, and the world around us, the wiser we become. The challenges we face in our lives are hidden gems of wisdom that are waiting to be discovered and added to our personal treasure box. The events in our lives are irrelevant. They are simply the foundations we lay for our personal growth-and opportunities to add other gemstones to our trea...

CHF 19.50

Imperial Dancer

Hall, Coryne
Imperial Dancer
The vivacious Mathilde Kschessinska (1872-1971) was the mistress of three Russian Grand Dukes and the greatest ballerina of her generation. In ballet, she partnered the great Vaslav Nijinsky, became a force to be reckoned with in the Imperial Theatre and, later in life, taught Margot Fonteyn.

CHF 16.50

Psychoanalysis and Neuroscience

Mancia, Mauro
Psychoanalysis and Neuroscience
The most recent scientific studies have brought a significant contribution to the understanding of basic mental functions such as memory, dreams, identification, repression, which constitute the basis of the psychoanalytical theory. As a matter of fact, numerous neuroscientific observations in recent years have laid the ground for hypotheses on the neurological organization of mental functions that are fundamental to psychoanalytical theory, t...

CHF 260.00

Integrating Therapeutic and Complementary Nutrition

Marian, Mary J. / Williams-Mullen, Pamela / Bowers, Jennifer Muir
Integrating Therapeutic and Complementary Nutrition
Consumers look to health professionals for guidance on how to integrate complementary and alternative (CAM) therapies into their lifestyles, yet most health care professionals are trained only in conventional practices. Integrating Therapeutic and Complementary Nutrition provides the scientific foundation necessary to understand CAM nutrition practices and how they are being integrated into conventional care. Working within a framework that ex...

CHF 166.00

Empire in Denial

Chandler, David
Empire in Denial
This book argues that state-building, as it is currently conceived, does not work. In the 1990s, interventionist policies challenged the rights of individual states to self-governance. Today, non-western states are more likely to be feted by international institutions offering programmes of poverty-reduction, democratisation and good governance. States without the right of self-government will always lack legitimate authority. The internationa...

CHF 56.50