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261 Ergebnisse - Zeige 61 von 80.

Wissen durch Sprache

Müller, Marcus / Felder, Ekkehard
Wissen durch Sprache
Der vorliegendeBand präsentiert die theoretischen und methodischen Grundlagen der Forschung zur Konstituierung von Wissen in sprachlichen Formationen. Nach einem theoretischen Teil, der die begrifflichen und sprachtheoretischen Grundlagen der linguistischen Wissensanalyse modelliert, wird darauf aufbauend ein Beschreibungsinstrumentarium vorgestellt, an empirischen Einzelanalysen exemplifiziert und zur Diskussion gestellt. Danach werden in Übe...

CHF 187.00

Lewi - Mehr

Archiv Bibliographia Judaica e. V.
Lewi - Mehr
Das Lexikon deutsch-jüdischer Autoren erschließt den jüdischen Beitrag zur deutschsprachigen Kulturgeschichte in ca. 1.300 biographisch-bibliographischen Artikeln. Der biographische Teil der Artikel enthält Personangaben, Auskünfte zum politischen und zionistischen Engagement, zum Freundeskreis sowie zur Stellung zum Judentum. Im bibliographischen Teil werden die Werke soweit möglich in Autopsie bibliographiert und annotiert. Band 16 verzeichn...

CHF 181.00

Padania scrittologica

Videsott, Paul
Padania scrittologica
Paul Videsott examines the fate of the vernacular non-literary written language in Northern Italy from its first appearance up to 1525 (the year of publication of P. Bembo's Prose della volgar lingua ). For this, he undertakes a scriptological and scriptometric analysis of 1165 non-literary Old North Italian texts with a total of 558, 892 words from 35 writing centres. Overall, one result is that the North Italian dialects displayed a far grea...

CHF 343.00

Bildung, Erziehung und Religion in Europa

Lindner, Heike
Bildung, Erziehung und Religion in Europa
Religiöse Bildung und Erziehung stehen insbesondere seit dem 11. September 2001 erneut zur Diskussion. Die Herausforderungen der pluralen Gesellschaft erzwingen nicht nur eine rationale Aufklärung in Sachen Religion, sondern machen eine Erziehung zur praktischen Toleranz für den interkulturellen und interreligiösen Dialog notwendig, der die Wahrheitsfrage nicht suspendiert. In kritischer Rezeption von PISA und anderen Bildungsstudien wird unte...

CHF 204.00

Non Calpestate I Sogni

Cesa-Bianchi, Anna
Non Calpestate I Sogni
Parlare ai bambini è un’esperienza a meravigliosa: sono interlocutori, attenti, rigorosi, e spesso più severi nei giudizi di noi adulti: sanno leggere tra le righe, sanno interpretare , sanno "volare" con la fantasia, conoscono la spontaneità e la gioia delle scoperte che noi adulti abbiamo dimenticato, sanno essere leali e fedeli, sanno partecipare , soffrire, gioire con i personaggi a loro più cari. Attraverso le favole possiamo trasmetterg...

CHF 34.90

The Antichrist

Pink, Arthur W.
The Antichrist
The Antichrist is an in-depth study of who and what the Antichist is or will be. Arthur W. Pink traces all biblical references to the Antichrist including the Psalms, the Prophets, the Gospels, the Epistles, and Revelation. This provides us with a vivid image of the evil one as well as a window into the evil acts that he will perpetrate. A valuable eschatological reference book.

CHF 23.90

Jesus Christ Today

Hall, Stuart G.
Jesus Christ Today
Jesus of Nazareth is a perennial subject of interest, and one of the most influential people that ever lived. The religious movement which flowed from him produced the Christian Church in all its various manifestations. Christian believers have in common a regard for Jesus as Lord and God, in some way a bodily appearance revealing the Father of the universe. Christian thinkers down the centuries have continually tried to define and explain who...

CHF 205.00

Bird Watching in Sussex

Yarham, Rob
Bird Watching in Sussex
The top 20 Sussex birds and where to see them, as chosen by the author, as well as an informative look at many other Sussex natives.

CHF 17.50

Information Structure and its Interfaces

Mereu, Lunella
Information Structure and its Interfaces
The volume presents recent results in the field of Information Structure based on research on Italian and Italian dialects, and on further studies on several typologically different languages. The central idea is that Information Structure is not an exclusive matter of syntax but an interface issue which involves the interplay of at least the phonological, morpho-syntactic and semantic-pragmatic levels of analysis. In addition, the volume is b...

CHF 187.00


Alber, Erasmus / Hörner, Petra
Die deutschsprachige Evangelienharmonie des Fabel- und Kirchenliederdichters Erasmus Alber (um 1500-1553) ist in einer Handschrift überliefert, die seit dem zweiten Weltkrieg als verschollen galt. Inzwischen wurde die Handschrift wiedergefunden, so dass die Harmonie im vorliegenden Band präsentiert werden kann. Im Hintergrund der akribischen Anlage der Edition steht die Kenntnis zahlreicher Harmonien des Mittelalters und der Reformationszeit, ...

CHF 196.00

Bonita Springs

Wadsworth, Chris / Fortuna, Allison / Bonita Springs Historical Society
Bonita Springs
The pioneer history of Bonita Springs stretches back to the 1880s, when an Alabama cotton planter named B. B. Comer bought 6, 000 acres of land along Surveyors Creek. He started a tropical fruit plantation, and his tiny village became known as Survey, in honor of the U.S. Army engineers who had first surveyed the region during the Seminole Wars decades before. When Florida started to boom in the early 20th century, investors bought up much of ...

CHF 38.90

San Diego's Fishing Industry

Quinney, Kimber M. / Cesarini, Thomas J. / Italian Historical Society of San Diego
San Diego's Fishing Industry
San Diego has always attracted a rich diversity of immigrant groups. Between the 1880s and 1970s, many of these groups helped to create a strong and dynamic fishing industry that became a key component of the city's identity. Waves of varied immigrants continually refreshed the industry, adapting their traditional skills and technologies to San Diegan conditions. Innovations in boat design, nets, and baiting techniques reshaped the fleets that...

CHF 38.90

Chicago Italians at Work

Pero, Peter N.
Chicago Italians at Work
For more than a century, Italian immigrants and their descendants contributed their labor and talent to building the city. Chicago Italians at Work focuses on a period from 1890 to 1970 when industry was king in this midwestern metropolis. Generations of Italians found work in companies such as U.S. Steel, Western Electric, Pullman, Crane, McCormick/Harvester, Hart Schaffner and Marx, and other large industrial corporations. Other Italians wer...

CHF 38.50

Batesville Area

Struewing, S. Jean
Batesville Area
Early in the year 1999, a group of citizens became interested in forming an organization to collect and preserve the unique history of the town of Batesville and the surrounding area. A series of meetings were held to determine the extent of public interest. By May 10, 1999, the groundwork had been laid, and the first meeting of the Batesville Area Historical Society was held at the Batesville Memorial Public Library. Since that humble beginni...

CHF 38.90


Wildfang, Frederic B.
The storied town of Durango is situated on the farmlands of the Ancestral Puebloans, which later became the hunting grounds for the Southern Utes, in the Animas River Valley of southwestern Colorado. Founded in 1880 as the headquarters of the Silverton branch of the Denver and Rio Grande Railroad, Durango became the supply depot for gold and silver mines up and down the Western Slope. One of the few old-time cowboy towns in Colorado that retai...

CHF 38.90

Strategies in Regenerative Medicine

Santin, Matteo
Strategies in Regenerative Medicine
This authoritative book offers a detailed overview of present and future tissue engineering approaches and their contribution to regenerative medicine. It combines comprehensive reviews of the biology and materials science underlying the development and regeneration of different types of tissues with descriptions of current and future strategies in regenerative medicine to meet clinical needs. Each chapter includes typical examples of methodol...

CHF 134.00

Person sein und Geschichten erzählen

Henning, Tim
Person sein und Geschichten erzählen
Personen erzählen ihr Leben - eine These dieser Art ist vielerorts populär. Aber es fehlt bislang an ausgearbeiteten Argumenten für sie, ebenso wie an einer strengen Definition des Begriffs der Narrativität. Das vorliegende Buch bietet Abhilfe. Zunächst stellt es einen Beitrag zur Theorie personaler Autonomie dar. Eine Analyse des zentralen Begriffs der Identifikation wird vorgeschlagen, ebenso wird eine anspruchsvolle biographische Bedingung...

CHF 209.00

The Chinese HEART in a Cognitive Perspective

Yu, Ning
The Chinese HEART in a Cognitive Perspective
This book is a cognitive semantic study of the Chinese conceptualization of the heart, traditionally seen as the central faculty of cognition. The Chinese word xin, which primarily denotes the heart organ, covers the meanings of both "heart" and "mind" as understood in English, which upholds a heart-head dichotomy. In contrast to the Western dualist view, Chinese takes on a more holistic view that sees the heart as the center of both emotions ...

CHF 187.00

Interpretations of Probability

Khrennikov, Andrei
Interpretations of Probability
This is the first fundamental book devoted to non-Kolmogorov probability models. It provides a mathematical theory of negative probabilities, with numerous applications to quantum physics, information theory, complexity, biology and psychology. The book also presents an interesting model of cognitive information reality with flows of information probabilities, describing the process of thinking, social, and psychological phenomena. chological...

CHF 243.00