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213 Ergebnisse - Zeige 181 von 200.


Rogal, Stefan
Das BIOGRAPHIKUM würdigt die "innere Seite" des Lehrerinnen-/Lehrer-Seins.50 erprobte Arbeitsblätter motivieren dazu, über substantielle Anforderungen der täglichen Berufspraxis nachzudenken. Zentrale Gedanken führender Pädagogen werden auf eigene lebensgeschichtliche Erfahrungen so bezogen, dass sich handlungsleitende Erkenntnisse für die konkrete Unterrichtstätigkeit gewinnen lassen. Diese Arbeitsmethode basiert auf wissenschaftlichen Konzep...

CHF 49.90

Geschäfts- und Erlösmodelle im Internet

Buchheit, Stephan
Geschäfts- und Erlösmodelle im Internet
Unzählige Start-Up-Unternehmen haben mit Hilfe des neuen Mediums Internet versucht, ihre Geschäftsideen am Markt durchzusetzen, sind aber auf Grund fehlender Ertragsmöglichkeiten gescheitert oder konnten potenzielle Investoren nicht von ihren Ideen und Visionen überzeugen. Der Autor nimmt eine Systematisierung von internetbasierten Geschäftsmodellen anhand ihrer verschiedenen Bestandteile vor und entwickelt darauf Aufbauend eine Anleitung zur ...

CHF 49.90

Lagunenlyrik - Venedig im Spiegel der Dichtung

Cziborra, Pascal
Lagunenlyrik - Venedig im Spiegel der Dichtung
Kaum eine andere Stadt Italiens, wenn nicht sogar der Welt, hat Künstler und Dichter so nachhaltig inspiriert wie Venedig. Kaum ein anderer Ort entfaltete eine ähnliche Wirkung in der Literatur, diente ihr so kontinuierlich als Schauplatz, war den Schriftstellern immer wieder eine Reise wert, und brachte aus einer nahezu unerschöpflichen Menge an Motiven bis heute immer wieder Neues hervor. Dabei halten nicht nur Goethe, Byron, Platen, Rilke o...

CHF 49.90

Diagnose Fibromyalgie! Und was kommt jetzt?

Peters, Joachim
Diagnose Fibromyalgie! Und was kommt jetzt?
Ratgeber für Menschen die an Fibromyalgie erkranken. Immer mehr Menschen erkranken an der Fibromyalgie, es gibt viele Bücher zu diesem Thema, aber keines, was wirklich weiter hilft. Daher habe ich, der Autor, aufgeschrieben was man wirklich wissen muss. Mein Ratgeber befasst sich mit den Reaktionen der Mitmenschen und mit dem Kampf des Rentenverfahrens. Was macht misch, der Autor, kompetent einen Ratgeber zu schreiben? Antwort: Die Tatsache...

CHF 8.90

Being a Blessing

Goldstein, Rabbi H. Rafael
Being a Blessing
54 practical ways you, and your congregation or organization, can make a meaningful difference in the lives of people living with illness. What do you need to know before you visit? What should you expect? How can you help without actually visiting someone living with illness? This book has the practical answers to these and many other questions.

CHF 30.50

Explorer's Garden

Hinkley, Daniel J.
Explorer's Garden
World traveler Dan Hinkley offers a truly unique combination of experience and as he describes and illustrates the most interesting perennials he has encountered while hunting plants in the wild, all of which are grown at his nursery.

CHF 25.90


Daly, Martin
Part of the "World Bibliographical" series, this bibliography is a guide to the most significant and accessible English-language books, papers, and articles on various aspects of the Tongan kingdom's history, culture, arts, politics, environment, and economy. It includes an introduction that describes the Tongan kingdom, its history and society.

CHF 87.00

Millennial Makeover

Winograd, Morley / Hais, Michael D
Millennial Makeover
Building on the seminal work of previous generational theorists, Morley Winograd and Michael D. Hais demonstrate and describe, for the first time, the two types of realignments-"idealist" and "civic"-that have alternated with one another throughout the nation's history. Based on these patterns, Winograd and Hais predict that the next realignment will be very different from the last one that occurred in 1968. The authors detail the contours and...

CHF 55.50

For the Love of God

Ostriker, Alicia Suskin
For the Love of God
Interprets six essential Biblical texts. This book shows how the Bible embraces sexuality and skepticism, boundary crossing and challenges to authority, how it illuminates the human psyche and mirrors our own violent times, and how it asks us to make difficult choices in the quest for justice.

CHF 49.90

Justice and Science

Clarke, George
Justice and Science
George Woody Clarke has been renowned for years in legal circles and among the news media because of his expertise in DNA evidence. In this memoir, Clarke chronicles his experiences in some of the most disturbing and notorious sexual assault and murder court cases in California. He charts the beginnings of DNA testing in police investigations and the fight for its acceptance by courts and juries. He illustrates the power of science in cases he...

CHF 49.90

Zauberhafte Gloria

Kasper, Ute
Zauberhafte Gloria
Ein Mädchen von nebenan, eine nette Freundin oder ist Gloria gar eine Hexe? Sie lebt in einem kleinen Haus in Steinsweiler und lernt eines Abends Ronny kennen. Die beiden verstehen sich gut und erleben gemeinsam kleine Abenteuer. Gloria besucht die Schule in Oberhausen und meistert schließlich ihre Zwischenprüfung. Hat sie den Erfolg dem Amulett von Tante Agathe zu verdanken oder hext sie hin und wieder doch?

CHF 10.50

Acts of Conscience

Kosek, Joseph
Acts of Conscience
In response to horrific mass slaughter, American religious radicals of the twentieth century developed a distinctly modern form of nonviolence based on the public performance of individual moral action. Combining religious themes of suffering and redemption with new uses of mass media, these rebels' audacious "acts of conscience" included sit-ins, boycotts, labor strikes, and conscientious objection to war. Their efforts, greatly influenced by...

CHF 145.00

Successes of the International Monetary Fund

Brau, Eduard / Mcdonald, Ian
Successes of the International Monetary Fund
This book provides a definitive account of the recent history of the International Monetary Fund, and the successes it has enjoyed since it was founded. With fascinating contributions by current and former IMF staff members, this book offers a unique insight into the workings of the organization and explores how it has benefited many.

CHF 142.00

Doctors of Deception

Andre, Linda
Doctors of Deception
Doctors of Deception is a revealing history of ECT (or shock therapy) in the United States, told here for the first time. Through the examination of court records, medical data, FDA reports, industry claims, her own experience as a patient of shock therapy, and the stories of others, Andre exposes tactics used by the industry to promote ECT as a responsible treatment when all the scientific evidence suggested otherwise.

CHF 51.50

American Cinema of the 1910s

Keil, Charlie / Singer, Ben
American Cinema of the 1910s
The essays in American Cinema of the 1910s explore the rapid developments of the decade that began with D. W. Griffiths unrivaled one-reelers. By the end of the decade, filmmaking had become a true industry, complete with vertical integration, efficient specialization and standardization of practices, and self-regulatory agencies.

CHF 59.50

Jughead: The Matchmakers

Morgan, Melanie / Staton, Joe
Jughead: The Matchmakers
It's the second in Archie's dynamic "New Look" series! For years, Archie fans the world over wondered what their favorite Riverdale teens would look like if rendered in a realistic style, this time, the attention is on Archie's crowned, needle-nosed pal Forsythe P. Jones, AKA, Jughead! Compiling all four issues of Jughead's Double Digest (#139-142), The Matchmakers graphic novel recounts the entire story of Jughead and his new flame, Sandy San...

CHF 13.50

Sermons and Remains of Hugh Latimer, Sometime Bishop of W...

Latimer, Hugh / Corrie, G. E.
Sermons and Remains of Hugh Latimer, Sometime Bishop of Worcester, Martyr, 1555
The Parker Society was the London-based Anglican society that printed in fifty-four volumes the works of the leading English Reformers of the sixteenth century. It was formed in 1840 and disbanded in 1855 when its work was completed. Named after Matthew Parker--the first Elizabethan Archbishop of Canterbury, who was known as a great collector of books--the stimulus for the foundation of the society was provided by the Tractarian movement, led ...

CHF 59.90

Sew What! Bags

Barnes, Lexie
Sew What! Bags
Shows how to use bold, contemporary fabrics to make totes, drawstring sacks, messenger bags, organizers, satchels, and purses in a wide range of sizes and shapes. Helping you create the bag of your dreams, this title shows each project in full-color photo accompanied by step-by-step, illustrated instructions.

CHF 22.50

Landscaping with Fruit

Reich, Lee A.
Landscaping with Fruit
Fruit trees, shrubs, and vines are true two-for-one plants. Many varieties are strikingly beautiful - well suited to doing double duty as delicious sources of sweet, organic fruit and as ornamental additions to the home landscape. Home grown fruit plants also tie in perfectly with the locavore movement.

CHF 25.90

User Driven Change

del Rio, Carlos / Noethen, Jeff
User Driven Change
What is user driven change? We believe the changes you make to your website should be determined by data and input gathered from your customers. This book lays out a framework for changing for, and responding to, your visitors' behavior on your website.

CHF 44.50