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429 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Starting Out! Navigating Life After Graduation

Starting Out! Navigating Life After Graduation
Starting Out! is a life skills education program emphasizing 21st Century Skills including critical thinking, problem solving, communication, collaboration, creativity, and innovation.Starting Out! Navigating Life After Graduation includes a Handbook, Workbook, and Teacher's Guide.Featured topics include: Building Decision-Making, Goal-Setting, and Problem-Solving Skills How to Become a Successful Problem Solver Communication Skills Building T...

CHF 106.00

Starting Out! in the Workplace

Starting Out! in the Workplace
Starting Out! is a life skills education program emphasizing 21st Century Skills including critical thinking, problem solving, communication, collaboration, creativity, and innovation. Starting Out! In the Workplace includes a Handbook, Workbook, and Teacher's Guide.Featured topics include: College is Not the Only Route to a Good Job Apprenticeships Searching for Jobs on the Internet

CHF 106.00

Wallflower Christmas

Kleypas, Lisa
Wallflower Christmas
It's Christmas time and Rafe Bowman, an uncivilised American rake, has come to London for an arranged marriage with the perfect aristocratic bride, the very proper and beautiful Natalie Blandford. But before the courtship can begin, Rafe needs to learn the rules of London society. And when four former wallflowers try their hand at matchmaking, no one knows what will happen. And winning a bride turns out to be more complicated than Rafe anticip...

CHF 21.90

Summa de anima. Tractatus de viribus animae. Summe über d...

Johannes von la Rochelle / Tellkamp, Jörg Alejandro / Tellkamp, Jörg Alejandro
Summa de anima. Tractatus de viribus animae. Summe über die Seele. Zweite Abhandlung über die Seelenkräfte
Johannes von la Rochelle war Schüler des Alexander von Hales und gilt als Mitverfasser von Teilen der "Summa Halensis". Seine "Summe über die Seele", die um 1236 entstand, befasst sich mit dem Wesen der Seele und ihren Vermögen. Die an der Praxis der akademischen Disputation orientierte "Summe" erlaubt einen guten Einblick in den Stand der Diskussion während der ersten Hälfte des 13. Jahrhunderts, wobei Johannes einer an Avicenna, Pseudo-Augus...

CHF 66.00

Künder des Wortes und Diener eurer Freude

Ratzinger, Joseph / Müller, Gerhard Kardinal
Künder des Wortes und Diener eurer Freude
Aus Anlass des "Jahres des Priesters" erscheint Band 12 mit Joseph Ratzingers Schriften zur Theologie und Spiritualität des Geistlichen Amtes. Die theologischen Reflexionen zur biblischen Grundlegung im Apostolat der Zwölf, zur geschichtlichen Entfaltung in die drei Stufen Episkopat, Presbyterat und Diakonat sowie zur systematischen Erschließung in der Christusrepräsentation werden ergänzt durch eine Fülle anregender und zugleich geistlich tie...

CHF 123.00

Das Absolute in der Geschichte

Kasper, Walter / Striet, Magnus
Das Absolute in der Geschichte
1965 veröffentlichte Walter Kasper das vorliegende Werk als Habilitationsschrift. Im ersten Teil diagnostiziert Kasper, dass das Interesse der Theologie am idealistischen Denken abgebrochen ist und plädiert er für ein neues Gespräch zwischen Theologie und Idealismus, für das Verständnis der Theologie des 20. Jh. von elementarer Bedeutung. Im Zentrum seines Versuches einer Neubelebung idealistischen Denkens in der Theologie steht das Thema der ...

CHF 79.00


Ricart Irrazabal, Olga Beatriz
A través de este ensayo poético te invito a sumergirte en lo más profundo del Ser de una joven que transito los parajes más frondosos de la agonía, desbordándola a los causes más nefastos de la depresión que la empujaron a la abismal y demencial decisión de acabar con su vida. Llámala con tu nombre, o con el nombre de alguien que conoces, eso no es lo importante, lo importante es que con su experiencia ella comprendió lo verdaderamente primor...

CHF 21.90

My New Life's Journey

Sargent-Scott, Margaret Ann
My New Life's Journey
This book covers the trials and tribulations of Margaret Ann Sargent Scott's life as a youth til the current days of today. She is a survivor of childhood molestation, spousal abuse, domestic violence, malpractice, adultery and neglect as well as overcoming her trails and tribulations.

CHF 25.90

Meet and Grow Rich

Vitale, Joe / Hibbler, Bill
Meet and Grow Rich
Meet and Grow Rich shows you how an effective mastermind group works, how to create and operate one yourself, and how to use it as a stepping stone to finan-cial success. You'll discover how great entrepreneurs like Andrew Carnegie and William Wrigley Jr. used mastermind groups to achieve profound success and how you can follow in their footsteps to achieve your own version of spectacular success.

CHF 38.90

Nanostruktury magnitnyh poluprowodnikow - buduschee spint...

Dmitriew, Alexej
Nanostruktury magnitnyh poluprowodnikow - buduschee spintroniki
Odnim iz klüchewyh naprawlenij w fizike twerdogo tela i spintronike qwlqetsq uprawlenie spinowoj polqrizaciej nositelej zarqda w uporqdochennyh nanoälementah, uprawlqemyh wneshnimi wozdejstwiqmi i sowmestimyh s älementnoj bazoj älektronno-opticheskih priborow. Spintronika, osnowannaq na razbawlennyh ferromagnitnyh splawah poluprowodnikow s perehodnymi metallami, kazhetsq naibolee priwlekatel'noj i realistichnoj. V rabote obobscheny issledowani...

CHF 64.00

Zhil'e dlq molodoj sem'i kak prioritet social'noj politik...

Zheleznqk, Ol'ga
Zhil'e dlq molodoj sem'i kak prioritet social'noj politiki gosudarstwa
Mnogie braki zaklüchaütsq w molodye gody. Glawnaq problema, kotoraq stoit u mnogih molodyh semej, äto zhilischnaq problema. Konechno, «s milym i raj w shalashe», no mnogimi psihologami i drugimi specialistami dokazano, chto odna iz osnownyh prichin ssor osobenno w perwye gody qwlqütsq bytowye, w tom chisle i zhilischnye raznoglasiq. Awtor dannoj knigi pytaetsq opredelit' strategiü zhilischnoj politiki w sowremennoj Rossii i social'nuü suschnos...

CHF 77.00

Lone Pine

McGowan, Jed
Lone Pine
A distraught man retreats to the woods with a simple question on his mind: why did his last relationship end? He's soon deep in a world of cryptic messages, shadowy figures, guns and philosophical crisis. A page-turning mystery told with exciting formal invention, Lone Pine is Jed McGowan's debut graphic novel and a 2010 Xeric winner.

CHF 21.90


Glazer, Tony / Ruivivar, Anthony
Thriller / Characters: 4 male, 1 female Scenery: Interior Five people are coerced into a bank vault during a violent robbery. Camaraderie gives way to conflict as the will to survive spawns paranoia and deception. One by one, the captives turn on each other, create alliances, reveal their true selves and even resort to murder. This dark comic thriller, part survival story and part cautionary tale, enthralls and surprises from the opening scene...

CHF 22.50

Shady Business

Hawdon, Robin
Shady Business
Comedy / Characters: 5 male, 2 femaleScenery: InteriorMandy and Tania are sexy but struggling nightclub dancers living in the heart of London's Soho nightlife, and they face a crisis. Will possessive club owner Big Mack find out about Mandy's affair with Gerry and set his sidekicks on them? Will he discover that he is owed money that was borrowed from the club's till, gambled and lost on the club's roulette table and then stolen from the day's...

CHF 19.90

The Dove's Eye

Jennings MD, Shawn
The Dove's Eye
Six-year-old Jacob Thompson is not supposed to be home this Friday afternoon, he should be spending the night with a friend. Instead, his drunken father takes him hunting, during which Jacob witnesses his father's death-an event that for years afterward Jacob believes was an accidental shooting. Only two people know the truth about Fred's death. Shelly Thompson is tired of her husband's physical abuse and fears for her children's safety. She f...

CHF 22.90

Prisoner of All Generations

Habashi, Fawzi
Prisoner of All Generations
The series Studies on Modern Orient provides an overview of religious, political and social phenomena in modern and contemporary Muslim societies. The volumes do not only take into account Near and Middle Eastern countries, but also explore Islam and Muslim culture in other regions of the world, for example, in Europe and the US. The series Studies on Modern Orient was founded in 2010 by Klaus Schwarz Verlag.

CHF 46.50