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Werke. Kommentierte Ausgabe in vier Bänden

Sachs, Nelly / Fioretos, Aris
Werke. Kommentierte Ausgabe in vier Bänden
»Meine dramatische Dichtung ist ein Versuch durch die Grenzen des materiellen Wortes, des materiellen Theaters hindurchzustoßen. Bei diesem Versuch geschieht ein Herausholen aus den hiesigen bekannten Sprachgrenzen und ein wieder Hineinnehmen in diese. Das sind alles Experimente.« Im Mai 1940 floh die Dichterin Nelly Sachs (1891-1970) mit einem der letzten Flugzeuge aus Berlin nach Stockholm. So begannen dreißig Jahre Exil, in denen ein Wer...

CHF 89.00

Marjorie White (hardback)

Olszewski, Gary
Marjorie White (hardback)
Marjorie White" details the life story of an actress of the '20s and '30s, a top starlet of her day, but virtually forgotten today. She was among the most talented of young comediennes of her era, and had she not died tragically at such a young age, on the very verge of top stardom, would have been among the names most highly remembered these years later, as the equal of such silver-screen luminaries as Jean Harlow, Betty Hutton, Martha Raye, ...

CHF 43.50

Proteases in Health and Disease

Di Cera, Enrico
Proteases in Health and Disease
Reference guide for researchers involved in molecular biology and related fields. Proteases occur naturally in all organisms. They are enzymes which are involved in many physiological reactions such as digestion of food and blood clotting. This volume reviews their role in health and disease and presents the latest research and developments.

CHF 203.00

So You want to be Financially Free?

O'Malley, Owen
So You want to be Financially Free?
This book will teach you how to identify rock solid quality companies when they are great value for money. You will also learn how to protect both your initial investment and your money in the market. Lastly you will learn powerful income generating strategies to leverage the value of your shares. Click on PREVIEW below image to read first few Chapters FREE

CHF 38.50

A Ten-Sun Day

Urquidi, D. M.
A Ten-Sun Day
In the Popol Vuh, I found this strange path to the stars. It was many years ago when I decided to study Architecture. I, instead, entered a whole new area of study, one that encompassed the whole world, but it eventually zeroed in on a major catastrophe in the Americas. All versions of the Popol Vuh and the Chumayel tell of the disaster as future prophecies. and yes, they should be prophecies, since if we don't know the origin, how will we le...

CHF 24.50


Chiarle, Duilio
L'uomo crea la storia e ne è vittima. Sono i singoli personaggi a fare la differenza. Ciascun personaggio, ed ognuno di questi personaggi ha fatto la storia, ha avuto una ragione per compiere il gesto che ha compiuto. Ma qual è la ragione? Perché? La protagonista è alla ricerca delle risposte ed arriverà a trovare le risposte provando l'esistenza di Dio. La commedia è tratta dalla raccolta di racconti "Il Doge ed altre storie", basata sulle u...

CHF 20.90

Gosudarstwennoe prinuzhdenie: problemy prawowoj teorii i ...

Vershinina, Swetlana
Gosudarstwennoe prinuzhdenie: problemy prawowoj teorii i praktiki
V monografii issledowany otdel'nye problemy prawowoj nauki i praktiki primeneniq gosudarstwennogo prinuzhdeniq na osnowe ispol'zowaniq sistemnogo podhoda w ustanowlenii suschnosti, soderzhaniq i struktury gosudarstwenno-prinuditel'nogo wozdejstwiq kak w sfere regulqtiwnogo, tak i w sfere ohranitel'nogo prawowogo regulirowaniq. Gosudarstwennoe prinuzhdenie rassmatriwaetsq kak normatiwno-prawowoe obrazowanie, obladaüschee wsemi prawowymi harakte...

CHF 102.00

Direct to TOEFL IBT

Lougheed, Lin / Vittorio, Pamela
Direct to TOEFL IBT
A concise course that combines print and online components. It takes a four skills and strategy-based approach to TOEFL preparation ideal for adults and young adults hoping to study at American English-speaking universities.

CHF 44.90

Torgowlq Rossijskoj imperii s Ewropoj w konce XIX ¿ nacha...

Abezgauz, Sof'q
Torgowlq Rossijskoj imperii s Ewropoj w konce XIX ¿ nachale XX ww
V monografii analiziruetsq wliqnie torgowoj politiki Rossii, w kontexte prinqtogo kursa nacional'noj äkonomiki, na razwitie politicheskih otnoshenij s osnownymi ewropejskimi torgowymi partnerami - Germaniej i Velikobritaniej. Vneshnqq torgowlq stala odnoj iz sostawlqüschih äkonomicheskoj modernizacii weduschih stran Ewropy, wstawshih na put' gosudarstwennogo regulirowaniq äkonomiki. Politika protekcionizma, posluzhiwshaq metodom sozdaniq nacio...

CHF 88.00

Prawowaq politika sowetskogo gosudarstwa

Berlqwskij, Leonid
Prawowaq politika sowetskogo gosudarstwa
Osnowy prawowoj politiki sowetskogo gosudarstwa w sfere regulirowaniq nauchnoj deqtel'nosti byli zalozheny w 1917 - konce 20-h godow. V normatiwnyh aktah byl opredelen krug sub#ektow uprawleniq nauchno-issledowatel'skoj deqtel'nost'ü. Razrabotku ee osuschestwlqli VCIK, Sownarkom, Gosudarstwennaq obscheplanowaq komissiq, VSNH, Narkompros i drugie organy. Prawowaq politika osuschestwlqlas' putem priwlecheniq nauchnyh organizacij, otdel'nyh uchen...

CHF 102.00

Istoricheskaq romanistika Vsewoloda Solow'öwa

Nikol'skij, Ewgenij
Istoricheskaq romanistika Vsewoloda Solow'öwa
Istoricheskie romany Vsewoloda Sergeewicha Solow'öwa - samaq znachimaq, no nedostatochno izuchennaq chast' ego obshirnogo naslediq. Celostnoe i sistemnoe osmyslenie romanistiki, perezhiwaüschej s konca 1990-h godow w Rossii «wtoroe rozhdenie», otkrywaet put' k bolee polnomu i ob#ektiwnomu analizu sudeb istoricheskoj prozy wtoroj polowiny XIX weka i rubezha wekow. Vsestoronnee izuchenie i mnogoaspektnaq ocenka naslediq odnogo iz samyh izwestnyh...

CHF 102.00

Katoliki i lüterane w Rossii

Licenberger, Ol'ga
Katoliki i lüterane w Rossii
Monografiq podtwerzhdaet tezis o tom, chto razwitie katolicizma i lüteranstwa bylo nerazrywno swqzano s istoriej Rossijskogo gosudarstwa. Chitatel' najdet dlq sebq otwety na razlichnye woprosy. Kogda katoliki i lüterane poqwilis' na territorii Russkogo gosudarstwa? Kakowy byli ih chislennost' i nacional'nyj sostaw? Kogda cerkwi obreli oficial'nyj zakonodatel'nyj status, kakowa byla prawowaq baza ih deqtel'nosti? Kakoe uchastie prinimali lütera...

CHF 102.00

Delowaq pressa w Rossii

Eremenko, Artem
Delowaq pressa w Rossii
Delowaq pressa - äto osobaq informacionnaq sistema, funkcii kotoroj sostoqt w obespechenii biznes- kommunikacii. V rabote delowaq pressa predstawlena kak specificheskaq informacionnaq sistema, samowosproizwodqschaqsq i äwolücioniruüschaq. Vperwye teoriq i praktika modelirowaniq sowmeschena s ispol'zowaniem metodow mnogomernogo statisticheskogo analiza. Issledowanie pozwolqet wzglqnut' na delowuü pressu s razlichnyh pozicij: istoricheskoj, tipo...

CHF 88.00

Fenomen wizionerstwa

Suhow, Anton
Fenomen wizionerstwa
Rasskazy o wideniqh, o lüdqh, obladaüschih osobymi sposobnostqmi wospriqtiq nekoj swerhchuwstwennoj real'nosti postoqnno prisutstwuüt w istorii kul'tury - ot arhaiki do nashih dnej. Newozmozhno ignorirowat' tot fakt, chto w istorii mirowoj kul'tury lüdi stremilis' naglqdno predstawit' te uniwersal'nye, obobschennye, duhownye simwolicheskie real'nosti, kotorye imeli dlq ih zhizni znachenie absolütow. Potrebnost' bukwal'no uwidet' naibolee znach...

CHF 102.00


Borzunowa, Anna
Monografiq poswqschena obsuzhdeniü aktual'nyh woprosow teorii psihologicheskoj zaschity. V nej naibolee polno predstawlen analiz wzglqdow na fenomen zaschity w razlichnyh psihologicheskih koncepciqh, a takzhe awtorskoe widenie dannoj problemy. V knige wperwye issledowana psihologicheskaq zaschita lichnosti w kontexte ee sootnosheniq s social'no-psihologicheskim klimatom w gruppe. Pomimo obshirnogo teoreticheskogo materiala rabota soderzhit äxp...

CHF 77.00

Konflikt ciwilizacij w sowremennom mire

Axümow, Boris
Konflikt ciwilizacij w sowremennom mire
V knige obosnowywaetsq koncepciq konflikta ciwilizacij kak megakul'turnogo konflikta sowremennosti. Sub#ektami-nositelqmi dannogo konfliktnogo wzaimodejstwiq wystupaüt krupnejshie sociokul'turnye obschnosti, identificirowawshiesq na osnowe cennostej, idealow, principow, mirowozzrencheskih paradigm. «Konflikt ciwilizacij» fixiruet axiologicheskij aspekt global'nyh trendow razwitiq i global'nyh protiwostoqnij, imeüschih na sowremennom ätape prei...

CHF 102.00

Strategicheskoe uprawlenie na predpriqtii

Kurlykowa, Anna
Strategicheskoe uprawlenie na predpriqtii
V monografii predstawleny rezul'taty dissertacionnogo issledowaniq awtora po razrabotke i prakticheskomu aprobirowaniü metodicheskogo obespecheniq strategicheskogo uprawleniq dlq predpriqtij himicheskogo i neftegazowogo mashinostroeniq. V hode raboty awtorom utochneny ponqtiq strategicheskij analiz i strategicheskij potencial, predlozhena sobstwennaq traktowka strategicheskoj orientacii. Opredeleny rol' i znachenie strategicheskoj orientacii i...

CHF 102.00

The White Phantom

Braun, Wilbur
The White Phantom
MysteryCharacters: 3 male, 4 female Platform with a black cyclorama or drapes. Mrs. Blake rents an old fashioned residence. While she is waiting for her colored maid to arrive, the lights go out, pistol shots are heard, and all sorts of weird happenings occur. Officer Jerry Nolan attributes the strange happenings to "The White Phantom, " a notorious criminal terrorizing the neighborhood. When the maid arrives, she is confronted with "The White...

CHF 18.50