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3652 Ergebnisse - Zeige 81 von 100.

Metodologiq ponimaniq-porozhdeniq-predstawleniq znaniq

Isenbaewa, Galina
Metodologiq ponimaniq-porozhdeniq-predstawleniq znaniq
Takoe slozhnoe qwlenie kak ponimanie dolzhno izuchat'sq w terminah neskol'kih kachestwenno razlichaüschihsq qzykow, to est' s metapozicii. Razrabotannaq koncepciq metodologii ponimaniq- porozhdeniq-predstawleniq znaniq stroitsq s uchetom dannyh kognitiwnoj nauki w celom, kognitiwnoj lingwistiki, processual'noj i kognitiwnoj semantiki, semiotiki, imeet glubokoe psihologicheskoe obosnowanie, sozwuchno sowremennym dostizheniqm w oblasti II, äxper...

CHF 102.00

Zadachi nailuchshego wybora s razladkoj

Iwashko, Ewgenij
Zadachi nailuchshego wybora s razladkoj
Monografiq poswqschena issledowaniü zadach nailuchshego wybora s razladkoj, kombiniruüschih w sebe osnownye osobennosti klassicheskih problem nailuchshego wybora i zadach obnaruzheniq razladki. V rabote podrobno rassmotreny pqt' postanowok zadach, w kotoryh nablüdatelü neobhodimo ostanowit'sq na naibol'shem znachenii iz posledowatel'nosti sluchajnyh welichin pri razlichnyh ogranicheniqh na informirowannost' i ispol'zuemye strategii.

CHF 64.00

Metody optimizacii otbora uchebnyh textow na francuzskom ...

Zmeewa, N. B.
Metody optimizacii otbora uchebnyh textow na francuzskom qzyke
Nastoqschee issledowanie poswqscheno metodam optimizacii otbora uchebnyh textow, prednaznachennyh dlq obucheniq inostrannomu qzyku w VUZah. Awtorom proanalizirowan suschestwuüschij opyt w oblasti otbora uchebnyh textow po kriteriü chitabel'nosti. Izucheny sposoby ee izmereniq kak rossijskimi, tak i zarubezhnymi issledowatelqmi. Sistematizirowany komp'üternye programmy lingwisticheskogo analiza textow. S primeneniem statistiko-weroqtnostnogo ap...

CHF 102.00

Mezhdunarodnoe sotrudnichestwo po zaschite intellektual'n...

Denschikowa, Elena
Mezhdunarodnoe sotrudnichestwo po zaschite intellektual'noj sobstwennosti
Nesmotrq na stoletnüü istoriü prawo sobstwennosti na nematerial'nye ob#ekty do sih por dlq mnogih lüdej ostaetsq absurdnym. Osobenno ostrye debaty po ätomu powodu razgoraütsq w seti Internet - nowoj real'nosti sowremennogo mira. Dannaq rabota ne pytaetsq dat' otwety na to, kak imenno sleduet zaschischat' awtorstwo. Awtor bol'she fokusirowalsq na razlichnyh podhodah k samomu ponqtiü intellektual'noj sobstwennosti w stranah s razlichnymi prawowy...

CHF 64.00

Mul'tiplikatiwnye awtomorfnye formy. Podmnogoobraziq Tejh...

Sergeewa, Ol'ga
Mul'tiplikatiwnye awtomorfnye formy. Podmnogoobraziq Tejhmüllera
Perwaq chast' knigi swqzana s funkcional'nym analizom w prostranstwah mul'tiplikatiwnyh awtomorfnyh form (differencialow Prima). Dlq takih prostranstw wwodqtsq norma, bilinejnye spariwaniq mul'tiplikatiwnyh form w swqzi s osnownymi widami ih dwojstwennosti, operatory proektirowaniq izmerimyh form na golomorfnye i dr. Po wwedennym bilinejnym spariwaniqm stroqtsq mul'tiplikatiwnye operatory Bersa, kotorye swqzany s otrazheniem otnositel'no kwazi...

CHF 77.00

Prawqschaq älita Londona XIV¿XVI wekow

Chernowa, Larisa
Prawqschaq älita Londona XIV¿XVI wekow
Sowremennaq koncepciq wlasti zanimaet wazhnoe mesto w «nowoj social'noj istorii», odnoj iz zadach kotoroj qwlqetsq izuchenie politicheskoj istorii goroda äpohi Srednewekow'q i rannego Nowogo wremeni, wariantow stanowleniq i osuschestwleniq gorodskoj wlasti, praktiki municipal'nyh uchrezhdenij, wzaimootnoshenij s wlastnymi strukturami raznogo urownq. Dannye problemy koncentriruütsq w prawqschej älite goroda, w swqzi s chem stanowitsq neobhodimy...

CHF 102.00

Vliqnie organizacionnoj kul'tury na innowacionnuü aktiwno...

Bezlepkin, Maxim
Vliqnie organizacionnoj kul'tury na innowacionnuü aktiwnost' personala
Sociologicheskij analiz wliqniq organizacionnoj kul'tury kak social'noj tehnologii na soznanie i powedenie lüdej pozwolqet sozdat' nauchnuü i metodicheskuü bazy dlq formirowaniq koncepcii organizacionnoj kul'tury kak social'noj innowacii, razrabotki prakticheskih rekomendacij po ispol'zowaniü eö wliqniq w celqh razwitiq innowacionnoj aktiwnosti personala rossijskih predpriqtij w uslowiqh transformacii otechestwennoj äkonomiki w naprawlenii inn...

CHF 102.00

Hronobiologiq recidiwiruüschih depressij

Strel'nik, Sergej
Hronobiologiq recidiwiruüschih depressij
Okolo 100 millionow chelowek w mire ezhegodno zabolewaet depressiej. Rasprostranennost' depressij - ot 4 do 10% w obschej populqcii, a risk perenesti depressiü w techenie zhizni rawen fakticheski 100%. Hronobiologicheskij podhod w izuchenii depressij qwlqetsq innowacionnym naprawleniem issledowanij. Diapazon bioritmow s periodom bolee mesqca - makroritmy - pri recidiwiruüschih depressiqh malo izuchen. Mezhdu tem, imenno äti ritmy qwlqütsq opre...

CHF 102.00

Pqt' shagow w älektronnuü pedagogiku

Garcow, Alexandr
Pqt' shagow w älektronnuü pedagogiku
Kniga poswqschena klüchewoj probleme sowremennogo qzykowogo obrazowaniq - tehnologii sozdaniq älektronnyh sredstw obucheniq(JeSO) nowogo pokoleniq metodom wizual'nogo redaktirowaniq. Awtor polagaet, chto sistemnoe obuchenie w älektronnom formate, w tom chisle i w seti, wozmozhno lish' pri uslowii nalichiq dostatochnogo kolichestwa operatiwno obnowlqemyh JeSO dlq wseh urownej i aspektow obucheniq qzyku. Predlagaetsq metodika uskorennoj podgotow...

CHF 64.00

Sowremennye zemel'nye otnosheniq w Rossii

Shafeew, Ruslan
Sowremennye zemel'nye otnosheniq w Rossii
Rabota poswqschena aktual'nym problemam stanowleniq nowyh zemel'nyh otnoshenij w Rossii. Prakticheskaq realizaciq nowyh zemel'nyh otnoshenij, osnowannyh na rynochnyh mehanizmah, wyzywaet neobhodimost' resheniq bol'shoj gruppy problem komplexnogo razwitiq nacional'noj i regional'nyh äkonomik. Rech' idet ob äffektiwnom i racional'nom zemlepol'zowanii. V dannoj monografii raskrywaetsq rqd instrumentow gosudarstwennogo regulirowaniq zemel'nyh otno...

CHF 102.00

Antroponimy w hudozhestwennyh textah D. Harmsa

Ahmetzqnowa, Liana
Antroponimy w hudozhestwennyh textah D. Harmsa
Pod antroponimami ponimaütsq imq, otchestwo, familiq, prozwische, psewdonim cheloweka. Imenno antroponimy mogut byt' opredeleny kak opornye älementy indiwidual'no-awtorskoj kartiny mira, kak edinicy, reprezentiruüschie swqz' hudozhnika s kul'turno- istoricheskim kontextom opredelennogo wremeni. Daniil Harms qwlqetsq shiroko izwestnym raznoobraznomu krugu chitatelej pisatelem-awangardistom XX stoletiq. Swoeobrazie tworcheskoj manery D.Harmsa so...

CHF 102.00

Vzaimodejstwie klasterow wody s parnikowymi gazami

Rahmanowa, Oxana / Galashew, Alexandr
Vzaimodejstwie klasterow wody s parnikowymi gazami
Glubokoe ponimanie atmosfernyh processow na molekulqrnom urowne ne wsegda wozmozhno s pomosch'ü äxperimental'nyh metodow issledowaniq. Dejstwennym instrumentom w ätom sluchae qwlqetsq komp'üternoe modelirowanie, a w chastnosti, metod molekulqrnoj dinamiki. V rabote issleduütsq klastery, soderzhaschie ot 10 do 90 molekul wody i absorbirowawshie do 10 molekul odnogo iz parnikowyh gazow (oxidow ugleroda i azota). Rasschitana ustojchiwost' geterok...

CHF 88.00

Christianity Slavery And Labour Paperback

Cohen, Chapmam
Christianity Slavery And Labour Paperback
So far as Jesus is concerned, he nowhere sets his face against slavery. He accepted slavery as he accepted all the other institutions and superstitions around him. Nothing was further from his mind than a social revolution, or even social reform. Slaves or serfs in revolt never looked to Jesus for inspiration, but slave-owner and feudal lord have invariably held him up as an ideal for those under them. And in addition to giving a teaching of n...

CHF 15.50

A Quiet Town No More

Drake, Kevin / Shower, Lisa
A Quiet Town No More
Follow in the footsteps of a news correspondent who came to the town of Gettysburg to visit a friend. Soon he unexpectedly becomes caught up in one of America's bloodiest battles of the Civil War. As the battle unfolds throughout the town, he records all that is happening before him. The young correspondent witnesses how the citizens of Gettysburg react to the fight that came to their small town in this work of historical fiction. A Quiet Town...

CHF 20.90

Three Years from Thirty

O'Malley, Mike
Three Years from Thirty
Full Length, Comic Drama characters: 4 male, 3 female Unit set This funny, poignant story of a group of 27 year olds who have known each other since college sold out during its limited run at New York City's Sanford Meisner Theater. Jessica Titus, a frustrated actress living in Boston, has become distraught over local job opportunities and she is feeling trapped in her long standing relationship with her boyfriend Tom. She suddenly de...

CHF 22.90

New York Idea

Mitchell, Langdon
New York Idea
A Farcical Comedy for All GroupsCharacters: 9 male, 6 female. Three interior scenesNew York Idea is a sparkling American classic. Baker's is pleased to offer this polished comedy about New York society at the turn of the century and its heads or tails attitude towards divorce. The action takes place on the eve of Cynthia Karslake's wedding and on the day itself. Gathered for the occasion are all the intended, rejected and contemplated, along w...

CHF 21.50

The Rivers and Ravines

McDonald, Heather
The Rivers and Ravines
p> Drama Characters: 9 male, 5 female (doubling possible). Unit set. Originally produced to acclaim by Washington D.C.'s famed Arena Stage, this is an engrossing political drama about the contemporary farm crisis in America and its effect on rural communities. "A haunting and emotionally draining play. A community of farmers and ranchers in a small Colorado town disintegrates under the weight of failure and thwarted ambitions. Most of the farm...

CHF 26.90

Enforcing Grace

Taylor, Juliana
Enforcing Grace
Enforcing Grace is the story of a woman who was 60 pounds, dying, and allergic to all foods and chemicals, when she had a miracle encounter with the Lord, alone, in her living room. She was so thrilled to be healed that she surrendered all, only to find out, that it was not enough: she kept losing her God-given healing. Her solution was to learn how to enforce God's grace, take back her healing, and walk in the authority of Christ and her domi...

CHF 27.50

Knowing God

Amini, Ibrahim
Knowing God
This book is part of ideological collection of "Youths and Truths" by Ayatullah Ibrahim Amini based on years of delving into religious texts and sources, constant contact with the young generation and pondering over ideological and educational issues.

CHF 24.50