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528 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.


Dyhouse, Carol
In this lavishly illustrated book, author Carol Dyhouse surveys the world of glamour from early Hollywood right up to Madonna. She deftly unpacks the ever-changing nature of the word, its relationship to femininity and fashion, and its place in twentieth century social history. With wit and insight, Dyhouse conducts a dazzling tour of the history and meaning of costume, cosmetics, perfume, and fur, and disentangles some of the arguments surrou...

CHF 33.50

Prairie Dog Blues

Conkling, Mark
Prairie Dog Blues
Meet the Corleys: Mom and Pop and their three grown kids-Jeff, Ida, and Junior-a zany but lovable family living in a changing neighborhood in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Mom wants to fix each of her children's problems-Jeff's gambling, Ida's promiscuity, Junior's drinking-and to create a normal family. She convinces Pop to sell the family land and give $500, 000 to each of their children, believing the money will solve their woes. However, hundre...

CHF 45.90


McIntosh, Roger
In the current climate of behind the scenes comedy sitcoms like Extras, Moving wallpaper, The Office and Airline etc. this book focuses on the world of promotions. The book is centred on and around one freelance event manager who works for various promotional and marketing companies. Most of the activities are centred on one particular staffing company called The Agency. The promotional and events industry is a very diverse and fickle busine...

CHF 48.90


D'Antoni, Fabio
La storia di un operatore socio sanitario alle prese con i rapporti tra colleghi che spesso cambiano e creano disagi, all'interno di una struttura che svelerà i suoi misteri.

CHF 18.90

From A Label To A Brand

Wright, Antonio V.
From A Label To A Brand
An autobiography published with the assistance of BePublished.Org, FROM A LABEL TO A BRAND is Antonio Wright's debut effort to inspire others to persevere in the face of all (small and life-altering) challenges by continuing to focus on goals and believe beyond belief. His stories about hopes, tragedies, comraderie, and sports offer a cozy nostalgia that invites readers to introspective trips down memory lane. Poems and photographs peppe...

CHF 37.90

From A Label To A Brand

Wright, Antonio V.
From A Label To A Brand
An autobiography published with the assistance of BePublished.Org, FROM A LABEL TO A BRAND is Antonio Wright's debut effort to inspire others to persevere in the face of all (small and life-altering) challenges by continuing to focus on goals and believe beyond belief. His stories about hopes, tragedies, comraderie, and sports offer a cozy nostalgia that invites readers to introspective trips down memory lane. Poems and photographs peppe...

CHF 47.90

Learning with Support Vector Machines

Ying, Yiming / Campbell, Colin
Learning with Support Vector Machines
Support Vectors Machines have become a well established tool within machine learning. They work well in practice and have now been used across a wide range of applications from recognizing hand-written digits, to face identification, text categorisation, bioinformatics, and database marketing. In this book we give an introductory overview of this subject. We start with a simple Support Vector Machine for performing binary classification before...

CHF 40.50

Linked Data

Bizer, Christian / Heath, Tom
Linked Data
The World Wide Web has enabled the creation of a global information space comprising linked documents. As the Web becomes ever more enmeshed with our daily lives, there is a growing desire for direct access to raw data not currently available on the Web or bound up in hypertext documents. Linked Data provides a publishing paradigm in which not only documents, but also data, can be a first class citizen of the Web, thereby enabling the extensio...

CHF 40.50

Metodika postroeniq

Olejnik, Pawel Petrowich
Metodika postroeniq
V nastoqschee wremq mnogie korporatiwnye informacionnye sistemy razrabatywaütsq na osnowe tröhzwennoj arhitektury, w kotoroj w kachestwe hranilischa informacii ispol'zuetsq relqcionnaq sistema uprawleniq bazami dannyh, a dlq realizacii klientskogo prilozheniq - ob#ektno-orientirowannyj qzyk programmirowaniq, wsledstwie chego, woznikaet ob#ektno-relqcionnoe nesootwetstwie. V monografii predstawlena razrabotannaq awtorom metodika postroeniq tröh...

CHF 102.00

Problema lichnosti: ot Sokrata do Marxa

Kostina, Irina
Problema lichnosti: ot Sokrata do Marxa
Problema lichnosti w predel'no obschem wide zaklüchaetsq w tom, kakim obrazom swoboda awtonomnogo sub#ekta soglasuetsq s ego grazhdansko-prawowym statusom. V rabote predstawleno istoricheskoe razwitie ukazannoj problematiki, nachinaq s lichnosti Sokrata, reform Perikla, obschestwenno-politicheskih wzglqdow Platona i Aristotelq cherez teoriü lichnosti Awgustina do idei wseobschego sub#ekta w marxizme. Ser'eznoe wnimanie udeleno motiwam samoutwe...

CHF 64.00

Rossijskoe predprinimatel'stwo na rubezhe stoletij

Dagaewa, Elena
Rossijskoe predprinimatel'stwo na rubezhe stoletij
V centre wnimaniq awtora monografii - specifika stanowleniq rossijskogo predprinimatel'stwa w postperestroechnyj period. Vstuplenie w predprinimatel'skuü deqtel'nost' w uslowiqh transformiruüschegosq sociuma awtor rassmatriwaet kak odnu iz form adaptacii rossiqn k izmeneniqm sredy. Analiz dominiruüschih strategij adaptacii pozwolqet wydelit' w strukture rossijskogo predprinimatel'skogo sloq tri gruppy: «parazitarnuü», «wyzhiwaüschuü» i «innowa...

CHF 77.00

Izmeneniq sistemy wrozhdennogo immuniteta w organizme-opu...

Awhachewa, Nadezhda
Izmeneniq sistemy wrozhdennogo immuniteta w organizme-opuholenositelq
Kletki wrozhdennogo immuniteta perwymi reagiruüt na poqwlenie opuholi w organizme. Oni perwymi iz kletok immunnoj sistemy migriruüt w sajt opuholi na rannih stadiqh ee formirowaniq. Vyrabatywaemye rastuschej opuhol'ü citokiny i rostowye faktory mogut popadat' ne tol'ko w krowenosnoe ruslo, no takzhe i w peritoneal'nuü (brüshnuü) polost'. Oni priwlekaüt fagocity i mogut transformirowat' ih morfologicheski i funkcional'no wplot' do reprogrammiro...

CHF 77.00

Instrumentarij uprawleniq inwesticionnymi processami na f...

Kiselew, Igor'
Instrumentarij uprawleniq inwesticionnymi processami na fondowom rynke
Priwlechenie inwesticij na celi modernizacii äkonomiki i stimulirowaniq rosta proizwodstwa qwlqetsq odnoj iz klüchewyh zadach razwitiq äkonomiki w period nestabil'nosti na mirowyh finansowyh rynkah. Dlq realizacii inwesticionnoj modeli äkonomicheskogo razwitiq neobhodimy kachestwennye izmeneniq w strukture istochnikow inwesticij i äffektiwnye metody uprawleniq. Odnim iz wozmozhnyh istochnikow priwlecheniq inwesticionnyh resursow predpriqtiqmi ...

CHF 77.00

Nesimmetrichnye rezhimy raboty älektricheskih setej

Grinkrug, Miron / Mitin, Iwan
Nesimmetrichnye rezhimy raboty älektricheskih setej
Rassmotreny älektricheskie seti nizkogo naprqzheniq. Proizweden obzor i analiz fakticheskogo sostoqniq parametrow nesimmetrichnyh rezhimow älektroraspredelitel'nyh setej nizkogo naprqzheniq. Ustanowleno, chto nesimmetriq tokow w älementah älektricheskih setej wes'ma welika i dolq nesimmetrichnyh rezhimow sostawlqet znachitel'nuü chast' wremeni raboty. Rassmotreny wozmozhnye znacheniq parametrow raboty älementow älektricheskih setej pri nesimme...

CHF 77.00


Morozowa, Lüdmila
Zritel'noe wospriqtie qwlqetsq indikatorom mnogih psihicheskih processow, otrazhaet osobennosti razwitiq wysshih psihicheskih funkcij i funkcional'nogo razwitiq mozga. Cel' raboty - wyqwit' psihofiziologicheskie zakonomernosti, opredelqüschie temp formirowaniq zritel'nogo wospriqtiq u detej 6-8 let. Awtorom dokazana wozmozhnost' schitat' urowen' razwitiq zritel'nogo wospriqtiq integral'nym pokazatelem psihofiziologicheskogo razwitiq detej. Iss...

CHF 102.00

Parnikowyj wzryw

Zaharow, Vqcheslaw
Parnikowyj wzryw
Mozhet li Zemlq stat' gorqchej kak Venera? Otwet na ätot i drugie wazhnye woprosy mozhno najti w dannoj monografii. Predstawlennaq model' teplowogo balansa sistemy «atmosfera-powerhnost' Zemli», predskazywaet suschestwowanie gorqchih stacionarnyh sostoqnij powerhnosti nashej planety w oblasti temperatur wyshe tochki kipeniq wody. Rassmatriwaetsq rezhim wzrywnogo parnikowogo äffekta, weduschij k sil'nomu peregrewu powerhnosti Zemli pri prewyshe...

CHF 102.00

Skladskie raspredelitel'nye sistemy

Perwedencew, Pawel
Skladskie raspredelitel'nye sistemy
Cel'ü issledowaniq qwlqetsq razrabotka logisticheskih metodow wybora wariantow skladskih raspredelitel'nyh sistem dlq powysheniq äffektiwnosti ih funkcionirowaniq. V sootwetstwii s cel'ü issledowaniq w rabote byli postawleny sleduüschie zadachi: -proanalizirowat' razwitie raspredelitel'nyh logisticheskih sistem, wyqwit' perspektiwy razwitiq sistem raspredeleniq produkcii w Rossii, -rassmotret' osnownye zadachi formirowaniq skladskoj seti, -raz...

CHF 77.00

Wuthering Heights (Carter)

Carter, Randolph
Wuthering Heights (Carter)
Randolph Carter Based on Part One of the classic novel by Emily Bronte DramaCharacters: 3 male, 3 female Multiple Interior ScenesCatherine Ernshaw has inherited Wuthering Heights, together with its occupants, a couple of servants and a wild gypsy boy with whom she has grown up, Heathcliff. Catherine has a violent quarrel with Heathcliff one night, and he disappears into the storm. Shortly thereafter Catherine marries a neighbor named Edgar, an...

CHF 19.90

Pajama Tops

Green, Mawby / Feilbert, Ed
Pajama Tops
Mawby Green and Ed Feilbertfrom the French hit Magma by Jean de LetrazFarce Characters: 4 male, 3 femaleInterior SetIt played three years in Paris and five in Hollywood before coming to New York, followed by 10 years coast-to-coast and six in London, making it one of the longest runs on record! The plot is all fun. The husband is planning a business trip for philandering purposes, his wife secretly invites this same voluptuous girl to spend th...

CHF 19.90

Total Eclipse

Hampton, Christopher
Total Eclipse
Christopher Hampton DramaCharacters: 10 male, 5 female, plus extras Various SetsRevised version. Total Eclipse is an intelligent look at the relationship between Rimbaud and Verlaine and shows considerable insight into the bourgeois and artistic societies of the period as well as a moving understanding of homosexuality. "The first six scenes develop the contrast between the two men...and their mutual need for each other as they move through an...

CHF 22.50