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476 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Secret Power

Moody, D L
Secret Power
D. L. Moody unlocks the mystery of the Holy Spirit. Discover how to touch and inspire those around you because the Holy Spirit is your Guide.

On the Ministry I - Theological Commonplaces

Gerhard, Johann
On the Ministry I - Theological Commonplaces
About This Volume On the Ministry I contains the first half of Gerhard's commonplace On the Ministry and focuses on the call and work of ministers both of civil and ecclesiastic power, where the second volume considers the power and duties of the ecclesiastic office specifically. On the Ministry argues for the existence of the office of ministry since creation, with Adam as both ecclesial priest and civic ruler, called directly by God. Gerhar...

CHF 102.00

Uma Introdução à Metodologia Box-Jenkins

Amaro, Ana
Uma Introdução à Metodologia Box-Jenkins
A metodologia Box-Jenkins. Séries não estacionárias, características (tendências e sazonalidade), teste ADF. Correlogramas. Modelos ARIMA e SARIMA. Selecção de modelos (AIC, BIC, HQC). Previsão.

CHF 38.90

Eight Pattern Wing Chun Kuen

Gruber, Matthias
Eight Pattern Wing Chun Kuen
The book "Eight Pattern Wing Chun" was written primarily to organize and to preserve the ideas and concepts the author has learned from his masters, and to integrate new ideas and exercises which were accumulated in many years of teaching, experimenting and researching. Originally, the book was meant as a compendium or reference book for the author's private students, most of whom are Wing Chun teachers themselves. Therefore some of the cha...

CHF 69.00


Bowes, Billy
Book I, "Time Portal" by Billy Bowes, tells of three teen age friends who travel back in time for a quest with two female pirates from history. Little do they know of the adventures that await them. Book II, "Warlock's Portal" by Jamie Littlefoot, is the natural sequel to "Time Portal" and continues the adventures of the three friends who travel back in time to the sixteenth century to meet a famous female pirate captain and her warlock min...

CHF 35.50


Babalorixa Fernando de Oxala, Iyalori. . .
Un compendio de información sobre los Cultos espiritistas denominados Kimbandas. Donde las entidades llegan para dar todo un sin fin de consejos para que podamos mejorar nuestra vida.

CHF 37.50

The Siamese Lanna

Tiyapan, Kit
The Siamese Lanna
This is a book about the experience of a Lanna whose identity is a Siamese. He has lived in Thailand, New Zealand, England, Japan and Hungary.

CHF 50.50

Finding A Balance

Brown, Dieneria
Finding A Balance
This book follows a modern woman, Jane, as she lives her life post law school. The story follows her through her ups and downs, from finding a job to getting married. Jane is continually struggling to stay a float in both her family and work lives in the hopes of pleasing everyone. Beyond being a story about Jane this is the story of the contemporary woman who is unfairly forced by society to find the balance between the domestic and work sphe...

CHF 19.50

A Conspiracy of Mirrors

Mcleod, David
A Conspiracy of Mirrors
Reflections in the Language of the Soul We are all mirrors, reflecting one another so that we can see ourselves more clearly. The provocative and moving poems in A Conspiracy of Mirrors speak to our universal human need to connect deeply with another person, to marvel at the wonder of the world, to fully experience the spectrum of emotion revealed through experience. David McLeod's deeply felt work brings you into powerful connection with id...

CHF 49.90

Uprawlenie konkurentosposobnost'ü agropromyshlennogo pred...

Mansurow, Ruslan
Uprawlenie konkurentosposobnost'ü agropromyshlennogo predpriqtiq
V knige w teoreticheskom plane utochneno opredelenie «konkurentosposobnost' agropromyshlennogo predpriqtiq», a takzhe osnownye faktory konkurentosposobnosti. Proweden kriticheskij analiz suschestwuüschih podhodow k sisteme uprawleniq konkurentosposobnost'ü i metodik ee ocenki. Dana analiticheskaq ocenka sowremennogo sostoqniq agropromyshlennogo komplexa Rossijskoj Federacii. Na osnowe ätogo predlozhena awtorskaq sistema uprawleniq konkurentosp...

CHF 102.00

Sociologicheskaq diagnostika informacionnoj bezopasnosti

Erkin, Andrej
Sociologicheskaq diagnostika informacionnoj bezopasnosti
V sowremennyh uslowiqh wnedreniq i funkcionirowaniq awtomatizirowannyh sistem uprawleniq (ASU) aktual'nym nauchno-issledowatel'skim naprawleniem stanowitsq analiz problemy obespecheniq informacionnoj bezopasnosti. Postoqnno sowershenstwuemaq i uspeshno ispol'zuemaq programmno-tehnologicheskaq osnowa obespecheniq informacionnoj bezopasnosti perenosit problemu zaschity informacii w ploskost' sociologicheskogo prostranstwa. Sociologicheskoe izmer...

CHF 64.00


Trofimchuk, Alexej
Stremitel'nye izmeneniq w sowremennom obschestwe trebuüt nowyh produktiwnyh podhodow w podgotowke kwalificirowannyh rabotnikow. Segodnq pedagogi wsego mira ispytywaüt osobuü potrebnost' w nadözhnyh pedagogicheskih tehnologiqh, sposobnyh sdelat' obrazowanie gibkim, kombinirowannym, naprawlennym na aktiwizaciü i powyshenie kachestwa obucheniq. Otechestwennaq i zarubezhnaq praktika pokazywaet perspektiwnost' modul'nogo obucheniq, kotoroe harakter...

CHF 64.00

Kontaktnye ustrojstwa promyshlennyh gradiren

Boew, Ewgenij
Kontaktnye ustrojstwa promyshlennyh gradiren
V sowremennom mire s ego wysokorazwitymi tehnologiqmi wse bol'shee znachenie priobretaet kachestwo ishodnogo syr'q i soputstwuüschih tehnologicheskomu processu produktow. Naibolee chasto w proizwodstwennyh processah ispol'zuetsq woda. Poätomu na predpriqtiqh razlichnyh otraslej promyshlennosti stoit zadacha poluchit' wodu, sootwetstwuüschuü opredelennym trebowaniqm. Ispol'zowanie wody dlq ohlazhdeniq po masshtabam znachitel'no prewoshodit wse ...

CHF 64.00

Primenenie teorii shem w obuchenii

Makarowa, Elena Alexandrowna
Primenenie teorii shem w obuchenii
Shema wystupaet kak mezhdisciplinarnoe ponqtie, ispol'zuemoe w psihologii, antropologii, pedagogike, metodike prepodawaniq, pri ätom qwlqetsq ponqtiem otkrytym, ne wpolne sformirowawshemsq, mnogochislennye znacheniq kotorogo mozhno korrektirowat' i dopolnqt' w raznyh oblastqh nauki. Iniciatiwa wwedeniq w psihologiü ponqtiq "shema" prinadlezhit F. Bartlettu, wperwye upomqnuwshemu ih w swoem issledowanii pamqti. Jetot termin ispol'zowalsq dlq ot...

CHF 77.00

Polowoj dimorfizm odontometricheskih harakteristik

Kalmin, O. V. / A. Zül'kina, L.
Polowoj dimorfizm odontometricheskih harakteristik
V rabote predstawleny rezul'taty komplexnogo issledowaniq kranio-facial'nyh parametrow u lic perwogo zrelogo wozrasta oboego pola na territorii Penzenskogo regiona. Vperwye na territorii g. Penzy i Penzenskoj oblasti prowedeno odontometricheskoe issledowanie postoqnnyh zubow werhnej i nizhnej chelüstej u lic muzhskogo i zhenskogo pola w wozraste 21-36 let. Na osnowanii morfometricheskih harakteristik zubow w zawisimosti ot parametrow kranio-fa...

CHF 77.00

Organizaciq raschetow w mezhdunarodnom äkonomicheskom sot...

Kamzin, Nikolaj / Kamzina, Elizaweta
Organizaciq raschetow w mezhdunarodnom äkonomicheskom sotrudnichestwe
V ramkah dinamiki mezhdunarodnogo äkonomicheskogo sotrudnichestwa aktiwiruetsq potrebnost' w prowedenii wzaimnyh raschetnyh operacij, potomu problema organizacii raschetow zanimaet znachimoe mesto dlq äkonomicheski aktiwnyh sub#ektow, osobenno w uslowiqh globalizacii äkonomicheskogo prostranstwa, pri funkcionirowanii transnacional'nyh struktur i masshtabe prowodimyh äxportno-importnyh i mezhdunarodnyh finansowyh operacij. Pri soglasowanii porq...

CHF 77.00