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568 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Guilty Plea

Rotenberg, Robert
Guilty Plea
Rotenberg delivers a gripping sequel to "Old City Hall, " in which Toronto detective Ari Greene investigates the stabbing death of a wealthy man whose former wife is charged with his murder.

CHF 45.90

Betrayal of Trust

Jance, J. A.
Betrayal of Trust
Seattle investigator J. P. Beaumont investigates a dark and deadly conspiracyAt first glance, the video appears to be showing a game: a teenage girl with dark wavy hair smiles for the camera, a blue scarf tied around her neck. All of a sudden things turn murderous, and the girl ends up dead. It’s as bad as a snuff film can get, and what’s worse, the clip has been discovered on a phone that belongs to the governor of Washington State’s grandson...

CHF 21.90

The Sex Life of a Comedian

Thompson, Dave
The Sex Life of a Comedian
You'll love this book." HARRY HILL. "Mad comic brilliance." BEN ELTON. Hilarious young stand-up comedian Doug Tucker lands a big part in 'Rats Milk Cheese', a bizarre sitcom. In a world where louche girls romp in dressing rooms, luxury yachts, and drug-fuelled orgies, Doug thinks his career has taken off. But show business has a dark side. As the wealth at stake increases, so does the greed of those who want it. At a celebrity sex ...

CHF 28.50

Poetic Feel of an Urban Warrior

Brady, Ron "Angola"
Poetic Feel of an Urban Warrior
At the heart of this book lies a creative, yet bold and inspiring manifesto of poetry, essays, and spoken words conceptualized with the purpose of educating and motivating people of the Black/Afrikan collective to find their place in our struggle and to take part in it. Concisely placed within three chapters entitled 2 Black-2 Strong, Payin Proper Respects, and Man Up Time, the author seizes to make his voice heard and presence felt on the dyn...

CHF 17.90

Below The Obsidian Spire

Pepperman, D. LaRue
Below The Obsidian Spire
In the center of a secluded valley stands something that is known to be out of place. An obsidian spire rises out from the earth as if a giant thrust it there. In the spire's shadow something is happening that will birth those who will end the evil dwelling in another realm. It is often thought only evil resides in shadows, but in the recesses of this shadow, enough light shines between the darkness to nurture a power that can defeat that evil...

CHF 26.50

Negotiations / Sales with Alexander Gurman 2012

Gurman, Alexander
Negotiations / Sales with Alexander Gurman 2012
Negotiations and Sales, practical application how to negotiate, bargain and sell in various situatioins, discuss sales fundamentals, the proper language, professional negotiations advice, different sales strategues and how to deal with complicated situations

CHF 14.90

The Stand Up Poet

Hughes, Jack
The Stand Up Poet
The Stand Up Poet is a thought provoking offering from Bob Hill writing under the nom de plume of Jack Hughes. Covering topics and themes as diverse as love, death, identity, childhood, popular culture and large men wearing dresses, the anthology is a welcome addition to those tracts and tomes which explore the human condition.

CHF 24.50

The Song Before Nightfall

Dodd, J. Goodson
The Song Before Nightfall
The Kingdom of Adacia has stood as the most powerful nation in the five known kingdoms for hundreds of years. King Jordan, last of the Redwood line is fighting an insurgency within his own borders as machinations are made toward... war in the neighboring Kaldorian Realms under the despotic Lord Wren. Lord Marcus Lanham, steward of the Southern region of Saxet and chief of war finds himself leading the Adacian army against a foe who wields the ...

CHF 41.90


Londoniary, Roger
This is profound writing and collection of Roger Londoniary at his best. These are primarily short stories only. These are British fiction during the Second World War with raughty women that are strippers and off beat women at Sandhurst and at Oxford University that have been nurses as well as off beat strippers that are worldly British and Canadian aristocrats and so on. So enjoy.

CHF 45.50

Vibrodiagnostika stankow

Mahow, Alexandr
Vibrodiagnostika stankow
V rabote rassmatriwaütsq osnownye polozheniq teorii dinamiki i wibracii metallorezhuschih stankow. Osnownoe wnimanie udelqetsq prakticheskim woprosam primeneniq wibroakusticheskih metodow ispytanij w ramkah issledowaniq opytnyh obrazcow promyshlennogo oborudowaniq i ocenki nadezhnosti äxpluatiruemogo oborudowaniq pri tehnologicheskom audite. V rabote predlagaetsq neskol'ko original'nyh metodik äxperimental'nogo polucheniq wazhnejshih harakteri...

CHF 102.00

Jekologo-geologicheskoe kartografirowanie territorii bass...

Baraboshkina, Tat'qna / Berezkin, Viktor
Jekologo-geologicheskoe kartografirowanie territorii bassejna r.Bodrak
V monografii sistematizirowany rezul'taty äkologo-geologicheskogo kartografirowaniq bassejna r.Bodrak, wypolnennogo na baze äkogeosistemnogo podhoda. Na razrabotannyh kartah zadokumentirowany weduschie geologicheskie faktory riska, snizhaüschie komfortnost' territorii dlq prozhiwaniq cheloweka, suschestwowaniq bioty i sel'skohozqjstwennoj deqtel'nosti. Izlozheny metodicheskie aspekty äkogeologicheskih issledowanij i kartografirowaniq. Predlozh...

CHF 77.00

Kurdskij wopros w politike sowremennogo Irana

Zhigalina, Ol'ga
Kurdskij wopros w politike sowremennogo Irana
V monografii analiziruetsq politika iranskogo rezhima po kurdskomu woprosu posle swerzheniq shahskoj monarhii w 1979 g. do 2010 g. wo wnutripoliticheskom i wneshnepoliticheskom aspekte, issleduütsq osobennosti kurdskogo nacional'nogo dwizheniq w IRI w period iranskoj rewolücii 1978-1979 gg., politika IRI w otnoshenii kurdow posle smerti imama Homejni, naprawlennaq na likwidaciü kurdskoj politicheskoj oppozicii i silowoe podchinenie Iranskogo K...

CHF 102.00

Mutuwhenua (16pt Large Print Edition)

Grace, Patricia
Mutuwhenua (16pt Large Print Edition)
Mutuwhenua is the story of Ripeka, who leaves her extended family and its traditional lifestyle to marry Graeme, a Pakeha schoolteacher. In the strange world of the city, Ripeka discovers that she cannot make the break from her whanau, that the old ways are too strong. The first novel by a Maori woman ever published, Mutuwhenua is a powerful, moving story of contrasts between old and new, young and old, Maori and Pakeha.

CHF 41.50

Petten Grove

Pateman, John
Petten Grove
This is the story of Petten Grove, a road on the Ramsden estate in south east London which was built in the 1950s. Movements of people and families into and out of Petten Grove from 1956-2003 are analysed to reveal a pattern of continuity and change.

CHF 16.90

Dwuhurownewaq sistema w odnomodowom kwantowom pole

Leonow, Alexandr / Feranchuk, Il'q
Dwuhurownewaq sistema w odnomodowom kwantowom pole
V monografii issledowana äwolüciq dwuhurownewoj sistemy wo wneshnem rezonansnom kwantowom pole wne ramok izwestnyh priblizhenij. Postroen bystro shodqschijsq algoritm chislennogo resheniq zadachi i analiticheskie priblizheniq, prigodnye wo wsem diapazone izmeneniq parametrow zadachi. Opisan rqd nowyh kwantowyh i neperturbatiwnyh äffektow w powedenii sistemy, swqzannyh s wyhodom za ramki priblizheniq wraschaüschejsq wolny, markowskogo priblizhe...

CHF 64.00


Grigorowich, Mihail
Goroda qwlqütsq samymi paradoxal'nymi tworeniqmi chelowecheskoj ciwilizacii. Na protqzhenii tysqcheletij oni sohranqüt swoe postoqnstwo i razwitie. Bezuslowno, chto na smenu odnim gorodam prihodqt drugie, poätomu gorodskoe razwitie imeet slozhnuü prirodu. Sowremennye goroda na protqzhenii rqda let demonstriruet tendenciü k rostu i sowremennuü ciwilizaciü mozhno po prawu nazywat' gorodskoj.Kazhdyj gorod imeet swoü istoriü, osobuü sredu, sobstwe...

CHF 64.00

Vol'naq smert'

Awanesow, Sergej
Vol'naq smert'
V issledowanii proizwedena äxplikaciqmirowozzrencheskih i teoreticheskih osnowanijfilosofskoj suicidologii, chto pozwolqet utwerdit' eökak specificheskij region filosofii. Obosnowanopolozhenie o tom, chto filosofskaq suicidologiqwozmozhna lish' kak teoriq lichnosti (personalizm, normatiwnaq ontologiq). Pokazano, chto ässencial'noeopredelenie cheloweka est' ego ob#ektiwaciq: suschnostnoopredelönnyj chelowek terqet lichnostnoe izmereniebytiq i o...

CHF 102.00

Prawowoj status sub#ektow grazhdanskogo oborota

Man'kowskij, Igor' / Vabischewich, Swetlana
Prawowoj status sub#ektow grazhdanskogo oborota
Issledowaniü widow sub#ektow grazhdanskogo prawa, ih prawowogo polozheniq, sposobow wozniknoweniq i prekrascheniq ih prawosub#ektnosti, procedure nadeleniq prawami i obqzannostqmi w sfere grazhdanskogo oborota poswqschena predlagaemaq chitatelü monografiq, w kotoroj w neobhodimoj logicheskoj posledowatel'nosti issleduetsq prawowoe polozhenie takih sub#ektow grazhdanskogo prawa, kak grazhdane, organizacii so statusom üridicheskogo lica, Respubl...

CHF 102.00

Finansowo-prawowoe regulirowanie razwitiq nalogowoj siste...

Prudius, Elena
Finansowo-prawowoe regulirowanie razwitiq nalogowoj sistemy w Rossii
Posredstwom nalogow pereraspredelqetsq znachitel'naqchast' nacional'nogo dohoda strany, s pomosch'ü nalogowgosudarstwo pereraspredelqet chast' pribylipredpriqtij, dohodow grazhdan, naprawlqq ee na razwitieproiz-oj i social'noj infrastruktury strany, a takzhe inwestiruq w kapitaloemkie i fondoemkie otrasli, obespechiwaüschie äkonomicheskuü bezopasnost'strany.Poskol'ku nalogowye postupleniq formiruütosnownuü chast' dohodow federal'nogo, regional...

CHF 88.00