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639 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Management Success Made Simple

Tracy, Brian
Management Success Made Simple
This powerful, practical, mini-MBA in the key strategies, methods and techniques of the best managers in the most profitable companies, will save you years of hard work in getting the same or better results. In this practical, proven 12 lecture program, you'll learn these priceless lessons to set you on the road to management success: 1 Leading From the Front - Secrets of Top Leaders 2 Managerial Excellence - Achieving Superior Results 3 Str...

CHF 99.00

The Matriarch

Lysakowski, Linda
The Matriarch
Leslie Flynn, a widow who moves to rural Nevada after her husband dies, has a mystical experience through which she is given three mandates by God, setting into motion a series of events that plummet her into the worlds of the Native American casino industry, a hi tech business magnate, and the Vatican hierarchy. Leslies experience begins when her duties as a travel writer take her to Bishop, California, to visit the Ancient Bristlecone Pin...

CHF 32.90

52 Life Lessons for Leaders

Smith, Robyn
52 Life Lessons for Leaders
Life's full of Lessons. Some experienced and others witnessed. 52 Life Lessons for Leaders is a personal motivational map, giving you those life lessons that one typically learns way too late in life. The lessons by themselves are interesting, but it's only when they are applied, that the power of personal transformation can be unleashed.

CHF 32.50

What is (Qatum) Melanin Physics?

Heru, Neb
What is (Qatum) Melanin Physics?
Learn now about the Quantum Physics of Melanin! Learn now, about activating your Supreme Neuro-Melanin, and how to activate and Open your "Black Dot" Pineal Gland and keep it open! Learn how to activate your DNA records for Ultimate success and happiness! Learn about the Infinite Powers of your "Subconscious" Minds as Qatum(Melaninite)People. Know that "You" hold the Master Key to the Universe(Multiverse) Infinte and boundless, thus you hold t...

CHF 39.50

Si potrebbe andare a Stoccolma

Pensieroso, Simone
Si potrebbe andare a Stoccolma
Questo libro rappresenta un gesto d'amore e riconoscenza verso Stoccolma. Non una guida ufficiale, ma un racconto della capitale della Scandinavia attraverso gli occhi di chi l'ha vissuta in prima persona, come un mondo nuovo da scoprire. Puoi trovare Stoccolma nei lunghi inverni freddi e senza luci e nelle estati dai mille colori e dalle notti senza fine. La ritrovi nella puntualità della metropolitana e nelle sere scatenate della movida di...

CHF 18.90

Human Capital Trends 2011

Touche, Deloitte
Human Capital Trends 2011
Events of the past few years have brought sweeping changes to business and new challenges for the HR leaders who support them. Two broad themes - innovation and global markets - have taken a front-row seat in human capital organizations around the world. From evolving technologies and process breakthroughs to new organizational models, new markets, new customers, and new approaches to talent, the power of fresh thinking runs deep and strong. ...

CHF 44.50


Owen, Colin
The word, 'GENETICS' has disturbed people for decades. Rightly or wrongly, people are wary of change, and genetics is all about change. GEN is just such a story, a story of change that no-one foresaw. A brave young woman named, Gen, takes a secretarial job in a genetics lab, what could go wrong?... Plenty! This is a fast moving adventure with a tinge of horror.

CHF 20.50

Murder by the Acre (Second Edition)

Bagley, Stephen B.
Murder by the Acre (Second Edition)
The librarian and the reporter are back! This time Bernard and Lisa stumble on the body of a local jeweler and ladies' man in an underground house. As the couple and Chief Donaldson investigate, they find themselves drawn into a confusing mystery of lies and alibis that involves the upper crust of Ryton, Oklahoma. Questions abound: Who killed him and how? Why doesn't the widow care that her husband is dead? Why doesn't his mistress? What does ...

CHF 28.90

The White Owl TPB

Snell, Edmund
The White Owl TPB
The White Owl, " by Edmund Snell, quivers with the literary hocus pocus that affords mental relief in a materialistic age. Two adventurers, searching for an Aztec temple containing a deity, which flourished before the Spanish conquistadores overran Mexico, find it, and on opening the covering of a shaft one of them is carried down into its fathomless depths by a huge white owl. There appears to the survivor a girl, Naia, who tells him that his...

CHF 32.90

Nauchnye osnowy raschöta i proektirowaniq

Tatmyshewskij, Konstantin
Nauchnye osnowy raschöta i proektirowaniq
Mehanolüminescenciq - widimoe ili infrakrasnoe izluchenie twerdyh tel, woznikaüschee pod dejstwiem mehanicheskih sil. Naibolee qrkoe swechenie nablüdaetsq pri wozdejstwii impul'snyh dawlenij. Mehanolüminescentnye datchiki rabotaüt po principu prqmogo preobrazowaniq whodnogo mehanicheskogo wozdejstwiq w wyhodnoj opticheskij signal. Takie datchiki mogut ispol'zowat'sq sowmestno s wolokonno-opticheskimi kanalami peredachi informacii, chto obespec...

CHF 102.00

Problema qdernoj bezopasnosti w stranah Sewernoj Ewropy

Lobow, Andrej
Problema qdernoj bezopasnosti w stranah Sewernoj Ewropy
Atomnaq änergiq woshla w nashu zhizn' sowsem nedawno, no uzhe slozhno predstawit' sowremennyj mir bez neö. Ona stala fenomenom, proqwiwshim sebq w samyh raznyh oblastqh, ot woennoj sfery do mediciny, ot älektroänergetiki do fundamental'nyh nauchnyh razrabotok. Jejforiq «mirnogo atoma» 60-h smenilas' «ozadachennost'ü» 70-h, a zatem chernobyl'skim strahom 80-h, zatish'em 90-h, renessansom perwogo desqtiletiq 2000-h, smqteniem i panikoj 2011 goda...

CHF 102.00

Ocenka inwesticionnoj priwlekatel'nosti ob#ekta inwestiro...

Belqkowa, Mariq
Ocenka inwesticionnoj priwlekatel'nosti ob#ekta inwestirowaniq
Inwesticionnaq priwlekatel'nost' na urowne predpriqtiq naimenee issledowannaq problema po srawneniü s drugimi strukturnymi urownqmi äkonomiki, takimi kak strana, region, otrasl'.Razrabotka konceptual'nyh osnow inwesticionnoj priwlekatel'nosti kak nauchnaq teoriq nahoditsq w stadii stanowleniq i w nauchnoj literature prakticheski ne osweschena.Izuchenie i analiz otechestwennogo i zarubezhnogo opyta po opredeleniü inwesticionnoj priwlekatel'nost...

CHF 88.00

Brilliance by Design

Halsey, Vicki
Brilliance by Design
Many subject matter experts are just that, subject matter experts - not experts in the art of teaching, facilitating, or designing. Thousands of authors, trainers, and speakers have great content, but they lack the skills required to convey their content in a way that inspires learners to unleash their brilliance and move the learning to practice.. They often spend 70% of their time on WHAT they are going to teach, and 30% of their time on HOW...

CHF 39.90

Jenergopromyshlennyj komplex i ustojchiwoe razwitie Tadzh...

Halikow, Holnazar
Jenergopromyshlennyj komplex i ustojchiwoe razwitie Tadzhikistana
Tadzhikistan wo wremena SSSR byl integrirowan w obschuü äkonomiku edinoj strany i imel w osnownom syr'ewuü naprawlennost'. Posle raspada Sowetskogo Soüza i priobreteniem Tadzhikistanom nezawisimosti wazhnejshej prioritetnoj zadachej stalo ego samostoqtel'noe äkonomicheskoe razwitie, bazoj kotorogo qwlqetsq änergetika. Tadzhikistan obladaet ogromnymi zapasami gidroänergoresursow, no oni otlichaütsq bol'shoj nerawnomernost'ü w techenie goda. Poä...

CHF 77.00