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600 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Are Islam, Judaism, And Christianity Just Imitations Of T...

Walker, Reginald
Are Islam, Judaism, And Christianity Just Imitations Of The Real Thing?
We should carefully draw the lines of attack in the spiritual wars we wage. One word of advice for every person on or going toward the front lines, before you make your stand against, for, or with something, first stand in the place where you were sent to stand. In a spiritual war, imitation, the sincerest form of flattery or taking the wrong stand, will get you beat up by Lucifer and without your name in the Lamb's Book of Life.

CHF 30.90

Lady Dynamite

Furlin, Bob
Lady Dynamite
Lady Dynamite traces the life of one wife of the millions of women married to a Coal Miner. She carries the brunt of the hardships and trials of the Coal Mining Family. The story starts in the early part of nineteenth century and goes through to the end of the century. That one life begins in the United States and quickly transitions to northern Italy where she grew to a young lady. Then she came back to the States and to the coal towns to beg...

CHF 19.50

Op de Kroeg

Stevens, Valentijn
Op de Kroeg
Als student maak je het nodige mee en heb je zo je eigen manier van denken. Om deze wijsheden met anderen te delen probeer je als student zo nu en dan de media te halen. Bijvoorbeeld door het lenen van verkeersborden, protesteren of door columns te schrijven. Dit boekje bevat een verzameling van de columns die de krant niet haalden. Plaats van handeling is Enschede.

CHF 22.50

Recipes of Montpellier, France

Loth, Amy
Recipes of Montpellier, France
A bilingual cookbook from Montpellier, a dynamic and historic city in the south of France, with 85 recipes. Each French recipe has a side-by-side translation in English with American measurements. These recipes reflect the simplicity, warmth, beauty and conviviality of Montpellier, a French university city on the Mediterranean coast. This cookbook is my tribute to Marie-France Mousseron. As the Director of the Mount Holyoke College (Massach...

CHF 26.50

A Lifetime of Reflections

Crean, Laura
A Lifetime of Reflections
This book is a record of poems spanning 24 years. The highs and lows, spiritual, environmental and intensely personal reflections of the lifetime of one single mother on a mission - to use her voice!

CHF 30.90

Dunkle Zeiten

Löcher, Stephan
Dunkle Zeiten
Eine Mittelalter/Fantasy gehaltene Geschichte, nach der Trennung des Autors. Sie spiegelt viele Gegebenheiten im Realen dar seins, aber auch in die der Traumwelt wieder. Tauchen Sie mit ein in die Welt voller Freude und Leid, aber auch in die der Freude und der Liebe. Erleben Sie die Geschichte mit...

CHF 16.90

Greek Tragedy Set

Greek Tragedy Set
Perfect set for any lover of classical Greek literature! Set includes Antigone, The Complete Euripides Volume I: Trojan Women and Other Plays, The Complete Euripides Volume IV: Bacchae and Other Plays, Iphigeneia at Aulis, Medea, Oedipus the King, The Oresteia, Philoctetes, and Trojan Women.

CHF 158.00

Mawddach Crescent, Arthog, North Wales

O'Connor, Bernard
Mawddach Crescent, Arthog, North Wales
Mawddach Crescent is an isolated row of eight three-storey, Victorian houses situated in a secluded cove with glorious views across the Mawddach estuary, North Wales. Very few are aware of its existence. Not on a main road, it is only seen by walkers or cyclists on the Mawddach Trail, those travelling from Dolgellau to Barmouth on the north side of the estuary, or by people using the river. Those who stay or visit this beautiful spot in North ...

CHF 24.90

Ocenka kachestwa postdiplomnogo pedagogicheskogo obrazowaniq

Matüshkina, Marina
Ocenka kachestwa postdiplomnogo pedagogicheskogo obrazowaniq
Kachestwo obrazowaniq, o kotorom tak mnogo diskutiruüt segodnq, w perwuü ochered' zawisit ot uchitelq, ego lichnosti i podgotowki. V nashej strane w silu stareniq sostawa uchitelej osobuü aktual'nost' priobretaüt woprosy, swqzannye s ih postdiplomnym obrazowaniem. Chemu i kak uchit' uchitelej w institutah powysheniq kwalifikacii i perepodgotowki? Kakie kriterii i metody wybirat' dlq ocenki kachestwa postdiplomnogo pedagogicheskogo obrazowaniq?...

CHF 102.00

Vozrastnye krizisnye qwleniq w formirowanii identichnosti...

Awdulowa, Tat'qna
Vozrastnye krizisnye qwleniq w formirowanii identichnosti podrostkow
Vozrastnoj krizis - teoreticheskoe ponqtie, oboznachaüschee normatiwnye kachestwennye izmeneniq w strukture psihiki pri perehode ot odnogo wozrastnogo ätapa k drugomu i woznikaüschie w processe izmenenij protiworechiq. V knige analiziruütsq suschestwuüschie w psihologii predstawleniq o podrostkowom krizise i priwodqtsq dannye sowremennyh issledowanij stanowleniq identichnosti podrostkow. Izuchenie krizisnyh qwlenij identichnosti soprowozhdaets...

CHF 77.00

Semejnoe rechewoe obschenie

Anohina, Viktoriq
Semejnoe rechewoe obschenie
V knige issleduütsq osobennosti rechewogo obscheniq w maloj social'noj gruppe - sem'e, chto predstawlqet nesomnennyj nauchno-prakticheskij interes, poskol'ku imenno w sem'e proishodit perwichnoe formirowanie lichnosti, nachinaetsq process qzykowoj socializacii, zakladywaütsq kul'turnye i powedencheskie stereotipy. V nastoqschee wremq, kogda gosudarstwo udelqet bol'shoe wnimanie wozrozhdeniü awtoriteta sem'i, ee bazowyh cennostej i tradicij (20...

CHF 102.00

Lokal'nye wremena samoperesecheniq dlq gaussowskih processow

Izümcewa, Ol'ga / Dorogowcew, Andrej
Lokal'nye wremena samoperesecheniq dlq gaussowskih processow
Dannaq monografiq poswqschena perenormirowannym lokal'nym wremenam samoperesecheniq dlq sluchajnyh processow. Jeto interesnyj ob#ekt, woznikaüschij w sowremennoj teorii weroqtnostej. Lokal'nye wremena samoperesecheniq harakterizuüt geometriü traektorij sluchajnogo processa, napominaq smeshannye ob#emy dlq wypuklyh tel. V dannoj rabote rassmatriwaütsq gaussowskie processy. Dlq takih processow geometriü ih traektorij mozhno swqzat' s geometriej ...

CHF 77.00

Transformaciq struktury materialow korpusow wodo-wodqnyh ...

Fedotowa, Swetlana
Transformaciq struktury materialow korpusow wodo-wodqnyh reaktorow
V rabote predstawleny rezul'taty strukturnyh issledowanij obrazcow-swidetelej materialow (osnownoj metall, metall swarnogo shwa) korpusow reaktorow VVJeR-440 i VVJeR-1000, obluchennyh do proektnyh i zaproektnyh znachenij flüensow bystryh nejtronow. Opredeleny mehanizmy, otwetstwennye za radiacionnoe ohrupchiwanie na razlichnyh stadiqh oblucheniq. Pokazano, chto s rostom dozy oblucheniq nablüdaetsq äwolüciq radiacionno-inducirowannyh strukturny...

CHF 64.00

Bentonitowye gliny

Mostalygina, L. / Elizarowa, S. / Kostin, A.
Bentonitowye gliny
V monografii rassmatriwaütsq wozmozhnosti ispol'zowaniq prirodnogo sorbenta - bentonitowoj gliny Zyrqnskogo mestorozhdeniq Kurganskoj oblasti dlq resheniq äkologicheskih problem i uluchsheniq sostoqniq zdorow'q naseleniq w antropogennyh uslowiqh. V monografii predstawleny issledowaniq po dwum wazhnym naprawleniqm: izuchenie fiziko-himicheskih swojstw glin w laboratornyh uslowiqh i izuchenie wozmozhnosti ih ispol'zowaniq pri reshenii praktiches...

CHF 88.00

Sociologiq F.A. Stepuna

Gergilow, Rostislaw
Sociologiq F.A. Stepuna
V predlagaemoj knige wperwye predstawlena sociologiq wydaüschegosq russkogo myslitelq F.A. Stepuna, w kontexte mirowoj sociologicheskoj mysli. Ego sociologicheskaq teoriq rewolücii, wzaimodejstwiq narodnyh mass i ih wozhdej osnowywaetsq na opyte mirowyh social'nyh kataklizmow woobsche i russkoj rewolücii w chastnosti. Original'na ego traktowka ideologicheskih konstrukcij totalitarizma i fashizma.Splaw opyta rewolücionera-praktika i glubokoj te...

CHF 77.00

Metody gosudarstwennogo regulirowaniq äkonomiki

Barhota, Andrej
Metody gosudarstwennogo regulirowaniq äkonomiki
Znachitel'nyj wklad w razrabotku reguliruüschih nachal rynochnoj äkonomiki w HH weke wnes posledowatel' äkonomicheskogo ucheniq Dzh. M. Kejnsa, britanskij uchenyj R.F. Harrod (1900-1978). Emu udalos' ne tol'ko razrabotat' wo mnogom perwoprohodcheskuü kejnsianskuü teoriü äkonomicheskogo rosta, no i razwit' principy gosudarstwennogo regulirowaniq hozqjstwennoj sistemy w duhe sistemy awtomaticheskih stabilizatorow na baze teoretiko-metodologiches...

CHF 64.00

Inzhenernoe Obrazowanie na Altae

Sartakowa, Ol'ga / Goncharow, Vladimir / Shawelewa, Ekaterina
Inzhenernoe Obrazowanie na Altae
V poslednee desqtiletie prestizh inzhenernogo obrazowaniq w Rossii i, w chastnosti, w Altajskom krae rezko upal. Sowremennaq molodezh' ne do konca ponimaet wsej wazhnosti inzhenernoj professii kak fundamental'noj bazy dlq samorealizacii w lüboj drugoj sfere chelowecheskoj deqtel'nosti. Vsq material'naq i äkonomicheskaq deqtel'nost' cheloweka zawisit ot inzhenerno-tehnicheskoj bazy razwitiq obschestwa. Jeto ochen' aktual'no segodnq, kogda nasha...

CHF 77.00

Rechewye akty klqtwy w nemeckom qzyke

Vetoshkina, Ekaterina
Rechewye akty klqtwy w nemeckom qzyke
V dannoj knige rassmatriwaütsq raznoobraznye klqtwy w nemeckom qzyke: professional'nye (klqtwa Gippokrata, Sokrata), grazhdanskie (prisqgi), religioznye, social'nye, mezhlichnostnye. Rechewye akty klqtwy otnosqtsq k konwencional'nym rechewym aktam, kotorye pokazywaüt, naskol'ko chelowek, prinosqschij klqtwu, otwechaet za posledstwiq swoej rechewoj deqtel'nosti. Vse klqtwy ob#edinqet to, chto chelowek, dawaq opredelennoe obeschanie, prisqgaet n...

CHF 77.00

Konstitucionnoe prawo grazhdanina na uchastie w uprawleni...

Gabdualiew, Mereke
Konstitucionnoe prawo grazhdanina na uchastie w uprawlenii delami gosudarstwa w Rossii i Kazahstane: srawnitel'nyj analiz
V monografii rassmatriwaütsq konstitucionnye woprosy, swqzannye s realizaciej prawa grazhdanina na uchastie w uprawlenii delami gosudarstwa kak neposredstwenno, tak cherez predstawitelej w Rossijskoj Federacii i Respublike Kazahstan. Opredeleno ponqtie (struktura) prawa grazhdanina na uchastie w uprawlenii delami gosudarstwa, analiziruetsq i raskrywaetsq swqz' mezhdu neposredstwennoj i predstawitel'noj formami uchastiq grazhdan w uprawlenii de...

CHF 77.00