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2213 Ergebnisse - Zeige 121 von 140.

The Best of Alice Cooper

The Best of Alice Cooper
(Guitar Recorded Versions). 12 transcriptions from the King of Shock Rock, including: Billion Dollar Babies * Desperado * Feed My Frankenstein * I Never Cry * I'm Eighteen * Is It My Body * No More Mr. Nice Guy * Only Women Bleed * Poison * School's Out * Under My Wheels * Welcome to My Nightmare.

Vivek and I. Mayur Patel

Patel, Mayur
Vivek and I. Mayur Patel
A brokenhearted Kaushik arrives in Valai leaving his disturbing past behind. He falls in love with Vivek but this rush of love is not without its dilemmas. As his love becomes an obsession, life turns into a game of manipulation for Kaushik.

CHF 22.50

Bima K Mahaguru

Mishra, Kaninika
Bima K Mahaguru
Every day, there are millions of people who become financial services professionals, but only a handful of them become millionaires. So if you have ever wondered what makes them tick and thrive where others fail, this book will provide you with the necessary clues and a few good reasons. The Indian Millionaire Next Door profiles nine successful individuals, who irrespective of their background, took to selling life insurance and financial serv...

CHF 27.50

Memórias de Jigoro Kano

Watson, Brian N.
Memórias de Jigoro Kano
Através das traduções ao longo de muitos anos das palestras de Kano, Brian Watson, apresenta nessa obra a filosofia, os métodos e os objetivos de Jigoro Kano, o ?pai do Judô?. O livro traz os pontos de vista de Kano sobre a importância do randori, dos katas do Judô, da postura correta e das competições, além dos conselhos gerais que ele oferecia aos judocas, principalmente com relação às suas responsabilidades éticas, morais e intelectuais. O ...

CHF 43.90

A Coroa de Espinhos

Luce, Hank
A Coroa de Espinhos
No leito de morte de um antigo amor, Nick fez uma promessa, que iria procurar pela Coroa de Espinhos de Jesus Cristo ¿ relíquia de extraordinário poder espiritual e físico. A aventura de Nick o leva para Genebra e, de lá, aos Arquivos Secretos do Vaticano, em Roma, terminando nos Pireneus do norte da Espanha, onde um indizível mal confronta o amor infinito. Mas, à medida que Nick se aproxima da Coroa, forças poderosas planejam se apoderar da r...

CHF 40.90

Para ler "O nascimento da tragédia" de Nietzsche

Burnett, Henry
Para ler "O nascimento da tragédia" de Nietzsche
Este livro fornece ao leitor uma visão geral da obra O nascimento da tragédia (1872), entre tantas portas de entrada possíveis, e apresenta seus princípios estéticos a partir da ideia de uma autonomia do pensamento de juventude de Nietzsche.

CHF 36.90


Joaquim Nabuco
Redigido em 1883, O Abolicionismo é um clássico do pensamento político brasileiro. Nele não há apenas uma defesa apaixonada e engenhosa da libertação dos escravos, mas um amplo programa de reforma da sociedade imperial e uma corrosiva crítica de suas estruturas e instituições. É expressão de uma época em que despontavam as primeiras manufaturas capitalistas e começavam a se reformular as relações, as ideias, as instituições e as próprias class...

CHF 37.90

The Tenderloin Bar Experiment

Cummings, Heather
The Tenderloin Bar Experiment
Heather Cummings is the author of the infamous blog, The San Francisco Bar Experiment, in which she documents her attempt to patronize every watering hole in San Francisco. Early in her adventure, she realized The Tenderloin is the heart of San Francisco's drinking culture, with bars ranging from dank and dirty taverns to swanky weekend hot-spots. Determined to have every possible kind of Tenderloin drinking experience, she walked into each ba...

CHF 63.00

Master of the Crossroads

Mattichak jr, D G
Master of the Crossroads
Robert Tallant thought that he was being engaged to accompany the old Count Eisendorf on a scientific expedition to the West Indian Colonies but from the minute that they set foot in Kingston Town the whole journey began to take on the shape of a nightmare. Guided by the evil Voodoo witchdoctor Blackjoe, the expedition first visits Queen Sabina and on advice that is given in a strange trance they set out to find the King of the Wangamen who l...

CHF 25.50

The Other Side of the Hill

Nixon, Don
The Other Side of the Hill
When tourists visit Canada's Parliament Hill, they see the beautiful Parliament Buildings, and the Mounted Police in their world-famous uniforms, and if they want they can tune in their televisions and watch the politicians arguing on Question Period. This is one side of the Hill, but there is another side - a side filled with behind the scenes stories. If you are interested in learning about the terrible discomfort our hard-working politic...

CHF 42.90

The Other Side of the Wire

Coyle, Harold
The Other Side of the Wire
Germany, 1935: When Hans Koch, a Jewish boy of nine is afforded the opportunity to escape his heritage, he does not hesitate to seize it even though the cost is incredibly steep. Denying a religion that has brought him nothing but grief is of little consequence to him. Doing so by assuming the role of a girl on the other hand does present him with a difficult choice. Still, for Hans anything is better than persecution. Taken in the wife of an ...

CHF 30.50

Por um momento apenas

Andre, Bella
Por um momento apenas
Durante 36 anos, Marcus Sullivan fora o irmão mais velho, ajudando a cuidar de seus setes irmãos após a morte do pai, quando ainda eram crianças. No entanto, quando o futuro perfeito que ele planejara para si próprio transformou-se em nada além de uma mentira, Marcus precisa de uma noite de loucura para se esquecer de tudo. Nicole Harding é conhecida no mundo todo por apenas um nome, Nick, graças à sua música pop contagiante. No entanto, o que...

CHF 38.90

Caving in Ontario, Exploring Buried Karst

Gordon, Michael
Caving in Ontario, Exploring Buried Karst
8.5 X 11 full color packed with sidebars and pictures of remote, seldom seen locations. Caving in Ontario is about cave exploration, how caves are found and the until now somewhat unheralded story of some of the most extreme cave explorations ever undertaken. This is a book that anyone who is interested in rock, geology, geography (karst) and the beauty of the natural world will treasure and use both as a reference and an easy reading en...

CHF 61.00

Simply Latin - The Gallic War

Caesar, Julius
Simply Latin - The Gallic War
Simply Latin brings you the full Latin text of all eight books of Julius Caesar's commentary on the Gallic War. The books, written as a third-person narrative, detail the battles and intrigues of Caesar's nine year campaign to conquer Gaul.

CHF 34.90