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685 Ergebnisse - Zeige 21 von 40.

Overwhelmed? Squash the Pictures!

Townsend, David
Overwhelmed? Squash the Pictures!
Overwhelmed? Squash The Pictures! comes from a therapist and trainer who wanted methods to help people that actually wortked. His breakthrough came when he was diagnosed with ADHD and realized where the blocks were, not only for people like him, but for most of the people who were struggling. He created ways that could be learned and used by ordinary people that were fast and effective. Squash The Pictures will help you gain control and ...

CHF 25.50

Joy in the Ordinary

Fisher, Theresa
Joy in the Ordinary
Joyce Barrett always thought she was meant to do something extraordinary. When her plan for her life fails, she finds herself working at an Irish restaurant and pub in small town Indiana. As she adjusts to her new life, she faces the choice of holding to the broken dreams or finding joy ... in the ordinary.

CHF 53.90

Fasting 101

Fleming, Alonzo / Fleming, Moma Cherice
Fasting 101
All the holy scriptures testify to the power of fasting and its spiritual benefits. Fasting 101 provides the mental, physical and spiritual context of fasting. It also serves as an easy reference to various side affects of fasting and offers tried and true methods for addressing them. Let's face it, fasting isn't the easiest method for the undisciplined mind. But it is definitely the least expensive and most beneficial way to bring healin...

CHF 23.50

Phoenix From Within

Wilson, Shelley
Phoenix From Within
Phoenix From Within is a collection of contemporary poetry exploring emotions that make someone human. Like a phoenix, the book takes the reader on a journey showing aspects of how each person can rise and in turn grow over time through the exploration of loss, love, heartbreak and through the observation of society and the world that surrounds them.

CHF 17.90

Lord Tony's Wife

Orczy, Baroness E.
Lord Tony's Wife
Baroness Emma Magdolna Rozália Mária Jozefa Borbála "Emmuska" Orczy de Orczi (23 September 1865 - 12 November 1947) was a British novelist, playwright and artist of Hungarian noble origin. She is most known for her series of novels featuring the Scarlet Pimpernel. Some of her paintings were exhibited at the Royal Academy in London. Lord Tony's Wife is a sequel book to the classic adventure tale, The Scarlet Pimpernel. Plot summary: The ye...

CHF 26.50

50 Self-Help Classics

Butler-Bowdon, Tom / Garrett, Jack
50 Self-Help Classics
Discover the books that have already changed the lives of millions. This award-winning, unabridged guide to the literature of possibility surveys fifty of the all-time classics, giving you their key ideas, insights, and applications, everything you need to know to start benefiting from these legendary works. From the ancient teachings of Buddha and The Bhagavad-Gita, to the early American wisdom of Emerson and Thoreau, to such contemporary gia...

CHF 57.90

A Voice in the Wilderness

Hill, Grace Livingston
A Voice in the Wilderness
Grace Livingston Hill (1865-1947) was born in Wellsville, New York on April 16, 1865 to Presbyterian minister Charles Montgomery Livingston and his wife, Marcia Macdonald Livingston. Both of her parents were writers, as was Hill's aunt Isabella Macdonald Alden. Hill was an early 20th century novelist and wrote both under her own name and the pseudonym 'Marcia Macdonald'. She was immensely popular during her lifetime and wrote over 100 novels a...

CHF 26.50

Kriegserinnerungen 1914-1918

Marcuse, Harry
Kriegserinnerungen 1914-1918
Harry Marcuse (1876-1931), ein Arzt und Psychiater deutsch-jüdischer Abstammung, lebte in Berlin. Während des ersten Weltkrieges diente er als Arzt in der Deutschen Armee, zuerst an der Ostfront und ab Oktober 1917 als Chefarzt eines Feldlazaretts in Galizien und in Frankreich. Nach dem Krieg schrieb er seine Kriegserinnerungen, aber das Manuskript blieb mehr als 50 Jahre unbemerkt im Nachlass seiner Witwe und seiner Tochter in den Vereinigten...

CHF 43.90

JAG in Space - Rule of Evidence (Book 3)

Campbell, Jack
JAG in Space - Rule of Evidence (Book 3)
When the USS Michaelson's sister ship, the USS Maury, is wracked by devastating explosions that destroy its engineering section, Paul Sinclair must find out what really caused the explosions. But the more he learns, the more he faces the terrible possibility that the woman he loves may be guilty of sabotage and murder.

CHF 14.90

Analytical-Literal Translation

Zeolla, Gary F.
Analytical-Literal Translation
The purpose of the ALTD is to provide a translation of the Greek New Testament that will enable the reader to come as close to the Greek text as possible without having to be proficient in Greek. The name of the ALTD reflects this purpose. "Literal" refers to the ALTD being a word for word translation. Any words added for clarity are bracketed. "Analytical" refers to the detailed "analysis" done on the grammar of the text. The grammar is then ...

CHF 39.90

Massowaq kul'tura w sowremennom sociume

Zaripowa, Safiq
Massowaq kul'tura w sowremennom sociume
Dannaq kniga rassmatriwaet specifiku massowoj kul'tury w sowremennom sociume. Problemy massowoj kul'tury stanowqtsq wse bolee aktual'nymi w nashe wremq, ibo bez ih ponimaniq newozmozhno ponqt' suschnostnye harakteristiki, a takzhe nekotorye osobennosti i fenomeny kul'tury sowremennogo obschestwa. V nastoqschee wremq obnowlenie sociokul'turnogo prostranstwa bol'shinstwa stran nosit dinamichnyj harakter. Uhodqt w proshloe mnogie tradicii, na per...

CHF 64.00

Cwetowaq kartina mira w poäticheskom qzyke A.A.Galicha

Umetbaewa, Elena / Florq, Alexandr
Cwetowaq kartina mira w poäticheskom qzyke A.A.Galicha
Vnimaniü chitatelej predlagaetsq analiz cwetowoj kartiny mira poäzii barda A.A.Galicha 1960-70-h gg. V rabote opredeleny dominiruüschie cweta, rassmotreny sposoby peredachi cwetowyh znachenij, razwitie ästeticheskih smyslow u cwetooboznachaüschih slow i pokazano wzaimodejstwie ätih slow s aktualizatorami ästeticheskih cwetowyh znachenij - qzykowymi sredstwami, ne imeüschimi cwetowoj semantiki, no podcherkiwaüschimi ee w texte, wyqwleny funkcio...

CHF 102.00

Nanotehnologicheskie preparaty dlq bezrazbornogo serwisa ...

Balabanow, V. / Bolgow, V.
Nanotehnologicheskie preparaty dlq bezrazbornogo serwisa awtomobilq
V knige rassmotreny nanotehnologicheskie preparaty himicheskoj promyshlennosti, primenqemye w kachestwe prisadok i dobawok k awtomobil'nym smazochnym materialam i topliwu, a takzhe special'nye nanotehnologicheskie sredstwa, prednaznachennye dlq obsluzhiwaniq lakokrasochnogo pokrytiq, ostekleniq i materialow salona awtomobilq. V dostatochno prostoj forme priwedeno opisanie harakteristik i swojstw razlichnyh nanopreparatow, dany rekomendacii po ...

CHF 64.00

Formirowanie kreatiwnoj lichnosti sredstwami horeografii ...

Oparina, Ol'ga
Formirowanie kreatiwnoj lichnosti sredstwami horeografii w sfere dosuga
V issledowanii metodom retrospektiwnogo analiza raskrywaütsq teoreticheskie osnowy fenomena kreatiwnosti, opredelqütsq uslowiq i specifika eö formirowaniq w sfere dosuga. Awtor rassmatriwaet horeografiü kak uniwersal'noe sredstwo formirowaniq kreatiwnoj lichnosti, poskol'ku sochetaq w sebe silu dwuh iskusstw - muzyki i plastiki, horeografiq imeet ogromnyj potencial i osuschestwlqet formirowanie kreatiwnosti, razwiwaq lichnost' w tröh osnownyh ...

CHF 102.00

Kachestwo zhizni bol'nyh ishemicheskoj bolezn'ü serdca

Kuwshinowa, Nataliq
Kachestwo zhizni bol'nyh ishemicheskoj bolezn'ü serdca
V sowremennoj medicine ponqtie «kachestwo zhizni» swqzano preimuschestwenno s somaticheskim sostoqniem bol'nogo. Odnako na praktike my neredko stalkiwaemsq s situaciej, kogda pacienty s tqzhelym techeniem bolezni sub#ektiwno oceniwaüt swoe kachestwo zhizni (KZh) wyshe po srawneniü s temi, u kogo zabolewanie protekaet w legkoj forme. Kak ob#qsnit' dannyj fakt? V rabote predstawleny rezul'taty issledowaniq struktury KZh pacientow s razlichnymi k...

CHF 102.00

Blochno-modul'nye ochistnye sooruzheniq

Kulik, I. / Serpokrylow, N.
Blochno-modul'nye ochistnye sooruzheniq
Razrabotannye w 70-e - 80-e gody proshlogo stoletiq i äxpluatiruemye po sej den' ochistnye sooruzheniq kanalizacii mozhno klassificirowat' po chetyrem osnownym priznakam: proizwoditel'nosti, tehnologicheskomu processu, konstruktiwnym resheniqm, primenqemomu aäracionnomu i drugomu oborudowaniü. K takim sooruzheniqm otnosqtsq ochistnye ustanowki hozqjstwenno-bytowyh, powerhnostnyh, a takzhe proizwodstwennyh stochnyh wod. Pri ätom period ot sbora...

CHF 77.00

Teoriq podwizhnosti nazemnyh transportno-tehnologicheskih...

Grebenük, I. / Belqkow, V. / Vahidow, U.
Teoriq podwizhnosti nazemnyh transportno-tehnologicheskih mashin
V knige rassmatriwaetsq wwedenie w teoriü obobschennogo äxpluatacionnogo swojstwa - podwizhnosti transportno-tehnologicheskih mashin (TTM). Priwoditsq klassifikaciq strukturnyh zwen'ew transportnyh sredstw. Daetsq opisanie sredy funkcionirowaniq, bortowoj diagnostiki i uslowij äxpluatacii. Opisan metod komplexnoj ocenki podwizhnosti TTM po rqdu raznorodnyh kriteriew na osnowe ierarhicheski-mnozhestwennyh struktur tipa «mashina-wzaimodejstwie-u...

CHF 102.00

Issledowanie mehanizma organizacii spiral'noj struktury o...

Kondrat'ew, Maxim / Komarow, Vladislaw
Issledowanie mehanizma organizacii spiral'noj struktury oligopeptidow
Kak izwestno, wsq informaciq, neobhodimaq dlq sworachiwaniq belka, soderzhitsq w posledowatel'nosti sostawlqüschih ego aminokislotnyh ostatkow. K nastoqschemu wremeni horosho izucheny indiwidual'nye harakteristiki wseh 20 L-aminokislot (struktura, spektral'nye i termodinamicheskie swojstwa), a takzhe swojstwa soten peptidow. Izwestna statistika raspredeleniq aminokislot w teh ili inyh wtorichnyh strukturah belka, izmereny kineticheskie harakte...

CHF 77.00

Komplexnyj kontrol' adaptiwnogo fizicheskogo wospitaniq s...

Selitrenikowa, Tat'qna Anatol'ewna
Komplexnyj kontrol' adaptiwnogo fizicheskogo wospitaniq shkol'nikow
Dannaq monografiq poswqschena issledowaniü problem fizicheskoj reabilitacii shkol'nikow s zabolewaniqmi organow sensornoj sistemy. Voprosy adaptiwnogo fizicheskogo wospitaniq uchaschihsq razlichnyh wozrastow, imeüschih osobye obrazowatel'nye potrebnosti, osobenno aktual'ny w nastoqschee wremq, tak kak ih chislo postoqnno uwelichiwaetsq wo wseh regionah Rossijskoj Federacii i w mire. Kontrol' nad obrazowatel'nym processom takih shkol'nikow kraj...

CHF 102.00

Geografiq narodnyh promyslow kak osnowa razwitiq ätniches...

Presnqkow, Valerij
Geografiq narodnyh promyslow kak osnowa razwitiq ätnicheskogo turizma
Razwitie turistskoj deqtel'nosti na territorii rasseleniq odnogo iz samyh mnogochislennyh finno-ugorskih narodow Rossii - mordwy prohodit razlichnymi putqmi. Sredi nih naibolee priwlekatel'nym mozhet stat' ispol'zowanie tradicionnyh i woznikshih w poslednie gody raznoobraznyh narodnyh promyslow. Tak kak oni razmescheny prakticheski po wsej territorii Mordowii, organizaciq turisticheskih marshrutow poznakomit turistow ne tol'ko s harakternymi o...

CHF 64.00