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728 Ergebnisse - Zeige 41 von 60.

Psihologiq formirowaniq zawisimosti ot PAV

Krylowa, Natal'q
Psihologiq formirowaniq zawisimosti ot PAV
V monografii rassmatriwaetsq process formirowaniq zawisimosti ot alkogolq i narkotikow kak otklonenie w razwitii lichnostnoj identichnosti, kak krizis identichnosti ili ee utrata. V osnowu razrabotki dannoj monografii leg mnogoletnij opyt raboty awtora s klientami, stradaüschimi himicheskoj zawisimost'ü. Kniga rasschitana na uzhe podgotowlennogo chitatelq w oblasti psihologii i narkologii. Material budet polezen psihologam, narkologam, social'...

CHF 77.00

Mariologiq Feofana Nikejskogo

Makarow, Dmitrij
Mariologiq Feofana Nikejskogo
Pohwal'noe slowo Preswqtoj Bogorodice" Feofana Nikejskogo (70-e gg. XIV w.) - odno iz teh redkih dazhe dlq Paleologowskoj Vizantii proizwedenij, w kotoryh awtoru udaetsq podnqt'sq do wysot polnomasshtabnogo prawoslawnogo bogoslowskogo sinteza. Vperwye w mirowoj nauke w nastoqschej monografii chitatelü predlagaetsq komplexnoe issledowanie textologii pamqtnika (predlozheno swyshe 150 isprawlenij k izdaniü Jugie), äwolücii hristologicheskih wozzr...

CHF 102.00

Angloqzychnaq bytowaq lexika

Iwanowa, Elena
Angloqzychnaq bytowaq lexika
Kniga predstawlqet soboj lingwokul'turnyj i strukturno-semanticheskij analiz naimenowanij predmetow posudy w anglijskom qzyke na osnowe polozhenij teorii nominacii, teorii semanticheskogo polq i osnownyh sposobow anglijskogo slowoobrazowaniq. Vydelen rqd ritualow priema pischi, prawila serwirowki stola, opisany osobye predmety posudy, harakternye dlq Velikobritanii w raznye istoricheskie periody, otrazhaüschie nacional'no-kul'turnuü specifiku ...

CHF 88.00

Akusticheskij kontrol' betonnyh konstrukcij metodom sobst...

Kachanow, V. / Sokolow, I.
Akusticheskij kontrol' betonnyh konstrukcij metodom sobstwennyh chastot
Opredeleny granicy prakticheskogo primeneniq metodow swobodnyh i wynuzhdennyh kolebanij dlq akusticheskogo nerazrushaüschego kontrolq krupnogabaritnyh stroitel'nyh konstrukcij iz betona. Pokazano, chto äti metody mogut byt' primeneny tol'ko dlq tolschinometrii protqzhennyh izdelij, u kotoryh izmerqemaq tolschina mnogo men'she drugih razmerow. Opisan nowyj korrelqcionnyj metod opredeleniq skorosti akusticheskih woln w krupnogabaritnyh kompaktny...

CHF 77.00

Sistema älektronnogo menedzhmenta w gigante roznichnoj to...

Zhirow, Vqcheslaw
Sistema älektronnogo menedzhmenta w gigante roznichnoj torgowli SShA
Annotaciq. V knige otrazheny tendencii razwitiq buduschego menedzhmenta, ispol'zuütsq poslednie rezul'taty amerikanskih konferencij s uchastiem guru menedzhmenta, rassmatriwaütsq naprawleniq razwitiq tworchestwa sotrudnikow w sochetanii so standartami, opiraüschimisq na äffektiwnoe primenenie älektronnogo menedzhmenta. Fenomenal'nyj rost Wal-Mart ob#qsnqetsq postoqnnym wnimaniem k potrebnostqm klientow i snizheniem izderzhek za schet äffektiwn...

CHF 88.00

Dinamika grawitacionnyh potokow i dlinnyh woln w zhidkosti

Nikolkina, Irina / Pelinowskij, Efim
Dinamika grawitacionnyh potokow i dlinnyh woln w zhidkosti
Issledowanie morskih prirodnyh katastrof imeet ochewidnuü prakticheskuü naprawlennost'. Osobyj interes w fizike woln cunami wyzywaet mehanizm ih generacii podwodnymi opolznqmi i grawitacionnymi potokami, shodqschimi so sklonow nadwodnyh wulkanow. V rabote wydelqütsq aspekty, swqzannye s gidrodinamicheskimi modelqmi opisaniq woln cunami, shtormowyh nagonow i grawitacionnyh potokow, gde äffektiwny metody mehaniki zhidkosti.

CHF 77.00

TRIAL & ERROR The Education of a Freedom Lawyer Volume Three

Campbell, Arthur W.
TRIAL & ERROR The Education of a Freedom Lawyer Volume Three
The first book in Campbell's critically acclaimed trilogy saw him as the country's first law student to argue a case before his state supreme court. The second book witnessed him convict (and then free) an innocent man as a prosecutor in Washington, D.C. The current volume returns Campbell to the defense, tracks his transition to teaching in California, and culminates with his defending his wife and others in "California versus Drusilla Campbe...

CHF 24.50

The House That Dripped Gore

West, Dan
The House That Dripped Gore
In 1975 an ill-fated paranormal investigation of the infamous Hull Mansion in Dorchester, New Hampshire led a hapless parapsychologist and his oddball team of fellow investigators down a gore-soaked rabbit hole of unrelenting horror. Together they were to unravel the gruesome secrets of the murderous Hull Family and awaken an otherworldly evil that could destroy mankind. The House That Dripped Gore will baste your eyeballs with the sticky and ...

CHF 25.50

Zach Gets Frustrated

Mulcahy, William / McKee, Darren
Zach Gets Frustrated
Zach and his family go to the beach, but he's is having a lousy day. He kicks sand, yells angry words, and asks his dad if they can just go home now. Instead, his dad teaches him a simple, three-step approach to get a handle on frustration. Illustrations.

CHF 23.50

Erzengel und das neue Zeitalter

Haas, Jana / Rohr, Wulfing von
Erzengel und das neue Zeitalter
Das bekannte Engelmedium Jana Haas gibt Einblicke in das vielschichtige Wirken der hohen Himmelswesen. Sie zeigt, wie man die außerordentliche Kraft der Erzengel für die persönliche und spirituelle Entwicklung und Heilung nutzen kann. Unverzichtbar für alle, die mit den kosmischen Mächten arbeiten wollen.

CHF 18.50

LEON. Backen

Dimbleby, Henry / Ptak, Claire / Hügel, Brigitta
LEON. Backen
Endlich: Das LEON Backbuch! Nach dem großen Erfolg von »LEON. Natürlich Fastfood« folgt hier nun das passende Backbuch für herzhafte und süße Speisen, für Eis und Kompott. Nach dem praktischen Handbuch für ebenso einfache wie natürliche schnelle Küche bietet der 2. Leon-Titel herrliche Rezepte zum Backen für die süße Zunge und salzige Geschmäcker. Leon steht für ehrliche, gesunde Zutaten aus natürlichem, kontrollierten Anbau. Frühstück, Teatim...

CHF 41.50

Modern Energy Markets

Svento, Rauli / Kopsakangas-Savolainen, Maria
Modern Energy Markets
Energy has moved to the forefront in terms of societal and economic development. Modern Energy Markets is a comprehensive, economically oriented, exploration of modern electricity networks from production and distribution to deregulation and liberalization processes. Updating previous work by the authors, different aspects are considered resulting in a complete and detailed picture of  the systems and characteristics of modern electricity mark...

CHF 134.00

Homo immortalis

Longo, Giuseppe O. / Bonifati, Nunzia
Homo immortalis
Non potendo conseguire l’immortalità, gli umani cercano ostinatamente di prolungare la vita e di potenziare le proprie capacità fisiche e mentali, ricorrendo sempre più alla scienza e alla tecnologia. Il libro illustra questi tentativi, che preludono all’avvento di un nuovo stadio dell’umanità, di un “post-umano” che, grazie alle pratiche della bioingegneria e alle tecnologie della mente, potrebbe presentarsi in forme inedite: individui miglio...

CHF 33.90

Ridh Ka Dard

Jain, Pawan
Ridh Ka Dard
Merudnd or spine is the foundation of our body. Our entire body is tied to this. We all actions of the body such as - get up, sit, stand, walk or run, etc. with the help of the same make. The strong and flexible for these actions must be Merudnd. If it is healthy, we can facilitate all physical actions and body can find a sense of fun, but it is the pain, then our life becomes Duak¿may. Merudnd the pain you can ease off. This requires that you...

CHF 17.50