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639 Ergebnisse - Zeige 41 von 60.

I Give You Dis Fo Free, Mon

Schmidt, Allen
I Give You Dis Fo Free, Mon
A true story from the memory of Allen Schmidt, about a great adventure he took in his youth with his Dad. For one week during his Summer break they took a spur of the moment trip to the Bahamas. From scuba diving to sight seeing, they have a great time and run into many pleasant and unpleasant surprises. This story shows the risks of not planning a vacation ahead of time and of the fun that can result from it. A story about the quality time a ...

CHF 17.90

8 Effective Yoga Postures to Lose Belly Fat

Gupta, Suchi
8 Effective Yoga Postures to Lose Belly Fat
A healthy way to lose stomach fat - No dieting, No gym or spending money! For all the poses there are pictures to show you how exactly it needs to be done. Plus you get tips to keep yourself motivated on your journey to lose belly fat. And quick tricks to maintain that flat sexy stomach. And a bonus Yoga posture to keep the whole body healthy and flexible always. All it takes is less than 10 minutes every day to burn stomach fat. ...

CHF 26.50

Overcoming Abdominal Fat

Beese, Carmen
Overcoming Abdominal Fat
The 30 most effective tips that will change the shape of your abdomen for good. Discover what to eat, the right supplements to take, the habits you must ignore. Without this guide you will have a very hard time trying to rid the abdominal fat.

CHF 16.90

Rockstarter E-Bass, Vol. 3

Spohn, Christian
Rockstarter E-Bass, Vol. 3
Auf der Rockstarter Vol. 3-DVD für E-Bass geht es weiter mit 16tel-Grooves, deiner ersten Tonleiter, Fills und einer Einführung in Picking- und Slap-Technik. Außerdem gibt es natürlich wieder zwei neue Songs mit den passenden Playbacks zum Abrocken! In HD gefilmte Multicam-Aufnahmen erleichtern dir das Lernen und machen es dir so einfach wie nie zuvor! Die Rockstarter-DVDs für Schlagzeug, E-Bass und E-Gitarre sind genau aufeinander abgestimmt ...

CHF 14.90

Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Human...

Clarke, Nathan / Furnell, Steven
Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Human Aspects of Information Security & Assurance (HAISA 2012)
The Human Aspects of Information Security and Assurance (HAISA) symposium specifically addresses information security issues that relate to people. It concerns the methods that inform and guide users' understanding of security, and the technologies that can benefit and support them in achieving protection. This book represents the proceedings from the 2012 event, which was held in Crete, Greece. A total of 19 reviewed papers are included, span...

CHF 32.90

The Mindset Revolution

Kozlowski, Jeff
The Mindset Revolution
The Mindset Revolution aims to ignite a movement redefining what it is to be a good teacher and what it takes to be a successful student. From the first page, The Mindset Revolution turns current thought upside down to approach education practice from an organic foundation long-abandoned in conventional school settings. Author and veteran teacher Jeff Kozlowski shares his philosophy that a child's inherent interests, aptitudes, and talents are...

CHF 34.50

Problema strukturnoj polnoty predlozheniq w tatarskom qzyke

Kalimullina, Gul'sina
Problema strukturnoj polnoty predlozheniq w tatarskom qzyke
V dannoj rabote rassmatriwaetsq wopros o strukturnoj polnote transformirowannyh ällipticheskih predlozhenij tatarskogo qzyka, predlagaetsq nowyj podhod k wydeleniü i opisaniü strukturno-sintaxicheskih modelej, izuchaetsq modal'noe oformlenie, kommunikatiwnaq organizaciq ätih konstrukcij, daetsq uglublennoe i sistematizirowannoe opisanie i utochnennaq klassifikaciq semanticheskih struktur ätih predlozhenij.

CHF 88.00

Stanowlenie i razwitie prikazow obschestwennogo prizreniq...

Duplij, Elena
Stanowlenie i razwitie prikazow obschestwennogo prizreniq w Rossii
Monografiq poswqschena issledowaniü istorii stanowleniq i deqtel'nosti perwyh gosudarstwennyh organow social'noj zaschity - gubernskih Prikazow obschestwennogo prizreniq, prosuschestwowawshih w Rossijskoj imperii bolee 100 let. V monografii raskrywaütsq osnowy deqtel'nosti Prikazow obschestwennogo prizreniq, dinamika ih struktury, funkcij, kompetencii, finansowo-äkonomicheskaq baza, tom chisle hozqjstwennaq deqtel'nost' i blagotworitel'nost'. ...

CHF 102.00

Tehnologii uprawleniq korporaciej

Trenew, Nikolaj
Tehnologii uprawleniq korporaciej
Predlagaütsq tehnologii uprawleniq (TU), pozwolqüschie razwiwat' i reformirowat' Korporaciü ili Gruppu Kompanij. Predlagaemye TU wklüchaüt w sebq tehnologii: strategicheskogo uprawleniq, planirowaniq, reinzhiniringa, organizacionnogo proektirowaniq, uprawleniq finansami, motiwacii, kontrollinga, delowoj kommunikacii, organizacii äffektiwnyh prodazh, uprawleniq proektami. Predlagaemye TU primenqlis' na praktike, naprimer, pri razwitii korporaci...

CHF 102.00

Metod granichnyh sostoqnij s wozmuscheniqmi

Pen'kow, Viktor / Satalkina, Lübow'
Metod granichnyh sostoqnij s wozmuscheniqmi
Sowremennyj urowen' wychislitel'noj tehniki otkrywaüt dorogu sozdaniü adekwatnyh wychislitel'nyh sredstw. Predlozhen nowyj änergeticheskij metod, orientirowannyj na komp'üternye algebry, "obwqzannyj" metodom Puankare (metod granichnyh sostoqnij s wozmuscheniqmi). Razrabotany wysokoäffektiwnye algoritmy, podderzhiwaüschie metod. Resheny serii zadach: o deformirowanii neodnorodnyh uprugih tel, o termouprugom rawnowesii tel, w tom chisle zadach, ...

CHF 64.00

Frazeologiq idiostilq I.S.Turgenewa i problema perewoda

Lawrushina, Ekaterina
Frazeologiq idiostilq I.S.Turgenewa i problema perewoda
Monografiq poswqschena frazeologii - komponentu idiostilq I.S.Turgenewa.Obraschenie k perewodu proizwedenij na nemeckij qzyk pozwolqet prosledit' kak shirotu mezh#qzykowyh swqzej russkoj frazeologii, tak i ee nacional'noe sweobrazie. V monografii rassmatriwaetsq frazeologicheskij sostaw proizwedenij razlichnyh zhanrow - rasskazow "Zapiski ohotnika", powestej "Asq", "Perwaq lübow'", "Veshnie wody", romanow "Rudin", "Dworqnskoe gnezdo", "Nakanun...

CHF 77.00

Strategische Unternehmensberatung

Wrona, Thomas / Bamberger, Ingolf
Strategische Unternehmensberatung
In diesem Buch stellen führende Unternehmensberatungen und namhafte Managementforscher Lösungsvorschläge für unterschiedliche strategische Probleme, ihre Vorstellungen vom Ablauf der Beratungsprozesse und der strategischen Unternehmensführung sowie zum Management von Beratungsunternehmen vor. Umfassende theoretische und praxisnahe Informationen zeigen Konzeptionen, Vorgehensweisen und Erfolgsfaktoren professioneller Berater.Der Inhalt- Konzept...

CHF 77.00

Prenatal, Perinatal and Postnatal Adverse Conditions and ...

Shaqiri-Emini, Luljeta
Prenatal, Perinatal and Postnatal Adverse Conditions and their Impact on Psychosomatic Health in Children
Various lines of research evidence have demonstrated that adverse pre-, peri- and postnatal life conditions might have negative influences on life stage neurodevelopment as well as on psychological and somatic health in children, adolescence and adult life. In particular, findings in children are still scarce and the etiological and maintaining underlying mechanisms are not fully understood. For this reason, we aimed to examine the influence o...

CHF 32.50

IT-Innovationsmanagement. Gestaltungs- und Steuerungsmögl...

Kattelans, Anna
IT-Innovationsmanagement. Gestaltungs- und Steuerungsmöglichkeiten
Mit der Arbeit wird das Ziel verfolgt, Gestaltungs- und Steuerungsmöglichkeiten für das IT-Innovationsmanagement aufzuzeigen. Zur Erreichung dieser Zielstellung werden neben einer umfangreichen Literaturrecherche und -analyse auch empirische Untersuchungen über die Thematik vorgestellt. Zur Einordnung der einzelnen Untersuchungen wird ein Systematisierungsschema erarbeitet, das unterschiedliche Aspekte der Komponenten Strategie, Prozess, Organ...

CHF 45.90

A Plain Cookery Book for the Working Classes

Francatelli, Charles Elm
A Plain Cookery Book for the Working Classes
Charles Elmé Francatelli, although a chef to Queen Victoria herself, wrote this little book in 1852 to encourage the working classes to cook nourishing food for themselves using cheap but wholesome ingredients. As well as the many recipes, it also contains sections on food for invalids, medicinal concoctions and the preparation of nourishing and economical soup for the poor. It is a great sourcebook for 'ordinary' nineteenth century recipes - ...

CHF 25.50