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639 Ergebnisse - Zeige 21 von 40.

Cat Symptoms & Illnesses

Andres Jones, James
Cat Symptoms & Illnesses
The intensions of this book are to give you helpful information about the health of your pet cat. It is to provide helpful facts and information to help aid in raising your cat or kitten. This book and its information is not for self-diagnosing your pet cat with any illness or sickness. Professional help should be sought - Visit your local veterinary surgeon or practitioner, you may also need to consider whether your pet cat or kitten should b...

CHF 12.50

Beat The Dealership Car Buying

D'amato, Louis
Beat The Dealership Car Buying
This is an comprehensive guide to buying a vehicle. The objectives of this guide is to assist consumers in finding the right vehicle for the right price, avoiding bad decisions, and increasing confidence with the car-buying process. Learn about products, negotiations, how to handle the various processes to buying a vehicle. The author sold cars for over 7 years and offers advice to handle the process without fear. Be confident and save money. ...

CHF 27.50

On the Nature of Reality (Written in Ancient Chinese)

Deleanu, Daniel
On the Nature of Reality (Written in Ancient Chinese)
Written by Daniel Deleanu in Old Chinese, a language which he studied for more than two decades, these texts use the archaic language of Lao Tzu and Confucius in order to create a deeper form of philosophical investigation, called logosophism, a heuristic system whose main epistemological and ontological goal is to descend to the primeval matrix of the unconscious Logos in order to bring to light answers to questions which humankind has posite...

CHF 27.90

The Game

Pond, W. D.
The Game
The sport of hunting Upland Fowl has change considerably over the past decades. Join W.D. Pond as he shares tales of bygone hunting experiences and essays on the future of hunting with birddogs. This book is full of vivid descriptions and humorous tales. Even non-hunters and companions can appreciate the wit and adventure.

CHF 31.50

Unfinished Business

Ohana, Patrick M.
Unfinished Business
With time to no end at his disposal-over 60 years repeating endlessly-Louis Sasportas, a man forever obsessed by the Shoah, sets out to avenge the six million Jews that were annihilated along with the progeny that could never come to be. What if Ken Grimwood's unparalleled novel, Replay, turned out to be reality? Having found himself in the predicament of leaping back into his past according to a precise timetable, the main character of Unf...

CHF 30.90

Rossijskij postmodernizm i sowetskaq kul'tura

Polqkowa, Natal'q
Rossijskij postmodernizm i sowetskaq kul'tura
Predlagaemaq rabota qwlqetsq perwoj popytkoj osmysleniq roli kontexta sowetskoj kul'tury w hudozhestwennom tworchestwe predstawitelej russkogo postmodernizma Ven. Erofeewa, V. Sorokina, V. Pelewina, E. Popowa, S. Gandlewskogo, Ju. Mamleewa, A. Pqtigorskogo. Vnimanie literaturowedow tradicionno fokusiruetsq glawnym obrazom na wzaimoottalkiwanii postmodernizma i sowetskoj kul'tury. Mezhdu tem imenno sowetskaq kul'turnaq situaciq, predstawlqq sob...

CHF 88.00

Die Finanzkrise Argentiniens

Bogensperger, Johann Alexander
Die Finanzkrise Argentiniens
Inhaltlich unveränderte Neuauflage. Aus dem einstigen Musterschüler des Internationalen Währungsfonds (IWF) entwickelte sich Argentinien ab Mitte der 1990er Jahre unter Staatspräsident Carlos Menem zu einem der größten IWF-Schuldner. Für den Ausbruch der Fi­nanzkrise Ende 2001 wurden jedoch nicht nur die Innen- und Wäh­rungs­poli­tik des Landes verantwortlich gemacht, sondern auch das verfehlte Kri­sen­ma­nagement des IWF. Das Versagen von tra...

CHF 54.90

Miromodeliruüschaq funkciq precedentnyh textow w chat-kom...

Gricenko, Lübow'
Miromodeliruüschaq funkciq precedentnyh textow w chat-kommunikacii
Precedentnye texty wypolnqüt miromodeliruüschuü funkciü w wirtual'nom diskurse w celom, a tak zhe w razlichnyh ego zhanrah. Dannaq rabota sosredotochena na issledowanii zhanra chata, kak odnogo iz samyh populqrnyh zhanrow tehnicheskih kommunikacij. Precedentnyj text, funkcioniruüschij w chate, specifichen, chto obuslowleno strukturnymi i kommunikatiwnymi osobennostqmi zhanra. Osobennosti miromodelirowaniq w chate, zafixirowannye precedentnymi ...

CHF 88.00

"Prazdnichnyj Kalendar'" kumranskogo Hramowogo switka (11...

Lozowskij, Vadim
"Prazdnichnyj Kalendar'" kumranskogo Hramowogo switka (11QT 13 - 30)
Hramowyj switok (11QT) qwlqetsq poslednim na dannyj moment äklekticheskim kumranskim manuskriptom, publikaciq polnogo kriticheskogo izdaniq kotorogo Igaälem Yadinom w 1977 g. oznamenowala soboj nachalo nowoj äpohi w istorii mirowoj kumranologii. Dannaq monografiq poswqschena rassmotreniü germenewticheskoj problematiki 11QT, a takzhe rekonstrukcii bogosluzheniq t. n. "ideal'nogo hrama", opisanie kotorogo predstawleno w ego perwoj chasti. Pomimo...

CHF 102.00

Segmentierung des Zuschauermarktes im Profifußball

Berlin, Alexander
Segmentierung des Zuschauermarktes im Profifußball
Inhaltlich unveränderte Neuauflage. In Folge der zunehmenden Professionalisierung im Fußball ist die Anwendung der Marktsegmentierung als marketingstrategisches Instrument zur Aus­schöpfung von Umsatzpotentialen unerlässlich. Vor allem im Wettbewerb mit anderen Unterhaltungsangeboten ist eine effektive Marktbearbeitung auf Basis der Marktsegmentierung erforderlich. Doch welche Kriterien sind tat­sächlich geeignet, um den Zuschauermarkt im Prof...

CHF 64.00

Arhetipicheskie prezentacii kul'tury w reklamnyh mifah

Bazikqn, Stanislawa
Arhetipicheskie prezentacii kul'tury w reklamnyh mifah
Predstawlennaq monografiq poswqschena sociokul'turnomu i filosofskomu analizu arhetipicheskoj i mifologicheskoj süzhetiki reklamnyh manipulqcij w prostranstwe potrebitel'skogo obschestwa. V monografii predstawlena awtorskaq klassifikaciq sociokul'turnyh modelej interpretacii i deformacii mifa i arhetipa w reklamnyh scenariqh, a takzhe razrabotany metodicheskie rekomendacii, adresowannye potrebitel'skomu soobschestwu, kotorye pozwolqt minimizir...

CHF 102.00

Kliniko-laboratornaq harakteristika pupowinnogo krowotoka...

Rasulowa, Gul'nora / Usmanowa, Nargis / Artykowa, Nazira
Kliniko-laboratornaq harakteristika pupowinnogo krowotoka w rodah
Osobennosti pupowinnogo krowotoka dostatochno horosho izucheny pri beremennosti, i malo izucheny w rodah. Mezhdu tem, s nachalom rodowoj deqtel'nosti, i osobenno wo wtorom periode rodow, krowotok w matochno-placentarnom i plodowom komplexe podwerzhen znachitel'nym izmeneniqm. Razwitie zhe kompensatorno-prisposobitel'nyh reakcij zawisit ot mnogih faktorow, w tom chisle i ot anatomicheskih osobennostej samoj pupowiny. V swqzi s ätim aktual'nym q...

CHF 64.00

Playful Design

Ferrara, John
Playful Design
Game design is a sibling discipline to software and Web design, but they're siblings that grew up in different houses. They have much more in common than their perceived distinction typically suggests, and user experience practitioners can realize enormous benefit by exploiting the solutions that games have found to the real problems of design. This book will show you how.

CHF 59.90