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696 Ergebnisse - Zeige 41 von 60.

Texty francuzskih SMI kak sfera realizacii rechewogo wozd...

Mednikowa, Juliq
Texty francuzskih SMI kak sfera realizacii rechewogo wozdejstwiq
Dannaq monografiq poswqschena problemam okazaniq rechewogo wozdejstwiq na wosprinimaüschee soznanie posredstwom textow francuzskih SMI i osuschestwleniq social'noj wlasti posredstwom qzyka. V processe analiza wydelqütsq naibolee äffektiwnye qzykowye struktury razlichnogo urownq, obladaüschie wysokim persuaziwnym potencialom. Analiz prowoditsq s uchetom obschej kartiny mira adresata, predstawitelq francuzskoj lingwokul'tury, a takzhe s uchetom ...

CHF 64.00

Bolewoj sindrom w poqsnichnom otdele wo wremq beremennost...

Drobyshew, Andrej
Bolewoj sindrom w poqsnichnom otdele wo wremq beremennosti u zhenschin
Soderzhanie knigi qwlqetsq ochen' redkim issledowaniem, no ochen' wazhnym i aktual'nym. Kazhdaq tret'q beremennaq zhenschina w mirowom sociume wstrechaetsq s problemoj bolewyh oschuschenij w poqsnichnom regione. Awtor izuchaet problemu formirowaniq konfiguracionnyh izmenenij w poqsnichnom otdele pozwonochnika i prichinu poqwleniq bolewyh reflektornyh i kompressionnyh sindromow w ätom regione , namechaet puti wozmozhnoj korrekcii i ätapy lechen...

CHF 88.00

Psihologiq detej s narusheniqmi zreniq doshkol'nogo wozrasta

Juganowa, Irina Vadimowna
Psihologiq detej s narusheniqmi zreniq doshkol'nogo wozrasta
Kniga poswqschena stanowleniü doshkol'noj psihologii detej s narusheniqmi zreniq. Ona sostoit iz 3-h glaw. V perwoj glawe analiziruetsq obschie materialy po uslowiqm i faktoram otrazheniq chelowekom okruzhaüschej dejstwitel'nosti, daetsq istoricheskij rakurs izucheniq psihologicheskoj sfery ukazannoj kategorii doshkol'nikow. Vo wtoroj glawe predstawlen analiticheskij material ob ih wozrastnyh osobennostqh detej i wozmozhnostqh zritel'nogo otra...

CHF 77.00

Immunitet pri obstruktiwnyh boleznqh legkih i saharnom di...

Lübawina, Natal'q Alexandrowna / Varwarina, Galina Nikolaewna / Nowikow, Viktor Vladimirowich
Immunitet pri obstruktiwnyh boleznqh legkih i saharnom diabete 2 tipa
V nastoqschee wremq osobyj interes wyzywaet problema sochetannoj patologii. Obstruktiwnye zabolewaniq legkih, takie kak HOBL i bronhial'naq astma, a takzhe saharnyj diabet 2 tipa shiroko rasprostraneny wo wsem mire, äkonomicheskij uscherb ot ätih boleznej neuklonno rastet. Nalichie razlichnyh patogeneticheskih faktorow usugublqet techenie i oslozhnqet wozmozhnosti terapii kak diabeta, tak i patologii dyhatel'noj sistemy. Neblagopriqtnoe techen...

CHF 77.00

News Reporting

Rabindranath, Manukonda / Swaroop, T. Shyam
News Reporting
Reporting and Writing for the Media' is a comprehensive and complete effort to document the theoretical and practical insights of the reporting process. The book is designed keeping in mind the students of Mass Communication and Journalism as well as practicing media professionals. The book provides guidelines for writing various types of news stories apart from discussing in detail the technicalities in writing other types of news stories lik...

CHF 88.00

Ocenki innowacionnoj deqtel'nosti wuzow Rossii. Chast' 2

Grebenük, Iwan / Golubcow, Nikolaj / Chehow, Kirill
Ocenki innowacionnoj deqtel'nosti wuzow Rossii. Chast' 2
V monografii priwoditsq analiz statisticheskih issledowanij innowacionnoj deqtel'nosti wysshih uchebnyh zawedenij Rossii, analiziruütsq osnownye social'no-äkonomicheskie predposylki razwitiq innowacionnoj deqtel'nosti wuzow w sowremennyh äkonomicheskih uslowiqh. Obosnowywaetsq rol' innowacij w sisteme ustojchiwogo razwitiq, daütsq awtorskie traktowki kategorij «innowacionnaq deqtel'nost' wuzow», analiz osobennostej innowacionnoj deqtel'nosti w...

CHF 102.00

Adaptaciq w zadachah proektirowaniq topologii

Lebedew, Oleg / Kurejchik, Viktor / Lebedew, Boris
Adaptaciq w zadachah proektirowaniq topologii
V rabote rassmatriwaütsq metody adaptacii primenitel'no k sintezu adaptiwnyh poiskowyh algoritmow optimizacii proektnyh reshenij. V perwoj glawe rassmatriwaütsq zadachi, metody i algoritmy adaptacii, ispol'zuemye dlq postroeniq poiskowyh adaptiwnyh algoritmow optimizacii. Osoboe wnimanie udelqetsq opisaniü struktur obuchaüschihsq awtomatow i mehanizmow smeny sostoqnij. Opisywaetsq tipowaq struktura adaptiwnogo algoritma, izlagaütsq metody koll...

CHF 102.00

Advances in Computers

Advances in Computers
Since its first volume in 1960, Advances in Computers has presented detailed coverage of innovations in computer hardware, software, theory, design, and applications. It has also provided contributors with a medium in which they can explore their subjects in greater depth and breadth than journal articles usually allow. As a result, many articles have become standard references that continue to be of significant, lasting value in this rapidly ...

CHF 205.00

Money and Sustainability

Arnsperger, Christian / Lietaer, Bernard / Sally, Goerner
Money and Sustainability
Our money system IS the 'Missing Link'. We tend to assume that we must have a single, monopolistic currency, funded through bank debt, enforced by a central bank. But we don't need any such thing! In fact, the present system is outdated, brittle and unfit for purpose (witness the eurozone crisis). Like any other monoculture, it's profitable at first but ultimately a recipe for economic and environmental disaster.The alternative is a monetary '...

CHF 50.90

The New Day

Curcio, Charles Paul
The New Day
The New Day is the true and transformational story of entrepreneur Charles "Chuck" Curcio, known for his unique and offbeat TV commercials as the Tire King, who parlayed a 500 dollar investment into fame, fortune, and the American Dream. Then God came to him one October day and asked Charles to work for Him, with this simple instruction: "You are to learn about me and about you, and then teach others who they are too". Although initially he re...

CHF 26.50