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363 Ergebnisse - Zeige 21 von 40.

Can You Hear Us?

6th Graders, Room
Can You Hear Us?
A collection of stories that describe and dramatize current issues in the hopes of inspiring people of all ages to action.

CHF 30.50

Fantasy Waves

Perez Jr., Ricardo
Fantasy Waves
From independent author Ricardo Perez Jr., comes a trip into the world of fantasy from the words of a poet. A book of talented, enriched poetry the wonders of minds alike will quickly grasp, Fantasy Waves deals with tales of thoughts on another level. From Heaven and Hell to legends of time, these reads will quickly leave an impression on the thinker, and bring inspiration into the heart of the poet.

CHF 26.50

How I taught Katy Perry (and others) to program in C++

Smiley, John
How I taught Katy Perry (and others) to program in C++
An Introductory text on C++ using the freely downloadable Borland C++ Batch Compiler. The easiest technical book you'll ever read. Open it up and see for yourself. Join Professor Smiley's C++ class as he teaches essential skills in programming, coding and more. Using a student-instructor conversational format, this book starts at the very beginning with crucial programming fundamentals. You'll quickly learn how to identify customer needs so yo...

CHF 46.90

La rima col pelo

Marietto, Mastro
La rima col pelo
Una filastrocca al giorno toglie la depressione di torno... soprattutto se il soggetto rappresentato in tutte le sue forme è la cosa più importante del mondo, la patata!

CHF 21.90

Forgive me

Dariol, Lorenzo
Forgive me
A New York un nuovo atroce documento di una carneficina, un uomo John Spell semina sangue e terrore, nel romanzo scoprirete il suo inquietante piano per riprendersi la sua vita, in maniera spietata e violentissima, mentre il Dipartimento di Susy e Derry vagerà nel buio fino alla fine fino a che ...

CHF 11.50

Scrivere per sport - Edizione 2009

Vari, Autori
Scrivere per sport - Edizione 2009
Antologia dei migliori racconti partecipanti nel 2009 alla seconda edizione del Concorso letterario nazionale Scrivere per sport organizzato dal Panathlon Club Latina

CHF 20.90

Walking with GOD as a single mother - Part1

Kabesa, Niina
Walking with GOD as a single mother - Part1
Every test in your life makes you bitter or better! Every problem comes to make you or break you! The choice is yours, whether you become a victim or victorious. Happiness keeps you sweet, while trials keep you strong. Sorrow keeps you humbled while success keeps you glowing but only God keeps you going! You will be ushered into a great and glorious beginning of your Morning and Sabbath day!

CHF 25.50

The Story of Busta House

Taylor, Marsali
The Story of Busta House
Busta House was once owned by Shetland's most prosperous merchant, yet a family tragedy precipated it into a ruinous court case which left the owner bankrupt, and his heirs dispossessed. This is the story of the house from the earliest records to the present day. It ends with an account of the 'ghost of Busta'. Marsali Taylor is the author of 'Women's Suffrage in Shetland' and regularly writes historical pieces for the magazine Shetland Lif...

CHF 11.90

Appreciating Microworld

Choo, Meng Foo
Appreciating Microworld
A book on appreciating the microworld of the Arthropods. It details exquisitely the experience of learning from observing and pondering about their world and ours. It also served as a guide to those starting out to capture the Microworld with macro lenses and beyond, that of enjoying the images and the process of deriving satisfaction through a second reading of the taken image. It explores nature and the psychological landscape of the mind. A...

CHF 43.90

Sowremennye aspekty dobychi i ispol'zowaniq mineral'nyh wod

Gawrilowa, Tat'qna
Sowremennye aspekty dobychi i ispol'zowaniq mineral'nyh wod
V rabote sistematizirowany swedeniq o bal'neoterapii i mineral'nyh wodah. Rassmotreny fiziko-geograficheskie i geologicheskie faktory formirowaniq mineral'nyh wod s uchetom gidrogeologicheskih osobennostej rajona dobychi. Opisan mehanizm dejstwiq mineral'nyh wod na organizm cheloweka, priwedena klassifikaciq mineral'nyh wod po fizicheskim swojstwam, himicheskomu i gazowomu sostawu, soderzhaniü organicheskih weschestw, mikroflory, rezhima dobyc...

CHF 64.00

War in Iraq - for my son

Powell, Jason
War in Iraq - for my son
Jason Powell's prose account of his time in Iraq belongs with those of the poets Robert Graves, Siegfried Sassoon, and David Jones, with whom he shared the distinction of being a soldier of the Royal Welsh. Describing intimately the major incidents of the final, bitter months of the British occupation of Iraq, and told from an insistently personal point of view, the account ends with the certainty of salvation.

CHF 23.50

Proza i poäziq odnoj zhizni

Akgözowa, Gul'zhanat
Proza i poäziq odnoj zhizni
V monografii predstawleno nauchnoe osweschenie tworcheskogo razwitiq krupnogo samobytnogo hudozhnika, Narodnogo poäta Dagestana Sharipa Al'beriewa w kontexte sowremennyh istoriofisofskih koncepcij. Tworcheskaq deqtel'nost' Sh. Al'beriwa ohwatywaet neskol'ko naprawlenij literaturnoj deqtel'nosti. On izwestnyj kumyxkij poät, prozaik, dramaturg i perewodchik. V dannoj knige my rassmatriwaem ego poäziü i hudozhestwennuü prozu. Rasschitana na prepo...

CHF 102.00

Informacionnye tehnologii dlq gosudarstwa i biznesa

Lutfullina, Nadezhda / Rudskaq, Elena
Informacionnye tehnologii dlq gosudarstwa i biznesa
Innowacionnye processy harakterizuütsq wysokoj dinamichnost'ü. Jeto swqzano s poqwleniem nowyh innowacionnyh idej, izmenchiwost'ü, kak kon#ünktury rynkow, tak i sostawa i struktury wzaimodejstwiq uchastnikow innowacionnoj deqtel'nosti. V dannoj knige raskrywaütsq problemy i perspektiwy razwitiq innowacionnyh tehnologij w Rossii primenitel'no k takim sektoram kak gosudarstwennoe uprawlenie, älektronnaq kommerciq, bankowskoe obsluzhiwanie.

CHF 64.00

Korrupciq kak social'noe qwlenie

Shedij, Mariq
Korrupciq kak social'noe qwlenie
Monografiq poswqschena analizu fenomena korrupcii kak mnogoaspektnogo social'nogo qwleniq. V rabote predstawlen komplex podhodow k opredeleniü korrupcii i ee tipologizaciq, klassificirowany prichiny wozniknoweniq korrupcii w sowremennom mire, opisana specifika monitoringa, ispol'zuemogo w issledowanii i diagnostike rasprostraneniq korrupcii w Rossii i za rubezhom. V issledowanii proweden istoriko-sociologicheskij analiz wozniknoweniq i äwolüci...

CHF 102.00

Awtomatizaciq konstruktorsko-tehnologicheskoj podgotowki

Denisow, Artem / Lewin, Mihail
Awtomatizaciq konstruktorsko-tehnologicheskoj podgotowki
Monografiq soderzhit rezul'taty nauchnogo issledowaniq, naprawlennogo na sozdanie awtomatizirowannyh sistem konstruktorsko-tehnologicheskoj podgotowki mashinostroitel'nyh predpriqtij s melkoserijnym tipom proizwodstwa. Osobennost'ü issledowaniq qwlqetsq komplexnyj podhod k resheniü zadach powysheniq äffektiwnosti raboty konstruktorsko-tehnologicheskih sluzhb ot opredeleniq celej do wybora komponentow awtomatizirowannoj sistemy i realizacii pro...

CHF 102.00

Simwastatin pri ishemicheskom insul'te

Malygin, Alexandr
Simwastatin pri ishemicheskom insul'te
V dannoj rabote obobscheny rezul'taty mnogocentrowyh klinicheskih issledowanij, nauchnyh i laboratornyh rabot po primeneniü statinow, w chastnosti, simwastatina, pri ishemicheskom insul'te. Takzhe predstawleny sobstwennye dannye, poluchennye pri lechenii pacientow simwastatinom s akcentom na ocenku izmenenij w newrologicheskom statuse, ändotelial'noj disfunkcii, lipidnogo obmena, funkcii pochek, a takzhe na bezopasnost' preparata.

CHF 64.00

Russkaq Prawoslawnaq cerkow' i gosudarstwo w 1985-2008 gg

Korolewa, Larisa / Mel'nichenko, Oleg / Korolew, Alexej
Russkaq Prawoslawnaq cerkow' i gosudarstwo w 1985-2008 gg
V monografii issledowany i proanalizirowany wzaimodejstwie sowetskih/rossijskih wlastnyh struktur i RPC, istoricheskij opyt, osobennosti, mirowozzrencheskaq baza genezisa prawoslawnyh religioznyh obschin i ih deqtel'nosti w 1985-2008 gg. putem resheniq sleduüschih zadach: - opredeleny klüchewye teoreticheskie i metodologicheskie podhody istoricheskoj nauki k issledowaniü problemy «wlast' - RPC w SSSR/Rossii», - proanalizirowany mehanizm, formy...

CHF 76.00

Dwe karty Srednej Azii perwoj polowiny XVIII weka

Kamoliddin, Shamsiddin
Dwe karty Srednej Azii perwoj polowiny XVIII weka
Istoricheskie karty i globusy, sdelannye w Zapadnoj Ewrope i Rossii w XVI - XVIII ww. qwlqütsq wazhnym istochnikom dlq issledowaniq ätno-politicheskoj istorii Srednej Azii togo wremeni. V nastoqschej knige daetsq podrobnoe opisanie i istoriko-geograficheskij analiz dwuh kart Srednej Azii, izgotowlennyh w perwoj polowine XVIII w. w Ewrope. Na ätih kartah territoriq Srednej Azii oboznachena kak strana «Uzbek», «Uzbekiq» ili «Uzbekistan» w kaches...

CHF 64.00