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920 Ergebnisse - Zeige 41 von 60.

Organizational Learning and Change in Complex Systems Dev...

Dörfler, Isabel
Organizational Learning and Change in Complex Systems Development
In order to survive in a competitive environment organizations need to remain flexible to changes such as industrial crises or new technological opportunities. This dissertation seeks to contribute to the field of organizational learning and organizational change by investigating specific situations of change which are increasingly experienced by companies in complex product industries lately. For this purpose, three qualitative empirical stud...

CHF 89.00

Sweet Dreams, Kristin

Brown, Michelle
Sweet Dreams, Kristin
Kristin is a troubled young woman with an even more troubling past. She suffers from night terrors in which a shadowy man hurts her in the dark. She has tried everything to make them go away: medication, drinking, drugs, self-injury. As much as she tries to forget, the memories remain deeply embedded inside her. Once the man finally steps out of the shadows, everything she has ever known changes. When he finally presents himself to her in a se...

CHF 20.50

De Nuevo Aquí Vol.1

Martinez, Jesus E.
De Nuevo Aquí Vol.1
Esta es la versión económica de mi libro de poemas. Este nuevo libro es la primera parte de dos libros que estarán lleno de mis poemas. Poemas que salen de lo mas profundo de mi alma. disfruten este primer volumen y mantengan los ojos bien abiertos para que vean cuando salga el segundo.

CHF 37.50

Iisus Hristos i D'qwol

Sergin, Jurij
Iisus Hristos i D'qwol
Esche nerozhdennyj rebenok, nahodqschijsq w chrewe materi, qsno pomnit, chto s nim proishodilo w proshloj zhizni: kak zhil derewne u podnozhiq wysokoj gory, kak podnimalsq na ee wershinu wmeste s otcom, chtoby na zakate posmotret' na dalekie piramidy, obagrqemye zolotymi luchami zahodqschego solncä On schastliw, poka ne poqwlqetsq w ego zhizni neznakomec: on pugaet mal'chika ne tol'ko strashnoj wneshnost'ü i tainstwennymi rasskazami, no i name...

CHF 102.00

Ya dom postroü s mezoninom

Vladimirowich, Igor'
Ya dom postroü s mezoninom
Luchshie süzhety, kak polagaet awtor ätoj knigi, rozhdaütsq wowse ne za pis'mennym stolom. Ih sozdaöt nashe nastoqschee, kak rezul'tat nashego proshlogo i kak prichina nashego buduschego. Nastoqschee dlq personazhej «Doma s mezoninom» - äto 1980-1990-e gody, kogda sluchilsq «wnezapnyj» krah sowetskoj Imperii, kontroliruüschej posle Vtoroj Mirowoj chut' li ne polmira i ruhnuwshej chut' li ne w odnochas'e. Kogda desqtki tysqch russkoqzychnyh sem...

CHF 102.00

Images of Light

Chace, Sharon R.
Images of Light
Suitable for Advent or Lent, these meditations on pictorial images of light are navigational aids in the ascent to trust in the triumph. In a relatively late in life synthesis of her interests in art and religion, Sharon R. Chace explores art that evokes the light of a star, inclusion, forgiveness, caring, healing, speaking truth to power, transfiguration, and resurrection. Questions for individual or group consideration invite further reflect...

CHF 44.50

V pomosch' blagowestniku

Melik'qnc, Vladimir / Shindin, Alexandr
V pomosch' blagowestniku
K chitatelü. Nastoqschaq kniga prednaznachena dlq nekoej orientacii nachinaüschego propowednika. Raskrytie tem obuslowleno ne tol'ko kalendarnymi sobytiqmi cerkownoj zhizni, no i istoricheskim wremenem bytiq konkretnoj obschiny, dlq kotoroj byla prigotowlena konkretnaq propowed', obschim mentalitetom auditorii dlq kotoroj ona proiznosilis', komplexom woprosow i problem wolnowawshih auditoriü w ätot moment ili period. Propowed' w Cerkwi ne dolz...

CHF 64.00

Shackleton's Whisky (16pt Large Print Edition)

Peat, Neville
Shackleton's Whisky (16pt Large Print Edition)
The incredible tale of Antarctica, malt whisky and an epic journey. Sir Ernest Shackleton's world fame is founded on the Endurance expedition of 1914 - 17, an attempt to cross the Antarctic continent that was foiled by the crushing of his ship in pack ice. The heroics that followed ensured that Shackleton and his men would forever have a place in the annals of polar history and world exploration. But Shackleton had come south seven years prior...

CHF 52.50

Think Bigger (16pt Large Print Edition)

Hill, Michael / Little, Paul
Think Bigger (16pt Large Print Edition)
Motivational guide from one of our most successful entrepreneurs. Michael Hill's bestselling step - by - step guide to fulfilling your dreams - any dreams - easily. Michael outlines all the key lessons he has learned over the years. His wisdom covers these topics in great detail with lots of helpful examples: Clearing the clutter of your mind, Positive day - dreaming, Letting go and thinking bigger, Change - Making a negative a positive, Worki...

CHF 43.90

Polowye razlichiq ateroskleroza

Mqsoedowa, Veronika Alexandrowna / Orehow, Alexandr Nikolaewich / Sobenin, Igor' Alexandrowich
Polowye razlichiq ateroskleroza
V rabote wperwye byli oceneny programmiruüschij i regulqtornyj äffekty wliqniq polowyh gormonow. Na perwichnoj kul'ture monocitow i makrofagow cheloweka pokazano, chto inducirowannoe modificirowannymi lipoproteidami nizkoj plotnosti nakoplenie holesterina w kul'tiwiruemyh kletkah moduliruetsq polowymi gormonami. Opisano wliqnie polowyh gormonow na fagocitarnuü aktiwnost' kletok. Bylo ustanowleno, chto skorost' uwelicheniq tolschiny intimo-medi...

CHF 64.00

social'naq adaptaciq legal'nyh trudowyh migrantow

Lisicyn, Pawel
social'naq adaptaciq legal'nyh trudowyh migrantow
Ob#ektom nauchnogo issldeowaniq wystupaet social'naq sreda goroda Sankt-Peterburga. Predmetom issledowaniq qwlqetsq social'naq adaptaciq legal'nyh trudowyh migrantow iz V'etnama i Uzbekistana k powsednewnoj zhizni Sankt-Peterburga. Otnosheniq mezhdu trudowymi migrantami i prinimaüschej sredoj rassmatriwaütsq kak wzaimootnosheniq formal'nyh i neformal'nyh institutow ob#ekta i sub#ekta adaptacionnogo processa - na osnowe neoinstitucional'nogo po...

CHF 88.00

Federal'nyj registr municipal'nyh normatiwnyh prawowyh aktow

Popow, Stepan
Federal'nyj registr municipal'nyh normatiwnyh prawowyh aktow
Federal'nyj registr municipal'nyh normatiwnyh prawowyh aktow - nowoe qwlenie w rossijskoj prawowoj praktike, potencial kotorogo do segodnqshnego dnq wosprinqt lish' nemnogimi. Vmeste s tem, nebol'shoj srok, wo wremq kotorogo osuschestwlqetsq rabota registra, naglqdno pokazal, naskol'ko mnogogrannym mozhet byt' ego wliqnie na obschestwennye otnosheniq, naskol'ko shiroki i polezny wozmozhnosti ego ispol'zowaniq grazhdanami, dolzhnostnymi licami ...

CHF 102.00

Semnoe opisanie i kontrastiwnyj analiz znacheniq slowa

Maklakowa, Elena
Semnoe opisanie i kontrastiwnyj analiz znacheniq slowa
Sowremennye semanticheskie issledowaniq samyh raznyh naprawlenij neoprowerzhimo podtwerzhdaüt, chto znachenie slowa predstawlqet soboj slozhnoe edinstwo raznyh po swoemu soderzhaniü i ob#emu strukturnyh älementow, osnownym iz kotoryh dlq opisaniq i kontrastiwnogo sopostawleniq semantiki qzykowyh edinic qwlqetsq mikrokomponent znacheniq - sema. Rezul'taty issledowanij, osuschestwlqemyh na sowremennom ätape w rusle semnoj semasiologii i kontrast...

CHF 102.00

Shkol'naq gigiena

Zorina, Irina
Shkol'naq gigiena
Vyqwlenie donozologicheskoj nerwno-psihicheskoj patologii, woznikaüschej w shkol'nom wozraste, imeet wazhnoe teoreticheskoj i prakticheskoe znachenie. Shkol'nyj wozrast qwlqetsq klüchewym w formirowanii rqda lichnostnyh kachestw cheloweka. V poslednie gody otmechaetsq rost pogranichnyh nerwno-psihicheskih rasstrojstw u shkol'nikow, chto qwlqetsq swidetel'stwom neblagopriqtnyh social'no-äkonomicheskih tendencij w sowremennom obschestwe. V rabot...

CHF 64.00

Paladin uporqdochennoj Vselennoj

Lübichankowskij, Alexej
Paladin uporqdochennoj Vselennoj
Monografiq soderzhit komplexnoe izlozhenie koncepcii ätnogeneza L'wa Nikolaewicha Gumilewa. Predlozheny glossarij koncepcii i rekomenduemaq literatura. Nekotorye iz predlozhennyh w knige razdelow rassmatriwaüt opredelennye wozmozhnosti razwitiq tworcheskogo naslediq welikogo uchenogo. (gipoteza wozniknoweniq passionarnogo tolchka i literaturnye landshafty G.G. Markesa kak mental'nye karty Karibskogo kul'turno-geograficheskogo regiona). Dlq geo...

CHF 77.00

Teoreticheskie aspekty awtomatizirowannoj obrabotki uchöt...

Manohina, Galina / Manohin, Alexandr / Danejkina, Irina
Teoreticheskie aspekty awtomatizirowannoj obrabotki uchötnoj informacii
V rabote sistematizirowany osnownye teoreticheskie i metodologicheskie woprosy buhgalterskogo ucheta na baze edinoj informacionnoj awtomatizirowannoj sistemy, osnowy proektirowaniq buhgalterskih informacionnyh sistem, ponqtiq modeli zhiznennogo cikla programmnogo obespecheniq, principy organizacii uchetnogo processa w awtomatizirowannyh sistemah. Rassmotreny woprosy modelirowaniq äkonomicheskih informacionnyh sistem i model'nyj podhod k organi...

CHF 88.00