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832 Ergebnisse - Zeige 41 von 60.

Reincarnation and the Law of Karma

Atkinson, William Walker
Reincarnation and the Law of Karma
What is Reincarnation?-Transmigration of Souls-The Something That Persists After Death-The Soul Not a Fresh Creation, but a Traveler on a Long Journey. CHAPTER II. The Egyptians, Chaldeans, Druids, etc The Egyptian Idea of the Soul-Forty Centuries of Occult History-The Inner Teachings of Egypt-The Ancient Chinese Teachings and Doctrine-The Ancient Druids and Their Teachings. CHAPTER III. the Romans and Greeks CHAPTER IV. The Jews, Essenes,...

CHF 41.50

Prized: The Second Book in the Birthmarked Series

O'Brien, Caragh M. / Mercer-Meyer, Carla
Prized: The Second Book in the Birthmarked Series
Striking out into the wasteland with nothing but her baby sister, a handful of supplies, and a rumor to guide her, sixteen-year-old midwife Gaia Stone survives only to be captured by the people of Sylum, a dystopian society where women rule the men who drastically outnumber them, and a kiss is a crime. In order to see her sister again, Gaia must submit to their strict social code, but how can she deny her sense of justice, her curiosity, and e...

CHF 64.00

Journal for the Evangelical Study of the Old Testament, 1.2

Andrews, Stephen J
Journal for the Evangelical Study of the Old Testament, 1.2
Journal for the Evangelical Study of the Old Testament (JESOT) is a peer-reviewed journal devoted to the academic and evangelical study of the Old Testament. The journal seeks to fill a need in academia by providing a venue for high-level scholarship on the Old Testament from an evangelical standpoint. The journal is not affiliated with any particular academic institution, and with an international editorial board, open access format, and mult...

CHF 48.90

Sequential Monte Carlo Methods for Nonlinear Discrete-Tim...

G. S., Marcelo / G. S. Bruno, Marcelo
Sequential Monte Carlo Methods for Nonlinear Discrete-Time Filtering
In these notes, we introduce particle filtering as a recursive importance sampling method that approximates the minimum-mean-square-error (MMSE) estimate of a sequence of hidden state vectors in scenarios where the joint probability distribution of the states and the observations is non-Gaussian and, therefore, closed-form analytical expressions for the MMSE estimate are generally unavailable. We begin the notes with a review of Bayesian appr...

CHF 46.90

Pride and Prejudice

Austen, Jane / Brock, C E / Thomson, Hugh
Pride and Prejudice
First released January 28, 1813, this literary classic novel is now available as a special illustrated edition to commemorate the book's 200th anniversary.This concise edition includes all three original volumes, plus more than 50 illustrations by world renowned artists C.E. Brock and Hugh Thomas.Now a major motion picture, Pride and Prejudice is a romantic classical piece centered on the Bennet family. Mrs. Bennet is determined to see all her...

CHF 36.90

Aprobaciq UMK pod redakciej E.A. Bunimowicha

Guschina, Galina
Aprobaciq UMK pod redakciej E.A. Bunimowicha
V rabote izlozheny celi i zadachi FGOS 2 pokoleniq, cennostnye orientiry soderzhaniq uchebnogo predmeta, raskryty problemy preemstwennosti obrazowatel'nogo processa i psihologicheskie trudnosti perehoda s odnoj stupeni obrazowaniq na druguü. V dannoj knige dostatochno polno dana harakteristika aprobiruemogo uchebno-metodicheskogo komplekta po matematike dlq 5-6 klassa. Rassmatriwaütsq metodicheskie rekomendacii po organizacii uchebnogo process...

CHF 64.00

Nowoe w äkonomicheskoj nauke. Chast' 2

Zagajtow, Isaak Beniaminowich
Nowoe w äkonomicheskoj nauke. Chast' 2
V monografii razwiwaütsq sowremennye predstawleniq o sposobah poznaniq ob#ektiwnyh äkonomicheskih zakonow, predlagaetsq awtorskaq traktowka sistemy äkonomicheskih zakonow, wklüchaq zakony razwitiq proizwoditel'nyh sil, otnoshenij normy i äkonomicheskih patologij. Rassmatriwaütsq slabo razrabotannye problemy wzaimodejstwiq i transformacii zakonow wosproizwodstwa, a takzhe sposoby prakticheskogo ispol'zowaniq nakoplennyh w dannoj oblasti znanij....

CHF 102.00

Kriminalisticheskie problemy rassledowaniq otdel'nyh wido...

Kardashewskaq, Marina / Nikonowich, Sergej / Abramow, Vladimir
Kriminalisticheskie problemy rassledowaniq otdel'nyh widow hischenij
Monografiq poswqschena problemam rassledowaniq otdel'nyh widow hischenij. V rabote rassmatriwaetsq bazowaq metodika hischenij chuzhogo imuschestwa, kriminalisticheskie harakteristiki krazh, grabezhej razboew chuzhogo imuschestwa, hischenij dragocennyh metallow i dragocennyh kamnej s gornodobywaüschih predpriqtij, a takzhe krazh chernogo metalla i (ili) komponentow s predpriqtij metallurgicheskoj promyshlennosti. Daütsq prakticheskie rekomendac...

CHF 102.00

What a Wonderful Friend the American Flag Is

Harwich, Mary Belle / Macnamara, Peggy / Anderson, Rosalee
What a Wonderful Friend the American Flag Is
The Wonderful Friend(TM) series is a delight to very young children. Children memorize quickly and know many of the words after only a few readings. These books are especially good for parents and grandparents, brothers and sisters to read to young children because with limited text the child's own thoughts have the time needed to grow. Have you ever wondered what you see when you look at the American Flag? Have you ever wondered how you feel ...

CHF 21.90

Systematische Leistungsbeurteilung

Kanning, Uwe Peter / Möller, Jan Henning / Kolev, Nikolay / Pöttker, Jens
Systematische Leistungsbeurteilung
Leistungsbeurteilungen sind die Basis für:BonusausschüttungenZielvereinbarungenInterne StellenbesetzungenPersönliche WeiterentwicklungWie wird ein effektives Beurteilungssystem entwickelt? Wie im Unternehmen eingeführt, angewendet, ausgewertet und verbessert?Das Buch zeigt Prinzipien und Fallstricke. Es vermittelt z. B., wie "gute Leistung" definiert, gemessen und in die Vergütung eingebunden wird. Praxis-Extra: Beurteilungsskalen mit über 120...

CHF 72.00