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874 Ergebnisse - Zeige 41 von 60.

Echo of Shadows

Denny, Jyrone
Echo of Shadows
Poetry came into my life by Jim Morrison's biography "No One Here Gets out Alive" and by Bob Dylan's nasal renditions of his own poetry put to music. First, let's discuss Jim Morrison's biography. I was fifteen years-old when Jim Morrison's biography "No One Here Gets out Alive" caught my eye at a local K-Mart store. It was in paperback and although I had heard of The Doors, Morrison was a stranger to me at the time. Nevertheless, his pictur...

CHF 38.90

Best Practices in Student Transportation

Roberts, Dan
Best Practices in Student Transportation
Creating and maintaining a safe, efficient, and cost effective pupil transportation operation is in the interest of all concerned with K-12 education. Managing a day-to-day business like student transportation within a school district affects the entire community. For those of you involved in delivering this service, we applaud your commitment to students, parents, and administrators, and hope that this book offers insights into how to make yo...

CHF 31.90

Imaginaire V

Imaginaire V
This is the 5th book in the Imaginaire Series. David M Bowers from USA is the guest of honour. A variety of internationally known artists in the genre Magic Realism is showing their own especially, selected work. Among those are of course David M Bowers (US), Michael Hiep (NL), Gil Bruvel (US), Patrick Woodroffe (GB), Mark Wilkinson (GB), Micha Lobi (RUS) and many, many more from all over the world.

CHF 42.90

Rediscovering the Umma

Merdjanova, Ina
Rediscovering the Umma
This book discusses the role of Islam in the political and social developments in the Balkans after the fall of communism. It explores comparatively the transformations of Muslim identities under the influence of various national and transnational, domestic and global factors.

CHF 183.00

Hroniki majora Swaroga

Chekmarew, Vladimir
Hroniki majora Swaroga
V te dawnie wremena, kogda wyshli tol'ko dwe perwyh knigi o 'Majore Swaroge' i wse lübiteli tworchestwa San Sanycha, uzhe ustali zhdat' prodolzhenie, q ne wyderzhal i reshil swaqt' äti hroniki. Ya ne w koem sluchae ne pytaüs' sebq srawnit' s Mätrom Bushkowym, no zahotelos' otwetit' hotq by na chast' woprosow, kotorye San Sanych ostawlqet otkrytymi w swoih knigah. Chto by moq popytka ne wyglqdela slishkom ser'eznoj, q wwel w süzhet neskol'ko ak...

CHF 40.50

Dinasticheskaq istoriq Drewnego Egipta: AntiManefon

Andrienko, Vladimir
Dinasticheskaq istoriq Drewnego Egipta: AntiManefon
Spisok iz 30 dinastij faraonow Egipta nam ostawil istorik Manefon, kotoryj prozhiwal w Egipte wo wremena Ptolemeew. Ego rabota do sih por qwlqetsq osnownym trudom po dinasticheskoj istorii Drewnego Egipta. A esli poprobowat' wystroit' dinasticheskie spiski ne tak, kak äto sdelal Manefon? Ved' inogda ego trud kazhetsq ne sowsem ponqtnym i dazhe nelepym. V dannoj rabote budut priwedeny nowye dinasticheskie spiski wmeste so starymi (obscheprinqty...

CHF 32.90

Zwezdy zhiwut w unison

Blüm, Iwan
Zwezdy zhiwut w unison
Fantasticheskaq powest' «Zwezdy zhiwut w unison» rasskazywaet o mezhplanetnom kosmicheskom polete sowetskogo kosmonawta lejtenanta Snezhinina na mnogorazowom kosmicheskom korable s fotonnym dwizhitelem na obitaemuü planetu XZ, qwlqüschuüsq protiwowesom nashej Zemli w drugoj Galaktike. V obstanowke polnoj sekretnosti w konce 60-h godow sowetskimi uchenymi byl otkryt princip sozdaniq korablq, dwigaüschegosq so swetowoj skorost'ü. V hode mnogolet...

CHF 55.50

Perewernutaq Raduga

Ru, Ti
Perewernutaq Raduga
Ya ponimaü - wam hochetsq po bystromu uznat' soderzhanie, poätomu wy tak pristal'no wglqdywaetes' w äti strochki, nazywaemye annotaciej, kotorye menq zastawil pisat' izdatel'. No, nichego otsüda wy ne uznaete, krome togo, chto äta kniga podojdet i rabochemu i professoru i lübownice processora i rabochego i dazhe lübownice lübownicy professora i rabochego. Da i bezdomnomu, zamerzaüschemu w podwale washego doma, budet interesno ee pochitat', pos...

CHF 40.50

Out of Sight

Livermore, Jessica
Out of Sight
As accurate as her violin playing, maybe even more, probably her music fecundating her poetry and most probably the other way around as well, Jessica Livermore's concise, condensed style tells in numbered words life-time stories in need of thousands of words. Talented, accurate, pedantic... high-class poetry from a high-class pen.

CHF 22.90

Prawowaq kul'tura rossijskih studentow: problemy, protiwo...

Grunt, Elena
Prawowaq kul'tura rossijskih studentow: problemy, protiworechiq razwitiq
Izuchenie prawowoj kul'tury studentow priobretaet osobuü aktual'nost' w sowremennoj Rossii.Sostoqnie neustojchiwosti, perehodnosti, krizisnosti obschestwennogo razwitiq menqet formy i mehanizmy formirowaniq prawowoj kul'tury molodyh lüdej, obuslawliwaet neobhodimost' izucheniq ee osobennostej, faktorow, protiworechij. K tomu zhe, bez sformirowannoj u lichnosti prawowoj kul'tury newozmozhno postroeniq w Rossii prawowogo gosudarstwa i grazhdansk...

CHF 88.00

Dreamer of Destiny

Woster, Barbara
Dreamer of Destiny
(Drama) An epic journey, which will test a young woman's will to survive and lead her into the arms of destiny.Christina begins having dreams after a bout with pneumonia. These dreams foretell of danger to herself, and to a People of whom she has no knowledge. Can Christina interpret these dreams in time to save herself, and an entire nation?

CHF 28.90

Korroziq alüminiewyh splawow

Amini Nadzhafobodi, Rezo / Mejsami, Amirhusajn / Sharifi, Hasan
Korroziq alüminiewyh splawow
Pochti wse wazhnejshie chasti orudij proizwodstw, nachinaq s prostejshih mehanizmow i konchaq slozhnymi mashinami, izgotowleny iz metallow. Hotq w poslednee wremq plastmassy chastichno zamenqüt metally, proizwodstwo metallow postoqnno wozrastaet, i w buduschem wse rawno glawnym obrazom iz nih budut izgotowlqt' bol'shinstwo promyshlennyh ustanowok, mashiny, motory, älektricheskuü prowodku, kotly wysokogo dawleniq i t. d. Harakternye swojstwa me...

CHF 102.00

Kachestwo i bezopasnost' biologicheski aktiwnyh dobawok k...

Karagodin, Vasilij
Kachestwo i bezopasnost' biologicheski aktiwnyh dobawok k pische
Monografiq poswqschena problemam komplexnoj ocenki potrebitel'skih swojstw biologicheski aktiwnyh dobawok k pische (BAD), na osnowe kotoroj wozmozhno ih bolee racional'noe ispol'zowanie w ozdorowitel'nyh programmah naseleniem. Pri prowedenii dobrowol'noj sertifikacii BAD, osobenno BAD-parafarmacewtikow, predlozheno kontrolirowat' soderzhanie w nih minornyh komponentow pischi oficial'nymi metodami analiza ili prowodit' klinicheskie issledowaniq...

CHF 77.00

Arhitekturnoe proektirowanie social'nyh uchrezhdenij

Dunaew, Sergej Alexandrowich / Lomakin, Jurij Alexandrowich
Arhitekturnoe proektirowanie social'nyh uchrezhdenij
V monografii detal'no rassmatriwaetsq istoricheskaq retrospektiwa arhitekturnogo proektirowaniq social'nyh uchrezhdenij ot bogadelen do uchrezhdenij social'nogo obsluzhiwaniq lic starshih wozrastnyh grupp w sewero-zapadnoj chasti Rossii. Raskryty arhitekturno-tipologicheskie aspekty formirowaniq bogadelennyh zawedenij w XIX weke. Predstawlen rqd tipowyh proektow bogadelen. Rassmotreno arhitekturnoe formirowanie social'nyh uchrezhdenij Tihwina ...

CHF 64.00

Gazodinamicheskaq lowushka

Soldatkina, Elena
Gazodinamicheskaq lowushka
Issledowaniq plazmy kak neobychnogo sostoqniq weschestwa w prirode prowodqtsq uzhe bolee weka, a nachinaq so wtoroj polowiny 20 weka w nerazrywnoj swqzi s osuschestwleniem samopodderzhiwaüschejsq uprawlqemoj reakcii termoqdernogo sinteza - prakticheski neischerpaemogo istochnika änergii. Na Zemle wysokotemperaturnaq plazma mozhet byt' poluchena lish' w laboratornyh uslowiqh i uderzhat' ee mozhno, naprimer, w magnitnom pole. Sredi mnogoobraziq ...

CHF 77.00

Étude de l'antigène tumoral préprocalcitonine

Durgeau, Aurélie
Étude de l'antigène tumoral préprocalcitonine
Nous avons identifié un antigène (Ag) tumoral codé par le gène CALCA, qui code la calcitonine, qui est surexprimé dans plusieurs carcinomes bronchiques. Le peptide antigénique est issu du peptide signal de la préprocalcitonine. Il est apprêté dans le réticulum endoplasmique par deux protéases, la signal peptidase et la signal peptide peptidase, de manière indépendante de la voie classique protéasomes-TAP. Au cours de ma recherche, je me suis i...

CHF 89.00

Izbrannye glawy iz äkonomicheskoj teorii. Chast' 2

Vinokurow, Ewgenij Fedorowich
Izbrannye glawy iz äkonomicheskoj teorii. Chast' 2
Kniga prednaznachena dlq togo, chtoby pomoch' chitatelü razobrat'sq s ponqtiem älastichnosti i s ispol'zowaniem äkonomistami razlichnyh modifikacij ätogo pokazatelq. V rabote oswescheny traktowki i primenenie w äkonomicheskoj praktike älastichnosti sprosa i predlozheniq, perekrestnoj älastichnosti, älastichnosti po dohodu, älastichnosti zamescheniq. Rassmotren sposob opredeleniq znacheniq tochechnoj älastichnosti s ispol'zowaniem kasatel'noj k...

CHF 77.00