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670 Ergebnisse - Zeige 581 von 600.

Die Liberalisierung des Fernbusverkehres

Niedling, Jan
Die Liberalisierung des Fernbusverkehres
Durch die Liberalsierung des Fernbusverkehres ermöglichte sich für den Nutzer/-innen eine neue Reisemöglichkeit im Fernverkehr. Diese Arbeit untersucht, ob und inwiefern der Fernbus im Vergleich zum Fernverekhr der Deutschen Bahn AG konkurrenzfähog sein kann. Dies wird anhand von ausgewählten Indikatoren vorgenommen. Dazu werden eine detaillierte Bestandsaufnahme, eine vergleichende Analyse sowie ein Fazit durchgeführt.

CHF 71.00

Mutualism of Tourism and Nature Conservation

Denk, Iris
Mutualism of Tourism and Nature Conservation
Due to the very diverse, hardly structured nature of the tourism sector and its characteristic weak defined types and diverse transitions between them, an attempt is made to display and categorise the variety of different outward-oriented ecotourism measures related to the support of nature conservation and the maintaining or enhancement of the environment. Furthermore, their implementation in practice and the advantages and benefits that ecot...

CHF 71.00

Synthèse de nickelates de lanthane. Application SOFC

Cienfuegos Pelaes, Rene-Fabian / Castillo, Simone / Ansart, Florence
Synthèse de nickelates de lanthane. Application SOFC
Ce travail porte sur la synthèse et la mise en forme de couches minces et épaisses de nickelates de lanthane (phases de Ruddlesden-Popper) La2-xNiO4+d (x=0, 0.02) et La4Ni3O10. Ces matériaux à conduction mixte (MIEC) sont étudiés en vue de leur application comme cathodes de piles à combustible SOFC fonctionnant à température intermédiaire (700-800°C). ). Ils sont préparés sous forme de poudres par procédé sol-gel et sont incorporés ensuite dan...

CHF 102.00

Analysis Of Information Systems Case study in Bomet Count...

Ng'eno, Eric Kiplangat
Analysis Of Information Systems Case study in Bomet County, Kenya
Post harvest management of cereal crops is a major concern for smallholder farmers in developing countries. A number of these countries lose between 30 and 40 per cent of cereals harvest due to inefficiencies in handling and are faced with threats of Aflatoxin due lack of timely and relevant information and knowledge on post harvest management of cereal crops. Decision-making by smallholder farmers is complicated by inappropriate and inefficie...

CHF 71.00

L'affermazione femminile in Zora Neale Hurston e in Toni ...

Vanacore, Imma
L'affermazione femminile in Zora Neale Hurston e in Toni Morrison
Nel mettere a confronto i romanzi "Their Eyes Were Watching God" di Hurston e "Sula" di Morrison, il punto di partenza è la lotta per l'emancipazione femminile da parte di due donne di colore, rispettivamente di Janie Crawford e di Sula Peace. La società americana svolge il ruolo di antagonista nei loro confronti: la forza di Sula e il desiderio di Janie di raggiungere l'orizzonte diventano l'esempio per tutte le donne e per le scrittrici dell...

CHF 65.00

Outsourcing and innovation performance in the UK furnitur...

Readman, Jeff
Outsourcing and innovation performance in the UK furniture industry
The relationships between outsourcing and innovation performance in the UK furniture manufacturing industry are investigated in this study. This study contributes to the discourse by showing that innovation performance is affected by outsourcing decisions. First, outsourcing peripheral activities has no impact on innovation. Second, performing core activities does have a positive influence on innovation performance. Furthermore, the findings s...

CHF 98.00


Epishin, Dmitrij
Nachalo HH weka. Rossiü sotrqsaüt rewolücionnye buri, uprawlqemye ch'ej - to newidimoj rukoj. V ogromnom kotle sobytij nachinaetsq nowaq ära w razwitii Rossijskoj gosudarstwennosti. Jeta kniga o narodnoj drame bol'shewistskoj rewolücii w nashej strane. Jepicentrom proishodqschego awtor izbral nekij uezdnyj gorod Okoqnow, w kotorom, kak w kaple wody, otrazilsq wes' dramatizm äpohi. Roman zastawlqet porazmyslit' nad istoriej rodnoj strany. Vyzyw...

CHF 34.50


Bykowskij, Valentin
Rasskazal o tom kak wizhu proshloe i buduschee nashej planety i lüdej zhiwuschih na nej. Poluchilos' ili net, sudit' chitatelü. Verü w dobro, werü w mudrost' cheloweka, w suschestwowanie sowesti. Sejchas mnogie schitaüt sowest' atawizmom, no q werü, chto äto wremenno. Sohranim Zemlü, sdelaem eö eschö krashe. Zaglqnem w nowye miry, doberömsq do zwözd, wsö äto budet. Budet, blagodarq takim lüdqm kak geroj moego rasskaza "Vybor".

CHF 27.90

Small and Medium Sized Tourism Enterprise Succession

Friedrich, Kornelia
Small and Medium Sized Tourism Enterprise Succession
The majority of businesses within the Austrian hospitality industry fall into the category of small and medium sized businesses and moreover are family owned. Within the next years a high number of hoteliers will retire, which means that they have to hand over the business to the next generation. Family businesses differ from non-family businesses in many aspects and furthermore, the succession process is different in each case. Moreover, the ...

CHF 79.00

De l'image au temps

Fourcy, Benjamin
De l'image au temps
De la technique précaire du sténopé à la photographie instantanée, de 1780 où Jacques Charles fixa fugitivement la première silhouette à l'aide d'une chambre noire sur du papier imbibé de chlorure d'argent à nos jours, la photographie s'accorde à dire qu'elle est indissociable de la notion de temporalité. Elle ouvre des espaces-temps, à plus ou moins grande échelle, de plusieurs mois d'exposition jusqu'au millième de seconde, mais de ce temps ...

CHF 84.00

Religiozno-filosofskie idei Nosira Husrawa i Dzhalaleddin...

Karamhudoew, Shukrat / Shukrat, Karamhudoew
Religiozno-filosofskie idei Nosira Husrawa i Dzhalaleddina Rumi
Monografiq Karamhudoewa Sh.H predstawlqet soboj, naskol'ko mne izwestno, perwoj issledowatel'skoj popytkoj srawnitel'nogo analiza uchenij sufizma i ismailizma w lice izwestnogo ismailitskogo myslitelq Nosira Husrawa i welikogo sufijskogo shejha Dzhalaleddina Rumi. Nadeüs', ona qwlqetsq nachalom filosofskoj komparatiwistiki w Tadzhikistane i posluzhit swoü rol' w razwitii ätogo nowogo issledowatel'skogo naprawleniq w strane. Vo-perwyh, rabota S...

CHF 92.00

Tantra the Mystic Path of Clairvoyance Volume-10

Krishnan, Jagadeesh
Tantra the Mystic Path of Clairvoyance Volume-10
This book mainly describes Ancient Tantra Techniques, which is nowadays cure all Psychological and Biological problems, This book is not an Religious Book, this book mainly deals with all Psychological and Biological problems like Stress disorders, Alzheimer's disease, Alcoholic, Drugs Addiction, personality disorders, Anxiety disorders, Autism, Bipolar disorders, Schizophrenia, Cognitive disorders, Depression, Dissociative disorders, Phobia, ...

CHF 112.00

SAR osnownyh parametrow kotloagregata na TJeC

Poliwanow, Anton
SAR osnownyh parametrow kotloagregata na TJeC
Ob#ektami issledowaniq qwlqetsq sistemy awtomaticheskogo regulirowaniq temperatury peregretogo para i urownq wody w barabane kotloagregata ¿2 BKZ-75-39 FB, nahodqschegosq w äxpluatacii na dejstwuüschej TJeC. Cel' raboty - razrabotka sistem awtomaticheskogo regulirowaniq osnownymi parametrami kotloagregata: temperatura peregretogo para i urowen' wody w barabane kotloagregata. V rabote rassmotreny sleduüschie zadachi: 1) analiz tehnologicheskogo...

CHF 71.00

E ¿ Business Management And Trading

Shrivastava, Ajit
E ¿ Business Management And Trading
From a buzzword to a current-day reality, e-commerce in world has been experiencing remarkable growth, successfully changing the way people transact. People today can shop literally everywhere within minutes, be it their workstations or homes, and most importantly, at any time of the day at their leisure. The online market space in the country is burgeoning in terms of offerings ranging from travel, movies, hotel reservations and books to the ...

CHF 112.00

Optimierte Nutzung von ausgewählten verholzten Materialien

Thoma, Wilfried
Optimierte Nutzung von ausgewählten verholzten Materialien
Der internationale Handel mit holzigen Biomassebrennstoffen erfordert eine geeignete Normung seiner qualitätsrelevanten Eigenschaften. Diese dient als Instrument zur Erstellung von Verträgen und Abkommen zwischen Lieferanten und Abnehmern. Holzige Materialien wie z.B. Waldhackgut, Waldrestholz, Grünschnitt werden unter den Bezeichnungen "Hackgut" und "Schredderholz" zunehmend in Biomasseheizanlagen genutzt. Im Rahmen dieser Masterarbeit wurden...

CHF 52.50

Analisi e Valutazione di schemi di Replicazione per Memor...

Mondelli, Andrea
Analisi e Valutazione di schemi di Replicazione per Memorie Cache
Con l'aumentare del livello di integrazione sui chip, i sistemi multipro- cessore sono passati dalle implementazioni di sistemi multi-chip a sistemi a singolo chip. Per raggiungere prestazioni otti- mali, tali sistemi necessitano di una comunicazione ad elevata banda e bassa latenza sia tra processore e processore che tra gli stessi e le memorie cache. La gestione delle cache di basso livello rappresenta quindi una sfida importante, specialmen...

CHF 72.00

Epidémiologie clinique de la Borréliose de Lyme en Belgique

Somassè, Yassinmè Elysée
Epidémiologie clinique de la Borréliose de Lyme en Belgique
La Borréliose de Lyme est la maladie vectorielle la plus fréquente en Europe. Les données sérologiques qui sont la base de la surveillance épidémiologique en Belgique ne permettent pas de décrire les formes cliniques disséminées qui font la charge de la maladie. Ce travail fait le point de l'évolution clinique de la maladie et analyse le profil clinique et les facteurs déterminants à partir d'une série de cas hospitalisés à la clinique Saint-P...

CHF 52.50

Algorithms for mapping of XACML policies into temporal re...

Abd El-Aziz, Abd El-Aziz Ahmed
Algorithms for mapping of XACML policies into temporal relations
Although extensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) is recognized as a precise and a complete policy description language, the structure of the current XACML policy is complex. Hence, users need to understand XACML well and write down the securing policy all by hand, which make it dif¿cult to master and use. On the other hand, RDBMS is easy and simple to use by all users and allows hiding the dif¿culties of XACML by storing XACML polici...

CHF 83.00

Dalekaq zwezda, sweti mne w spinu!

Golomazow, Roman
Dalekaq zwezda, sweti mne w spinu!
Dalekaq zwezda Al'fa Centawra osweschaet uranowye rudniki Rossijskoj Federacii na planete Kop'. Mnogochislennye inzhenery, shahtery i ohranniki nesut dolguü wahtu na planete Kop' - za pqt' let raboty, kogda oni wernut'sq na Zemlü, im zaplatqt milliony. Alexej Torkow, inzhener perwogo klassa, wse chasche dumaet o dome. On wspominaet zhenu i dochku, ostawshihsq w Rossii. Kak obychno on idet na rabotu, i wnezapno sluchaetsq terakt, kotoryj polaga...

CHF 47.50

Blüdo, kotoroe podaüt holodnym

Dimitrowa, Galina
Blüdo, kotoroe podaüt holodnym
Ubit kandidat w deputaty Gosudarstwennoj Dumy Ewgenij Lysenko. Zhestkoe ubijstwo sowershila zhenschina. Sledowatel' Kotow rassleduet äto neprostoe delo. Kotowu prihoditsq mnogoe uznat' o zhizni Lysenko s detstwa do poslednih dnej. Postepenno wyrisowywaetsq nepriglqdnoe lico zhertwy. Sledowatel' shag za shagom uznaet o zhenschinah w zhizni kandidata w deputaty. Vera, Nadezhda, Lübow', Sofiq... Kto iz chetyreh zhenschin, kotorye ego nenawidqt, s...

CHF 27.90