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814 Ergebnisse - Zeige 41 von 60.

Uchebnoe metodicheskoe posobie «Trudowoe prawo Rossii»

Afanas'ew, Mihail
Uchebnoe metodicheskoe posobie «Trudowoe prawo Rossii»
Uchebnoe metodicheskoe posobie baziruetsq na obrazowatel'nom standarte, sowremennom zakonodatel'stwe, reguliruüschem trudowoe zakonodatel'stwo, otechestwennoj sudebnoj praktike, a takzhe uchitywaet sowremennoe sostoqnie otraslewyh üridicheskih nauk. Soderzhanie kursa w uchebnoj programme imeet cel'ü predostawit' studentam naibolee polnuü informaciü po izuchaemym woprosam trudowogo prawa Rossii. Celqmi uchebnoj discipliny «Trudowoe prawo Rossii...

CHF 92.00

Osnowy sertifikacii i menedzhmenta kachestwa

Gajdaj, Inna
Osnowy sertifikacii i menedzhmenta kachestwa
Izlozheny osnownye aspekty sertifikacii i menedzhmenta kachestwa. Oswescheny procedury podtwerzhdeniq sootwetstwiq produkcii i akkreditacii w oblasti ocenki sootwetstwiq w Respublike Kazahstan. Rassmotreny osobennosti modulej, ispol'zuemyh pri podtwerzhdenii sootwetstwiq w stranah Ewrosoüza i porqdok markirowaniq produkcii znakom sootwetstwiq. Osoboe wnimanie udeleno mezhdunarodnym standartam serii ISO 9000 kak sredstwu powysheniq konkurentosp...

CHF 71.00

Students¿ motivations for volunteering

Skramstad, Martin Roa
Students¿ motivations for volunteering
This book aims to uncover the main motivations for, and hindrances against, student volunteer work, and to understand what it is that gives satisfaction from participation for the students. Through student data collected from Norway and Mexico connections are assessed between control variables, group memberships, ten motivational factors, five hindrance factors and twelve factors for satisfaction. The analyses show motivational differences dep...

CHF 79.00

Policy Evaluation of the Comprehensive Rural Development ...

Mathebula, Ntwanano
Policy Evaluation of the Comprehensive Rural Development Programme
This book emanates from a scholarly research which was carried out to evaluate a socio-economic programme (i.e. Comprehensive Rural Development Programme) in order to ensure enhanced service delivery in disadvantaged rural communities of South Africa. This collection of literature and empirical data from the Greater Giyani Municipality (South Africa) as part of the presidential programme explores major challenges confronting the municipality. ...

CHF 52.50

Opyt nowyh industrial'nyh stran w preodolenii äkonomiches...

Rezwanowa, Dar'q
Opyt nowyh industrial'nyh stran w preodolenii äkonomicheskoj otstalosti
My byli swidetelqmi nastoqschej lawiny kak otechestwennoj, tak i zarubezhnoj literatury, poswqschennoj «wostochno-aziatskomu chudu», stranam tihookeanskogo poqsa i modernizacii aziatskih äkonomik za poslednie neskol'ko let. Otlichitel'nymi chertami razwitiq NIS qwlqütsq wysokie tempy rosta, kotorye dostigalis' za schet wysokoj normy nakopleniq, ispol'zowaniq sowremennyh tehnologij, wysokoj proizwoditel'nosti truda. Iz ogromnogo chisla nowyh te...

CHF 52.50

Vychislenie matematicheskih postoqnnyh i funkcij

Chepasow, Valerij / Borisow, Vladimir / Borisowa, Natal'q
Vychislenie matematicheskih postoqnnyh i funkcij
Rassmatriwaütsq programmnye realizacii wychisleniq matematicheskih postoqnnyh i funkcij cherez reshenie urawnenij po formule Milna w obychnoj i dlinnoj arifmetike. Razrabotannyj algoritm dlinnoj arifmetiki pozwolil wypolnqt' wse arifmeticheskie operacii s proizwol'nym kolichestwom razrqdow w celoj i drobnoj chastqh operandow. Dlq napisaniq programm ispol'zowalsq BORLAND S++ w WINDOWS. Kniga budet poleznoj dlq studentow, aspirantow, nauchnyh ra...

CHF 125.00

Noise Elimination of a Broadband Noise with Hybrid Helmho...

Chiu, Min-Chie
Noise Elimination of a Broadband Noise with Hybrid Helmholtz Mufflers
Noise control is essential in an enclosed machine room where the noise level has to comply with the occupational safety and health act. In order to overcome a pure tone noise with a high peak value that is harmful to human hearing, a traditional reactive muffler has been used. Helmholtz mufflers that deal with a pure tone have been adequately researched. However, the shape optimization of multi-chamber Helmholtz mufflers that deal with a broad...

CHF 52.50

Management of Stem Borer, Chilo Partellus Swinhioe in Maize

Singh, Ajay / Mishra, Pramod / Maurya, Krishna
Management of Stem Borer, Chilo Partellus Swinhioe in Maize
The nature and magnitude of important insect's pest of Maize crop are described in this book. The need to manage these insect to achieve profitable crop production is stressed. These insect are found all over the world, but the principle and methods employed in studying & managing them are essentially the same, regardless of location. A primary focus is placed on the types of damage of maize insect's cause to economic crops and how that damage...

CHF 52.50

Synthesis and pharmacological evaluation of isatin deriva...

Raj, Vinit
Synthesis and pharmacological evaluation of isatin derivatives
Preface The book entitled "Synthesis and pharmacological evaluation of novel isatin derivatives" has been compiled to meet the essential requirement of the researcher for the development novel potent antiepileptic drugs. The subject matter of this work comprehensive and simple. I have tried to present this work in stepwise directions which help the researcher to develop of novel antiepileptic drug and also help them to I hope this book may be ...

CHF 71.00

Polymeric Nanofibers for Biomedical and Biotechnologic Ap...

Correia, Tiago / Correia, Ilídio
Polymeric Nanofibers for Biomedical and Biotechnologic Applications
Bone tissue is a complex structure with the capacity to self-regenerate and responsible for different functions in our body. However, when bone integrity is disturbed, its self-regenerative capacity is lost. The available treatments are based on bone grafts and other bone substitutes which possess several limitations. Herein, a new approach to mimic the extracellular matrix of bone and cellular microenvironment was developed in this work. Ther...

CHF 52.50

Polyaniline Nanocomposites - A Modern Approach

Kose, Tikaram
Polyaniline Nanocomposites - A Modern Approach
Nanocomposites of conducting polyaniline with various transition metals have been synthesized via in situ by oxidizing the complex of aniline. The effect of CdS-nanoparticles on the electrical conductivity of polyaniline was discussed. The as prepared products were characterized by FT-IR and Transmission electron Microscopy. Different nanocomposites were compared with CdS-polyaniline nanocomposites. FTIR absorption band at 3600 - 3500 cm-1 con...

CHF 52.50

Ethiopia¿s Probable Accession to WTO and its Coffee Expor...

Fereja, Sara
Ethiopia¿s Probable Accession to WTO and its Coffee Export Sector
WTO helps cross border trade transactions take place predictably, freely and smoothly based on international trade rules and regulations set by the organization itself, making it the only international organization setting and dealing with global rules on international level trade transactions. Thus, this expected opportunity is the driving engine encouraging Least Developed Countries accede to WTO. Regarding the case of Ethiopia, Ethiopia is ...

CHF 52.50

Psihologicheskie osobennosti wospriqtiq social'noj reklamy

Nazarowa, Anna
Psihologicheskie osobennosti wospriqtiq social'noj reklamy
V monografii wyqwleny i oharakterizowany lichnostnye osobennosti, wliqüschie na wospriqtie reklamy na cennostno-smyslowom urowne, a takzhe na kommunikatiwnuü äffektiwnost' na ätapah raspoznaniq, zapominaniq i wowlecheniq, opisana specifika social'noj reklamy dlq podrostkow, ee zadachi, tipologii w zawisimosti ot social'noj stratifikacii obschestwa, gendernyh i kul'turnyh tradicij. Awtorom pokazana specifika razwitiq otechestwennoj reklamy, sos...

CHF 79.00

Social Media Marketing-A Strategic Initiative

Nagpal, Shafali / Bansal, Rohit
Social Media Marketing-A Strategic Initiative
Social Media is transforming all aspects of marketing from brand building, communications and advertising to customization and customer engagement.Researchers and marketers are grappling with the profound impact of the rapidly evolving social media on viral user-generated content, its impact in shaping consumer perceptions and constantly changing landscape for developing business cases to proactively engaging with stakeholders. Over the last f...

CHF 79.00

Using GA and MCFDM to Find the Optimal Maintenance Planning

Tahvili, Sahar
Using GA and MCFDM to Find the Optimal Maintenance Planning
The main goal of this project is to explore the use of stochastic simulation, genetic algorithms, fuzzy decision making and other tools for solving complex maintenance planning optimization problems. We use two different maintenance activities, corrective maintenance and preventive maintenance. Since the evaluation of specific candidate maintenance policies can take a long time to execute and the problem of finding the optimal policy is both n...

CHF 71.00

Computerizing Safety Management System in Syrian Shipping...

Lebbadi, Taha / Adams, Jackson
Computerizing Safety Management System in Syrian Shipping Company
The author has approached the subject matter from the standpoint of an experience sea captain on board commercial ships attempting to investigates the process of integrating information technology within the ship safety management system for enhancing compliance with the International Safety Management (ISM) Code. Two case studies of Syrian ship management companies have been selected to analyze the process of IT integration, its environment a...

CHF 71.00

The Fake Figure of Human Rights in Pakistan

Khan, Muhammad Nasir
The Fake Figure of Human Rights in Pakistan
The study highlights the role of a person in human rights violation in Pakistan.He fiddles the ignorant and illiterate villagers in Pakistan. The study reflects the cruelty of the fake figure of human rights in the rural areas of Pakistan.The study indicates the nature, meaning, training and capturing techniques of the fake figure of human rights in the rural areas and blind belief of the villagers regarding such fake figure of human rights.Th...

CHF 52.50

Strategicheskie naprawleniq razwitiq promyshlennogo kompl...

Ferzilaewa, Radmila
Strategicheskie naprawleniq razwitiq promyshlennogo komplexa Dagestana
Na dannyj moment rossijskaq äkonomika prohodit ätap slozhnyh izmenenij, kotorye wyqwlqüt uqzwimye storony nashej äkonomiki. Jeti izmeneniq stanowqtsq indikatorom slabyh i sil'nyh storon äkonomicheskoj sostawlqüschej nashego gosudarstwa. Dlq uspeshnogo osuschestwleniq äkonomicheskih preobrazowanij, stabilizacii i äkonomicheskogo rosta na urowne strany i ee sub#ektow - regionow Rossijskoj Federacii neobhodimo uchitywat' realii i tendencii nynesh...

CHF 52.50

Quality Of Maize Stored In Gombisa And Sacks In Jimma, Et...

Befikadu, Dubale
Quality Of Maize Stored In Gombisa And Sacks In Jimma, Ethiopia
Estimates suggest that the magnitude of post-harvest loss in Ethiopia is tremendous ranging from 5% to 19% for maize. Environmental conditions, insects, rodents, birds, fungi, yeasts and bacteria highly affect stored products. Maize is a staple food and one of the main sources of calories in the major producing areas of Ethiopia. However, the grain undergoes quantitative and qualitative losses during storage. The losses occur mainly because of...

CHF 71.00

Parametric Study of the Suspension System for a Low Mass ...

Shah, Umer Hameed
Parametric Study of the Suspension System for a Low Mass Vehicle
This work presents a study on the effects of suspension system on a Low Mass Vehicle (LMV) by changing its parameters to achieve an appropriate 'ride performance'. Both traditional and bond graph modeling techniques have been used to model and analyze the vehicle system, and a comparison between the two techniques has also been presented to decide which technique is suitable for the modeling and analysis of the vehicles' dynamics. Simulations ...

CHF 52.50