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1231 Ergebnisse - Zeige 81 von 100.

The Integration of ICTs in the Teaching of Mathematics

Keramida, Konstantina
The Integration of ICTs in the Teaching of Mathematics
The rate at which the ICTs (Information and Communication Technologies) are introduced into the educational process is very slow in spite of the materialized high ICT investment in the sector. The purpose of this book is to investigate the factors which lead to the observed low rate of ICT adoption in the process of Math teaching in the secondary education of Greece. The use of ICT by the Math teachers is distinguished in two categories: use f...

CHF 67.00

Sporttherapie bei Schlaganfallpatienten

Beurskens, Rainer
Sporttherapie bei Schlaganfallpatienten
In Deutschland erleiden jährlich ca. 250.000 Menschen einen Schlaganfall. Die Betroffenen leiden häufig unter bleibenden Behinderungen, welche von kognitiven Störungen über motorische Beeinträchtigungen bis hin zu körperlichen Behinderungen. Die Rehabilitationsmaßnahmen in der ambulanten Schlaganfallnachsorge sollen den Betroffenen zu neuer Selbständigkeit und zu mehr Mobilität im Alltag verhelfen. Auf motorischer Ebene können sporttherapeutis...

CHF 58.50

Satisfaction Matters

Anekwe, Obiora
Satisfaction Matters
Research has shown that when students have high-quality experiences on campus, student satisfaction levels increase. The mixed methods research presented is a comparative pilot study on the student satisfaction rate of African American students in teacher education programs attending Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and Historically White Colleges and Universities (HWCUs). The Higher Education Student Satisfaction Survey (H...

CHF 59.90

Stählerne Romantik

Arning, Robert
Stählerne Romantik
Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht gesellschaftspolitische Theorien und Wertvorstellungen von konservativen Intellektuellen der Weimarer Republik und deren Einfluss auf den Nationalsozialismus. Im Mittelpunkt steht ein Phänomen, für das der US-Amerikanische Historiker Jeffrey Herf den Begriff ¿Reactionary Modernism¿ geprägt hat. Unter Reaktionärem Modernismus versteht Herf die Begeisterung für technischen Fortschritt bei gleichzeitiger Ablehnun...

CHF 52.50

Value at Risk

Aichinger, Ida
Value at Risk
Gewinne zu erzielen ohne dabei ein Risiko einzugehen ist praktisch unmöglich! Thema dieses Buches ist es, dieses Risiko zu messen und zu bewerten. Dafür wird ein weitverbreitetes Risikomaß - der Value at Risk - verwendet. In einer einzigen Zahl vermittelt er dem Betrachter die gesamte Information über das vorhandene Risiko. Durch diese einfache Darstellung ist es Risikomanagern möglich den Überblick über den global vernetzten Finanzmarkt und i...

CHF 32.90

Reentry Experiences of Formerly Incarcerated Females

Didlick-Davis, Celeste
Reentry Experiences of Formerly Incarcerated Females
Personal Perspectives from Females Returning Home from Incarceration and the challenges that they face and the support they need. Do formerly incarcerated females face different issues than formerly incarcerated males? When a mother goes to jail, she takes her entire family her, family dynamics are forever changed. In an increasingly tight employment market, how can formerly incarcerated females be better supported as they attempt to reconstru...

CHF 30.50

Estrategias de afrontamiento

Silva Concha, Luzmarina Sandra / Zuleta I., Lorenzo
Estrategias de afrontamiento
El desarrollo de cuidados hacia las personas con dependencia ha evolucionado gradualmente. En países desarrollados, este cambio se ha visto reflejado por el aumento en la tasa de la población adulta mayor, quienes presentan además, la mayor tasa de personas con dependencia. Es así como los familiares directos, quienes se transforman en el cuidador principal del paciente, conforman un perfil característico: generalmente mujeres, de una edad det...

CHF 58.50

Ecologia da ostra do mangue

Castilho-Westphal, Gisela G. / Ostrensky, Antonio
Ecologia da ostra do mangue
Na baía de Guaratuba-PR, litoral sul do Brasil, uma região onde as principais atividades desenvolvidas são o turismo, a pesca do camarão, o cultivo de ostras e camarões e a agricultura, a ostreicultura desponta como uma alternativa de renda para comunidades tradicionais da região. Entre as espécies de ostras encontradas no ambiente, Crassostrea brasiliana surge como a principal opção para o cultivo, por seus bons índices zootécnicos, sua capac...

CHF 67.00

Communication Channels in the Workplace

Zizka, Laura
Communication Channels in the Workplace
The way people choose to communicate can affect current and future relationships between sender and receiver. Business professionals communicate internally and externally using a variety of communication channels, such as e-mail, letters, phone, or face-to-face and must choose the best channel for the message they are trying to convey. The purpose of this book was to examine how business professionals choose between the available channels, the...

CHF 59.90

Periodontal proteins in health and disease

Aghanashini, Suchetha / Sravani, Koduru / Mundinamane, Darshan B.
Periodontal proteins in health and disease
Proteins are the class of macromolecules containing nitrogen that are essential for the survival of life.Proteins execute a wide variety of specific and vital functions in the living cells. The supporting tissues of periodontium are made up several molecules, cells and tissues embedded in different layers of matrix composition. Proteins present in periodontium are involved in various functions such as cell matrix adhesion and signaling, regula...

CHF 39.50

Cultura, globalización y democracia en la era de la infor...

Fernandez, Eduardo
Cultura, globalización y democracia en la era de la información
El incierto e inquietante panorama mundial al inicio de un nuevo siglo y milenio propició la reflexión crítica sobre el presente y el futuro de la humanidad. Debido a ello uno de los menesteres primordiales del filosofar es meditar, analizar y evaluar las perspectivas presentadas por los teóricos de las distintas disciplinas para así poder presentar su propia visión sobre la problemática común de la humanidad. En un mundo cada vez más globaliz...

CHF 54.50

Assessment of the Sustainable Urban Regeneration in Pales...

Qanzu'a, Najwa
Assessment of the Sustainable Urban Regeneration in Palestine
Traditional quarters have been continuously influenced by the constant change of their surrounding environment. A growing number of regeneration initiatives have only focused on deprived historical cities, ignoring traditional quarters in rural towns suffering also from decay, from being a valuable part of the development. This research assesses a regeneration initiative of a whole traditional quarter (Birzeit) and how far intervention strateg...

CHF 64.00

Intention to avoid Premarital Sex among Youth in Yangon, ...

Lwin, Myat Yi / Vatanasomboon, Paranee / Chamroonsawasdi, Kanittha
Intention to avoid Premarital Sex among Youth in Yangon, Myanmar
This cross-sectional study aimed to identify the intention to avoid premarital sex and to determine the relationships between general characteristics, internal factors, external factors and intention to avoid premarital sex among "Happy and Healthy Adolescent Lives (HHAL)" trainees. The 200 HHAL trainees between 18-25 years of age were randomly selected using the multi-stage sampling method. Data were collected by using self-administered quest...

CHF 52.50

Motor learning in healthy and Parkinsonian adults

Di Nuzzo, Chiara
Motor learning in healthy and Parkinsonian adults
Since there is no curative therapy for Parkinson's disease, researches are trying to identify the best methods and the most effective tools to help these patients. This project addresses this question by investigating the efficacy of a new rehabilitative approach. Starting with a systematic review, three innovative approaches were identified as effective treatments for Parkinson's symptoms: Action Observation Learning (based on the theory of m...

CHF 72.00

Organizational Cynicism

Nafei, Wageeh
Organizational Cynicism
The importance of organizational cynicism in the Arab environments has not received its due share of interest. Therefore, the current book is trying to determine 1. The Effects of Organizational Cynicism on Job Attitudes: An Empirical Study on Teaching Hospitals in Egypt, 2. The Impact of Organizational Cynicism on Organizational Commitment: An Applied Study on Teaching Hospitals in Egypt, 3. Examining the Relationship between Organizational C...

CHF 58.50

Altenbilder im Wandel der Generationen

Wappler, Kirsten / Graubner, Cathrin
Altenbilder im Wandel der Generationen
Die Arbeit erforscht aktuelle Wahrnehmungen und Vorstellungen der gesellschaftlichen Konstruktion Alter in unterschiedlichen Altersgruppen und deren Auswirkungen auf das bestehende Altersbild. Altersbilder verschiedener Generationen unserer Gesellschaft werden systematisch erfasst, analysiert und schließlich in Form von Handreichungen für die Praxis professioneller Sozialer Arbeit zugänglich gemacht. Aktuell und zukünftig.

CHF 48.90

Cosméticos orgânicos

Scremin, Fernando Mateus / Paulino, Niraldo
Cosméticos orgânicos
O uso de produtos tópicos antioxidantes auxilia de forma eficaz na redução da peroxidação lipídica, diminuindo o envelhecimento da pele e evitando o aparecimento de rugas. Os cosméticos antienvelhecimento tem crescido mundialmente, assim como a preocupação em relação a sustentabilidade do planeta, atualmente as pessoas procuram produtos que agridam menos o meio ambiente, o que podemos chamar de cosméticos orgânicos. O que você encontrará neste...

CHF 43.90

Die langfristigen Erfolge in der Adipositastherapie bei K...

Margraf, Carolin
Die langfristigen Erfolge in der Adipositastherapie bei Kindern
Übermäßiges Körpergewicht ist heute die häufigste ernährungsabhängige Gesundheitsstörung bei Kindern und Jugendlichen". Diese Tatsache hat Carolin Margraf dazu bewegt, die aktuelle Problematik der Adipositas im Kindesalter aufzuzeigen und die Vorgehensweisen hinsichtlich Prävention und Therapie in Deutschland zu erörtern. Das Ziel war, herauszufinden, ob das Therapieangebot in Deutschland langfristige Effekte auf das Übergewicht im Kindesalter...

CHF 32.90

A(s) identidade(s) dos educadores de infância em Portugal

Marta, Margarida
A(s) identidade(s) dos educadores de infância em Portugal
As políticas educativas da primeira década do séc. XXI introduziram alterações na educação pré-escolar em Portugal, modificando os quadros de vida dos educadores de infância. Neste livro pretendemos dar conta das transformações operadas nas identidades profissionais dos educadores de infância do setor público e do setor privado. Os educadores de ambos os setores surgem-nos com uma forte vinculação à profissão, sendo o núcleo identificatório da...

CHF 71.00

Persimmon Takes On Humanity

Locke, Christopher
Persimmon Takes On Humanity
What would you do if you saw someone committing unimaginable acts of cruelty? Turn the other way or defend those in need-no matter the cost?That's the dilemma thrust upon Persimmon, a clever and compassionate raccoon, and her loyal forest friends. Instantly, the courageous critters spring into action, risking their own lives to rescue any animal they see suffering at the hands of humans. What the team doesn't know is just how rampant this viol...

CHF 27.50