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799 Ergebnisse - Zeige 721 von 740.

Medicación inadecuada y síndrome confusional agudo en adu...

Amado, Jose / Oscanoa, Teodoro / Kraenau, Erwin
Medicación inadecuada y síndrome confusional agudo en adultos mayores
El empleo de medicación potencialmente inadecuada y síndrome confusional agudo son problemas frecuentes en adultos mayores, visto con frecuencia en servicios de emergencia. El presente trabajo busca describir factores asociados al síndrome confusional agudo, describir medicación habitual y evaluar medicación potencialmente inadecuada. Se aplica la metodología de estudio de casos y controles en pacientes de 65 años o más, hospitalizados en emer...

CHF 52.50

La detención preventiva y la prohibición de sustitución p...

Luna Gélvez, Mayra Alejandra
La detención preventiva y la prohibición de sustitución preventiva
El régimen de la libertad y su restricción ha sido reformado en varias ocasiones desde su promulgación en 2004 . En esta oportunidad se analizará la forma como se han aplicado y entendido dos disposiciones introducidas por esas reformas: el art. 199 del Código de la Infancia y la Adolescencia (C. I. A.), que regula la detención preventiva cuando se imputan delitos cometidos contra menores de edad, y el parágrafo del art. 314 del Código de Proc...

CHF 52.50

Comparación del consumo de remifentanil en perfusión manu...

Carcausto Huamaní, Carlos Alberto
Comparación del consumo de remifentanil en perfusión manual versus TCI
La anestesia total intravenosa (TIVA) es desde hace muchos años, una tendencia mundial, y con el conocimiento de la farmacocinética (PK) y la farmacodinamia (PD) se han desarrollado modos de infundir drogas de una manera novedosa, dosificación controlada a objetivo o Target Controlled Infusion (TCI). En nuestra práctica diaria hemos visto que estos sistemas son muy eficientes no solo en estabilidad hemodinámica, sino también en el menor consum...

CHF 52.50

Taking the Ice

Comeaux, Jennifer
Taking the Ice
Olympic rings and an engagement ring. Courtney Carlton is ready for both. She and her boyfriend Josh have skated together and dated for four years, and they've reached a critical point in their partnership both on and off the ice. With the Winter Games coming up and their career nearing an end, they are fighting to win a spot on the Olympic team, something Courtney has dreamed of since she was ten years old. She also has another wish...

CHF 12.90

Sommerakademien in der kulturellen Bildung

Salland, Christina
Sommerakademien in der kulturellen Bildung
Christina Salland untersucht am Beispiel der Marburger Sommerakademie für Darstellende und Bildende Kunst, welche Potenziale und Herausforderungen diese Veranstaltungsform für die Initiierung und Begleitung kultureller Bildungsprozesse bereithält. In der empirisch angelegten Arbeit stehen das leitfadengestützte ExpertInnen-Interview und die inhaltlich strukturierende qualitative Inhaltsanalyse im Mittelpunkt. Die Autorin erarbeitet die Rahmenb...

CHF 40.50

Strategisches Portfoliomanagement als Aufgabenfeld des Ko...

Alfs, Marius
Strategisches Portfoliomanagement als Aufgabenfeld des Konzern-Controllings
Durch die explizite Berücksichtigung der Merkmale einer Konzernstrategie im Entscheidungs- und Bewertungskalkül passt Marius Alfs erstmals das Instrumentarium des Controllings an die Corporate Strategy an, um bei der Entscheidungsfindung im Konzernmanagement zweckadäquate Hilfestellung zu leisten. Dazu analysiert und kategorisiert er zunächst die in der Theorie existierenden Konzernstrategien und entwickelt hierauf abgestimmte Planungsrechnung...

CHF 102.00

Telekommunikation gegen Isolation

Schmitz, H. Walter / Loenhoff, Jens
Telekommunikation gegen Isolation
Die im vorliegenden Band versammelten Studien stützen sich auf ungewöhnlich umfangreiches empirisches Material, das im Rahmen eines kommunikationswissenschaftlich-medizinischen Modellprojekts an der Universität Duisburg-Essen, Campus und Klinikum Essen, erhoben wurde. Am Beispiel von Videokonferenzen isolierter, krebskranker Kinder mit ihren Familien und Freunden entstand ein übertragbares Modell für "Telekommunikation von Kindern im Krankenha...

CHF 89.00

Aktive Elternrolle bei der Therapie von Autismus-Spektrum...

Rabsahl, Anna Katharina
Aktive Elternrolle bei der Therapie von Autismus-Spektrum-Störungen
Anna Katharina Rabsahl identifiziert in einer empirischen Untersuchung mittels des Eltern-Belastungs-Inventars PSI/EBI die wesentlichen Belastungsfaktoren von Eltern autistischer Kinder. Sie zeigt die Zusammenhänge zu Verhaltens- und Interaktionsbesonderheiten autistischer Kinder auf und erläutert spezifische Interventionsmöglichkeiten. Am Fallbeispiel einer jungen Familie, welche aktiv an der Therapie ihres autistischen Sohnes mitgewirkt hat,...

CHF 77.00

A Guy's Guide On How to Attract and Keep a Woman

Kostos, Kym
A Guy's Guide On How to Attract and Keep a Woman
Men are always trying to figure out what attracts women to men. Women typically make references to appearance, finances and power. Although those things might help, there are many more influential characteristics that will entice women. Overall, women are much more insightful and seek out disposition a lot more than just attractiveness. This is lucky for almost all men due to the fact that men are rough looking. Nevertheless, rough is sometime...

CHF 44.50

Religion and Violence

Arcamone, Dominic
Religion and Violence
The aim of Religion and Violence is to engage dialectically key symbols of religiously motivated violence through the insights of Bernard Lonergan. Sociologists and psychologists argue the link between religion and violence. Religion is viewed more as part of the problem and not part of the solution to violence. Bernard Lonergan's insights have helped the author arrive at a number of conclusions regarding the link between religion and violence...

CHF 49.90

The Necessity of Witness

Baan, Ariaan W.
The Necessity of Witness
The role of witness is a recurring theme in the work of Stanley Hauerwas: it is through enacting the truth in a world of lies, through seeking peace in a world of violence, that witnesses show who God is, who we are, and what the world is like. The Necessity of Witness is a study of Hauerwas and his fascinating but complex understanding of witness. Ariaan W. Baan argues that Hauerwas's approach makes a significant contribution to current deba...

CHF 44.50

The Collaborative's Omnibus

Universal Love, Source of
The Collaborative's Omnibus
This is the fourth collection of creative works published by the Source of Universal Love. Within these pages are some of the best writers from around the globe. The Source of Universal Love is a 501 (c)3 non-profit organization helping those in need.

CHF 23.90

Eternal Comet

Jackson, Robert
Eternal Comet
A comet only reveals its beauty to the Earth bound beings after each orbit around the Sun. One can wait a lifetime or even longer to find it. This time a comet falls, changing the world forever. This is a collection of poems exploring the connection between souls caught in the gravity of love.

CHF 11.90

Grade a Papers (Paperback in B&w)

Schaefer, Beth
Grade a Papers (Paperback in B&w)
Grade A Papers is a collection of funny, refreshingly original fake student papers and is rich with art. This book pokes friendly fun at the random eccentricities & idiosyncrasies of college teachers, students, politicians and celebrities. The book began as a practical joke & turned into an enterprise. Michael Feldman of the "Whad'ya Know" show calls it "Quite an amazing stylist in this...and funny!" Cartoonist Joe Martin of The Washington Pos...

CHF 30.90

Non-Philosophy and Aphilosophy

Kair, Lance Allan
Non-Philosophy and Aphilosophy
This essay discusses the foundations of an object ontology and what might be called the New Realism. Contrary to religious or spiritual modes, it offers a counter-partial view to the ontological orientation toward real objects.

CHF 25.90

Fifty Shades of Ray

Pordlaw, Yardnom
Fifty Shades of Ray
This book contains poems and songs that might not be suitable for younger readers. Reader discretion is advised. From the mind of an Autistic individual comes a compilation of the written word that discusses love, faith, and the world in a fashion that only he could exhibit.

CHF 12.90

Daily Manna From the Psalms

Jackson, Leah
Daily Manna From the Psalms
This daily devotional is a resource for new and seasoned Christians alike. It is intended for those persons seeking to know more about God, walk faithfully with and before God, and apply the Word to their daily lives. Daily Manna is a journey that will lead you to dig deeper into the Psalms and extract precious nuggets of revelation that only God can give.

CHF 33.50