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1114 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Geschichtskultur im Strukturwandel

Tomann, Juliane
Geschichtskultur im Strukturwandel
Katowice erfindet sich neu: Die ehemalige sozialistische Musterstadt, das industrielle Rückgrat Polens durchläuft seit der politischen Wende 1989/1990 einen tiefgreifenden ökonomischen und gesellschaftlichen Transformationsprozess. Mit Großinvestitionen im Kulturbereich wird intensiv an der Veränderung des Stadtraumes und des städtischen Image gearbeitet. Gleichzeitig verändert sich die Identität der Einwohner, auch in Katowice erlebt das ober...

CHF 83.00

Cottage Journal: Quips for Comfort

Champion, Jerilyn
Cottage Journal: Quips for Comfort
Faith-based mini devotional with artwork desgined to inspire and uplift. Since retirement, Ms. Champion has been writing in a daily effusion to bring enlightening information to you, the reader. In addition there is forthcoming two children's books, an antiaging/health book, a Christmas book and more volumes of rhyme.

CHF 18.90

Project Apex II

Bray, Michael
Project Apex II
Following the devastation of events in Project Apex, the scattered pockets of survivors must regroup to try and find a way to combat what seems to be an unbeatable foe hell bent on eradicating humanity and reshaping the world in their own image. When a chance discovery leads to possible glimmer of hope, Draven must race to secure the mysterious Subject A before Joshua can find him and eliminate any hope of ever stopping their horrific rampage...

CHF 26.50


Bray, Michael
From the bestselling author of the Whisper trilogy comes a brand new collection of terrifying stories in the vein of The Twilight Zone, Tales From the Crypt and the Outer Limits. Funhouse is a collection of 16 macabre tales in the vein of horror masters Stephen King and Dean Koontz, each with a chilling twist or a case of the ordinary becoming something utterly terrifying.A man who makes an unscheduled stop gets more than he bargained for in '...

CHF 29.50


Kell, Emma
this is my first chapbook. it is the story of my heart. please be gentle with it.

CHF 12.50


Bolanos, Henry
OVERCOMING THE CORE OF FEAR. A PERSISTENT CAUSE OF SUFFERING IN LIFE. We have presented the cause of suffering that results from fear, with chapters on: what fear is, ego, phobias, and biological responses, with facts. We have also provided at least one method that works, in overcoming fear, as well as the standard treatments that are currently in use in therapy.

CHF 21.50

Set Free

Walker, Victoria
Set Free
This is a study book meant to aid in Christians wanting to further their life pursuits for Christ. Going through different verses of Scripture and learning how we can really live out a life for Christ.

CHF 17.90

Seasons of Change

Okimoto, Cheryl
Seasons of Change
Pro football player Steve Jeremiah has everything he needs, except a family. The Shepherds offer a remedy for his loneliness, but his growing attraction for Heather means they will both have to make changes that they may not be ready for. - 2nd edition, with minor changes. Includes A Novel Approach to Discipleship.

CHF 57.50

The Young Girl

Knight, Kailah
The Young Girl
This book is for young girls and teenagers who find it hard to make it through middle school and high school, especially as a christian girl. This book provides insight, knowledge and meaning of friends, sex, beauty and more. These girls need to know the truth and know they are not alone.

CHF 24.90

The Masked Ruler

Alonso, J. P.
The Masked Ruler
THE WORLD IS ENDING... Alaih and Samirah Corman are twin sisters and are your least likely Saviors of the World. Quiet Sam and sarcastic Alaih are daughters of a private worker at the Pentagon and they and their mum are to watch the 2016 Presidential Election. But, what happens if things don't go per plans? What happens if a man dressed in a mask invades and destroys the world? Join these sarcastic girls on the rides of their lives!

CHF 36.50

Perspectives of Love, Sex and Other Drugs

Saunders, Suzanne
Perspectives of Love, Sex and Other Drugs
This is a collection of poetry written through the different stages and phases of love. It comes from a place of deep emotion, both positive and negative and articulates the clear thoughts of the author at that moment in their romantic life.

CHF 27.90


Marrani, Maurizio
Nel Vangelo di Matteo (24, 29-31) è riportata la seconda venuta di Gesù Cristo: Subito dopo la tribolazione di quei giorni, il sole si oscurerà, la luna non darà più la sua luce, le stelle cadranno dal cielo e le potenze dei cieli saranno sconvolte. Allora comparirà in cielo il segno del Figlio dell'uomo e allora si batteranno il petto tutte le tribù della terra, e vedranno il Figlio dell'uomo venire sulle nubi del cielo con grande pot...

CHF 22.50

Konstruierte (Fremd-?)Bilder

Pufelska, Agnieszka / Augustynowicz, Christoph
Konstruierte (Fremd-?)Bilder
Im Kontext des postkolonialen und des piktoralen turns werden Bilder vom östl. Europa im Diskurs des 18. Jh. freigelegt und gefragt, ob hier ein standardisiertes Repertoire von Bildern existierte und ob die jeweiligen Bilder kolonialen Mustern von Zentrum-Peripherie zu zuordnen wären. In diesem Sinne soll Larry Wolff¿s These eines von der Aufklärung ¿erfundenen Osteuropä neu reflektiert werden.

CHF 108.00

A Walk through the Stars!

Livi, L.
A Walk through the Stars!
Al the alien and Mira, the wandering star, are best friends. They spend their time together in the deep blue of space among planets, meteors and spaceships. They want YOU to join them in a Walk through the Stars to add some colors to their adventures!

CHF 18.50