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211 Ergebnisse - Zeige 201 von 211.


Quelle: Wikipedia
Quelle: Wikipedia. Seiten: 70. Kapitel: Lehrmittel, Lernmittel, Biblische Erzählfiguren, Schulkartografie, Schulwandkarte, Bilderbogen, Schulatlas, Schule am Bauernhof, Zentrale für Unterrichtsmedien im Internet, Spielmobil, Schulbuch, Geobrett, Concept-Map, Repetitorium, Whiteboard, KaraToJava, Lehrbuch, Lernmittelfreiheit, Schulwandbild, Anlauttabelle, Schulranzen, Regionalfarbe, Schulmediothek, Schreibtafel, Häfft, Lernkartei-Software, Medi...

CHF 28.50

Teaching Business Culture in the Italian Context

Montironi, Maria Elisa / Cullen, Peter
Teaching Business Culture in the Italian Context
Italy often suffers from its cultural heritage. Certain themes have passed into stereotype and popular consumption, while others have been overlooked. This volume discusses teaching choices and topics on the implementation of a US study abroad business programme in Italy. The authors first have a look at business questions, then at culture through a chapter on the fashion industry. The final section focuses on methods in teaching Italian cultu...

CHF 91.00

Sprechen entlang der Oder

Zinkhahn Rhobodes, Dagna
Sprechen entlang der Oder
Die Autorin untersucht den deutsch-polnischen Sprachgebrauch, wie er sich unter polnischen Studierenden und SchülerInnen entlang der deutsch-polnischen Grenze und in Berlin usualisiert hat. Dabei analysiert sie diese emergierende Sprechweise aus einer grammatischen Perspektive. Ein für das bislang wenig untersuchte Sprachpaar ausgearbeiteter Ansatz verknüpft die kulturwissenschaftlich geprägte Theorie der Grenze mit linguistischer Analyse und ...

CHF 125.00

Carl Spitteler ¿ Essays zu Leben, Werk und Wirkung

Riedo, Dominik
Carl Spitteler ¿ Essays zu Leben, Werk und Wirkung
Carl Spitteler (1845-1924) ist der einzige in der Schweiz geborene Literaturnobelpreisträger. Dazu hat er durch seine Rede «Unser Schweizer Standpunkt» 1914 die Beibehaltung der absoluten Neutralitätspolitik der Schweiz stark mit beeinflusst. Doch das Interesse an seiner Person und seinem Werk kann sich kaum mehr auf aktuelle Veröffentlichungen stützen. Dem hilft diese Monographie ab: Sie liefert Spitteler-Einsteigern grundlegende Informatione...

CHF 81.00

Shame, Masculinity and Desire of Belonging

St¿pie¿, Aneta
Shame, Masculinity and Desire of Belonging
This study considers male shame in contemporary writing by men, examining why shame is often considered a female emotion and therefore denied in men. The author's comparative approach to the private experience of shame in novels by Hanif Kureishi, Philip Roth and Hubert Klimko-Dobrzaniecki demonstrates the extent to which shame conditions male behaviour, protecting the powerful hierarchies existing between different kinds of masculinities. Usi...

CHF 143.00

Poetics of the Antilles

Khalfa, Jean
Poetics of the Antilles
The essays collected in this volume study the poetry and thought of four major Francophone Caribbean writers: Saint-John Perse, Aimé Césaire, Frantz Fanon and Édouard Glissant. In a context where identity was a question, an original conception of subjectivity appeared, as the end point rather than the origin of a process which was inseparably poetic and political. It entailed an aesthetics of dispersion or errance, rather than belonging. This ...

CHF 113.00

English versus Slavic

Kie¿tyka, Robert / Konieczna, Ewa
English versus Slavic
This book offers a collection of papers pertaining to the most thought-provoking problems in the areas of theoretical and contrastive linguistics. The contributions are devoted to current developments in morphological and semantic theorizing. The contrastive analyses conducted by the authors examine the structure of English and selected Slavic languages.

CHF 87.00

The Newsroom

Greene González, María Francisca
The Newsroom
Journalists are in the daily business of making the unseen visible, of connecting us to the world beyond our direct experience. In doing this, objectivity becomes a pivotal issue, and a highly debated topic both in academia and everyday life. The first systematic approach to the issue of objectivity was initiated by the discipline of «mass media sociology»: this approach, which was at its peak between 1970 and 1980 in the United States, propos...

CHF 112.00

The English Protestant Churches since 1770

Hylson-Smith, Kenneth
The English Protestant Churches since 1770
This book aims to describe and analyse the political and social thinking, attitudes and actions of the English Protestant churches since the late eighteenth century. It focuses in particular on how they have responded to the plight of the least privileged members of society - individuals and groups marginalised or placed at a disadvantage as a consequence of their ethnicity or socioeconomic circumstances. These have been the nation's underdogs...

CHF 113.00

Rumours and Rebels

Wagner, Kim A.
Rumours and Rebels
The Indian Uprising of 1857 had a profound impact on the British experience on the subcontinent and fears of its recurrence continued to haunt the colonisers until the very end of the Raj. For the past 150 years most aspects of the Uprising have been subjected to intense scrutiny by historians, yet the nature of the outbreak itself remains obscure. What was the extent of the conspiracies and plotting? How could rumours of contaminated ammuniti...

CHF 37.50


Quelle: Wikipedia
Quelle: Wikipedia. Seiten: 66. Kapitel: Bauleitplanung (Deutschland), Flächennutzungsplan, Bebauungsplan, Eingriffsregelung in Deutschland, Biotopwertverfahren, Baunutzungsverordnung, Landschaftspflegerischer Begleitplan, Umweltprüfung, Innenbereich, Gemeinheitsteilung, Flurbereinigung, Umlegung, Regionaler Flächennutzungsplan, Landschaftsschutzgebiet, Außenbereich, Flurbereinigungsverfahren, Bauordnung, Wohngebiet, Gewerbefläche, Innenbereich...

CHF 27.90