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2361 Ergebnisse - Zeige 101 von 120.

Le contrôle de gestion face aux technologies d'information

Jabiri, Khalid
Le contrôle de gestion face aux technologies d'information
Aujourd'hui, les problématiques du management contemporain et de l'efficacité opérationnelle poussent les entreprises à revoir les mécanismes et les stratégies mises en place assurant leurs compétitivité sur les marchés. Le contrôle de gestion étant une fonction indispensable qui a pour objectif de rationaliser la prise de décision, maîtriser la gestion de l'entité, et permettre son pilotage nécessite l'utilisation de systèmes d'information pe...

CHF 47.50

Yap¿sal Kod Klon Analizinde Metrik Kullan¿m¿

Kapdan, Mustafa
Yap¿sal Kod Klon Analizinde Metrik Kullan¿m¿
Gereksiz tekrarlanmis kodlar (klonlar) iyi dokümante edilmemis ve bakimi zor olan kodlardir. Bu tip kodlarda, tespit edilen bir hatanin tüm tekrarlarda düzeltilmesi gerekir. Bu durum yazilim bakim maliyetlerini önemli ölçüde artirdigi gibi kodlarin okunabilirligi ve anlasilabilirligi için daha fazla çaba sarf edilmesini de gerektirir. Günümüz literatüründe kod klon problemlerini azaltmak ya da engellemek için birçok teknik önerilmistir. Bu tek...

CHF 65.00

Experimentación con Fluidos No Newtonianos

Ospina Herrera, Luis Fernando
Experimentación con Fluidos No Newtonianos
En este libro se presenta la revisión bibliográfica sobre aspectos relacionados con la reología de fluidos no Newtonianos independientes del tiempo. En lo relacionado al trabajo experimental, se implementó un dispositivo de Reynolds que permite realizar un estudio reológico de este tipo de fluidos. La experimentación se realizó con carboximetil celulosa disuelto en agua en concentraciones de 0.25, 0.50, 0.75 y 1.0 % P/P y caolín en suspensión ...

CHF 47.50

Treated Sewage Water Use in Irrigated Agriculture

Duqqah, Mohammad
Treated Sewage Water Use in Irrigated Agriculture
Use of treated sewage water in Jordan is not a new idea. Advantages and disadvantages should be studied. However, what kind of research is then needed? We need research that integrates Gamma and Beta sciences, farmers and scientists, and the environment and agricultural production. Prototyping, a mix of experimental farm research and agronomic designing is an answer to those needs. We focused on designing, testing and improving theoretical pro...

CHF 96.00

Innowacii w solnechnoj änergetike: rasshirenie funkcij ba...

Semönow, Alexandr
Innowacii w solnechnoj änergetike: rasshirenie funkcij batarej
Rabota tematicheski nahoditsq na styke «solnechnoj» änergetiki i spektra takih oblastej kak stroitel'no-reklamnaq industriq, transportnoe mashinostroenie, robototehnika. Dany sistematizaciq, analiticheskij obzor (w retrospektiwe) i tendencii sposobow i ustrojstw, s preimuschestwennym rassmotreniem innowacionnyh reshenij na urowne promyshlennoj sobstwennosti. Priwedeny swedeniq ob awtorskih konceptual'nyh razrabotkah poslednih let, realizuüschi...

CHF 49.90

Development of College Libraries in the Jurisdiction of S...

Jagatap, Alka / Salunkhe, Dadasaheb
Development of College Libraries in the Jurisdiction of Solapur University
This book is important to the new researchers to study the growth and Development of College Libraries in the jurisdiction of Solapur University , Solapur. Impact of NAAC is very effective since 2000 for the three dimensional development of senior College Libraries. The growth development of libraries in the professional Colleges like Engineering, Management, Pharmaceuticals, Architectures and aided non-professional were very fast as compared ...

CHF 83.00

Bertrand Russell's Critique of Religion

Ibekwe, Ephraim
Bertrand Russell's Critique of Religion
The issue of Religion has remained a controversial one down the ages. Hence, the subject matter must be handled with care. However, one of the greatest figure of all season that launched a critical attack was Bertrand Russell. As an agnostic, he presents Religion as an enemy of man and hence a foe to knowledge and invention. He denies that human beings could know if God exist. On a closer look one finds out that Bertrand Russell remains a vict...

CHF 47.50

Evaluation collégiale de la Pratique d'une Démarche Scien...

Obert, Marie-Christine
Evaluation collégiale de la Pratique d'une Démarche Scientifique
Ce manuel propose une banque d'activités scientifiques pour le collège, de situations ancrées sur le réel. Il montre comment des enseignants des quatre disciplines (Mathématiques, Physique-Chimie, Sciences de la Vie et de la Terre, Technologie) ont mené des évaluations collégiales à des fins formatives et personnalisées pour chacun de leurs élèves. Les élèves sont plus à même de répondre aux attentes de leurs professeurs s'ils sont associés à ...

CHF 65.00

Evaluation Of D/T NP Rate & Inoculation On Soybean At Jin...

Yoseph, Tekle / Worku, Walelign
Evaluation Of D/T NP Rate & Inoculation On Soybean At Jinka Ethiopia
This book focuses on the effect of different levels of nitrogen and phosphorous fertilizers with bradyrhizobium inoculation. The book also focuses on optimum NP rate for soybean production with effective bradyrhizobium strains on yield and yield components of soybean. It includes the works that have been conducted on the area of the specific project. The book can be used as a source for the researchers who are interested in the specific area.

CHF 47.50

Hydromagnetic stability of selfgravitating fluid cylinder

Hasan, Alfaisal A.
Hydromagnetic stability of selfgravitating fluid cylinder
Here in we follow the concept of stability which is given by Chandrasekhar (1981). Suppose that we have a hydrodynamic system which is in a stationary state, i.e. in a state in which none of the variables describing it is a function of time (whether it is initially at rest or streaming). Let be a set of parameters which define this system. These parameters will include geometrical parameters such as the dimensions of the system, parameters cha...

CHF 89.00

Un siècle de nature writing, John Muir et Rick Bass

Nohaic, Emilien
Un siècle de nature writing, John Muir et Rick Bass
Un siècle sépare John Muir (1838-1914) et Rick Bass (1958-), pourtant il est possible de dresser de nombreux parallèles entre ces deux écrivains. Le premier s'intéresse principalement à la Vallée du Yosemite, Californie, le second à la Vallée de Yaak, Montana. Leurs écrits sont très différents aussi bien sur le fond que sur la forme (essais scientifiques pour l'un et récits autobiographiques et fictionnels pour l'autre) mais leur façon de parl...

CHF 72.00

Polynomial Optimization Methods

Eeghen, Piet van
Polynomial Optimization Methods
This research is an exposition of ideas and methods that help understanding the problem of minimizing a polynomial over a basic closed semi-algebraic set. After the introduction of some theory on mathematical tools such as sums of squares, nonnegative polynomials and moment matrices, several Positivstellensatze are considered. Positivstellensatze provide sums of squares representations of polynomials, positive on basic closed semi-algebraic se...

CHF 47.50

Shkola w zerkale sociologii. Vzglqd iz grazhdanskoj persp...

Shmankewich, Tat'qna
Shkola w zerkale sociologii. Vzglqd iz grazhdanskoj perspektiwy
Awtor argumentiruet swoj wzglqd, pochemu sociologiq obrazowaniq i sociologiq shkoly - äto ne tawtologiq. Teoreticheskoj bazoj dlq takogo podhoda sluzhat razrabotki francuzskih sociologow, a polem dlq ih primeneniq wystupaet rossijskaq shkola nachala 21 weka. Rassmatriwaq shkolu ne prosto kak obrazowatel'noe uchrezhdenie, no i w kachestwe znachimogo sub#ekta lokal'nogo prostranstwa, awtor fokusiruet wnimanie na sowmestnyh grazhdanskih praktikah...

CHF 47.50

Las limitaciones laborales de los enfermos mentales

Ugalde, Esmeralda
Las limitaciones laborales de los enfermos mentales
En las empresas seria favorable tener un comportamiento que vaya más allá del cumplimiento de las normas y que cuidando la ética laboral, formara parte de una nueva cultura de empleo digno por ejemplo, Promover condiciones de trabajo seguras y saludables. Una empresa responsable, crea internamente un ambiente de trabajo favorable, estimulante, seguro, creativo, no discriminatorio y participativo en el que todos sus miembros interactúan a parti...

CHF 47.50

La distribution automobile: Etude juridique

Alcalde, Céline
La distribution automobile: Etude juridique
La Commission européenne a fait le choix de réguler le secteur de la distribution automobile par un règlement d'exemption par catégorie, considéré comme un instrument de concurrence favorisant la sécurité juridique. L'objectif poursuivi était le suivant : combattre les effets anticoncurrentiels des accords verticaux du secteur par une intervention directe sur le contrat de distribution. La réforme opérée en 2010 a rompu cet équilibre, la Commi...

CHF 125.00

Systematic Identification of Organic Compounds

Kumar, Parvin
Systematic Identification of Organic Compounds
This book "SYSTEMATIC IDENTIFICATION OF ORGANIC COMPOUNDS" is aimed at those who want to learn organic chemistry in the course of a practical approach that is facile to understand and easily committed to memory. The subject matter of the has been organized in main section. Section one include the separation of organic mixture. Section two include the identification of organic compounds. Section three deals with the solid derivative formation a...

CHF 65.00

Biochemical and Molecular Studies of Collar Rot Disease i...

Deshmukh, Shubham / Raval, Sacheenkumar / Vakharia, Dinesh
Biochemical and Molecular Studies of Collar Rot Disease in Groundnut
Groundnut (Arachis hypogeae L.) is an annual legume and major oilseed crop in India. Very limited work has been done on biochemical and molecular aspects of resistance in Groundnut against collar rot disease (Aspergillus niger) at different disease development stages. Data generated from the experiment on pathogen related (PR) protein and molecular marker will provide the information to develop resistance cultivar and manage the collar rot dis...

CHF 83.00

Cibercultura Musical

de C. Corrêa Bechara, Silvia Regina
Cibercultura Musical
Minhas experiências com jovens em sala de aula, observando sua dinâmica em transitar em diferentes contextos - online, offline, escola, música - despertou em mim a curiosidade de entender melhor como se davam essas relações, e em que isso implicava em uma Educação Musical na contemporaneidade. Assim, este livro trata das interações entre jovens estudantes de música e a cibercultura musical na mídia social Facebook, e suas implicações para a ár...

CHF 83.00

Engenho de Letras

Felipe, Adilson Ednei
Engenho de Letras
O que autores e editores como Machado de Assis, Cruz e Sousa, José do Patrocínio, André Rebouças, Francisco de Paula Brito, Luís Gama, possuem em comum? Além do fato de serem homens negros, contemporâneos e existindo em um período no qual a escravidão ainda se fazia presente, estes homens eram homens de letras e constituíam uma elite intelectual negra em pleno século XIX. Engenho de Letras é uma tentativa de compreender através da trajetória d...

CHF 65.00

A inserção do tema nanotecnologia no ensino de Química

Fernandes, Argeu Cavalcante / Penha, Fábio Garcia
A inserção do tema nanotecnologia no ensino de Química
Este livro é fruto de uma pesquisa de mestrado acadêmico em ensino de ciências e teve como foco principal desenvolver a inserção do tema Nanotecnologia nas discussões sobre a formação científica dos alunos da educação básica tenho como foco a formação inicial de professores que irão atuar, principalmente, no ensino público. Através da perspectiva investigativa, os sujeitos pesquisados puderam inserir em suas práticas docentes a temática, bem c...

CHF 65.00