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2361 Ergebnisse - Zeige 121 von 140.

Avaliação da Produção Energética a partir de Ligninas da ...

Horst, Diogo José
Avaliação da Produção Energética a partir de Ligninas da Biomassa
O objetivo geral deste estudo foi avaliar o potencial de produ, áo energética de ligninas extraídas de subprodutos de diversas culturas agricolas brasileiras, dentre elas: bagaço de cana de açúcar, serragem de madeira, palha de milho, palha de trigo, folhas de capim elefante e casca de arroz. Para isto, foram realizadas caracterizações físico-químicas, dentre elas: análise elementar, análise imediata, determinação do poder calorífico superior,...

CHF 65.00

Social & Solidarity Economy (SSE) in Togo

Gozo, Robert
Social & Solidarity Economy (SSE) in Togo
Despite the recent nature of Social & Solidarity Economy (SSE) concept in sub Saharan Africa, experience in Togo shows the existence of entities in various forms of designations. From its available organizations (SSEOs), there is evidence that they finance 50% of the national economy and belong mostly to the informal sector. The latter houses 80% of the working population in sectors, of which one of the most powerful components over the past f...

CHF 47.50

Mortalité néonatale au Nord-Kivu

Many, Mashako Ruhanga
Mortalité néonatale au Nord-Kivu
Notre étude porte sur « l'étude de la mortalité néonatale du Nord- Kivu ». Elle s'est déroulée à l'Hôpital Provincial du Nord-Kivu et cela du 01 janvier 2010 au 31 décembre 2013. Cette étude était rétrospective. Elle visait: Décrire et analyser les facteurs des risques de décès néonatals survenus au service de néonatalogie. Le taux de décès néonatal était de 19%, la prématurité reste la principale cause à 51, 9%, la mortalité néonatale précoce...

CHF 83.00

Izumrudnyj blesk bokalow

Sokurowa, Galina
Izumrudnyj blesk bokalow
My wse pomnim period perestrojki, kogda nashi nedalekie rukowoditeli priweli nashu äkonomiku w upadok, a stranu k razruhe. Poqwilos' ogromnoe bol'shinstwo obnischawshih lüdej, kotorye borolis' za wyzhiwanie. Izmenilas' psihologiq, u lüdej poqwilas' agressiq. No mnogie sohranili chuwstwo sobstwennogo dostoinstwa i morali. Slozhilis' slozhnye wzaimootnosheniq mezhdu razlichnymi sloqmi «älektorata». V ee proizwedeniqh proskal'zywaet toska o prosh...

CHF 68.00

Calidad Bacteriologica y Disponibilidad de Nutrientes en ...

Acosta-Pérez, Pouleth Damarik / Quijano-S., Sonia I.
Calidad Bacteriologica y Disponibilidad de Nutrientes en Manzanillo
El presente proyecto demuestra la utilidad, calidad y eficiencia del método por tubos múltiples descrito por APHA AWWA WPCF (1995), enfocado a ecosistemas lagunares costeros.La zona de estudio (laguna de Juluapan) es un área principal de turismo en Manzanillo, Colima, México, por ende, fuente de ingresos monetarios para los pobladores del lugar. La Norma Oficial Mexicana (NOM-003-SEMARNAT-1997) fija los límites máximos permisibles de contamina...

CHF 47.50

Reverse Auction Bidding - Multiple Group Study

Zhou, Xun
Reverse Auction Bidding - Multiple Group Study
Reverse Auction Bidding is a recently developed auction method. In this form of bidding process, the roles of the bidders and the owner are interchanged in terms of the form of the economic transaction. The owner's objective is to drive the unit rates down and the bidder's objective is to maintain an acceptable profit level. A study into Reverse Auction Bidding commenced at Texas A&M, University in 2004 and continues to this time, with this th...

CHF 83.00

Effets hypoglycémiants et hypocholestérolémiants des baie...

Jabri, Mohamed-Amine / Sebai, Hichem
Effets hypoglycémiants et hypocholestérolémiants des baies de myrte
Le myrte (Myrtus communis L.) est une plante médicinale connue par sa richesse en composés phénoliques et utilisée depuis des siècles en médicine traditionnelle pour ses vertus thérapeutiques. Dans ce cadre nous nous sommes intéressés à l'étude de son effet hypoglycémiant chez le rat. Nous avons montré que le prétraitement subaigu par l'extrait méthanolique des baies de myrte (EMBM) protège d'une manière significative contre l'hyperglycémie in...

CHF 47.50

Using Latent Class Mixture Models to Define Sepsis Endotypes

Taylor, Samantha J.
Using Latent Class Mixture Models to Define Sepsis Endotypes
Severe sepsis is associated with high mortality and is a common problem in the United States. Recently, studies have shown that efforts focused on lowering cytokine levels improve survival. The aim of this work is to define sepsis endotypes using longitudinal cytokine measurements. Sepsis endotypes were defined using latent class mixture models. Latent class mixture models were modeled using a natural log transformation of the actual time meas...

CHF 47.50

Optimization of Stability Indicating methods for some for...

Chauhan, Payal / Parmar, Rakesh
Optimization of Stability Indicating methods for some formulation
The purpose of this book is to review of stress testing of Pharmaceutical formulation.Stability study applied for multi-dose products to ensure that the product preserves its quality parameters after opening during use period. The physical, chemical and microbial properties of the product susceptible to change during storage should be determined over the period of the proposed in use shelf-life, and for liquids, preservatives, per content and ...

CHF 47.50

Family Purchase Decision Making for Durable Goods

Gideon Chukwunwem, Uboegbulam
Family Purchase Decision Making for Durable Goods
The changing technology of the 21st century has made children and adolescents more adept to the world around them. This may also contribute to the influence they wield in the family purchase decision-making of their households. Hence a need for an in-depth study of these changes in technology to help professional marketers understand more the roles that the children and adolescents play in family purchase decision process today as compared to ...

CHF 89.00

La Césarienne chez la jument

Aissi, Adel
La Césarienne chez la jument
Les interventions chirurgicales dans l'espèce équine sont toujours plus délicates que dans les autres espèces animales. Deux raisons majeures expliquent cette particularité. Aux contraintes techniques évidentes compte tenu de la taille de l'animal, s'ajoutent des contraintes psychologiques et financières non négligeables que l'urgence accentuera. La césarienne n'échappe pas à cette règle. Les spécificités anatomiques et physiologiques du part ...

CHF 65.00

Aluminium Metal Matrix Composite Material

Mane, Priyanka
Aluminium Metal Matrix Composite Material
This book gives the information regarding Aluminium Matrix Fly ash Reinforcement Composite Material by using the stir casting method also the influence of persentage of reinforcement(i.e. Flyash) on the different mechanical properties of composite material by keeping the matrix persentage constant. This book also covers information regarding the different method fabrication of metal matrix composite material

CHF 47.50

Knowledge on maternal health benefit of donated blood & b...

Haileselassie, Amanuel / Seme, Assefa
Knowledge on maternal health benefit of donated blood & blood donation
The main reason for writing this book was due to evidence we have read from Saharan Africa countries which shows that maternal death due to hemorrhage was significantly (26%) due to lack of blood for transfusion. This is attributed to low number of blood donors. Even though blood transfusion is considered to be one of the essential component of comprehensive emergency obstetric care, it is highly dependent on availability of blood. So, the stu...

CHF 47.50

Pertinencia de la Educación Ambiental en la Formación de ...

Cuevas Navarro, Lizbeth de los Angeles
Pertinencia de la Educación Ambiental en la Formación de Valores
La Educación Ambiental es actualmente un tema de interés en los diferentes niveles educativos, debido a que es una alternativa para encontrar soluciones, que tiende a la formación de una cultura ecológica en la sociedad, mediante el manejo y asimilación de conocimientos, actitudes y valores sobre la relación del hombre con la naturaleza. En está tesina se aborda a un nivel medio superior con el propósito de generar una propuesta de integración...

CHF 65.00

Lifetime aware device design using failure mechanism anal...

Shanmugavelu, Senthilrani
Lifetime aware device design using failure mechanism analysis
As the device scales down, several serious design challenges emerges namely design complexity, power, crosstalk, delay and reliability. The design challenges are interrelated and a tradeoff has to be done for yielding a reliable structure for portable microelectronic devices in the DSM era.. By considering this, the book focuses on developing a reliability prediction system using failure mechanism analysis.The work suggests the ways to handle ...

CHF 83.00

Uncertainty estimation in Complex S-parameter measurements

Patel, Kamlesh
Uncertainty estimation in Complex S-parameter measurements
To realize the faster and accurate characterization of components, Vector Network Analyzer (VNA) system is extensively used in the microwave measurements. The knowledge to proper use of VNA system along with the calibration kits is a vital requirement for the technical staff engaged in the calibration lab, Scientists and Researchers and Post-graduate students as well. In addition, it is equally important to have reliable and repeatable measure...

CHF 47.50

Molecular and Gene Study the Development of Neural Stem C...

Mustafa, Nashaat Ghalib / Waheed, Intessar Numman / Salih, Sa'ad Ghanim
Molecular and Gene Study the Development of Neural Stem Cells
Globally in the past three decades studying of neural stem cells become one of the amazing field in biology and medicine, we think this long road should begin with strong background to understanding of this awesome cells, its biology, genes, and behavior, so our work was in this direction. This book begin with extended review in the field of "stem cell biology" , neural stem cells, and special genes, also you well find a simplified method for ...

CHF 83.00

Puti powysheniq äffektiwnosti uprawleniq änergosektora Ky...

Dzhumaliew, Chingiz / Baetow, Batyrkul
Puti powysheniq äffektiwnosti uprawleniq änergosektora Kyrgyzstana
V dannoj knige awtory opredelqüt osnownye problemnye naprawleniq razwitiq änergosektora. Neposredstwenno awtor prowel äkonometricheskij analiz i nauchnoe obosnowanie obespecheniq sowokupnogo sprosa na älektroänergiü. Awtory wyrabotali aktual'nye predlozheniq po reformirowaniü änergosektora KR. Osnownym ob#ektom issledowaniq qwlqetsq deqtel'nost' predpriqtij älektroänergetiki, funkcioniruüschih w edinom territorial'no- proizwodstwennom komplexe...

CHF 65.00

Evolution of superparamagnetic nanomagnets

Kaur, Harpreet / Singh, Jashanpreet / Randhawa, B. S.
Evolution of superparamagnetic nanomagnets
Good things come in small packages' that is small things often offer better quality than their bigger counterparts. In this era of science and technology, small packages may be referred to as Nanoparticles/nanomagnets, which provide a wide range of applications in every possible field and seem to be a promising option as compared to conventional materials used. This book specifically highlights the unique phenomenon of Superparamagnetism which...

CHF 83.00

Optimizing irrigation water for resource sustainability i...

Pande, V. C. / Naik, Umesh
Optimizing irrigation water for resource sustainability in watershed
The work carried out attempts to understand the relationship between cropping practices adopted in Indian Semi-Arid Watershed and water use, particularly, groundwater withdrawal statistically. After establishing the relationship it suggests optimal groundwater allocation for sustainable use of water. The inter-season and intra-season water allocation has been suggested for optimal use of water in a Semi-Arid Watershed case study.

CHF 96.00