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4978 Ergebnisse - Zeige 101 von 120.

Development Economics: A Convoluted History

Anochiwa, Lasbrey
Development Economics: A Convoluted History
Development economics is a multidimensional concept and no doubt the inability of a nation to fully understand it has left many nations bereft of growth. It is difficult to argue against conventional wisdom, and this is what this book intends to do. Nevertheless, this book will assist students of developing countries in understanding why most countries today are said to be underdeveloped why some are seen as developed.

CHF 47.50

Diseño Y Gestión De Marca Digital Para La Comercializació...

Avila Rivas, Vladimir / Guerrero, Irene
Diseño Y Gestión De Marca Digital Para La Comercialización De Pasteles
El presente trabajo de investigación comprende la creación de una idea de negocio en base a distintas oportunidades que ofrece el mercado local, luego de un análisis del área de negocios se opto por crear y diseñar una marca digital "Dulce Capricho" para el mercado de pasteles, para ello se realizaron las respectivas investigaciones de mercado, estructura de la empresa, diseño de la marca y el producto, proceso de distribución y comercializaci...

CHF 65.00

Exploring Mothers¿ Lived Experience with Sexually Abused ...

Berhane, Solomon
Exploring Mothers¿ Lived Experience with Sexually Abused Male Children
Child sexual abuse takes various forms. Of all the various forms, the least explored and researched in Ethiopia is sexual abuse committed against boys by male perpetrators. This book will take you in an emotion filled tour yet scientifically analysed parental (Mothers') experience and their psycho-social reaction following the disclosure of the abuse committed against their male children. Building up on its findings, this book also puts forwar...

CHF 65.00

Domination and Distance k-domination stable graphs

Anil, Kumar V. / Shyama, M. P.
Domination and Distance k-domination stable graphs
In the first chapter of this book, we provide basic definitions and theorems which are used in the subsequent chapters. In the second chapter, we define domination polynomial, domination root and d- number of a graph. Moreover, we introduce d- stable and d-unstable graphs. Domination polynomial of some graphs and domination polynomial of square of some graphs are provided. Bounds for domination roots of some graphs are included. Examples of so...

CHF 65.00

Software Tool Implementation in a Hospital: Using Metapho...

Awami, Salah
Software Tool Implementation in a Hospital: Using Metaphorical Design
Implementing a software tool in a hospital can be challenged by many factors which can be social, organizational and technical. To understand the nature of these challenges the literature review identified sociotechnical perspective which considers human and technical factors as constituents of one system. Further analysis identified metaphorical design as an approach to address implementation challenges. This approach emphasizes producing sys...

CHF 102.00

The "Water Security" Principle Under Nile Basin CFA

Ali, Yusuf
The "Water Security" Principle Under Nile Basin CFA
The purpose of the international law is to pave a way in which one can live without harming the other in a cooperation and compromise manner. As such, using trans-boundary River in equitable & reasonable way is justifiable under international water law. The Nile Basin, which incorporates the North-Eastern African Nile Riparian Countries, brings hope with the establishment of CFA in paving a way for equitable & reasonable utilization of Nile wa...

CHF 47.50

¿zmir Üniversiteleri Akademik Bilgi Sistemi

Tüzemen, Adil Temel
¿zmir Üniversiteleri Akademik Bilgi Sistemi
Çalisma Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsüne bagli Internet Bilisim Teknolojileri Uzaktan Egitim Tezli Yüksek Lisans Programinda hazirlamis oldugum Yüksek Lisans Bitirme Tezi Çalismasi olup Doç. Dr. Ünal YILDIRIM danismanliginda 15.06.2015 tarihinde kabul edilmis ve yayinlanmistir. Yüksek Ögretim Kurulu tez basvuru merkezinin kabul numarasi (38593) Izmir' de bulunan 4 devlet 5 özel olmak üzere toplam 9 üniversit...

CHF 65.00

Identification of Bacillus producing thermotolerant hydro...

Abbas, Adnan
Identification of Bacillus producing thermotolerant hydrolases
Thermotolerant enzymes were produced from soil and water Bacillus species as, protease (89.28%) (73.17%), amylase (55.35%) (51.21%), lipase (91.07%) (95.12%), cellulase (85.71%) (60.97%) and chitinase (85.71%) (92.68%), respectively, after culturing on solid agar media with different incubation period, at 50°C. So, 41.23% of soil and water Bacillus isolates were detected for hydrolases production as (protease, amylase, lipase, cellulase and ch...

CHF 72.00

Nossa, Nova Nova Iorque

Lopes, Helen
Nossa, Nova Nova Iorque
A opção por estudar a memória dos moradores da cidade de Nova Iorque se constitui como tema desse livro. O período em questão se situa na segunda metade do século XX e focaliza instantes decisivos da história política do Maranhão. Momento este permeado por contradições caracterizadas, de um lado, pela ideia de desenvolvimento e progresso do Estado com a construção da Hidroelétrica da Boa Esperança e, de outro, pela destruição/reconstrução da c...

CHF 72.00

Kenyan Baseline Survey Report

Odida, Kevin
Kenyan Baseline Survey Report
Green Economy (GE) worldwide has been recognized as the surest way to encourage sustainability and improve human well-being. In Africa, green economy strategies are being developed at the national level but sub-national implementation is still a challenge. There is need to ensure that these strategies are implemented at the local level. The GIZ-UNEP project "Operationalizing Green Economy Transition in Africa is geared at complementing nationa...

CHF 102.00

Review on the Exploitation Techniques Applied on the Mari...

El-Komi, Mohamed
Review on the Exploitation Techniques Applied on the Marine Benthos
Techniques applied reviews in the exploitation of marine benthos add some knowledge in volatility and dynamicity of those objects to the understanding of biodiversity and aquatic ecosystems, particularly regarding the interaction between fishing activities, aquaculture and the benthic environment and through that we can interact to characterize and employ the different species communities of benthic algae and invertebrates that live within a s...

CHF 47.50

Integration of Building Fire Safety Design: Perspectives ...

Bertino, Baabereyir
Integration of Building Fire Safety Design: Perspectives of Consultant
Integration of Fire Safety and Design of Buildings: Perspectives of Design Consultants" is the first research of its kind, and it is appropriate for researchers intend to investigate into building fire safety related issues. This book will give the fire personnel, researchers, students, and all other fire safety stake holders a better understanding of holistic design considerations needed by fire engineers and the building team at the design p...

CHF 102.00

Choix des sites potentiels pour la recharge artificielle ...

Yazidi, Manel
Choix des sites potentiels pour la recharge artificielle de la nappe
La gestion des ressources en eau souterraines est interdisciplinaire dans la nature, elle nécessite une analyse multidisciplinaire des données qui peut être mieux maniée par une approche multicritère MCDM qui permet de Prendre en compte d'une façon explicite la justification pour qu'un critère peut supporter le processus de la décision plus qu'un autre. Dans cette étude, une Approche Hiérarchique Analytique (AHP) qui a été développé par Saaty ...

CHF 65.00

Sostoqnie rechnyh äkosistem Rossii w uslowiqh zagrqzneniq...

Reshetnqk, Ol'ga
Sostoqnie rechnyh äkosistem Rossii w uslowiqh zagrqzneniq wodnoj sredy
V dannoj rabote predstawleny rezul'taty analiza wozniknoweniq sluchaew wysokogo (VZ) i äxtremal'no wysokogo urownq zagrqzneniq (JeVZ) wody rek Rossii, wozmozhnoj antropogennoj transformacii äkologicheskogo sostoqniq rechnyh äkosistem w uslowiqh wysokogo urownq zagrqzneniq, a takzhe äkologicheskie posledstwiq ätih processow - harakternye otkliki äkosistemy na takoe antropogennoe wozdejstwie. Dana ocenka prostranstwenno-wremennoj izmenchiwosti s...

CHF 49.90

Transport de matière dangereuses en agglomération Oranaise

Benomar, Fatima
Transport de matière dangereuses en agglomération Oranaise
Le transport routier de matières dangereuses (TRMD) est un risque mobile et diffus, en fonction de la nature de la matière transportée. Il est susceptible d'exposer aux risques de pollution, incendie ou d'explosion en raison des vulnérabilités de la population et des installations et/ou de l'environnement. Oran, en se développant au fil des ans, a rejoint sa zone industrielle qui s'est urbanisée sans tenir compte des contraintes des risques as...

CHF 83.00

Paradoxe malgache entre potentiels agricoles et insécurit...

Rakotoarivelo, Martin Wilfried
Paradoxe malgache entre potentiels agricoles et insécurité alimentaire
Madagascar, la quatrième plus grande île au monde, est un pays essentiellement agricole. Mais paradoxalement, il est frappé par l'insécurité alimentaire. Haute Matsiatra figure parmi les 22 Régions de ce pays. Elle est dotée des sols diversifiés et des climats favorables aux différentes cultures. De plus, sa population est jeune, laborieuse et oeuvre en majeure partie dans le secteur agricole. Cependant, l'insécurité alimentaire est alarmante ...

CHF 89.00

Vulnérabilité à la pollution des ressources en eaux et pr...

Seghir, Karima
Vulnérabilité à la pollution des ressources en eaux et protection
Comme dans toutes les régions semi arides, notamment au Maghreb, la région de Tébessa, située au Nord Est Algérien, a connu une période de sécheresse très intense. Cette dernière a été caractérisée par un déficit pluviométrique considérable, et a eu un impact très négatif sur les régimes d'écoulements des oueds et des sources et par conséquent, sur l'alimentation des nappes aquifères. Ce déficit hydro- pluviométrique s'est répercuté sur l'ense...

CHF 89.00

Creencias sobre las Matemáticas y Resolución de Situacion...

Uribe Suárez, Claudia Rocío
Creencias sobre las Matemáticas y Resolución de Situaciones Problema
La Matemática es una de las áreas con mayor relevancia en todos los ámbitos de la vida cotidiana. Sin embargo, existe un alto índice de fracaso escolar en dicha disciplina, tal como señalan diversas evaluaciones, tanto a nivel nacional como internacional. Estos estudios evaluativos muestran bajos resultados, que pueden ser la consecuencia de que en algunos alumnos existen actitudes negativas hacia este campo de trabajo, y lo manifiestan con av...

CHF 43.90

Factors Influencing Successful Transformation of MFIs int...

Runji, Michael
Factors Influencing Successful Transformation of MFIs into DTMs
Micro Finance Institutions in Kenya seek to transform mostly to Deposit Taking Micro finance institutions as a platform to access cheap deposit funds. This helps improve their ability to lend larger loans with longer repayment period. These aspects influence their financial performance positively. Other advantages associated with transformation include improved governance structure, enhanced customer service and more products being offered to ...

CHF 65.00

Social categories and merger syndrome in a strategic alli...

Montenegro, Sabrina
Social categories and merger syndrome in a strategic alliance context
In highly competitive markets, companies frequently undertake agreements of indeterminate length that overstep normal market transactions, but that do not become complete mergers. These agreements are considered as strategic alliances, which normally involve two or more companies aiming to obtain a competitive advantage. Due to a number of uncertainties, ambiguities and tensions that emerge at several levels, even this kind of friendly combina...

CHF 47.50