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Humedales y su uso en el tratamiento de las aguas residua...

Pérez-López, María Elena / Burciaga-S., Mayra / Mtz. -Prado, Adriana
Humedales y su uso en el tratamiento de las aguas residuales lácteas
La Quesería Holanda, en Nuevo Ideal, Durango, México, originalmente era una empresa artesanal, manejada por la comunidad menonita de la región, donde la mayoría de sus procesos se llevaban a cabo de forma manual y era poca la maquinaria utilizada. La demanda de sus productos creció y se hizo necesaria la reubicación y remodelación de la planta por completo, así mismo se requirió el uso de tecnología, para procesar los más de 100, 000 L de lech...

CHF 52.50

Estrategia De Aprendizaje En Educación Básica

Rios Ortiz, Esteban / Vargas G, Javier / Isaza D, Lauren Genith
Estrategia De Aprendizaje En Educación Básica
La investigación contribuye al fortalecimiento de los procesos de aprendizaje, a través de la identificación de dificultades de aprendizaje, llevando al diseño de una propuesta de intervención como estrategia para mejorar el rendimiento académico de manera sistemática y organizada, desde la aplicación de actividades a través de una ficha de actividad de aprendizaje, que conlleve a mejorar el desempeño académico de los estudiantes, dando tratam...

CHF 43.90

Evaluation des pratiques d¿essaimage

Ben Ali, Mohsen
Evaluation des pratiques d¿essaimage
Cette recherche réunit les apports d'une approche exploratoire qualitative basée sur une revue de littérature et surtout sur une expertise professionnelle de huit années de l'auteur de ce travail, avec ceux d'une étude confirmatoire basée sur un questionnaire administré à trente entreprises essaimées par la STEG. La démarche méthodologique reprend l'une des démarches proposées par Yin (1994), une étude de cas et différentes unités d'analyse (s...

CHF 48.90

Governance Economica dell'Unione europea

Caputo, Marianna
Governance Economica dell'Unione europea
Il presente lavoro descrive e analizza chi riveste il ruolo di attore principale nella definizione della Politica economica e secondo quali modalità le scelte in questo ambito vengono concepite, tradotte sul piano normativo ed attuate, razionalizzando i numerosi spunti problematici offerti dalla dottrina. Muovendo da una rappresentazione degli orientamenti affermatisi nella Scienza economica, viene successivamente condotta una accurata indagin...

CHF 48.90

Mon héritage de l'Égypte pharaonique à l'Afrique subsahar...

Bakajika, Thomas Banjikila
Mon héritage de l'Égypte pharaonique à l'Afrique subsaharienne
L'ouvrage porte sur la continuité de la culture africaine illustrée à travers les similitudes culturelles entre l'Égypte pharaonique et l'Afrique noire précoloniale. En effet, l'auteur est persuadé que pour l'enrichissement de l'historiographie africaine, une étude consacrée aux survivances culturelles égyptiennes en Afrique noire précoloniale valait la peine d'être réalisée. En se basant sur le concept d'aires culturelles, l'auteur pense que ...

CHF 108.00

Evaluation et suivi de la qualité de l'air dans la ville ...

Ait Bouh, Hasna
Evaluation et suivi de la qualité de l'air dans la ville de Meknès
Ce travail vise à acquérir une meilleure connaissance de la qualité de l¿air dans la ville de Meknès. Une vaste étude a été réalisée entre 2007 et 2008 en milieu urbain où le trafic routier est dense. Différentes techniques ont été utilisées pour la mesure, la collecte et l¿analyse des polluants atmosphériques gazeux et particulaires. Les caractérisations physico-chimiques des particules, complétées par des techniques statistiques ont été appl...

CHF 120.00

Bank Marketing Strategies

Sandhu, Namrata / Singh, Dilpreet
Bank Marketing Strategies
The ever-enhancing competition in the banking sector has pushed the bankers into scrutinizing various options that may help banks sustain the expected growth rates. Banks are entering previously unknown markets, products and segments. Banks are also actively outspreading the gamut of their banking interests and taking a significant notice of new opportunities. Bankers are aggressively pursuing various marketing strategies to best achieve their...

CHF 72.00

Financial Markets Development and Macroeconomic Stability...

Ehigiamusoe, Uyi Kizito
Financial Markets Development and Macroeconomic Stability in Africa
The book examines the impact of financial markets development on macroeconomic stability. It also examines the relationship between financial markets indicators (ratios of broad money supply to GDP, private sector credit to GDP, total bank credit to GDP and market capitalization to GDP) and macroeconomic variables (inflation, employment and poverty rates) in Sub-Sahara Africa. It adopts both analytical and econometric techniques such as ordina...

CHF 47.50

Zenginle¿tirilmi¿ Alg¿

Özen, Mehmet
Zenginle¿tirilmi¿ Alg¿
Anlama ya da anlad¿¿¿n¿ aktarma süreci insan beyninin çe¿itli duyular arac¿l¿¿¿yla elde etti¿i hisler ve buna bäl¿ alg¿larla mümkün hale geldi¿i bilinmektedir.Zihinsel sürecin yäad¿¿¿ bu durum, insana çe¿itli deneyimler (fark¿ndal¿k) ve buna bäl¿ al¿¿kanl¿klar kazand¿rmaktad¿r. Örne¿in müzik i¿itsel organ¿m¿za hitap ederken görsel ve tensel birçok duyular ayn¿ oranla bu seslere hizmet eden ortak bir gerçeklik içinde oldu¿u görülür. Aksi durumd...

CHF 47.50

State Dependent Parameter (SDP) Control Applied to Nonlin...

Shaban, Essam / Taylor, James
State Dependent Parameter (SDP) Control Applied to Nonlinear Systems
This book considers proportional-integral-plus (PIP) control of non-linear systems defined by state-dependent parameter models, with particular emphasis on three practical demonstrators: a 1/5th-scale laboratory representation of an Lancaster University Computerized Intelligent Excavator (LUCIE), a full-scale (commercial) vibrolance system used for ground improvement on a construction site, and nonlinear ALSTOM Benchmark Challenge II. In each ...

CHF 102.00

A Pintura Beuronense do Mosteiro Beneditino de São Paulo:...

Yang, Klency Kakazu de Brito
A Pintura Beuronense do Mosteiro Beneditino de São Paulo: 1914-1922
A Arte Beuronense é pouco estudada dentro do território brasileiro, porém temos alguns exemplos desta produção que são muito eloquentes. A pintura mural monumental sacra realizada no interior da Basílica de Nossa Senhora de Assunção, no Mosteiro de São Bento de São Paulo - Brasil, possui o programa visual completo e em bom estado de conservação. Ele foi realizado por um discípulo direto do mestre Dom Desiderius Lenz, o monge Dom Adelbert Gresn...

CHF 83.00

How To Think, Create and Make Things Happen Like God

Emmanuel, PotterIsaac
How To Think, Create and Make Things Happen Like God
Your born again spirit is divinely programmed by God to be a massive creative agent of divine manifestations within and around your life. Here, you can take control, regulate or determine the events or outcomes of your life by simply thinking the right thoughts, saying the right words and taking the right actions. In this freshly life transforming book: ¿How To Think, Create and Make Things Happen Like God¿ PotterIsaac Emmanuel takes you into ...

CHF 38.90

Environmental Accounting Quantitative Approach: Indian Ba...

Amaladas, Augustin / Amala Shanthi, K.
Environmental Accounting Quantitative Approach: Indian Based Company
Right to resources is derived from the benefit the company provides to the community, consequently accountable to society for how it operates. Business assumes any responsibility to the human society beyond profit making and maximizing its own financial well being. If sustainability becomes part of expectations held by society, it must become a business goal, this ensures ongoing survival. Providing information about performance related to soc...

CHF 96.00

Asem's postgraduate review articles in obstetrics and gyn...

Moussa, Asem / Galal, Khalad / Hessnien, Ehab
Asem's postgraduate review articles in obstetrics and gynecology
Medicine is an ever changing science, obstetrics and gynecology as part of this fascinating science has a plethora of information which is increasing and growing enormously the intentions of this book is to provide a rather comprehensive updated issues in obstetrics and gynecology for postgraduate doctors interesting in such issues. This is a series of topics that will be issued every three months.

CHF 108.00

Educational Administration and Planning

Kimathi, Jedidah
Educational Administration and Planning
This textbook addresses theories of administration both early and current ones. It also looks at the strengths and criticisms of each theory. Leadership in educational administration is reflected. The organizational structure of the Ministry of Education in Kenya and related semi autonomous agencies are included. Educational planing is addressed including the types, and levels of educational planning cycles and processes is reflected. Indicato...

CHF 65.00

Tamarind dehuller cum deseeder machine

Sinha, Amit Kumar / Patel, Sadanand / Verma, Ajay
Tamarind dehuller cum deseeder machine
Tamarind (Tamarindus indica L) is an economically important fruit of India as well as Chhattisgarh. Tamarind production in Chhhattisgarh is fairly high but the post harvest technique adopt for its processing (dehulling and deseeding ) neither developed and nor optimum therefore the present investigation was carried on the performance evaluation studies on tamarind dehuller-cum-deseeder. Its a traditional practice of dehulling the ripe fruit is...

CHF 65.00

Investigating place attachment in residential areas

Matin Shahabi, Fatemeh
Investigating place attachment in residential areas
Investigating place attachment in residential areas - Research progress on emotional bonds with places - The models presented in the theoretical field of place attachment - An Exploration on Student Dormitory with an Approach to Attachment to Place and Improvement of Spaces Related to Students¿ Needs - Definition and explanation of the attachment to place - Recognition and investigation of social factors affecting the formation of attachment t...

CHF 77.00


Lipin, Igor'
Sobytiq w perwyh chastqh romana proishodqt w gody Velikoj Otechestwennoj wojny. Dwa zemlqka, strusiw w perwom boü, begut s fronta. Jetot postupok tqnet za soboj rqd prestuplenij, priwedshih k gibeli odnogo iz geroew i inwalidnosti drugogo ¿ Timofeq. On prohodit wse krugi ada ¿ poterü sem'i, sudimost', lager' dlq zaklüchönnyh, sadistskie operacii na amputirowannyh konechnostqh. I, kogda kazalos' by, zhizn' naladilas', ego zhdöt poslednee strash...

CHF 27.90

Indoneziq posle obreteniq nezawisimosti

Shimon, D'örd'
Indoneziq posle obreteniq nezawisimosti
Monografiq wengerskogo äkonomicta D'ördq Shimona-mladshego poswqschena analizu osnownyh ätapow politicheskogo i äkonomicheskogo razwitiq Indonezii, eö gosudarstwennogo i hozqjstwennogo stroitel'stwa posle prowozglasheniq nezawisimosti. Rassmatriwaütsq harakternye cherty nacional'no-oswoboditel'noj rewolücii i rezhima Sukarno (1945¿1965 gg.), «nowogo porqdka» Suharto (s serediny 1960-h gg.) i sowremennogo ätapa, nachalo kotoromu polozhil aziats...

CHF 65.00

Baby's First Year

Ramaroson, Hans Eric
Baby's First Year
If you are like most expectant parents, you can't wait for your new bundle of joy to arrive. But how do you know what to do once your baby has arrived? Relax! The comprehensive book, "Your baby's First Year", is hear to guide you. Packed full of information and advice for new or experienced parents, "Your baby's First Year" is the instruction manual that Mother Nature should have included with your new baby. "Your Baby's First Year" is a valua...

CHF 114.00