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Effective Logic Computation: Revised Edition

Truemper, Klaus
Effective Logic Computation: Revised Edition
The engineering advances started in the second half of the 20th century have created an avalanche of new technology. Control and use of that technology require, among many things, effective computational methods for logic. This book proposes one such method. It makes use of a theory of logic computation based on matroid theory, in particular matroid decomposition. Main features of the theory are an extension of propositional logic, an analysis...

CHF 36.50

A Small Star From Afar

Fitzgerald, Joslin / Joslin, Mary L.
A Small Star From Afar
This darling Wishing Upon a Star's Fairytale takes place in Outer-Space. And going to a sweet secret space, located somewhere far away many fun things will start happening. Because when you are waiting for a Dream to Come True things will change and switch quickly, when somebody from Afar makes a Wish on the night the Smallest Star stars falling.

CHF 19.90

Job Satisfaction and Quality of Working Life of Middle Le...

Amir, Zeeshan
Job Satisfaction and Quality of Working Life of Middle Level Managers
This work has been done on middle level managers working across the different sectors. The over all satisfaction of this category of human resource is critically important as they maintain the work balance and establish a link between higher management and the lower level personnel. Their High level of job satisfaction and Quality of work life adds to their inspiration to be better leader and motivator for lower level staff and get the organis...

CHF 67.00

The Speech Act of Correction in Egyptian Arabic and Ameri...

Morkus, Nader
The Speech Act of Correction in Egyptian Arabic and American English
The present study is an empirical cross-cultural investigation of the speech act of correction in Egyptian Arabic and American English. The purpose of the study is to examine how and why Egyptians and U.S. Americans modify the illocutionary force of their corrections in terms of mitigation and aggravation in different speech situations. A Discourse Completion Task/Test (DCT) was used to elicit corrections from 30 Arabic-speaking Egyptians and ...

CHF 58.50

Violência(s) e Violência Conjugal

Carvalho, Carla / Ribeiro, Sónia
Violência(s) e Violência Conjugal
Estudo da relação entre violência conjugal, distúrbio pós - stress traumático e sintomas psicopatológicos, nomeadamente os de somatização, depressão, obsessões-compulsões, sensibilidade interpessoal, ansiedade, hostilidade, ansiedade fóbica, ideação paranoide e psicoticísmo. Análise ainda da relação deste distúrbio com outras variáveis, nomeadamente, a rede social das vítimas (inclusive a rede institucional) e outras variáveis relacionadas com...

CHF 54.50

zhong guo wai bu yi lai xing jing ji zeng chang zhong de ...

Tang, Wei Xia
zhong guo wai bu yi lai xing jing ji zeng chang zhong de dui wai jin rong zi chan ji lei
dang qian shi jie jing ji qian jing can dan ou zhai wei ji yu yan yu lie wei zhong guo jing ji fa zhan he guo ji she hui di wei de ti gao ti gong le hen hao de qi ji zai ci bei jing xia fen xi zhong guo zai quan qiu jing ji fa zhan zhong de di wei he li yi fen pei jiu xian de you wei zhong yao ben shu yi zhong guo dui wai jin rong zi chan ji lei wei yan jiu dui xiang xiang xi chan shu zhong guo dui wai jin rong zi chan ji lei de guo cheng he n...

CHF 47.50

Da Mera Sobrevivência aos Direitos Humanos Absolutos

Costa, Ana Lúcia
Da Mera Sobrevivência aos Direitos Humanos Absolutos
Sobrevivência ou direitos humanos: qual a finalidade do Direito e por meio de que conteúdo pode o sistema jurídico assegurá-la? Esta obra é um convite à reflexão sobre o modo de funcionamento do ordenamento jurídico. Fá-lo mediante a exposição, comparação e crítica das doutrinas de dois grandes nomes da Teoria do Direito, nomeadamente H. L. A. Hart e John Finnis. Partindo da ideia de que as normas jurídicas atuam como razões para ação na delib...

CHF 89.00

Adjustment to Nursing Home Life

Feeback, Kristin M. / Pardo, Nadira T.
Adjustment to Nursing Home Life
Throughout life, people experience many transitions, but one transition that can be particularly difficult is moving into a nursing home or long-term care facility. Many elders living within these institutions do not want to live there, but a decline in health, finances, or a lack of support system has led them to their new inhabitancy. Some elders might find that adjusting to a new environment can be very challenging. Upon entering a nursing ...

CHF 77.00

Application the wavelets in engineering

Belardi, Aldo / Piva, Rodrigo
Application the wavelets in engineering
In this book, we present both the theoretical part and a number of applications that allow the use of wavelets in solving problems encountered in engineering. In the early part, we present a methodology that involves the moment method using as expansion function and Haar wavelets as pulse function weighting in determining the surface charge density in both dimensional and two-dimensional case. Posteriorly we present a series of applications th...

CHF 102.00

O tratamento da oralidade em sala de aula

Furst, Mariana
O tratamento da oralidade em sala de aula
Falar em público continua sendo uma tarefa árdua. Na presente obra apresento o resultado da minha tese de doutorado intitulada ¿O tratamento da Oralidade em Sala de Aulä, defendiada em agosto de 2014, na Faculdade de Letras da UFMG. Assim como na tese, nesse livro discutimos acerca da exigência dos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais Brasileiro e do papel fundamental da escola para o ensino e a aprendizagem do tratamento da linguagem oral e da a...

CHF 83.00

Monitoring i uprawlenie tehnogennymi riskami w älektronno...

Andreewa, Ol'ga Nikolaewna
Monitoring i uprawlenie tehnogennymi riskami w älektronnoj otrasli
V rabote predstawleno reshenie krupnoj nauchnoj problemy issledowaniq i razrabotki nauchno-metodicheskogo, informacionno-analiticheskogo i programmnogo obespecheniq dlq monitoringa i uprawleniq tehnogennymi riskami na predpriqtiqh älektronnoj otrasli, opredeleny cel' i zadachi issledowaniq, predstawleny osnownye teoreticheskie i prakticheskie rezul'taty dissertacii. Jeffektiwnost' wypolneniq meropriqtij po prediktiwnomu uprawleniü riskami tehn...

CHF 96.00

Türkiye¿de Kuru Fasulye ¿¿letmelerinin Analizi ve Etkinli...

Berk, Ali
Türkiye¿de Kuru Fasulye ¿¿letmelerinin Analizi ve Etkinlikleri
Bu çal¿¿mada, Türkiye kuru fasulye üretiminin yaklä¿k %61¿ini olu¿turan 7 ilde kuru fasulye üretimi yapan tar¿m i¿letmeleri incelenerek, bu i¿letmelerde kuru fasulye üretim faaliyetinin ekonomik yap¿s¿, üretim sorunlar¿, teknik etkinlik düzeyi, etkinsizlik nedenleri ile üreticilerin üretim kararlar¿ üzerine etkili faktörler belirlenmi¿tir. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre, incelenen i¿letmelerin ortalama i¿letme arazisi 132 da ve kuru fasulye arazis...

CHF 72.00

Queima de Resíduos Tóxicos em Fornos de Cimenteiras em Ca...

Gomes Pinto Júnior, Afrânio / C. B. Braga, Ana Maria
Queima de Resíduos Tóxicos em Fornos de Cimenteiras em Cantagalo, RJ
A queima de resíduos tóxicos em fornos de cimenteiras mostrou-se um recurso interessante para a imagem das indústrias poluidoras, econômicamente positivo para o parque cimenteiro, mas de grande risco para as populações expostas. O texto mostra a perplexidade de uma dessas populações, premida entre a realidade de uma região que tornou-se dependente economicamente da produção de cimento, e a percepção que algo de ruim passou a ocorrer desde a ad...

CHF 72.00

Climate Change and Education Access

Ngira, Amos
Climate Change and Education Access
A multidisciplinary research bringing forth grand knowledge and interrelationships in the fields of climate change and education access in a laboratory where extreme events wreck livelihoods and create pockets of poverty in marginalized areas in Kenya. Marginalized by recurrent hydro meteorological hazards and weak disaster risk reduction mechanisms, education as a human right is under threat. The richness in methodology and the accompanying r...

CHF 89.00

Protecting the rights of urban refugees in Uganda

Addaney, Michael
Protecting the rights of urban refugees in Uganda
The number of refugees in the world has increased over the past decade, with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) pegging the number around 19.5 million in 2014 as compared to 15 million in 2013. The numbers of refugees residing in urban areas have also increased dramatically in recent years. Barbour confirms that majority of the world¿s refugees are now residing in non-camp settings with the number of urban refugees risin...

CHF 47.50