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McEwan, Ian / Farrell, Dan / Warbeck, Stephen / Basner, Glen / Browning, Ben / Duval, Célia / Kenworthy, Duncan / Oppenheimer, Joe / Pattinson, Beth / Dunn, Andrew / Thompson, Emma / Tucci, Stanley / Whitehead, Fionn / Watkins, Jason / Chaplin, Ben / Cavaliero, Rosie / Amuka-Bird, Nikki / Vansittart, Rupert / Calf, Anthony
Fiona Maye (Emma Thompson) ist eine erfahrene Familienrichterin in London. Ausgerechnet als ihre Ehe mit Jack (Stanley Tucci) in eine tiefe Krise gerät, wird ihr ein eiliger Fall übertragen, bei dem es um Leben und Tod geht: Der 17-jährige Adam (Fionn Whitehead) hat Leukämie, doch als Zeugen Jehovas lehnen er und seine Eltern eine rettende Bluttransfusion ab. Fiona muss entscheiden, ob das Krankenhaus den Minderjährigen gegen seinen Willen beh...

CHF 16.50

Che Guevara: Eles Podem Matar as Pessoas, Mas Nunca Suas ...

Da Costa, Cleberson Eduardo
Che Guevara: Eles Podem Matar as Pessoas, Mas Nunca Suas Ideias (Português E Espanhol) - Edição Bilíngue
Esta é uma obra de ficção fundamentada nas ideias revolucionárias do argentino Ernesto Che Guevara, capturado e assassinado no dia 9 de outubro de 1967 na Bolívia, com o apoio dos EUA, por tropas militares. Che sonhava em estender a revolução cubana (socialismo e/ou comunismo) para toda a América Latina.IChe Nasceu em 14 de junho de 1928, em Rosário, na Argentina. Proveniente de uma família de classe média alta, primogênito dos cinco filhos de...

CHF 17.90

Death Etched in Stone

Wendelboe, C. M.
Death Etched in Stone
Lakota FBI Agent Manny Tanno is back in action with his faithful tribal officer sidekick Willie when a man is found drowned in a Pine Ridge Reservation Lake. The apparently accidental drowning turns out to be murder, and the investigation takes them on the road to the man's home reservation in Wyoming.Out of their element and unwelcome, no one on the Wind River Reservation is going out of their way to help Manny and Willie. In fact, some are p...

CHF 23.50

Verdad, Tradición o Cizaña (Mala Tradición): Creciendo en...

Alewine, Hollisa / Perez-Rosas, Mariela
Verdad, Tradición o Cizaña (Mala Tradición): Creciendo en la Palabra
Los lectores del Nuevo Testamento pueden encontrar su trato a la tradición de una forma confusa. Muchas de las costumbres en los pasajes son Judías, por lo tanto extrañas a los creyentes no-Judíos. Yeshua (Jesús) algunas veces corrigió estas costumbres religiosas observantes, sin embargo otras veces él dijo que debían ser observadas. Pablo hace lo mismo en sus cartas, y dos veces el instruye a los creyentes no-Judíos de guardar las costumbres ...

CHF 14.90

The Afghan: A Joe Johnson Thriller, Book 0

Turpin, Andrew
The Afghan: A Joe Johnson Thriller, Book 0
A thriller featuring CIA officer Joe Johnson, who later becomes a war crimes investigator, set in 1988 in Afghanistan and the US. Johnson is helping to supply Stinger missiles to mujahideen fighting against the Russian military.

CHF 33.90

Mary Wollstonecraft tra politica e letteratura

Memoli, Desirée
Mary Wollstonecraft tra politica e letteratura
È il secolo delle rivoluzioni e del motto liberté, égalité, fraternité per tutti ma non per le donne. Loro sono educate per essere docili e modeste figlie, sorelle, madri. Mary Wollstonecraft è stata la prima scrittrice che in modo audace e obiettivo ha puntato il dito contro un sistema maschilista visibile ancora oggi. Con il suo stile preciso, attento e analitico critica aspramente autori come Rousseau, Milton, Burke e un sistema educativo l...

CHF 32.50

Rising from the Rubble

Larean, Fatima
Rising from the Rubble
We live in a world almost devoid of hope. Have you lost hope? I did for a very long time and I almost allowed my hopelessness to defeat me to the point of death. Depression does not have to be your end. Be encouraged my friend and watch hopelessness collide with faith and the God of faith transform a life to a life of purpose and hope. Have you ever heard the saying, fall down seven times, but stand up eight?That was my journey with depression...

CHF 22.50

Life Lines Iv

Siassi, Amir Ali
Life Lines Iv
I have been writing poetry since my teens and published my first poem in Howard Ely's Colors of Life (2008). A year later, I self-published the first volume of my poetical tetralogy Life Lines in 2009, followed by Life Lines Volume II in 2010 and Life Lines Volume III in 2011 (Xlibris). In March 2006, I started an English teacher training course at Shokouh, which ended on May 27, 2006. Following shortly after, I started working with Reza Nassi...

CHF 27.90

Integrity in Political Finance in Greece

Integrity in Political Finance in Greece
Money in politics is a double-edged sword. It is a necessary component of the democratic process, enabling the expression of political support as well as allowing for competition in elections.

CHF 45.50