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6256 Ergebnisse - Zeige 6221 von 6240.

An Introduction to Systems Biology

Alon, Uri
An Introduction to Systems Biology
Written for students and researchers in systems biology, the second edition of this best-selling textbook continues to offer a clear presentation of design principles that govern the structure and behavior of biological networks, highlighting simple, recurring circuit elements that make up the regulation of cells and tissues.

CHF 96.00

Digital Justice

Digital Justice
This book introduces the reader to a new framework for both online dispute resolution and online dispute prevention, known as "Digital Justice." The authors explore why traditional legal institutions are inadequate in today's sharing economy, and demonstrate the scarcity of effective ODR systems known as the "Digital Justice Gap." The authors focus particular attention on four areas that have seen great innovation, as well as large volumes of ...

CHF 150.00

Large Letter Postcards: The Definitive Guide, 1930s-1950s...

Tenney, Fred / Hilbert, Kevin
Large Letter Postcards: The Definitive Guide, 1930s-1950s: The Definitive Guide, 1930s-1950s
This book will serve generations to come as the definitive book on buying and collecting the beautiful, 1930s to 1950s era large letter linen postcards. Over 2, 300 large letter postcards are documented, with a carefully researched value for each card. This will assist dealers to fairly price their postcards and protect the collector from overpaying. There is a detailed history of the postcards and information about the designers and manufactu...

CHF 51.90


Massieu, Guillaume
It is hard to imagine a time when coffee drinking was not part of every-day life and yet it was not until the end of the seventeenth century that it became widespread in Europe. The visit of the Turkish Ambassador to Louis XIV's court in 1669 helped to make coffee-drinking fashionable in France, so it is not surprising that it was a Frenchman who chose to extol its delights, not to mention its health-giving properties, in a long poem written i...

CHF 18.50

Wallis Reiseführer - Sehenswertes im Wallis

Walder, Achim
Wallis Reiseführer - Sehenswertes im Wallis
Kultur-Reiseführer 'Sehenswertes im Wallis' vom Rhonegletscher bis zum Genfersee Der Kanton Wallis liegt im Südwesten der Schweiz, inmitten der Alpen. Er erstreckt sich über das obere Rhonetal von der Rhonequelle in Gletsch bis zum Genfersee. Das Wallis grenzt im Norden an den Kanton Bern, im Westen an den Kanton Waadt und im Osten an die Kantone Uri und Tessin. Im Süden teilt sich das Wallis die Grenze mit dem Nachbarland Italien, im Westen m...

CHF 12.90

Verhüten ohne Hormone

Struck, Dorothee
Verhüten ohne Hormone
Hormonfreie Verhütungsmethoden gibt es viele, aber welche ist die richtige für mich? Dr. med. Dorothee Struck erklärt in verständlicher Sprache, wie der weibliche Körper aufgebaut ist und was beim Zyklus vor sich geht. Darauf basierend beschreibt sie die Wirkungsweise sämtlicher hormonfreier Verhütungsmethoden, von der Spirale über die verschiedenen Barrieren wie Diaphragma oder Portiokappe bis hin zu den Zeitwahlmethoden mit oder ohne Verhütu...

CHF 40.50

Icindeki Gücün Sirrini Kesfet

Sayari, Nuray
Icindeki Gücün Sirrini Kesfet
Mutlu, güclü, basarili olmanin, para kazanmanin ve ask icinde yasamanin aslinda ne kadar kolay oldugunu siz de bu kitapla göreceksiniz.Öldü zannedilip morga kaldirilirken 40 günlüktüm. Hamileyken verem oldum. Doktorlar bebegin de benim de yasama sansimin olmadigini söylediler. Dogum yaptim, sekiz ay bebegimi göremedim. Heybeliada Sanatoryumuna yatmak icin fakir kagidi almak zorunda kaldim. Payton paramiz bile olmadigi icin hasta halimle hastan...

CHF 14.50

Pistol: La Increíble Historia de Pete Maravich

Kriegel, Mark
Pistol: La Increíble Historia de Pete Maravich
This is more than a basketball player's biography. It is constructed with the same substance of the great classic novels. Pistol tells the story of the boy transformed by the dream of his father and the price that his family ends up paying for this dream. In this poignant history, Mark Kriegel captures the passionate saga of an American family: ascension, ruins, and redemption.

CHF 40.90

ALG II / Hartz IV - Ihre Rechte, alles was Ihnen zusteht

Böthling, Arne
ALG II / Hartz IV - Ihre Rechte, alles was Ihnen zusteht
Endlich ist es soweit! Ihre Hilfe im ALG II / Hartz IV! Etliche Tipps des Autors, seit über 10 Jahren auf dem Gebiet spezialisiert, sorgen dafür, dass Sie endlich die Leistungen erhalten, die Ihnen zustehen! Mit Checklisten und Übersichten! Etliche Neuerungen und Erweiterungen gegenüber den Vorauflagen:-Neues Urteil vom BSG vom 08.05.2019 zu Schulbüchern-Anhebung der Schulsätze auf 100 Euro im August, 50 Euro im Februar-das Kapitel über die vo...

CHF 27.50

Atalarimizin Gök Tanri Dini

Candan, Ergun
Atalarimizin Gök Tanri Dini
Bir zamanlar Orta Asyada yasananlar, atalarimizin bilinmeyen gizli tarihini olusturmus bir sürectir. Bugün bile hala gizemini koruyan o günlerde yasananlar, Eski Türk Mitolojisini olusturan bazi efsanelerle günümüze kadar gelebilmistir.Ergenekondan Cikis, Yaradilis ve Oguz Kagan gibi efsanelerde atalarimizin o dönemde yasadiklari mitolojik bir dille anlatilmis durumdadir. Ancak ne yazik ki, bu efsaneler üzerinde ezoterik temelli bir arastirma ...

CHF 16.90

Craniomaxillofacial Reconstructive and Corrective Bone Su...

Schmelzeisen, Rainer / Greenberg, Alex M.
Craniomaxillofacial Reconstructive and Corrective Bone Surgery
This in-depth revision of the successful first edition is one of the only books of its kind to cover the full range of craniomaxillofacial reconstructive and corrective bone surgery. This evolving field has a large number of contributions by worldwide clinicians covering new developments, especially in biomaterials, digital technologies, virtual surgical planning, patient specific implants, and navigation. These topics appeal to Oral and Maxil...

CHF 253.00

Asteriks Ve Kleopatra

Uderzo, Albert / Goscinny, Rene
Asteriks Ve Kleopatra
Iskenderiye Misir Kralliginin baskenti... Muhtesem Kleopatranin sarayindayiz. Rivayet o ki Kleopatranin burnu biraz daha kücük olsaymis tarihin akisi degisebilirmis... - Cok cirkin imalarda bulunuyorsun Sezar..

CHF 27.90


Maalouf, Amin
Amin Maalouf, Doguya, Irana bakiyor. Ömer Hayyamin Rubaiyatinin cevresinde dönen icice iki öykü...1072 yilinda, Hayyamin Semerkantinda baslayan ve 1912de Atlantikte bitmeyen bir serüven...Bir elyazmasinin yazilisinin ve yüzlerce yil sonra okunurken onun ve Iranin tarihinin de okunusunun öyküsü tarihi...

CHF 15.50

Sirca Kösk

Ali, Sabahattin
Sirca Kösk
Nicin hep aci seyler yazayim Dostlar, yufka yürekli dostlar bundan hoslanmiyorlar. Hep kötü, sakat seyleri mi göreceksin diyorlar. Hep aclardan, ciplaklardan, dertlilerden mi bahsedeceksin Geceleri gazete satip izmarit toplayan serseri cocuklardan, bir kasik toprak, bir bakrac su icin birbirlerini öldürenlerden, cezaevlerinde ruhlari kemirile kemirile eriyip gidenlerden, doktor bulamayanlardan, hakkini alamayanlardan baska yazacak seyler, iyi ...

CHF 11.90

Sifir Noktasindaki Kadin

El Seddavi, Neval
Sifir Noktasindaki Kadin
Dünyanin herhangi bir kösesinde herhangi bir insan sifir noktasinda kiskivrak bekliyor. Umutsuz, caresiz, ölümle yasam arasindaki sinirda.Neval El Seddavi, ölüm hücresinde cinayet zanlisi Misirli fahise Firdevsle konusuyor. Firdevsin anlattigi yasam öyküsünü aktariyor bize. Bu dünyada kadin olmanin, fahise olmanin ne anlama gelebilecegini okuyoruz bu ice isleyen yasam öyküsünde. Sifir noktasi neresidir Ilk basimini Eylül 1987da yaptigimiz Sifi...

CHF 14.50

Yunus Emre Bütün Eserleri 27

Necati Sepetcioglu, Mustafa
Yunus Emre Bütün Eserleri 27
Bu oyun bir kisiliktir. Yunusdan gayri kisiler Yunusun hayalindeki kisiler diye düsünülmüstür. Böyle oynanirsa oyunun tek ve gercek oyuncusu Yunus Emre, hayal kisilerin tekli veya koro konusmalarina karsi davranislariyla hareket edecektir.Böyle düsünülür ise oyunun Rakkasesi de gercekle hayal arasi bir görüntüde verilmelidir.Fakat bu oyun hayal degil gercek kisiler var sayilarak oynanabilir. Bu durumda oyuncular, sirasiyla su kisiliklere bürün...

CHF 16.90