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1212 Ergebnisse - Zeige 101 von 120.

Chinese Idiom and Colloquialism, Grade K, Book 2

Li, Bitao
Chinese Idiom and Colloquialism, Grade K, Book 2
This textbook is presented by TongLe Chinese School, for TongLe Chinese students to learn Chinese idioms and proverbs by vivid pictures, stories, and examples, etc. For more information, please visit

CHF 52.50

Cycling Britain's Cathedrals Volume 1

Rutt, Graham
Cycling Britain's Cathedrals Volume 1
An entertaining read about the experiences of a group of friends as they cycled between all the cathedrals in Britain, their reflections on visiting those cathedrals, and a guide to how to survive such a trip.

CHF 62.00

Pronto soccorso multidimensionale

Santoro, Franco
Pronto soccorso multidimensionale
Pronto soccorso multidimensionale è una ricerca che raccoglie riflessioni, ragionamenti e assunti che, attraverso l'uso del paradosso e la semplice osservazione della realtà in cui viviamo, si pongono l'obiettivo di suscitare domande nel lettore, di aprire varchi nella nostra coscienza, mettendo in discussione le nostre credenze ordinarie. Il mondo da noi tutti ritenuto reale è davvero l'unica realtà esistente? Qual è lo scopo effettivo della ...

CHF 26.90

Qualität und Zuverlässigkeit laserdirektstrukturierter me...

Kuhn, Thomas
Qualität und Zuverlässigkeit laserdirektstrukturierter mechatronisch integrierter Baugruppen (LDS-MID)
Angesichts des zunehmenden Bedarfs an multifunktionalen mechatronischen Systemen bietet die MID-Technologie vielversprechende Potenziale zur Herstellung hochintegrierter mechatronischer Baugruppen in funktionsoptimalem Design. Unsicherheiten hinsichtlich der Qualität und Zuverlässigkeit hemmen jedoch insbesondere in rauen und sicherheitsrelevanten Bereichen den Einsatz individueller MID-Lösungen. Vor diesem Hintergrund werden einleitend die we...

CHF 36.50

The Power Of A Tear

McCray, Corrine E.
The Power Of A Tear
The Father created us with emotions. Could we be denying ourselves the benefits of His perfect design by shunning, disqualifying and hiding ouremotions? Could we be making ourselves gods thinking WE have the power and control of our minds and bodies? There is a level of mind control that is witchcraft and there is a righteous mindset, which is to have the mind of Christ.

CHF 25.50

The Parkinson's Chronicles Part 5 A Malaysian Odyssey

Halsey, Steve
The Parkinson's Chronicles Part 5 A Malaysian Odyssey
This latest chronicle in the series is part travelogue, part health update and part commentary on a wide range of related or not so related topics and themes, loosely or closely linked to a recent trip taken by a Parkinson's sufferer and his family to Malaysia.Much more than just an account of living with Parkinson's, this witty and often quite touching chronicle explores both the man and the mind behind the condition. With a viewpoint ranging...

CHF 16.50

Scheiß auf Schmerzen!

Keith, Marcel
Scheiß auf Schmerzen!
Viele Menschen wissen häufig nicht einmal, wie ein Leben ohne permanenten Schmerz aussieht und wie dieser sie von einem erfolgreichen und glücklichen Leben abhält. Damit ist jetzt Schluss! Mit diesem Buch brauchen Sie kein 2tes Fachbuch zum Thema "schmerzfrei" - und erst dadurch kann eine gesunde Basis für ein erfolgreiches und gesundes Leben geschaffen werden! Lassen Sie sich überraschen, wie sehr "Scheiß auf Schmerzen!" Ihr Leben verändern w...

CHF 49.90

The First Step, Hi' Steppin'

Lucas, Al
The First Step, Hi' Steppin'
This photo reveals an author in deep denial of which a whole book could be written. Lucas asks how definitive does a man have to be to tell a story of reasonable conjecture from the viewpoint of a victim? He finds himself in eerily similar circumstances that his protagonist found himself to be in: Tampa, the hood, 9/11, the VA, Alcohol Anonymous. Whatever can be said, consider it said.

CHF 23.50

Smush For President

Jackson, Shannon / Smush / Rauscher, Amariah
Smush For President
Rescue-kitty Smush has big dreams of being the next president! She knows that authenticity, compassion and a little bread-thievery will get her far! You don't want to miss her antics in this first book in a forthcoming series illustrated by Amariah Rauscher!

CHF 20.50

Reading Bonhoeffer in South Africa after the Transition t...

Vosloo, Robert / Koopman, Nico
Reading Bonhoeffer in South Africa after the Transition to Democracy
The German pastor and theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer's life and theology played a significant role in the church and theological struggles against apartheid in South Africa. The essays in this book align itself with this historical trajectory, but especially address the question of Bonhoeffer's possible message and continuing legacy after the transition to democracy in South Africa. The essays argue that Bonhoeffer's work and witness still pro...

CHF 74.00

Die Voltigierabzeichen der Deutschen Reiterlichen Vereini...

Lockert, Ute / Rieder, Ulrike
Die Voltigierabzeichen der Deutschen Reiterlichen Vereinigung
Die Voltigierabzeichen - von den Einsteigerabzeichen bis zu den Leistungsabzeichen - bieten jedem Voltigierer, ob Freizeit- oder Leistungsvoltigierer, die Möglichkeit, Schritt für Schritt ein neues Ziel zu erreichen. Ein Voltigierabzeichen spornt dazu an, die eigene Leistung zu verbessern und die Kenntnisse über das Voltigieren und die Pferdekunde zu erweitern. Mit dieser 5. überarbeiteten und aktualisierten Auflage 2020 des offiziellen FN-Prü...

CHF 23.90

Conversations With Mom

Sargeant Pmp, Ordonna R.
Conversations With Mom
Conversations with Mom is a highly relatable memoir of short stories of important talks between a mother and daughter. The conversations in this book address race, love, life, prayer, and a few awkward moments turned into hilarious anecdotes that will have you remembering your own stories of victories and struggles.

CHF 24.90

Air Fryer Cookbook

Hill, John
Air Fryer Cookbook
Healthy, Delicious, and Easy - Everything You Need!Read More and discover the easy way to lose weight!What the heck is an Air Fryer? An Air Fryer is a revolutionary device that allows you to enjoy the taste and crunch of fried foods without all the oil and grease. Inside Air Fryer Cookbook: The Simple Guide to Air Frying for Smart People, you'll discover how to create amazing fried treats-and even full meals-that save you time, promote heart h...

CHF 23.90

Micro Galleries International Artists Coloring Book

Scalin, Chuck / Roma Greer, Kat
Micro Galleries International Artists Coloring Book
A colouring book that isn't intended as a colour-bewteen-the-lines kinda experience. There's plenty of other books where you can do that! This is a reclamation of colour: of the process, of the expression, of the activity. A space on a page where you are the anonymous collaborator with one of our artists, someone you will likely never meet, who has asked you to contribute to the extension and reimagining of their work. With contributions from ...

CHF 27.90

Textsortenwandel in Slogans in der Anzeigenwerbung der Au...

Veit, Sarah
Textsortenwandel in Slogans in der Anzeigenwerbung der Automobilindustrie
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2019 im Fachbereich Germanistik - Linguistik, Note: 1, 7, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz (Deutsches Institut), Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: In dieser Arbeit wird das Phänomen der Slogans in der Werbesprache anhand einer Analyse verschiedener Slogans der Automobilbranche veranschaulicht. Als Beispiele dienen Slogans der Automarke Opel aus den verschiedenen Jahrzehnten 1950er, 1960er, 1970er, 1980er, 1990er, 2000e...

CHF 20.90

MERZ Typographie. Kurt Schwitters werbegraphische Arbeite...

Reinsch, Christiane
MERZ Typographie. Kurt Schwitters werbegraphische Arbeiten von 1923 bis 1933
Masterarbeit aus dem Jahr 2017 im Fachbereich Kunst - Kunstgeschichte, Note: 1, 3, Freie Universität Berlin, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Bei dieser Masterarbeit geht es darum, den Professionalisierungsprozess des bildenden Künstlers Kurt Schwitters im Bereich der Typographie zu verdeutlichen. Inwieweit kann der Avantgarde-Künstler Kurt Schwitters in das Berufsfeld des Typographen eingeordnet werden? Diese Leitfrage soll in der vorliegenden Arb...

CHF 58.50

Uragano Contronatura

Sensitivo, Fabio
Uragano Contronatura
Questa raccolta nasce da un rapporto amoroso maturato col tempo e si sofferma sui sentimenti che l'autore percepisce ogni qualvolta si lascia andare ai propri pensieri e ricordi, ispirati da questo rapporto.

CHF 14.50

La Biblia de LaTeX

Santo Orcero, David
La Biblia de LaTeX
En este libro aprenderás desde confiar en LaTeX como "maquetador inteligente", pero independiente, hasta a tomar el control de la estética y la presentación de tus documentos a bajo nivel: que LaTeX sea un "maquetador obediente", al que nosotros le diremos exactamente qué queremos -ponme tantos milímetros de margen, ponme tantos puntos de espaciado entre líneas- e incluso en qué punto lo queremos -ponme ahí un espacio horizontal de tantos milí...

CHF 83.00

The Asylum Floor 3

Carstens, Wolfgang / McDaris, Catfish / Borczon, Matt
The Asylum Floor 3
The Asylum Floor is a yearly anthology dedicated to honest, inspired writing in all its forms. This issue has 100 pages of poetry, fiction, and comics from Wendy Rainey, Catfish McDaris, Dave Roskos, Tony Gloeggler, Rob Plath, K.W. Peery, George Anderson, Todd Cirillo, Mather Schneider, Janne Karlsson, Alan Catlin, Matt Borczon, Mike Mahoney, Wolfgang Carstens and its editor Brenton Booth.

CHF 13.90