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959 Ergebnisse - Zeige 901 von 920.

Computer Psychotherapy Systems

Wagman, Morton
Computer Psychotherapy Systems
Originally published in 1988, this was the first book to examine the development, application and evaluation of computer counselling and psychotherapy. Integrating concepts of artificial intelligence and psychotherapy, this book provided extensive research data that compared the human therapist to the computer therapist at the time.

CHF 57.90

The Computer Simulation of Behaviour

Apter, Michael J
The Computer Simulation of Behaviour
This book, originally published in 1970, concerns the new technique of computer simulation in psychology at the time. Computer programs described include models of learning, problem-solving, pattern recognition, the use of language, and personality.

CHF 57.90

The Question of Artificial Intelligence

Bloomfield, Brian P
The Question of Artificial Intelligence
Originally published in 1987 when Artificial Intelligence (AI) was one of the most hotly debated subjects of the moment, the aim of this collection of essays was to take a novel look at AI. The objective was to bring new perspectives to the subject in order to present it in a different light.

CHF 61.00

Artificial Intelligence

George, F H
Artificial Intelligence
Originally published in 1986, in order to probe, dispute and analyse the role of artificial intelligence in cybernetic thought and information science, the author pursues this topic within its philosophical, behavioral and neurophysiological contexts, while drawing attention to cognitive issues.

CHF 57.90

Du gehörst zu mir!

Meyer, Sebastian
Du gehörst zu mir!
In Hannahs Ehe es nicht mehr so wie es eigentlich sollte. Sie fühlt sich von ihrem Mann bei der Erziehung ihres gemeinsamen Sohnes Philipp nicht genügend unterstützt, zudem kriselt es auch noch auf ihrer Arbeitsstelle. Dort verguckt sie sich auch noch in ihren neuen Kollegen Niklas und ihr Leben nimmt eine unerwartete Wendung...

CHF 14.50

I care Anatomie Physiologie

I care Anatomie Physiologie
Dein Erfolgsrezept zum Gerne-Lernen! Du möchtest verstehen, wie der menschliche Körper funktioniert? Mit I care Anatomie, Physiologie lernst du, aus welchen "Bausteinen" wir bestehen und wie diese verschiedenen Teile zusammenspielen. Detaillierte, beschriftete Anatomie-Grafiken unterstützen dich dabei. Schnell überblicken: Mit den Mindmaps am Kapitelanfang kannst du dich besser orientieren und steigst einfacher in die Themen ein. Doppelsei...

CHF 58.50

I care Krankheitslehre

I care Krankheitslehre
Dein Erfolgsrezept zum Gerne-Lernen! Du möchtest Zusammenhänge zwischen Körper und Krankheit verstehen? In interdisziplinären Teams mitdiskutieren und an Entscheidungsprozessen mitwirken? I care Krankheitslehre bietet dir das für deine Ausbildung relevante medizinische Fachwissen für alle Altersstufen des Menschen. Schnell überblicken: Mit den Mindmaps am Kapitelanfang kannst du dich besser orientieren und steigst einfacher in die Themen e...

CHF 83.00

I care LernPaket

I care LernPaket
Dein Erfolgsrezept zum Gerne-Lernen! I care ist dein Erfolgsrezept zum Gerne-Lernen! Die neue Auflage ist abgestimmt auf die generalistische Ausbildung und hat noch mehr Features zum modernen und erfolgreichen Lernen. I care bietet dir all das Wissen, das du für deine Pflegeausbildung und den Einstieg in diesen tollen Beruf brauchst. In drei aufeinander abgestimmten Büchern: - I care Pflege, - I care Anatomie, Physiologie und - I care Kr...

CHF 187.00

I care Pflege

I care Pflege
Dein Erfolgsrezept zum Gerne-Lernen! Du machst die generalistische Pflegeausbildung mit dem neuen Berufsabschluss Pflegefachfrau/Pflegefachmann? Dann ist I care Pflege dein perfekter Begleiter. I care Pflege bietet dir all das Wissen, das du auf deinem Weg zu einer professionellen und handlungskompetenten Pflegekraft benötigst - inklusive aller relevanten Grundlagen der Krankheitslehre, Anatomie und Physiologie. Mit hilfreichen Tipps und pr...

CHF 96.00

When We Fall

Kirby, Carolyn
When We Fall
1943. Haunted by a fatal choice he was forced to make while held in Russian capitivity, Polish pilot Stefan is determined to expose the truth behind a harrowing war crime he witness while imprisoned. He seeks the help of two women, Vee, an English pilot, and Ewa, a Polish partisan. But as the risks increase, so do the women's feelings for Stefan. In a time of war, love can be fickle and fleeting and searching for justice brings grave danger......

CHF 22.90

Ten Drugs

Hager, Thomas
Ten Drugs
Behind every landmark drug is a story. It could be an oddball researcher's genius insight, a catalyzing moment in geopolitical history, a new breakthrough technology, or an unexpected but welcome side effect discovered during clinical trials. Piece together these stories, as Thomas Hager does in this remarkable, century-spanning history, and you can trace the evolution of our culture and the practice of medicine. ​Beginning with opium, the "...

CHF 19.50

Rousseau's Reader: Strategies of Persuasion and Education

Scott, John T.
Rousseau's Reader: Strategies of Persuasion and Education
This book examines the techniques that Rousseau used to engage and persuade his readers. Considering several important works, including Emilie, The Discourse on Inequality, and The Social Contract, John Scott, a well-known scholar of Rousseau, explores the different rhetorical and literary strategies that he uses to interest, draw in, and persuade the reader of his ideas. Keeping in mind that Rousseau was concerned with education, understandin...

CHF 51.90

Action Versus Contemplation

Summit, Jennifer / Vermeule, Blakey
Action Versus Contemplation
“All of humanity‿s problems stem from man‿s inability to sit quietly in a room alone, � Blaise Pascal wrote in 1654. But then there‿s Walt Whitman, in 1856: “Whoever you are, come forth! Or man or woman come forth! / You must not stay sleeping and dallying there in the house.�   It is truly an ancient debate: Is it better to be active or contemplative? To do or to think? To make an impact, or to understand the world more deep...

CHF 26.90

China's Regional Economic Development

Jinchuan Shi / Wei Zhao / Xiangrong Jin
China's Regional Economic Development
Since the reform and opening-up in the late 1970s, Wenzhou City of China's Zhejiang Province has witnessed large-scale institutional change and rapid economic development. This book studies the institutional change and economic development in Wenzhou since China's reform and opening-up. It concludes that the most important characteristic of Wenzhou model is that the city is the first to promote industrialization and urbanization by privatizati...

CHF 164.00

MyLab Math with Pearson eText for Foundation Maths

Croft, Anthony / Davison, Robert
MyLab Math with Pearson eText for Foundation Maths
Deepen and broaden subject knowledge to set yourself up for future success Foundation Maths 7th Edition by Croft and Davison has been written for students taking higher and further education courses who may not have specialised in mathematics on post-16 qualifications, and require a working knowledge of mathematical and statistical tools. By providing careful and steady guidance in mathematical methods along with a wealth of practice exercises...

CHF 70.70

Everyday Apologetics

Chamberlain, Paul / Price, Chris
Everyday Apologetics
In Everday Apologetics, readers will be equipped with answers to some of Christianity's most difficult objections: Why is the God of the Old Testament so violent? Are science and faith in fundamental conflict with one another? The contributors take up these questions and more, helping Christians be strengthened in their faith wile also providing powerful answers to opponents of the Christian faith." -- p.4 of cover

CHF 25.90